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An analysis of the accumulation of water and dry matter in tomato fruit   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
Abstract Previously published data from tomato plants grown in nutrient solutions having one of three electrical conductivities (2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1) were analysed. The rate of water import into the fruit, and the proportion of this conducted by the xylem stream were calculated from the daily rates of transpiration and the net accumulation of water and calcium. The rate of water import decreased as the conductivity of the nutrient solution rose, the maximum daily import rates in the third week after pollination being 3.2, 3.0 and 1.8 g fruit?1 d?1 for fruit grown at 2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1, respectively. During fruit development, the proportion of water imported via the xylem fell from 8–15% to 1–2% at maturity. The principal source of water for tomato fruit growth was phloem sap. Based on the daily rates of net dry matter accumulation, respiration and phloem water import, the calculated dry matter concentration of the phloem sap declined from 7 to 3%, or from 12.5 to 7.8% during fruit development in low or high salinity, respectively. The similar dry matter accumulation of fruit grown at different salinities was due to changes in both volume and concentration of phloem sap. Potassium salts in tomato fruit were calculated lo have contributed –0.29, –0.48 and –0.58 MPa to total fruit osmotic potential in the 2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1 treatments, respectively, which accounted for 38% or 49% of the measured total osmotic potential of the 2 mS cm?1 or 17 mS cm?1 treatments. The contribution of hexoses to total fruit osmotic potential in the young fruit was from about –0.1 to –0.2 MPa at all salinities. The osmotic potential of tomato fruit is regulated more by potassium salts than by hexoses.  相似文献   

In Japanese pear, the application of GA3+4 during the period of rapid fruit growth resulted in a marked increase in pedicel diameter and bigger fruit at harvest. To elucidate the relationship between pedicel capacity and fruit growth and to determine the main factor responsible for larger fruit size at harvest, fruit growth and pedicel vascularization after GA application were examined and the carbohydrate fluxes were monitored in a spur unit by non-invasive techniques using 13C tracer. Histological studies of fruit revealed that GA increased the cell size of the mesocarp but not the cell number and core size. The investigation of carbon partitioning showed that an increase in the specific rate of carbohydrate accumulation in fruit or the strength of fruit should be responsible for an increase of fruit weight in GA-treated trees. Observation of pedicel vascularization showed that an increase in pedicel cross-sectional area (CSA) by GA application mainly resulted from phloem and xylem CSA, but it is unlikely that an increase in the transport system is the direct factor for larger fruit size. Therefore, it can be concluded that larger fruit size resulting from GA application during the period of rapid fruit growth caused an increase in the cell size of the mesocarp and increased carbon partitioning to the fruit. Although GA is closely involved with pedicel vascularization, it seems that photosynthate accumulation in fruit is limited by the sink strength of fruit rather than by the transport capacity of the pedicel.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate and mineral nutrition was studied in relation to abscission in fruitlets from leafy inflorescences of the Washington navel orange ( Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck). Differences in the growth rate of the fruitlets permitted to predict abscission several weeks in advance. This allowed characterization of early differences in composition and behaviour of persisting and abscising fruitlets.
Inflorescences with persisting fruitlets accumulated more mineral elements than inflorescences with abscising fruitlets, and for the phloem-mobile elements the excess accumulation was allocated to the fruitlets. Starch accumulated in the inflorescence leaves during early fruitlet growth, and this accumulation was enhanced by the persisting fruitlets despite their higher growth rate and mobilizing ability. The relations between the fruitlets and the inflorescence leaves cannot be explained totally in terms of source sink relationships; a hormonal regulation of the leaves by the fruitlets is postulated.
Acid invertase activities and hexose concentration in the pericarp were higher in the abscising fruitlets. The lower early growth rate of these fruitlets is thus not caused by a limitation in carbohydrate supply. It seems more related to carbohydrate utilization, probably hormonally mediated, as demonstrated by the higher dependence on hormone supply for the growth in vitro of the endocarp explants.  相似文献   

The influence of various combinations of glycerol and lactose feed on the biosynthesis of two polyketide metabolites, lovastatin and (+)-geodin, by Aspergillus terreus ATCC20542 in a discontinuous fed-batch culture was presented. In these experiments lactose and/or glycerol were also used as the initial carbon substrates in the cultivation media. The application of glycerol feed, when lactose is the initial substrate, leads to the appreciable lovastatin concentration in the broth (122.4 mg l−1), nevertheless the abundant (+)-geodin level is at the same time obtained (255.5 mg l−1). The cultures with glycerol as the initial substrate and fed with lactose produce less lovastatin and (+)-geodin. The application of the various combined glycerol and/or lactose feeds allows for improving lovastatin production up to 161.8 mg l−1 and decreases (+)-geodin concentration to 98.7 mg l−1. The analysis of product formation rates and yield coefficients indicates that lovastatin is more efficiently produced on lactose, especially in the initial stages of the cultivation. Glycerol efficiently sustains fungal activity to form these polyketides in the late idiophase but it mainly favours (+)-geodin formation, if solely used in the feed. The feeds performed both with lactose and glycerol occur to be the most desired to maximise lovastatin and minimise (+)-geodin formation.  相似文献   

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