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We describe patterns of scent marking observed in two wild populations of lowland woolly monkeys that were the subjects of long-term studies in the westernmost portion of the Amazon basin. The woolly monkeys engaged primarily in two types of scent marking: chest rubbing and anogenital rubbing. In both study populations, males and females performed both types of scent marking, but males chest-rubbed more commonly than females, while females engaged in more anogenital rubbing. We evaluated two nonexclusive hypotheses for the function of scent marking by woolly monkeys: 1) that scent marking is used in sociosexual contexts, and 2) that scent marking is used to convey information about occupancy of or willingness to defend an area from conspecifics in other social groups. We found no association between the occurrence of scent-marking behavior and location within the home range, but did find that scent marking occurred more commonly than expected on days when copulations, mating solicitations, and intergroup encounters were observed. Additionally, mating activity and chest rubbing were highly correlated across the yearly cycle, even when the potentially confounding variable of ripe fruit availability was controlled for. In woolly monkeys, overt male-male competition is rare and female choice is an important part of the mating system. Our results are most consistent with the idea that scent marking plays a role in advertising male quality or competitive ability, and perhaps in coordinating mating activity.  相似文献   

Summary The Gm types of 515 inhabitants of Belém and 395 inhabitants of Porto Alegre, Brazil were studied in an attempt to quantitatively estimate ethnic parental contributions. The people from Belém can be characterized as 24% black, 22% Indian, and 54% Caucasian. The Porto Alegre blacks seem to have inherited as much as 53% of their genes from Caucasian ancestors, while the whites living there have inherited 8% of their genes from African ancestors. The admixture values obtained for Belém are very similar if just the Gm system is considered or it plus seven other loci are considered, emphasizing the high efficiency of the Gm markers in such analyses.  相似文献   

One thousand individuals from the southern population of Porto Alegre and 760 from the northeastern city of Natal were studied in relation to 12 and 8 genetic systems, respectively. The data thus gathered were used in different ways to estimate quantitatively the ethnic composition of individuals from these communities. More than half of the genes present in individuals classified as Black in Porto Alegre may be of White origin, while the Whites from this city have 8% of African alleles. The estimated degree of admixture in persons identified as White or Mixed in Natal is not much different among themselves. The ancestry of the total sample can be characterized as 58% White, 25% Black, and 17% Indian.  相似文献   

Marriage structure has been analyzed in the populations of the administrative centers of five uluses of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The populations studied differ from one another with respect to ethnic composition, namely in the ratio between the indigenous and immigrant populations (the indigenous populations are larger in three uluses), in the proportions of representatives of indigenous ethnic groups among men and women contracting marriages, and in the frequencies of monoethnic and interethnic marriages. Positive assortative marriage among persons of the same ethnic group has been demonstrated. The total inbreeding estimated by isonymy (Fit) varies from 0 to 0.007576.  相似文献   

Abstract.Sensitivities to β‐hydrastine, strychnine and picrotoxinin were compared between two populations of western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), differing in their susceptibility to cyclodiene insecticides. The antifeedants are antagonists of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuroreceptors that may mediate gustation and, in the case of picrotoxinin, interact directly with the target site for cyclodiene insecticides. In combination with cucurbitacin B, a specific Diabroticite phagostimulant, cyclodiene‐resistant beetles were two‐ to four‐fold less sensitive to hydrastine and strychnine. The discrimination threshold for picrotoxinin was higher for resistant beetles; however, overall dose–response profiles were similar. Beetles were more sensitive to hydrastine and strychnine in combination with L‐alanine, a general phagostimulant of less potency than cucurbitacin B. Dose–response slopes for the alkaloid‐alanine combinations were double those of respective cucurbitacin B slopes, which indicates that phagostimulatory input from l ‐alanine was more negatively affected by the alkaloidal antifeedants than the respective cucurbitacin B treatments. Picrotoxinin sensitivity was similar in mixtures with either phagostimulant. Comparison of chemosensillum responses to strychnine was inconclusive. Results are discussed in context of GABA receptor pharmacology.  相似文献   

Western Amazonia harbours one of the richest palm floras of the Neotropics. About 121 palm species and 33 genera occur in this region. Approximately 40% of these species and three monotypic genera ( Aphandra , Itaya and Wendlandiella ) are restricted to western Amazonia. Bactris (23 spp.), Geonoma (20 spp.), Attalea (17 spp.), Astrocaryum (11 spp.) and Oenocarpus (7 spp.) are the most well-represented genera in the region. Palms, however, are not homogeneously distributed across western Amazonia. A major change in palm composition occurs between Yasuní (eastern Ecuador) and Iquitos (eastern Peru). Species that are very abundant on the unflooded forest of Yasuní, such as Iriartea deltoidea or Prestoea shultzeana , are replaced by Socratea exorrhiza , Lepidocaryum tenue var. tenue or Iriartella stenocarpa in the Iquitos–Pebas region. Moreover, the distribution ranges of the majority of eastern Ecuadorean palms reach the Iquitos region, but the converse is not observed. Censuses of palm communities along transects, studies of microhabitat preferences of Oenocarpus bataua and documentation of the distribution limit of Astrocaryum species in the intermediate zone provide new insights on the floristic change that is occurring. Modern ecological constraints and geological history during the Cenozoic may explain the observed variations.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 127–140.  相似文献   

A genomewide admixture map for Latino populations   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Admixture mapping is an economical and powerful approach for localizing disease genes in populations of recently mixed ancestry and has proven successful in African Americans. The method holds equal promise for Latinos, who typically inherit a mix of European, Native American, and African ancestry. However, admixture mapping in Latinos has not been practical because of the lack of a map of ancestry-informative markers validated in Native American and other populations. To address this, we screened multiple databases, containing millions of markers, to identify 4,186 markers that were putatively informative for determining the ancestry of chromosomal segments in Latino populations. We experimentally validated each of these markers in at least 232 new Latino, European, Native American, and African samples, and we selected a subset of 1,649 markers to form an admixture map. An advantage of our strategy is that we focused our map on markers distinguishing Native American from other ancestries and restricted it to markers with very similar frequencies in Europeans and Africans, which decreased the number of markers needed and minimized the possibility of false disease associations. We evaluated the effectiveness of our map for localizing disease genes in four Latino populations from both North and South America.  相似文献   

AIM: Conservation and land-use planning require accurate maps of patterns in species composition and an understanding of the factors that control them. Substantial doubt exists, however, about the existence and determinants of large-area floristic divisions in Amazonia. Here we ask whether Amazonian forests are partitioned into broad-scale floristic units on the basis of geological formations and their edaphic properties. LOCATION: Western and central Amazonia. METHODS: We used Landsat imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation data to identify a possible floristic and geological discontinuity of over 300 km in northern Peru. We then used plant inventories and soil sampling to document changes in species composition and soil properties across this boundary. Data were obtained from 138 sites distributed along more than 450 km of road and river. On the basis of our findings, we used broad-scale Landsat and SRTM mosaics to identify similar patterns across western and central Amazonia. RESULTS: The discontinuity identified in Landsat and SRTM data corresponded to a 15-fold change in soil cation concentrations and an almost total change in plant species composition. This discontinuity appears to be caused by the widespread removal of cation-poor surface sediments by river incision to expose cation-rich sediments beneath. Examination of broad-scale Landsat and SRTM mosaics indicated that equivalent processes have generated a north-south discontinuity of over 1500 km in western Brazil. Due to similarities with our study area, we suggest that this discontinuity represents a chemical and ecological limit between western and central Amazonia. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that Amazonian forests are partitioned into large-area units on the basis of geological formations and their edaphic properties. The evolution of these units through geological time may provide a general mechanism for biotic diversification in Amazonia. These compositional units, moreover, may correspond to broad-scale functional units. The existence of large-area compositional and functional units would suggest that protected-area, carbon sequestration, and other land-use strategies in Amazonia be implemented on a region-by-region basis. The methods described here can be used to map these patterns, and thus enable effective conservation and management of Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

Detritivory in two Amazonian fish species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In floodplain lakes of Central Amazon, the siluriform Liposarcus pardalis and the characiform Prochilodus nigricans consumed detritus with different compositions. Most of the diet of L. pardalis and P. nigricans was made of amorphous organic matter. The food ingested by L. pardalis had relatively higher organic matter (OM) (35–55%) and crude protein (10–19%) than that found in P. nigricans stomachs (10–20% and 2–5%, respectively). Both fish ingested higher quantities of OM and crude protein during the high-water season. The differences between the two species seem to be related to their ability to select different detrital components. Striking differences were also found in the digestibility rate of OM and protein between the two species. Prochilodus nigricans assimilated only 2·3% of its intake compared with 24% in L. pardalis .  相似文献   

The history of the Indian populations from the Valley of Tlaxcala since the Spanish conquest of Mexico has been one of fission and transplantation. A number of Tlaxcaltecan families were relocated by the Spanish and founded new communities such as Saltillo and Cuanalan outside the Valley of Tlaxcala. The contemporary genetic structure of these people reflects their ethnohistory. Genetic distances between Tlaxcaltecan groups are the result of differential systematic pressure acting upon them.  相似文献   

India is a diverse land whose population holds the history of waves of human dispersal. Recent studies suggest two major ancestral contributions to most of the Indian sub-populations. However, present day Indians are thought to contain huge genetic diversity derived consequent to multiple cultural, linguistic and geographical variations. Genome-wide survey of individuals from current North (N-In) and South (S-In) India along with populations from HapMap Phase III and Indian sub-populations from HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium is performed. Multivariate analysis (MDS and PCA) was carried out after merging data from the current study and other consortia. Indian sub-populations clustered separately from populations of major global geographical regions in MDS and PCA in a loose agglomeration except for two Indian subpopulations clustering near far eastern populations. Fst values indicated diversity among Indian sub-populations which was substantiated by STRUCTURE analysis suggesting the possibility of additional admixture events.  相似文献   

One enduring question in evolutionary biology is the extent of archaic admixture in the genomes of present-day populations. In this paper, we present a test for ancient admixture that exploits the asymmetry in the frequencies of the two nonconcordant gene trees in a three-population tree. This test was first applied to detect interbreeding between Neandertals and modern humans. We derive the analytic expectation of a test statistic, called the D statistic, which is sensitive to asymmetry under alternative demographic scenarios. We show that the D statistic is insensitive to some demographic assumptions such as ancestral population sizes and requires only the assumption that the ancestral populations were randomly mating. An important aspect of D statistics is that they can be used to detect archaic admixture even when no archaic sample is available. We explore the effect of sequencing error on the false-positive rate of the test for admixture, and we show how to estimate the proportion of archaic ancestry in the genomes of present-day populations. We also investigate a model of subdivision in ancestral populations that can result in D statistics that indicate recent admixture.  相似文献   

B Chakrabarti  S Kumar  R Singh  N Dimitrova 《Gene》2012,499(2):250-255
The clinical, biochemical and genetic features of a Cypriot origin male of non-consanguineous parents due to 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 (17β-HSD-3) deficiency are presented. The patient, currently a 10 old male, was referred to our clinic because of ambiguous genitalia at birth. Gonads were palpable in the inguinal canal bilaterally and no Müllerian structures identified on pelvic ultrasound. Chromosomal analysis showed an apparently normal male 46,XY karyotype. Diagnosis of 17β-HSD-3 deficiency in the newborn was suspected based on biochemical findings, following human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) stimulation test. Sequence analysis and real time PCR along with MLPA identified the patient with a novel 11.96 kb duplication that spans exons 3-10 of the HSD17B3 gene and extends from intron 2 to intron 10 in compound heterozygosity with the known p.R80Q missense mutation leading to 17β-HSD-3. In conclusion, 17β-HSD-3 deficiency was diagnosed in this patient based on endocrinologic evaluation and confirmed with genetic analysis of the HSD17B3 gene. The novel large duplication spanning exons 3-10 of the HSD17B3 gene that we report here in compound heterozygosity with the known p.R80Q leads to 17β-HSD-3 deficiency presenting as 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development. Following diagnosis and appropriate genetic counselling, the patient was raised a boy and successfully underwent surgical correction of crytptorchidism and hypospadias.  相似文献   

A more comprehensive understanding of the factors governing tropical tree community turnover at different spatial scales is needed to support land‐management and biodiversity conservation. We used new forest inventory data from 263 permanent plots in the Carnegie Biodiversity‐Biomass Forest Plot Network spanning the eastern Andes to the western Amazonian lowlands of Peru to examine environmental factors driving genus‐level canopy tree compositional variation at regional and landscape scales. Across the full plot network, constrained ordination analysis indicated that all environmental variables together explained 23.8% of the variation in community composition, while soil, topographic, and climatic variables each explained 15.2, 10.9, and 17.0%, respectively. A satellite‐derived metric of cloudiness was the single strongest predictor of community turnover, and constrained ordination revealed a primary gradient of environmentally‐driven community turnover spanning from cloudy, high elevation sites to warm, wet, lowland sites. For three focal landscapes within the region, local environmental variation explained 13.4–30.8% of compositional variation. Community turnover at the landscape scale was strongly driven by topo‐edaphic factors in the two lowland landscapes examined and strongly driven by potential insolation and topography in the montane landscape. At the regional scale, we found that the portion of compositional variation that was uniquely explained by spatial variation was relatively small (2.7%), and was effectively zero within the three focal landscapes. Overall, our results show strong canopy tree compositional turnover in response to environmental gradients at both regional and landscape scales, though the most important environmental drivers differed between scales and among landscapes. Our results also highlight the usefulness of key satellite‐derived environmental covariates that should be considered when conducting biodiversity analyses in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Verdu P  Rosenberg NA 《Genetics》2011,189(4):1413-1426
Admixed populations have been used for inferring migrations, detecting natural selection, and finding disease genes. These applications often use a simple statistical model of admixture rather than a modeling perspective that incorporates a more realistic history of the admixture process. Here, we develop a general model of admixture that mechanistically accounts for complex historical admixture processes. We consider two source populations contributing to the ancestry of a hybrid population, potentially with variable contributions across generations. For a random individual in the hybrid population at a given point in time, we study the fraction of genetic admixture originating from a specific one of the source populations by computing its moments as functions of time and of introgression parameters. We show that very different admixture processes can produce identical mean admixture proportions, but that such processes produce different values for the variance of the admixture proportion. When introgression parameters from each source population are constant over time, the long-term limit of the expectation of the admixture proportion depends only on the ratio of the introgression parameters. The variance of admixture decreases quickly over time after the source populations stop contributing to the hybrid population, but remains substantial when the contributions are ongoing. Our approach will facilitate the understanding of admixture mechanisms, illustrating how the moments of the distribution of admixture proportions can be informative about the historical admixture processes contributing to the genetic diversity of hybrid populations.  相似文献   

Aim It is a central issue in ecology and biogeography to understand what governs community assembly and the maintenance of biodiversity in tropical rain forest ecosystems. A key question is the relative importance of environmental species sorting (niche assembly) and dispersal limitation (dispersal assembly), which we investigate using a large dataset from diverse palm communities. Location Lowland rain forest, western Amazon River Basin, Peru. Methods We inventoried palm communities, registering all palm individuals and recording environmental conditions in 149 transects of 5 m × 500 m. We used ordination, Mantel tests and indicator species analysis (ISA) to assess compositional patterns, species responses to geographical location and environmental factors. Mantel tests were used to assess the relative importance of geographical distance (as a proxy for dispersal limitation) and environmental differences as possible drivers of dissimilarity in palm species composition. We repeated the Mantel tests for subsets of species that differ in traits of likely importance for habitat specialization and dispersal (height and range size). Results We found a strong relationship between compositional dissimilarity and environmental distance and a weaker but also significant relationship between compositional dissimilarity and geographical distance. Consistent with expectations, relationships with environmental and geographical distance were stronger for understorey species than for canopy species. Geographical distance had a higher correlation with compositional dissimilarity for small‐ranged species compared with large‐ranged species, whereas the opposite was true for environmental distance. The main environmental correlates were inundation and soil nutrient levels. Main conclusions The assembly of palm communities in the western Amazon appears to be driven primarily by species sorting according to hydrology and soil, but with dispersal limitation also playing an important role. The importance of environmental characteristics and geographical distance varies depending on plant height and geographical range size in agreement with functional predictions, increasing our confidence in the inferred assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cuticular wax composition of leaves has been analysed in three western European populations (Corsica, central Pyrenees, northern Alps) of Juniperus communis var. saxatilis Pall. (=  J. nana Willd., nom illeg.) and in one population of J. communis L. var. depressa Pursh. from North America (Sierra Nevada). Gas chromatography shows the presence of 13 alkanes in all samples ranging from C23 to C35 with important intraspecific polymorphism in alkane content. The dominant alkanes range from C33 to C35. Alkanes C21 and C22 were found only in Corsica and Sierra Nevada populations. Canonical discriminant analysis separated the J. communis L. var. depressa Pursh. of the population of Sierra Nevada from other populations of J. communis var. saxatilis Pall. on the basis of their higher C31 content and the constant presence of C21 and C22 alkanes. J. communis var. saxatilis Pall. populations from the Pyrenees are close to northern Alps populations characterized by high concentrations of C33, C34 and C35 alkanes. This paper confirms the existence of Juniperus var. saxatilis Pall. in the Pyrenees (France).  © The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 165–168.  相似文献   

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