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The effect of exogenous proline on the activity of the glycolate pathway in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi n.c. An exogenous proline supply in the light provokes an increase in free glycine concentration in apical tissues or in leaf disks of vegetative Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi n.c. This does not occur in the equivalent tissues of tobacco plants after floral induction, these being naturally rich in proline. In vegetative tobacco, we have tried to determine this specific action of exogenous proline. With 14C glycine, 14CO2 experiments (Pulse-chase) and glycine decarboxylase activity determinations, we observed that glycine-serine transformation was inhibited by proline supply. Presently it is important to determine if endogenous proline acts on the same reaction.  相似文献   

Esterase 2 C activities, involving the hydrolysis of 2-carbon carboxylic esters, α-glucosidase, acetylglucosaminidase, alkaline and acid phosphatases in the hepatopancreas of Palaemon serratus, were examined by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. The isoenzymatic equipments of shrimps acclimated at 6 different ligh intensities (1 to 1200 lx) were compared. Enzymatic activities were measured and the molecular weight of each isozyme was evaluated. It was found that (a) the concentration of soluble proteins decreases between 1 and 600 lx; (b) esterase 2 C and alkaline phosphatase activities increase substantially between 1 and 1200 lx; (c) for these two activities, light intensity acts differently according to the isozyme under consideration; (d) α-glucosidase activities vary inversely with acetylglucosaminidase activity at light intensities greater than 150 lux.  相似文献   

Résumé Les prédateurs qui vivent aux dépens de ressources alimentaires groupées, modifient leur mode de déplacement après la capture et l'ingestion d'une proie. Ils passent de la recherche extensive (déplacements rapides et linéaires) à la recherche intensive (déplacements lents et sinueux). Chez les adultes et les larves de dernier stade de la coccinelle Semiadalia undecimnotata Schn. (Col., Coccinellidae), dans les premières heures qui suivent leur naissance ou leur mue, l'ingestion d'un premier puceron ne modifie pas les caractéristiques locomotrices individuelles: les déplacements restent de type extensif. Au début de chaque stade, cette coccinelle présente une période de sensibilisation à la proie rencontrée. Durant ces laps de temps, elle doit consommer plusieurs proies avant d'être capable d'adopter la recherche intensive. L'existence d'une période de jeûne avant cette première prise alimentaire favorise, au contraire, l'adoption de la recherche intensive.
The ladybird, Semiadalia undecimnotata, like all other entomophagous insects feeding on relatively sedentary prey, exhibits two types of walking pattern during the search for prey: xtensive and intensive search. The latter is engaged following detection of visual or chemical cues. Changes in the ladybird search pattern: extensive search—a single prey capture—intensive search, were investigated in relation to experience of prior feeding-periods (experienced coccinellids) or to lack of such experience (naïve coccinellids) and with respect to changes in duration of fasting. The analysis of their pathways was performed initially by comparison of three locomotory paramètres: the number of stops (number/s), the walking speed (mm/s) and the turning-rate (degrees/s), and subsequently by statistical classification (principle components analysis). Unlike experienced coccinellids, observations of naïve coccinellids, indicate that a single feeding session during the three to five hours after emergence of an adult, or ecdysis of the larva, will change the walking pattern slightly. These animals will maintain extensive search or adopt a particular, intermediate locomotory pattern which is a development of extensive search but do not adopt intensive search. Fasting, for periods over twelve hours, favoured intensive search in populations studied. It is probable that the requirement to feed on more than one prey item before adopting intensive search involves concepts such as forms of learning (sensitization).

The circadian regulation of leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) was investigated in Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). Kleaf was measured with an high pressure flow meter during the light and dark period from plants growing at a photoperiod of 12 h. Kleaf was 4.0 e−4 kg s−1 m−2 MPa−1 during the light period (LL) and 30–40% less during the dark period (DL). When photoperiod was inverted and leaves were measured for Kleaf at their subjective light or dark periods, Kleaf adjusted to the new conditions requiring 48 h for increasing from dark to light values and 4 d for the opposite transition. Plants put in continuous dark showed Kleaf oscillating from light to dark values in phase with their subjective photoperiod indicating that Kleaf changes were induced by the circadian clock. Several cuts through the minor veins reduced leaf hydraulic resistance (Rleaf) of both LL and DL to the same value (1.0 e + 3 MPa m2 s kg−1) that equalled the vascular resistance (Rv). The contribution of the non-vascular leaf resistance (Rnv) to Rleaf was of 71.9% in DL and of 58.4% in LL. The dominant Rnv was shown to be reversibly modulated by mercurials, suggesting that aquaporins play a role in diurnal changes of Kleaf.  相似文献   

RESUME. La Microsporidie Nosema bombycis, Protozoaire parasite agent de la pébrine du ver à soie, a étéétudiée cytochimiquement à la fois en microscopie photonique et électronique. Les examens ont porté sur la détection et la localisation des acides nucléiques (ADN et ARN), des polysaccharides, de la phosphatase acide, au cours des différents stades du développement dans les cellules de I'hôte (du schizonte à la spore). Les principaux résultats concernent les observations relatives aux polysaccharides et à la phosphatase qui ne sont détectés qu'au stade de la spore et ne sont pas observés au stade du schizonte. Les polysaccharides sont présents au niveau du sac polaire, du filament polaire et sur la membrane cytoplasmique; la phosphatase acide est localisée au niveau du sac polaire, du filament polaire et dans la vacuole postérieure. SYNOPSIS. Nosema bombycis, agent of pebrine disease of silkworm, was studied cytochemically, using both light and electron microscopy. Presence of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), polysaccharides, and acid phosphatases was demonstrated and localization of these substances was determined in various stages of the parasite (from the schizont to the spore). DNA and RNA were detected in all these stages. Polysaccharides and acid phosphatase were found in the spore but not in the schizogonic stages. Polysaccharides were detected in the polar cap, the polar filament, and the limiting membrane of the cytoplasm of the spore. Acid phosphatase was found in the polar cap, the polar filament, and the posterior vacuole.  相似文献   

The relative importance of changes in leaf expansion rate (LER) and leaf conductance (g1) in the control of crop transpiration depends primarily on their sensitivity to soil water deficits. The aim of this paper was to quantify the responses of LER and g1 to soil water deficits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under conditions of moderate (spring) and high (summer) evaporative demand. Soil water content, g1, and LER were measured in dryland (DRY) and daily-irrigated (WET) crops established on a deep sandy-loam (Typic Xerofluvent) in a Mediterranean environment. There was no difference between g1 of DRY and WET plants (p>0.20) in contrast with a highly significant difference in LER (p<0.001). Even under the harsh conditions of the summer experiment, g1 did not respond to water deficit in a ten-day period in which LER of DRY plants was reduced to approx. 30% of that measured in WET controls. This field study indicates that g1 plays at most a minor role in the control of sunflower transpiration in the pre-anthesis period and confirms the importance of leaf expansion in the regulation of gas exchange of expanding canopies subjected to soil water deficits.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new reflection about the late Pleistocene climate impact on the iberomausian coastal expansion. A recent advancement of palaeoenvironment knowledge allows us from now to apprehend a context and circumstances in which are developed diverse late Pleistocene cultures in the Maghreb. This article tries to understand a cultural dynamic of this period by the light of a contemporary climatic evolution.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the Miocene strata of Bonifacio has revealed an atypical Miogypsinid assemblage. In addition to the three already cited genera, Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina and Miolepidocyclina from this region, Miogypsinodella is for the first time represented by two new species (Mdella corsicana nov. sp. et Mdella pillaria nov.sp.). The stratigraphical ranges of each genus in the Miogypsinidae are not verified here. However, Mdes bantamensis is still present in the Upper Burdigalian and the genus Miogypsinoides is also present in the Lower Langhian. Six species of Miogypsina coexist in the Upper Burdigalian (M. tani, M. globulina, M. intermedia, M. cf. sabahensis, M. cushmani, M. mediterranea) and two species are present in the Lower Langhian (M. antillea, M. digitata). This distribution is apparently an example of palaeoendemism resulting from the geographic isolation and the rotation of the Corso-Sardinian block and also from the palaeogeographical and palaeoecological favourable environment during that time.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of archaeological research led from 1995 to 1998 in the fauna reserve of Lopé (Gabon). The excavated sites were dated from the Upper Pleistocene to the Post-colonial period. It is the longest and the most complete archaeological sequence presently known in Central Africa. These results show evidence of human presence in the reserve for over 40?000 years and that this greatly contributed to the preservation of the ecotone landscape of Lopé. In addition, these results offer the first systematic analysis of the sites and the ceramic artefacts produced and used in the centre of Gabon during the last three millennia. Supported by chronological, linguistic and palaeoenvironmental data, these results allow us to refine the ceramic typology and to prove the antiquity of husbandry, agricultural practices and iron production in this part of Africa. Finally, they allow us to clarify the various phases of settlement in the reserve and to reveal an important historic phenomena in connection with the expansion of the bantu languages and/or the bantu speaking peoples, who populate a third of the African continent.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of La Garde offers the opportunity to observe a Final Acheulean series located in the Loire department (south-east France). The site was probably a multi-activity place asking large tools and flakes, according to the strategies used by humans. Three main categories of large bifacial tools mainly made of flint can be described, with a triangular or oval shape and with a transversal cutting edge. These tools are more bifacial-tools than bifaces through the kind of shaping and the retouches on the cutting edges. The Levallois flaking is associated to various other types of knapping. The site, located along a small valley, suggests a human circulating between the Saône-Rhône corridor and the interior basins of the Massif Central Mountains. The Rhodanian corridor yielded little evidence of Acheulean settlements while in the Centre of France, they are numerous. La Garde proves that systematic prospecting in this area will permit in future to complete the map of the Acheulean occupations in south-east France.  相似文献   

Effect of local cooling of the stem on exogenous 1AA transport from the apical bud and on the growth rate of axillary buds .
Local cooling (1.5°C) of the stem (on 2 or 4 cm) of Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce for 15 h stops the exogenous IAA transport from the apical bud and causes a high accumulation of tracers above and at the level of the cooled zone. This clamping effect is reversed after removal of the cooling system. If the cooling system is maintained for 48 h, about 25% of the exported radioactivity passes the cooled zone. However, the percentage IAA transmitted decreases to about 6.6% if the cooled zone is sufficiently wide (4 cm) and the temperature lowered to 0.7°C±0.3°C. Using a cooling system of 4 cm (0.7±0.3°C) partially releases the lowermost axillary buds (ax1 and ax2) from apical dominance. Yet, the rate of growth of the axillary buds is generally lower than the growth rate after decapitation of the plant.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton of the Etang de Berre and Etang de Vaïne (N.W. Mediterranean) The phytoplankton in the brackish Etang de Berre and Etang de Vaïne was studied regularly at 12 stations for two years. The recent diversion of the Durance River into the Etang de Berre has effected a fundamental change in this formerly marine environment, which has had a great impact on its plankton populations. A total of 182 taxa were identified, including 111 Bacillariophyceae, 44 Chlorophyceae, and 15 Cyanophyceae. The most abundant species are small freshwater algae, mainly Chlorophyceae, since the salinity is generally less than 3 0/00. However, during summer and fall, as well as in waters near the bottom, the salinity can reach 15 0/00 and marine diatoms are predominant. Because the nutrients in the environment are constantly replenished, phytoplankters are always numerous, ranging in abundance between several million to several hundred million per liter. There is a somewhat irregular seasonal cycle. The average density is about 108 cells/1 in the Etang de Berre, and about double that amount in the Etang de Vaïne. Differences in phytoplankton abundance and composition at the various stations or at various depths are slight.  相似文献   

Influence of some free amino acids of the ovule on growth and cellular development of the pollen tube of Juniperus communis L. in vitro. The extraction and analysis of free amino acids show that a partial complementary relationship exists between the amino acids of the pollen and those of the ovule of Juniperus communis. The main free amino acids of the pollen are threonine, proline, arginine and γ-aminobutyric acid; those of the ovule are threonine, serine, alanine, citrulline and glycine. The addition of the main amino acids of the ovule in the pollen culture media increased the growth and the cell development of pollen tubes cultured in vitro. This indicates the nature of the correlations which exist between the male and female gametophyte of Juniperus communis.  相似文献   

The Somolinos outcrop was widely studied in detailed correlations, stratigraphical architecture and high frequency sequence analysis of Central System and Iberian range successions. A rich assemblage of echinoids, ammonites, bivalves and bryozoans was described; conversely, the palynological study of the Late Cretaceous levels from Somolinos has never been performed up to now. A palynological study of two intervals within a monotonous alternation of grey marls and nodular limestone succession in the Somolinos section was carried out. The two intervals sampled are located in two correlative sequences of Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian and mid Turonian ages, respectively. Both sequences are separated by a sequence boundary, but its location and age in the stratigraphic record differs depending on the authors and the Basin considered. A rich palynofacies with abundant dinoflagellate cysts, pteridophyte spores, conifer pollens and breviary angiosperm grains of the normapolles group is described; besides, inner linings of acid resistant microforaminiferal tests were also found. The analysis of the palynological diagrams clearly indicates that the upper interval corresponds to open sea neritic sediments, deposited in more distal sedimentary environments than those of the lower interval, which were deposited in more proximal environments. This evolution of sedimentary environments represents a major sedimentary change in the general shallowing upwards trend of the late Albian-mid Turonian 2nd order succession, revealing a major facies belt retrogradation of the sequence containing the upper interval. This retrogradational event allows to accurately place the sequence boundary and to improve the arrangement of the low frequency (3rd order) depositional stacking pattern of the Early-mid Turonian in the Iberian Basin and other European and Tethyan basins.  相似文献   

Kinetics of adaptive drought rhizogenesis, as related to growth and water deficits in Sinapis alba, at two irradiance levels .
The rhizogenic activity in Sinapis alba L., subjected to progressively increasing water deficit during growth, shows a sigmoidal pattern of kinetics with three phases: initiation or latent phase, rapid exponential increase, and stationary phase. This pattern remains unchanged if the level of irradiance during growth is reduced. The same number of short tuberized roots is obtained as under high irradiance, although initiation of rhizogenesis appears to be delayed by a few days. However, this delay is not observed if the rhizogenesis is analyzed as a function of the water potential of aerial organs or as a function of the soil water deficit. Since the rate of dehydration depends upon the evaporative demand, which is modulated by high or low irradiance, drought rhizogenesis seems to be directly related to water deficits in the soil-plant system. The onset of drought rhizogenesis, starting at the end of the growth period of the aerial organs, appears concomitant with the transpiration decline which is induced by water stress at both irradiance levels.  相似文献   

The lacustrine sequence of Billy-Créchy (Allier) yielded four superposed fossiliferous levels that can be precisely dated for the first time and represent the upper part of the Oligocene and the basis of the Miocene. The age of the localities is given by mammals and particularly by the Rodent and Lagomorph faunas: three are ascribed to the Paleogene mammalian levels MP 29-MP30 and the upper one to the Neogene MN 1. The Paleogene faunas evidence a high degree of similarity with those of the Oligo-Miocene Lower Freshwater Molasse of Switzerland and the localities Créchy 1 and 2 correspond particularly well to the Swiss locality Brochene-Fluh 53, to which a magnetostratigraphic calibration ascribed an age between 24.1 and 23.6 Ma, the date of the Oligo-Miocene boundary being fixed at 23.8 Ma. Changes in the Rodent composition and abundance in these faunas document the impact of the Oligo-Miocene crisis, the uppermost fauna being very impoverished. The avifaunas differ from those of the Aquitanian localities of the Saint-Gérand-le-Puy area by the presence of two forms which are no longer found in the more recent deposits. These birds are mainly aquatic and indicate the proximity of shallow to moderately deep lakes, along the edge of which the Flamingo-related Palaelodidae were nesting. In Ostracod assemblages - numerous along the sequence but in most cases crushed or completely encrusted -, small-sized specimens are abundant, well-preserved, and among them Cypridopsis sp. is dominant; they are represented by adults and juveniles: they indicate shallow-water environmental conditions and unstable environment. Among large specimens, freshwater and brackish species occur; all of them are broken, coated by CaCO3: they belong to different biocenoses and attest some transport.  相似文献   

Previous leaf‐scale studies of carbon assimilation describe short‐term resource‐use efficiency (RUE) trade‐offs where high use efficiency of one resource requires low RUE of another. However, varying resource availabilities may cause long‐term RUE trade‐offs to differ from the short‐term patterns. This may have important implications for understanding canopy‐scale resource use and allocation. We used continuous gas exchange measurements collected at five levels within a Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) karst., canopy over 3 years to assess seasonal differences in the interactions between shoot‐scale resource availability (light, water and nitrogen), net photosynthesis (An) and the use efficiencies of light (LUE), water (WUE) and nitrogen (NUE) for carbon assimilation. The continuous data set was used to develop and evaluate multiple regression models for predicting monthly shoot‐scale An. These models showed that shoot‐scale An was strongly dependent on light availability and was generally well described with simple one‐ or two‐parameter models. WUE peaked in spring, NUE in summer and LUE in autumn. However, the relative importance of LUE for carbon assimilation increased with canopy depth at all times. Our results suggest that accounting for seasonal and within‐canopy trade‐offs may be important for RUE‐based modelling of canopy carbon uptake.  相似文献   

Population growth and globally increasing standards of living have put a significant strain on the energy–food–water nexus. Limited water availability particularly affects agriculture, as it accounts for over 70% of global freshwater withdrawals (Aquastat). This study outlines the fundamental nature of plant water consumption and suggests a >50% reduction in renewable freshwater demand is possible by engineering more reflective crops. Furthermore, the decreased radiative forcing resulting from the greater reflectivity of crops would be equivalent to removing 10–50 ppm CO2 from the atmosphere. Recent advances in engineering optical devices and a greater understanding of the mechanisms of biological reflectance suggest such a strategy may now be viable. Here we outline the challenges involved in such an effort and suggest three potential approaches that could enable its implementation. While the local benefits may be straightforward, determining the global externalities will require careful modelling efforts and gradually scaled field trials.  相似文献   

Vertebrate remains and nummulites have been investigated from the Late Eocene—Early Oligocene transgressive sequence of the «Chaînes subalpines south of the lake Annecy. The sedimentary environments range from fluvio-lacustrine shales and conglomerates at the base to hemipelagic Globigerina shales at the top. The fluvio-lacustrine white marls contain mammals of the upper, probably terminal Ludian, with affinities to the assemblage of Saint-Capraise. The brackish Cerithium beds have furnished charophytes of the Bembridge zone. The nummulite limestones are not dated precisely, but isolated, probably redeposited nummulites from the base of the Globigerina shales are of terminal Eocene or basal Oligocene age. The Globigerina shales themselves belong to the Oligocene.  相似文献   

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