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Five different ultrasensitive thyrotropin (TSH) assay kits (Boots-Celltech, Immunotech, ORIS-CIS, Travenol and Boehringer) have been used for TSH measurements in various conditions. All the kits were based on an immunometric method but differed with regard to components and procedure. The sensitivity appeared essentially the same for the five kits (0.10 microU/ml) as well as the intraassay precision (coefficient of variation less than 12%). In contrast, the interassay coefficients of variation in the low TSH range varied from 12.8 to 21.3%. Discrepancies from kit to kit were observed and accounted for by differences in the components and procedure of the kits. Basal serum TSH was determined in normal subjects (n = 261) and in patients with thyroid dysfunction (n = 392). No overlap was shown between normals and patients with overt hypothyroidism. In contrast, an overlap existed between normals and hyperthyroids for all the kits but one. Measurements in patients with nontoxic goiter showed that TSH may be undetectable in clinically euthyroid patients, whatever the kit used. After TRH stimulation, 95% of the 375 patients tested associated either an absence of response to TRH with undetectable basal TSH values, or a blunted response with low basal TSH levels or normal response with normal basal TSH concentrations. However, 9 patients with suppressed TSH showed a response to TRH and 7 patients with normal basal TSH levels presented an exaggerated response to TRH. Taken together, these results demonstrate that even though ultrasensitive measurements of TSH do not meet the expectation of completely discriminating euthyroid from hyperthyroid patients, ultrasensitive TSH assay kits represent a powerful tool in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, which would eliminate, in most instances, the need for TRH test and diminish thyroid hormone assay requests.  相似文献   

Twenty eight practices carried out a review of patient records for information about preventive procedures on two occasions in 1980 and 1982. We have now undertaken a survey of certain characteristics of the practices in an attempt to demonstrate features associated with effective preventive care. Significant favourable factors are a small list size, the setting up of a formal screening programme for cervical cytology and measuring blood pressure, and few registered patients in social classes IV and V. More successful practices also tend to be training practices, have principals with higher qualifications, and have developed good records organization. Opportunistic screening for cervical cytology and measuring blood pressure was not shown to be more effective than no policy of screening at all.  相似文献   

Groups of 200 young Formica polyctena ants reared from birth in the presence of cocoons for two weeks developed an effective cocoon-nursing behaviour. In the course of varying the age of the ants when first exposed to the cocoons, one test gave a negative result, whereas another test suggested that the first week of exposure to the cocoons is decisive and the second week ineffective. When the development of the ants' sensitivity to cocoons as a function of age was studied in groups of two young workers, the sensitivity was found to be pronounced and unchanging if the ants had been exposed from birth to cocoons. If the ants were not exposed to cocoons before the test, their sensitivity varied markedly with age, reaching a maximum at 48 h. These results raise the question whether divergent views on the issue of sensitive periods does not merely reflect differences in experimental procedure.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the present work has been to investigate the influence of calcium supply on root growth in barley. The plants were grown in pots, in which the upper part was a sand-perlite mixture and the lower part a test solution with varying calcium concentration (10−6–10−2 M CaCl2). The two parts were separated by a peat layer impeding a calcium transport from the upper to the lower part. The growth of the roots in the test media was examined daily by counting the total number of roots and the number of roots with laterals. The development of the number of roots had an exponential course at all calcium concentrations and was enhanced by increased calcium concentration. At harvest it was found that the size of the roots (length and dry weight) decreased with decreasing calcium concentration to a certain extent.  相似文献   

J Timmer  T Müller    W Melzer 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(4):1694-1707
Several methods are currently in use to estimate the rate of depolarization-induced calcium release in muscle cells from measured calcium transients. One approach first characterizes calcium removal of the cell. This is done by determining parameters of a reaction scheme from a fit to the decay of elevated calcium after the depolarizing stimulus. In a second step, the release rate during depolarization is estimated based on the fitted model. Using simulated calcium transients with known underlying release rates, we tested the fidelity of this analysis in determining the time course of calcium release under different conditions. The analysis reproduced in a satisfactory way the characteristics of the input release rate, even when the assumption that release had ended before the start of the fitting interval was severely violated. Equally good reconstructions of the release rate time course could be obtained when the model used for the analysis differed in structure from the one used for simulating the data. We tested the application of a new strategy (multiple shooting) for fitting parameters in nonlinear differential equation systems. This procedure rendered the analysis less sensitive to ill-chosen initial guesses of the parameters and to noise. A locally adaptive kernel estimator for calculating numerical derivatives allowed good reconstructions of the original release rate time course from noisy calcium transients when other methods failed.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(10):1203-1215

Lipid peroxidation products like malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal and F2-isoprostanes are widely used as markers of oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. This study reports the results of a multi-laboratory validation study by COST Action B35 to assess inter-laboratory and intra-laboratory variation in the measurement of lipid peroxidation. Human plasma samples were exposed to UVA irradiation at different doses (0, 15 J, 20 J), encoded and shipped to 15 laboratories, where analyses of malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal and isoprostanes were conducted. The results demonstrate a low within-day-variation and a good correlation of results observed on two different days. However, high coefficients of variation were observed between the laboratories. Malondialdehyde determined by HPLC was found to be the most sensitive and reproducible lipid peroxidation product in plasma upon UVA treatment. It is concluded that measurement of malondialdehyde by HPLC has good analytical validity for inter-laboratory studies on lipid peroxidation in human EDTA-plasma samples, although it is acknowledged that this may not translate to biological validity.  相似文献   

Antilipolytic activity (ALA) of serum of the obese and controls was tested on rat epididymal adipose tissue incubated in medium containing adrenaline; the results were compared with the effect of insulin. Serum of the obese displayed lower ALA than controls, in one third obese individuals serum potentiated the effect of adrenaline. After fasting, ALA of serum decreased. ALA value is related to the prevailing metabolic situation, an inverse relationship was observed between ALA and levels of NEFA and ketone bodies. This seems to suggest that antilipolytic effect of insulin, whose concentrations are higher in the obese, is antagonised. This effect does not apparently depend on the presence of insulin antibodies, which do not inhibit, but, on the contrary, potentiated antilipolytic effect of insulin in vitro. Investigation of fractions of native serum proteins showed the effect of fraction 10 000--50 000 MW. to differ in the obese and controls. That particular fraction of sera of the obese had an adipokinetic effect.  相似文献   

Cultured monolayers of human sweat-gland epithelia have been used to measure electrogenic sodium transport, as short-circuit current, and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca]i) from Fura-2 fluorescence. The sodium currents in response to the agonists lysylbradykinin, histamine and carbachol show oscillatory behaviour in the 1-2 per minute frequency range. The oscillations can be terminated either by using specific antagonists or with amiloride, which prevents sodium entry into the epithelium. Oscillatory behaviour is also seen when [Ca]i is measured and occurs in the same frequency range. Sodium transport in these cultured epithelia is thought to result from an increase in [Ca]i, which in turn activates calcium-sensitive potassium channels, so increasing the electrochemical gradient for sodium entry. The oscillatory behaviour implies that the epithelial cells behave in synchrony to increase [Ca]i, so inducing synchronous changes in sodium current. It is shown that the behaviour is not unique to sodium-absorbing epithelia, and the possible utility of synchronous behaviour in epithelial tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Optical measurement of presynaptic calcium currents.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Measurements of presynaptic calcium currents are vital to understanding the control of transmitter release. However, most presynaptic boutons in the vertebrate central nervous system are too small to allow electrical recordings of presynaptic calcium currents (I(Ca)pre). We therefore tested the possibility of measuring I(Ca)pre optically in boutons loaded with calcium-sensitive fluorophores. From a theoretical treatment of a system containing an endogenous buffer and an indicator, we determined the conditions necessary for the derivative of the stimulus-evoked change in indicator fluorescence to report I(Ca)pre accurately. Matching the calcium dissociation rates of the endogenous buffer and indicator allows the most precise optical measurements of I(Ca)pre. We tested our ability to measure I(Ca)pre in granule cells in rat cerebellar slices. The derivatives of stimulus-evoked fluorescence transients from slices loaded with the low-affinity calcium indicators magnesium green and mag-fura-5 had the same time courses and were unaffected by changes in calcium influx or indicator concentration. Thus both of these indicators were well suited to measuring I(Ca)pre. In contrast, the high-affinity indicator fura-2 distorted I(Ca)pre. The optically determined I(Ca)pre was well approximated by a Gaussian with a half-width of 650 micros at 24 degrees C and 340 micros at 34 degrees C.  相似文献   

As a first step in reviewing the classification of the two stump-tailed macaque species,Macaca arctoides andM. thibetana, as compared with other species of the genusMacaca, 72 linear dental and cranial variables of 11 macaque species were examined by morphometric analyses. The results indicate that the two stump-tailed species are the largest of the macaques and although rather similar overall, they exhibit significant differences in the pattern of variation in most of the five skull regions as shown by Principal Components and Canonical Variate Analyses. Euclidean Distances based on Canonical Variate scores indicate that the females ofM. arctoides andM. thibetana are more widely separated than eight other pairs of macaque species, and that the separations of the respective males are greater than those of three other pairs of species. These findings are consistent withFooden's classification of the stump-tailed macaques as two separate species (Fooden, 1976;Fooden et al., 1985). The present results suggest, as other researchers have proposed on the basis of external features, biochemistry and genetics, that the two stump-tailed macaque species andM. assamensis are closely related. The results also tentatively imply associations withM. fuscata andM. sylvanus but these require further study. The findings have implications for the assessment of the various Chinese Pleistocene macaque fossils.  相似文献   

Turgor- dependent membrane permeability in relation to calcium level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between the inhibiting effect of Ca2+ and of low turgor pressure on K+ release from fresh-cut discs of carrot ( Daucus carota var. Nantes) storage tissue was studied. A range of Ca2+ concentrations in the tissue was obtained by adding 0.5 m M EDTA or CaSO4 at different concentrations to the medium. Calcium inhibited K+ release in fully turgid cells (2.5 μmol K+ g−1 h−1 in 0.5 m M EDTA vs 0.4 μmol K+ g−1 h−1 in 10 m M CaSO4). Less turgid cells, obtained by equilibration with 0.2 M mannitol, released K+ at only 30% of the rate of the turgid cells, yet the pattern of K+ release as a function of Ca2+ level was similar in both turgid and non-turgid cells. Removal of calcium by EDTA occasionally injured cell membranes in the fully turgid discs but never in the less turgid ones. In view of the additive effect of Ca2+ and low turgor on K+ release regardless of the treatment order, it is suggested that the two factors exert their effect on membrane permeability independently of each other.  相似文献   

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