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Ganglioside analogues (gangliosides) with an electron spin resonance label in a long aliphatic hydrocarbon chain were used to investigate the possible insertion of the sialoglycolipid into the plasma membrane of cells. Three types of ESR signals observed in the labeled glycolipids were distinguished. They characteristically indicate an isotropic tumbling motion of spin label in solution, the micellar state of the glycolipid, and an anisotropic motion in a lipid bilayer. Below CMC, gangliosidoide carrying one aliphatic hydrocarbon chain showed an isotropic tumbling motion. After the gangliosidoide had been incubated with liposomes or blood cells, there was an immediate change to an ESR signal showing an anisotropic motion. The signal was typical of the spin-label in liposomes prepared in the presence of spin-labeled sialoglycolipid. It can be concluded that the gangliosidoide was inserted into the lipid phase of liposomal or cellular membranes from the incubation medium. The overall splitting (2A parallel) of 5SL-gangliosidoides in membranes was larger than those of 5SL-galactosylceramide, 5SL-phosphatidylcholine, and 5SL-stearic acid, though the 2A parallel of 12SL-gangliosidoide was almost the same as those of other lipids having a nitroxide group in the 12-position of an acyl chain. This indicates that the head group movement is restricted in gangliosidoide molecules.  相似文献   

The uptake of ganglioside analogues by a permanent mouse fibroblast cell line has been studied by radio-tracer techniques and ESR spectroscopy with 3H- and nitroxide-labeled compounds. Analogues of GM1, GM2, and GM3 monosialogangliosides and of GD1a and GD3 disialogangliosides were synthesized. The spin-label group was situated on the 5-, 9-, or 13-carbon atom of the C18 fatty acid chain, and the 3H label was in the carbohydrate moiety. Part of the ganglioside associated with the cells could be removed by trypsin treatment and was shown to consist of ganglioside micelles attached to the cell surface. The trypsin-resistant component displayed characteristic anisotropic ESR spectra which closely resembled those of the same spin-labeled analogues at low dilution in liposomes prepared from the extracted cell lipids. The flexibility gradient, polarity profile, and temperature dependence displayed by the spectra were similar to those found for fluid phospholipid bilayer model membranes, and the high effective order parameters suggested a location in the cell plasma membrane. Similar results were obtained for all the different ganglioside analogues, indicating a common anchoring region in the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. Under the incubation conditions used the amount of trypsin-resistant ganglioside analogue taken up by the cells was about 15 nmol/mg of cellular protein, irrespective of the nature of the oligosaccharide moiety. By use of the natural ganglioside [3H]GM3, the trypsin-resistant uptake was about 19 nmol/mg of cellular protein. Although these amounts are quite similar, the uptake kinetics differed between the true ganglioside GM3 and the ganglioside analogues.  相似文献   

M Masserini  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1987,26(1):237-242
The transfer of ganglioside GM1 from micelles to membranes and between different membrane populations has been examined by using a pyrene fatty acid derivative of the ganglioside. The transfer of gangliosides from micelles to membranes depends on the physical state as well as the molecular composition of the acceptor vesicles. At 30 degrees C, the transfer of micellar gangliosides to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) large unilameller vesicles (Tm = 41.3 degrees C) is characterized by a rate constant of 0.01 min-1; at 48 degrees C, however, the rate constant is 0.11 min-1. Below the phase transition temperature, the activation energy is 25 kcal/mol whereas above the phase transition it is 17 kcal/mol. Similar experiments performed with synaptic plasma membranes yielded a rate constant of 0.05 min-1 at 37 degrees C. The rate of transfer of ganglioside molecules, asymmetrically located on the outer layer of donor vesicles, to acceptor vesicles lacking ganglioside depends on the physical state of both the donor and acceptor vesicles. For the transfer of ganglioside from DPPC (donor) vesicles to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) (acceptor) vesicles, the rates were essentially zero at 15 degrees C in which both vesicle populations were in the gel phase, 0.008 min-1 at 30 degrees C in which DPPC is in the gel phase and DMPC is in the fluid phase, and 0.031 min-1 at 48 degrees C in which both vesicle populations are in the fluid phase. The transfer of ganglioside from DPPC vesicles to synaptic plasma membranes was also dependent on the physical state of the donor vesicles and showed an inflection point at the phase transition temperature of DPPC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A lipophilic muramyl dipeptide (MDP) with a nitroxide moiety in its acyl chain (SL-MDP) and its N-methyl derivative (SL-methyl MDP) were synthesized. The SL-MDPs formed micelles (cmc, 0.1-0.3 mM). The ESR spectra of the SL-MDPs in phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes at 25 degrees C consisted of an anisotropic signal and three sharp lines, indicating that both SL-MDPs partitioned between membranes and aqueous phase. The amounts of the SL-MDPs in membranes depended on the phospholipid species and the cholesterol (Chol) content, but no appreciable difference was observed between SL-MDPs. The SL-MDPs partitioned well at 25 degrees C into egg yolk PC liposomes but not into pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), suggesting that the incorporation may be related to the membrane fluidity. Chol enhanced the incorporation into both phospholipids. The mobilities of the SL-MDPs in the membranes were less than that of the corresponding spin-labeled fatty acid. Comparison of the mobilities among SL-MDPs, spin-labeled ganglioside and spin-labeled galactosylceramide showed that the hydrophilicity of the polar group may influence the immobilization of their acyl chains.  相似文献   

The relation between the in vitro immunogenicity of phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing 2,4-dinitrophenyl-6-N-aminocaproylphosphatidylethanolamine (DNP-Cap-PE) as a hapten and the topographical distribution of the haptens on lipid membranes was studied. In distearoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes, the immunogenicity increased with increase of cholesterol content in the liposomal membranes. The electron spin resonance spectra of spin-labeled DNP-Cap-PE in distearoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes indicated that cholesterol affected the topographical distribution of spin-labeled DNP-Cap-PE on the membranes. In the absence of cholesterol, a considerable amount of haptens was clustered on the distearoylphosphatidylcholine membranes, but with increase of cholesterol, random distribution of the haptens on the membranes increased. The cholesterol-dependent change in the topographical distribution of the haptens on the membranes paralleled the change of immunogenicity, i.e., the immunogenicity was low when haptens were clustered on the liposomal membranes. Haptens arranged at a proper distance on the membranes may be required for optimum immune response.  相似文献   

The metabolism of HeLa cell plasma membranes during the cell cycle was studied by following the incorporation of radioactive precursor l-[3H]fucose into plasma membranes of synchronized cells. Maximal incorporation of the radioactive precursor was observed in late S phase of the cell cycle. This discrete period of increased incorporation of precursor into the plasma membranes implies the existence of a distinct control mechanism which may relate cell surface phenomena to the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Stearic acids with a nitroxide radical at selected positions have been incorporated in the phospholipid bilayers of clathrin coated vesicles, uncoated vesicles and sonicated liposomes made from the lipids extracted from the uncoated vesicles. The extent of incorporation was found minimum for stearic acids labeled on C-12 and for bilayers of uncoated vesicles. The ESR spectra of the spin-labeled fatty acids incorporated in the bilayers showed a pronounced temperature dependence (without discontinuity) and a decrease in the hyperfine splitting as the nitroxide group was inserted deeper in the hydrophobic core of the membranes. An abrupt phospholipid phase transition or a phase separation could be excluded. The presence of the external proteins (the clathrin coat) on the membranes was not found to noticeably influence the gradient of flexibility of the fatty acid chains of the phospholipids. The influence of the internal proteins embedded in the bilayers was evidenced by a detailed analysis of the ESR spectra of (7,8)SA in terms of two components: one component arising from the labels surrounded exclusively by phospholipids, the other component arising from labels of reduced mobility perturbed by the vicinity of the proteins. These results support the persistence of lipidic domains in the endocytic vesicles despite the accumulation of receptors which follows their formation.  相似文献   

Since exogenous gangliosides are known to promote neuritogenesis, the incorporation of exogenous GM1 into neuroblastoma membranes was examined. Neuro-2A cells, synchronized in the G1/G0 phase, were suspended in HEPES buffered saline containing 10–4 M [3H]GM1, and membrane incorporation was measured as radioactivity remaining with the cell pellet following incubation with serum-containing medium and trypsin. Calcium ion (0.01 to 10 mM) reduced incorporation of exogenous GM1, due to its interaction with GM1 micelles in solution. When cells were treated with proteases prior to incubation with GM1, the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ was lost and total incorporation into membranes was lowered by approximately one order of magnitude. Pretreatment of cells with 0.05% trypsin resulted in an inhibition of GM1 incorporation within 5 minutes. When trypsinized cells were resuspended in complete growth medium, the cells recovered the ability to incorporate GM1 with time, and this paralleled labeling of cellular protein with [3H]leucine. The role of membrane protein in the incorporation of exogenous GM1 could not be explained by the lytic release of cytosolic transfer proteins nor the artifactual coating of the cell surface by serum proteins. These results suggest that the incorporation of exogenous gangliosides into cellular membrane lipid bilayers cannot be fully explained by considerations of lipophilicity alone, and leads us to propose that initial recognition by membrane protein(s) is necessary.Abbreviations used GM1 H3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer - HBS HEPES buffered saline - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS fetal calf serum  相似文献   

The interactions between a spin-labeled analogue of PAF-acether (designated as (0,2)PAF) and different human blood components (platelets, erythrocytes, and serum) have been studied. The rate of spin probe reduction by cytosol provided information about the internalization processes when the hydrolysis rate was also available. Although erythrocyte reactivity is lower than that of platelets, erythrocytes, because of their greater numbers, removed (0,2)PAF from whole blood faster than platelets. Lastly, erythrocytes may be more efficient traps for (0,2)PAF than serum acetylhydrolase. Criteria for extending these results to genuine PAF-acether are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Pulse-labeled, cell division-inhibited Escherichia coli incorporate [3H]diamino pimelic acid (DAP) into membrane fractions of light (= inner membrane) and intermediate densities and transfer the DAP rapidly into heavy membrane fractions (= outer membrane). The intermediate density fraction which has been shown to contain markers for membrane adhesion sites appears to serve as intermediary in the translocation.  相似文献   

Gangliosides from beef brain have been spin-labeled using two different attaching groups and employed to investigate the physical nature of ganglioside behaviour in membranes. Results obtained using EPR spectroscopy indicate that, in phosphatidylcholine bilayers at physiological pH, ganglioside oligosaccharide chains are quite mobile and show a measurable tendency towards cooperative interaction amongst themselves. We suggest that the source of this interaction is the formation of H-bonds between sugar residues in adjacent ganglioside molecules. We present evidence that physiological (extracellular fluid) levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ lead to cross-linking and condensing of ganglioside headgroups by complexing sialic acid carboxyl residues. Ganglioside headgroup interactions are not very sensitive to changes in the buffer ionic strength, suggesting that ionic interactions are of minor importance. We have found no measurable tendency for headgroup carbohydrate to penetrate hydrophobic regions of lipid bilayers. EPR spectroscopy was also used to follow the interaction of spin-labeled gangliosides with the glycoprotein, glycophorin, and with intact BHK cells.We suggest that these carbohydrate-based interactions should contribute significantly to the properties of the eucaryotic cell glycocalyx. We predict that laterally mobile carbohydrate-bearing components of cell surfaces will show a tendency to cluster about complex glycoprotein arrays, especially if the species involved bear accessible carboxylic acid functions.  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA), the receptor-binding component of anthrax toxin, heptamerizes and inserts into the endosomal membrane at acidic pH, forming a pore that mediates translocation of the enzymic components of the toxin to the cytosol. When the heptameric pre-insertion form of PA (the prepore) is acidified in solution, it rapidly loses the ability to insert into membranes. To maximize insertion into model membranes, we examined two ways to bind the protein to large unilamellar vesicles (LUV). One involved attaching a His tag to the von Willebrand factor A domain of one of the PA receptors, ANTXR2, and using this protein as a bridge to bind PA to LUV containing a nickel-chelating lipid. The other involved using a His tag fused to the C terminus of PA to bind the protein directly to LUV containing the same lipid. Both ways enhanced pore formation at pH 5.0 strongly and about equally, as measured by the release of K+. Controls showed that pore formation in this system faithfully reproduced that in vivo. We also showed that binding unmodified ANTXR2 von Willebrand factor A to the prepore in solution enhanced its pore forming activity by slowing its inactivation at acidic pH. These findings indicate that an important role of PA receptors is to promote partitioning of PA into the bilayer by maintaining the prepore close to the target membrane and presumably in the optimal orientation as it undergoes the acidic pH-dependent conformational transition to the pore.  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics of silk fibroin membranes and glucose oxidase, immobilized in membranes as determined by a variety of physical methods, mainly the spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) method. The properties of membranes insolubilized by different methods, i. e., immersion in 80% methanol aqueous solution, uniaxially drawing by placing on a stretcher, and hydration by placing in a desiccator of 96% relative humidity (RH) for 17 h, are compared. The results are also analyzed in relation to ESR spectra of spin-labeled immobilized glucose oxidase and 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy as a model of the substrate. It is concluded that the heterogeneous structures of the swollen membranes in water differ locally among membranes insolubilized by different methods, but the immobilized state of the enzyme in such membranes is mostly similar. This is correlated to the fact that the thermal or pH stabilities are essentially same among glucose-oxidase-immobilized silk fibroin membranes insolubilized by different methods.  相似文献   

Gangliosides from beef brain have been spin-labeled using two different attaching groups and employed to investigate the physical nature of ganglioside behaviour in membranes. Results obtained using EPR spectroscopy indicate that, in phosphatidylcholine bilayers at physiological pH, ganglioside oligosaccharide chains are quite mobile and show a measurable tendency towards cooperative interaction amongst themselves. We suggest that the source of this interaction is the formation of H-bonds between sugar residues in adjacent ganglioside molecules. We present evidence that physiological (extracellular fluid) levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ lead to cross-linking and condensing of ganglioside headgroups by complexing sialic acid carboxyl residues. Ganglioside headgroup interactions are not very sensitive to changes in the buffer ionic strength, suggesting that ionic interactions are of minor importance. We have found no measurable tendency for headgroup carbohydrate to penetrate hydrophobic regions of lipid bilayers. EPR spectroscopy was also used to follow the interaction of spin-labeled gangliosides with the glycoprotein, glycophorin, and with intact BHK cells. We suggest that these carbohydrate-based interactions should contribute significantly to the properties of the eucaryotic cell glycocalyx. We predict that laterally mobile carbohydrate-bearing components of cell surface will show a tendency to cluster about complex glycoprotein arrays, especially if the species involved bear accessible carboxylic acid functions.  相似文献   

Liposomes could bind and fuse efficiently to human erythrocytes in the presence of HVJ when they contained glycophorin isolated from human erythrocytes (Umeda, M., et al. (1983) J. Biochem. 94, 1955). In the present work we demonstrated that HVJ-induced fusion between liposomes containing glycophorin and erythrocytes was suppressed when GM1 coexisted with glycophorin in the same liposomal membranes. Asialo-GM1 and other gangliosides such as GM3 and sialosylparagloboside did not affect the fusion between the liposomes and erythrocytes. An intermolecular interaction between glycophorin and GM1 was suggested by the ESR spectrum obtained from liposomes containing glycophorin and a ganglioside GM1 analog carrying a nitroxyl spin label in the fatty acyl chains (5SL-gangliosidoide). The overall splitting value (2A parallel) observed in the ESR spectrum of liposomes containing 5SL-gangliosidoide increased with increase of the amount of glycophorin, whereas 2A parallel of spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine was not changed. The increase of 2A parallel of 5SL-gangliosidoide suggests that the mobility of the fatty acyl chain of the gangliosidoide was restricted by the interaction with glycophorin. It can be concluded that GM1 located near glycophorin, a receptor of the virus, interferes with the activity of viral F protein, inhibiting the fusion of liposome to erythrocyte.  相似文献   

In order to achieve an EPR sensitive probe for DNA, 3-carboxy-Proxyl free radical was linked to O-6 of dG through a five-atoms-tether. The modified base was incorporated into a 30-mer ODN, then annealed to its complementary DNA strand. Hydrodynamic parameters show only a slight destabilization with respect to the equivalent unlabeled hybrid. EPR could monitor the hybrid formation showing a progressive enlargement of the upfield signal in passing from the labeled ss- to the ds-30-mer.  相似文献   

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