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In an attempt to clarify the interactions between the available nitrogen source and the photosystems in cyanobacteria, O2 exchange and fluorescence emission were monitored in spheroplasts and intact cells of the non N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum (strain OH-1-p.Cl1) growing on different nitrogen sources or in the absence of nitrogen. Short-term (time scale of seconds to minutes), NH+4 addition to NO3-growing or N-starved cells and, to a minor extent, NO3addition to N-starved cells, induced state 2 transitions both in light and dark. Long term (time scale of days), the fluorescence yield of PSII relative to that of PSII at 77 K was higher in NO3- than in NH+4 growing cells, and even higher in N-starved cells. In the dark, the plastoquinone pool was more reduced in NH+4- than in NO3-growing cells. Both PSII and PSI activities and the degree of linking between both photosystems were affected in the long term, so that non-cyclic electron transport decreased in parallel to the ferredoxin requirement to assimilate each nitrogen source. Results indicate that nitrogen metabolism exerts short- and long-term control over the photosynthetic apparatus, which acclimates to the energy requirement of the available nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidases are a widespread family of enzymes which remove the presequences from proteins translocated across cell membranes, including thylakoid and cytoplasmic membranes of cyanobacteria and thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. We have cloned and sequenced a signal peptidase gene from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum which is believed to encode an enzyme common to both membrane systems. The deduced amino acid sequence is 203 residues long and although the overall similarity among signal peptidases is rather low there are a number of identifiable conserved regions present. The P. laminosum enzyme is predicted to have a single transmembrane domain, in contrast to other Gram-negative bacterial sequences, but similar to other type I signal peptidases.  相似文献   

N-starved free-living and polyvinyl-immobilized cells ofPhormidium laminosum (strain OH-1-pCl1) have been investigated in relation to their nitrate and nitrite uptake characteristics. N-deficient cells showed higher inorganic N-uptake rates than N-sufficient ones. The photosynthetic activities of the cells decreased progressively with the time of N-starvation. N-starved cells produced high amounts of exopolysaccharides, which appear to assist the immobilization process. Inorganic N-uptake by N-starved cells occurred in both light and dark under aerobic conditions. In anaerobiosis light was required for the uptake, confirming that the necessary energy might perhaps be derived from the respiratory electron transport chain under aerobiosis. Ammonium inhibited nitrate uptake but did not affect the uptake of nitrite. Initial nitrate and nitrite uptake rates were temperature-dependent and yielded hyperbolic curves when plotted against the N source concentration, indicating the existence of saturable transport system(s).  相似文献   

The intracellular ratio of 2-oxoglutarate to glutamine has been analyzed under nutritional conditions leading to different activity levels of nitrate-assimilating enzymes in Phormidium laminosum (Agardh) Gom. This non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium adapted to the available nitrogen source by modifying its nitrate reductase (NR; EC, nitrite reductase (NiR; EC and glutamine synthetase (GS; EC activities. The 2-oxoglutarate/glutamine ratio was similar in cells adapted to grow with nitrate or ammonium. However, metabolic conditions that increased this ratio [i.e., nitrogen starvation or l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine (MSX) treatment] corresponded to high activity levels of NR, NiR, GS (except in MSX-treated cells) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT; EC By contrast, metabolic conditions that diminished this ratio (i.e., addition of ammonium to nitrate-growing cells or addition of nitrate or ammonium to nitrogen-starved cells) resulted in low activity levels. The variation in the 2-oxoglutarate/glutamine ratio preceded the changes in enzyme activities. These results suggest that changes in the 2-oxoglutarate/glutamine ratio could be the signal that triggers the adaptation of P. laminosum cells to variations in the available nitrogen source, as occurs in enterobacteria.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - GOGAT ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC - GS glutamine synthetase (EC - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine - NiR nitrite reductase (EC - NR nitrate reductase (EC - TP total protein This work has been partially supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (DGICYT PB88-0300 and PB92-0464) and the University of the Basque Country (042.310-EC203/94). M.I.T. was the recipient of a fellowship from the Basque Government.  相似文献   

Phosphate uptake and utilization by bacteria and algae   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Mats Jansson 《Hydrobiologia》1988,170(1):177-189
Bacterial uptake of inorganic phosphate (closely investigated in Escherichia coli) is maintained by two different uptake systems. One (Pst system) is Pi-repressible and used in situations of phosphorus deficiency. The other system (Pit system) is constitutive. The Pit system also takes part in the phosphate exchange process where orthophosphate is continuously exchanged between the cell and the surrounding medium.Algal uptake mechanisms are less known. The uptake capacity increases during starvation but no clearly defined transport systems have been described. Uptake capacity seems to be regulated by internal phosphorus pools, e.g., polyphosphates. In mixed algal and bacterial populations, bacteria generally seem to be more efficient in utilizing low phosphate concentrations. The second half of this paper discusses how bacteria and algae can share limiting amounts of phosphate provided that the bacteria have pronouncedly higher affinity for phosphate. Part of the solution to this problem may be that bacteria are energy-limited rather than phosphate-limited and dependent on algal organic exudates for their energy supply.The possible phosphate exchange mechanism so convincingly demonstrated in Escherichia coli is here suggested to play a key role for the flux of phosphorus between bacteria and algae. Such a mechanism can also be used to explain the rapid phosphate exchange between the particulate and the dissolved phase which always occurs in short-term 32P-uptake experiments in lake waters.  相似文献   

We report a theoretical investigation on the different stabilities of two plastocyanins. The first one belongs to the thermophilic cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum and the second one belongs to its mesophilic relative Synechocystis sp. These proteins share the same topology and secondary-structure elements; however, the melting temperatures of their oxidised species differ by approximately 15 K. Long-time-scale molecular dynamics simulations, performed at different temperatures, show that the thermophilic protein optimises a set of intramolecular interactions (interstrand hydrogen bonding, salt bridging and hydrophobic clustering) within the region that comprises the strands β5 and β6, loop L5 and the helix. This region exhibits most of the differences in the primary sequence between the two proteins and, in addition, it is involved in the interaction with known physiological partners. Further work is in progress to unveil the specific structural features responsible for the different thermal stability of the two proteins.  相似文献   

O Fresnedo  R Gomez  J L Serra 《FEBS letters》1991,282(2):300-304
When pigments of the non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum were carefully extracted and analyzed in a completely O2-free atmosphere, by either high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or thin layer chromatography (TLC), the presence of only two carotenoids (namely, beta-carotene and nostoxanthin) was detected. However, exposure of pigments to an air atmosphere during their manipulation led to the rapid appearance in the organic extracts of at least three additional carotenoids (identified as caloxanthin, zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin). This fact could explain the presence in cyanobacteria of such hydroxylated derivatives of beta-carotene widely reported in the literature. Nitrogen starvation also resulted in an important decrease on the relative beta-carotene/nostoxanthin content of cells, suggesting that this nutritional condition affects thylakoid membranes more drastically than cytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding of the plastocyanin from Phormidium laminosum, a thermophilic cyanobacterium, is herein described. The main objective of this work is to identify structural factors responsible for the higher stability observed in proteins from thermophilic organisms. With the aid of fluorescence spectroscopy, EPR, and NMR, the factors influencing the unfolding process of the protein were investigated, and procedures for its study have been standardized. The different spectroscopic techniques used provided consistent results showing that the thermal unfolding of plastocyanin is irreversible under all the conditions investigated and that this irreversibility does not appear to be related to the presence of oxygen. The oxidized plastocyanin species has proven to be more stable than the reduced one, with respect to both the required temperature for protein unfolding (up to a 9 degrees C difference between the two forms) and the kinetics of the process. The behavior of this plastocyanin contrasts with that of other cupredoxins whose unfolding had previously been studied. The unfolding pH dependence and kinetic studies indicate a process with a tight control around the physiological pH in which plastocyanin plays its redox role and the protein's isoelectric point (5.2), suggesting a close compromise between function and stability.  相似文献   

Assimilatory ferredoxin-nitrite reductase (EC, ammonia: ferredoxin oxidoreductase) has been purified 5300-fold with a specific activity of 625 units/mg protein from the filamentous non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. The enzyme was soluble and consisted of a single polypeptidic chain of 54 kDa. It catalyzed the reduction of nitrite to ammonia using ferredoxin or flavodoxin as electron donor. Methyl and benzyl viologens were also effective as electron donors but neither flavins nor NAD(P)H were. The apparent Michaelis constants for nitrite, ferredoxin and methyl viologen were 40, 22 and 215 microM, respectively. Nitrite reductase activity was inhibited effectively by cyanide and thiol reagents. The enzyme exhibited absorption maxima at 281, 391 (Soret), 570 (alpha) and 695 nm, with epsilon 391 of 4.3 x 10(4) M-1 cm-1, and an absorbance ratio A281/A391 of 1.95, suggesting the presence of siroheme as prosthetic group. These results show that this enzyme is similar to those of eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Alkali-extracted biomass of Phormidium valderianum BDU 30501, a marine filamentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium adsorbed more than 90% of cadmium ions from solutions containing 0.1–40mM. Cadmium binding accounted up to 18% of biomass weight (w/w). The algal biosorbent was also efficient is sequestering metal ions (Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+) from a mixture. Biosorbent placed in dialysis tubing could concentrate Cd2+ (50–65%) from 1l solution (10 and 100ppm) at equilibrium. Biosorbent immobilized in polyvinyl foam also removed cadmium and cobalt efficiently, but required longer contact times (24h). Most of the bound metal ions (> 80%) could be desorbed with 0.1M HCl or EDTA, while other reagents were less efficient in the order: H2SO4 > NH4Cl > CaCl2 > Na2SO 4 > KSCN > KCl > NH4OH > NaHCO3. The regenerated biosorbent retained 80% of the initial binding capacity for Cd2+ and 50% binding capacity for Co2+ up to three cycles of reuse. Infrared spectra of the biosorbent preparation suggested carboxyl groups to be the primary sites for metal binding.  相似文献   

Abstract Pigment decomposition, oxygen evolution and CO2 fixation were measured in the cyanobacterium Phormidium uncinatum after infection with cyanophage LPP-1, under light and dark conditions. A gradual decrease in para benzoquinone supported O2 evolution, chlorophyll a and phycocyanin level were noticed after 6 h of infection. These results demonstrated decreased photosynthetic activity of the host P. uncinatum prior to the start of LPP-1 multiplication. Metabolic inhibitor investigations confirmed that the cyanophage LPP-1 multiplication was independent of host photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome f from the photosynthetic cytochrome b(6)f complex is unique among c-type cytochromes in its fold and heme ligation. The 1. 9-A crystal structure of the functional, extrinsic portion of cytochrome f from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum demonstrates that an unusual buried chain of five water molecules is remarkably conserved throughout the biological range of cytochrome f from cyanobacteria to plants [Martinez et al. (1994) Structure 2, 95-105]. Structure and sequence conservation of the cytochrome f extrinsic portion is concentrated at the heme, in the buried water chain, and in the vicinity of the transmembrane helix anchor. The electrostatic surface potential is variable, so that the surface of P. laminosum cytochrome f is much more acidic than that from turnip. Cytochrome f is unrelated to cytochrome c(1), its functional analogue in the mitochondrial respiratory cytochrome bc(1) complex, although other components of the b(6)f and bc(1) complexes are homologous. Identical function of the two complexes is inferred for events taking place at sites of strong sequence conservation. Conserved sites throughout the entire cytochrome b(6)f/bc(1) family include the cluster-binding domain of the Rieske protein and the heme b and quinone-binding sites on the electrochemically positive side of the membrane within the b cytochrome, but not the putative quinone-binding site on the electrochemically negative side.  相似文献   

Soluble glutamine synthetase activity (L-glutamate:ammonia ligase, ADP forming, EC was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum (OH-1-p.Cl1) by using conventional purification procedures in the absence of stabilizing ligands. The pure enzyme showed a specific activity of 152 mumol of gamma-glutamylhydroxamate formed.min-1 (transferase activity), which corresponded to 4.4 mumol of Pi released.min-1 (biosynthetic activity). The relative molecular mass of the native enzyme was 602 kilodaltons and was composed of 12 identically sized subunits of 52 kilodaltons. Biosynthetic activity required the presence of Mg2+ as an essential activator, although Co2+ and Zn2+ were partially effective. The kinetics of activation by Mg2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ were sigmoidal, and concentrations required for half-maximal activity were 18 mM (h = 2.2), 6.3 mM (h = 5.6), and 6.3 mM (h = 2.45), respectively. However, transferase activity required Mn2+ (Ka = 3.5 microM), Cu2+, Co2+, or Mg2+ being less effective. The substrate affinities calculated for L-Glu, ammonium, ATP, L-Gln, and hydroxylamine were 15, 0.4, 1.9 (h = 0.75), 14, and 4.1 mM, respectively. Optimal pH and temperature were 7.2 and 55 degrees C for biosynthetic activity and 7.5 and 45 degrees C for transferase activity. The biosynthetic reaction mechanism proceeded according to an ordered three-reactant system, the binding order being ammonium, L-Glu, and ATP. The presence of Mn2+ or Mg2+ drastically affected the thermostability of transferase and biosynthetic activities. Heat inactivation of biosynthetic activity in the presence of Mn2+ obeyed first-order kinetics, with an Ea of 76.8 kcal (ca. 321 kJ) mol-1. Gly, L-Asp, L-Ala, L-Ser and, with lower efficiency, L-Lys and L-Met, L-Lys, and L-Glu inhibited only transferase activity. No cumulative inhibition was observed when mixtures of amino acids were used. Biosynthetic activity was inhibited by AMP (Ki= 7 mM), ADP (Ki= 2.3 mM), p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (Ki= 25 microM), and L-methionine-D, L-sulfoximine (Ki= 2 microM). The enzyme was not activated in vitro by chemically reduced Anabaena thioredoxin. This is the first report of glutamine synthetase activity purified from a filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

The role of charged residues on the surface of plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum in the reaction with soluble cytochrome f in vitro was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The charge on each of five residues on the eastern face of plastocyanin was neutralized and/or inverted, and the effect of the mutation on midpoint potentials was determined. The dependence of the overall rate constant of reaction, k(2), on ionic strength was investigated using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Removing negative charges (D44A or D45A) accelerated the reaction and increased the dependence on ionic strength, whereas removing positive charges slowed it down. Two mutations (K46A, K53A) each almost completely abolished any influence of ionic strength on k(2), and three mutations (R93A, R93Q, R93E) each converted electrostatic attraction into repulsion. At low ionic strength, wild type and all mutants showed an inhibition which might be due to changes in the interaction radius as a consequence of ionic strength dependence of the Debye length or to effects on the rate constant of electron transfer, k(et). The study shows that the electrostatics of the interaction between plastocyanin and cytochrome f of P. laminosum in vitro are not optimized for k(2). Whereas electrostatics are the major contributor to k(2) in plants [Kannt, A., et al. (1996) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1277, 115-126], this role is taken by nonpolar interactions in the cyanobacterium, leading to a remarkably high rate at infinite ionic strength (3.2 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1)).  相似文献   

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