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Interspecific hybridization is widespread in plants and is an important evolutionary process. Hybrids may be fitter than their parental species, at least under some environmental conditions, and this may lead to partitioning of taxa by habitat. In eastern Canada, two cattail species (Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia) and their hybrid (Typha x glauca) are known to have become increasingly widespread in recent decades, although their habitat preferences and patterns of co-existence at the local scale are not well known. We quantified the occurrence of these three taxa in three different habitat types (high traffic, low traffic, and ‘natural’) at 40 different sites along a sampling route of approximately 2000 km in eastern Canada. There were no significant overall associations between habitat type and taxon, although intraspecific comparisons among sites showed that the hybrid was most likely to grow in high traffic (highly disturbed) sites. In addition, pairwise comparisons revealed significant independence of T. latifolia and T. angustifolia, although the hybrid was equally likely to co-exist with either of its parental species. The presence of the three taxa in several habitats, including highly disturbed roadside areas, is consistent with their increasingly invasive tendencies.  相似文献   

The commercially available strains of Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, the biological control agent of Tetranychus urticae Koch, perform poorly in the Western Mediterranean, probably because they are not well adapted to local climatic conditions. For that reason, efforts are being focused on the development of a biological control programme using native phytoseiid mites. Four species of red spider mites can be found in vegetable crops in eastern Spain: T. urticae, Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov and Nikolski, Tetranychus ludeni Zacher and the recently introduced Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard. To evaluate their potential role as biological control agents, the present study evaluates the life-history of local populations of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and P. persimilis when fed on T. urticae, T. turkestani, T. evansi, and T. ludeni in the laboratory. Results indicate that N. californicus and P. persimilis are able to feed and complete their development on the four tested red spider mite species. The predators may exhibit a particularly high capacity for population increase when fed on T. urticae, T. turkestani, and T. ludeni, thus may be able to provide effective control of these species in the field. When fed T. evansi, however, predator performance was poor; significant increase in development and preoviposition times, and a reduction in oviposition period and fecundity were recorded. The resultant low capacity for population growth suggests poor ability of the two tested predators to suppress T. evansi populations on commercial crops. It is unlikely therefore that P. persimilis and N. californicus, now being widely used to control T. urticae in greenhouse crops in Central Europe, will be able to halt any spread of T. evansi to greenhouse crops in temperate areas.  相似文献   

Species introductions are among the most pervasive types of disturbance, seriously affecting island biota and ecosystem dynamics. The management of introduced generalist species, which may live in a wide range of environmental conditions, can be particularly difficult and is a major challenge for the conservation of native insular species. Boa constrictor was introduced onto Cozumel Island, Mexico, in 1971. The introduction of this generalist predator has affected negatively the native species (many of them endemic to the island) on which the boa feed. It is important to determine temporal variation in boa abundance, the areas of the island in which boas live, and the vegetation types they use in order to develop management strategies to reduce boa pressure on the native biota. We used nocturnal road transect sampling and occasional boa encounters during field work, to estimate boa distribution, abundance and habitat use, taking into account its spatiotemporal patterns on Cozumel Island. This study confirms that Boa constrictor is well established, widespread, and abundant on the island. Our results show that boas are distributed throughout Cozumel, in all vegetation types and geographical regions. Overall, there were 0.11 ± 0.03 boa/10 km road transect. There were no significant spatiotemporal differences in boa activity (time of day) and abundance (monthly, seasonally, by vegetation types or regions of the island). According to the habitat use analysis, there were, however, fewer boas than expected in the subdeciduous tropical forest we sampled and in the central-northern region of the island, which coincide with areas inhabited by humans. There were more boas in areas uninhabited by humans, and there was a tendency towards a greater proportion of dead boas in inhabited areas and live boas in uninhabited areas. Cozumel boas are habitat generalists, which are affected by human induced mortality in inhabited areas. There is a vast area uninhabited by humans, with natural vegetation, on the island where boas have suitable habitats available for their continuous existence on Cozumel. This situation, and the adaptability of the boa, makes the control or eradication of this introduced species a critical conservation challenge.  相似文献   

The authors report first records for the genus Setulipes in Madagascar, with the presence of Setulipes cf. hakgalensis and two new species, Setulipes funaliformis and S. moreaui, as well as a new species from Mauritius: S. mauritiensis. A key to these taxa, as well as to other African species, is supplied.  相似文献   

The diversity and genetic structure of the cycad Dioon sonorense (De Luca, Sabato & Vázq. Torres) Chemnick, T.J. Greg. & S. Salas-Mor. were evaluated from the four known populations in tropical dry forests of Sonora, Mexico. The estimates of genetic diversity in the 19 loci analysed were: mean number of alleles per locus (A = 2.0), percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 81.6) and expected heterozygosity (HE = 0.314). The subpopulations were found to be in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium at the local level (Fis), even though we found a global excess of homozygotes (Fit = 0.13). Genetic variation attributed to differences among populations was 15%. Our results indicate that the geographical isolation caused by the historical effects of the Pleistocene among populations has probably generated clinal variation of the allelic frequencies at two loci, in relation to their latitudinal distribution. We compare our results with the long-lived southern hemisphere trees Fitzroya and Nothofagus in relationship to the Pleistocene glaciations. We also infer that the populations have become fragmented recently due to increasing pressure of habitat conversion, disturbance and illegal extraction of plants and seeds for the international horticultural trade. We therefore recommend three aspects: (i) propagation of this species for reintroduction, (ii) declare the localities of its northern distribution as a protected area, and (iii) an amendment of the current International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List categorisation for this species to ‘Critically Endangered’.  相似文献   

The suitability of Aphis fabae Scopoli, Myzus persicae Sulzer and Aleyrodes proletella L. as food sources for Coccinella undecimpunctata L. was evaluated by studying the impact of prey consumption on the predator’s population growth parameters and feeding parameters. Unlike A. proletella, A. fabae and M. persicae supported the development and reproduction of C. undecimpunctata. A. fabae and M. persicae were considered to be essential prey, whereas A. proletella was considered to be an alternative prey. Aphid species showed different degrees of suitability: M. persicae significantly decreased the pre-oviposition period and increased adult longevity, fecundity and fertility compared with A. fabae. Moreover, A. fabae represents a suitable diet for larval development, but is not a suitable food source for adult reproduction. The predator’s population growth parameters, R0, rm and λ were increased with M. persicae, whereas T decreased. We found that the 4th instar larvae were the most voracious, particularly when fed on M. persicae; nevertheless, with this prey daily weight gain and feeding efficiency of 4th instar larvae were similar to that of individuals fed with A. fabae.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

As part of an on-going effort to conserve endangered and endemicScrophularia takesimensis (Scrophulariaceae), we analyzed its spatial distribution patterns by applying an index of dispersion, plant-to-all-plant distances, and the varying quadrat size method. Three indices — Dispersion, Morisita, and Standardized Morisita — all revealed clumping with small aggregates, and distances between aggregates were more or less regular. The asymptote level occurred at a distance of 20 to 30 m; the distance showing 90% of cumulative frequency coincided with 20 to 21 m; 95%, 24 to 25 m; and 99%, 31 to 32 m. The 20 m× 20 m and 40 m×40 m quadrats contained 25 and 40 plants, respectively. We conclude that this number of individuals and size of area are the minimum required for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Leveillula on monocotyledonous plants have been recorded as L. taurica by several authors, whereas the fungus on Allium has been described as an independent species, namely L. allii, by some authors. We sequenced ca 600 bp of the rDNA ITS region for two Leveillula specimens from Allium and Polianthes (both from monocotyledons) and compared them with several already published sequences from Leveillula isolates from dicotyledons. Pair-wise percentages of sequence divergences were calculated for all Leveillula isolates. The ITS sequence of the Polianthes isolate was identical to L. taurica on Helianthus and Vicia. The sequence of the Allium isolate was 99.5 % identical to L. taurica on Euphorbia, Haplophylum, Peganum, etc. These results suggest close relationships between monocot and dicot pathogenic Leveillula species. The identity between two monocot isolates was 98.4 %. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two monocot isolates do not group into a clade together. This result suggests that Leveillula acquired parasitism to monocots at least twice independently.  相似文献   

橘绵粉虱是一种危险性的入侵生物,已于2018年11月在我国海南文昌的番石榴上发现。本文记述了橘绵粉虱各虫态的形态特征、野外鉴别特征,并列出了其分布及重要寄主植物,附有彩色生态照片。由于橘绵粉虱是柑橘类的重要害虫,具有向中国大陆扩散的可能性,我国南方柑橘产区应密切关注此虫动态。  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of free-living dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium have important implications for the ecology of coral reefs, determining both the symbionts available to newly recruited corals and symbiont types available for uptake by adult corals during environmental stress. However, little is known about where symbiotic dinoflagellates reside outside the host, due to the difficulty of capturing and detecting unicellular organisms in the marine environment. This study presents a successful protocol for sampling Symbiodinium from both the benthos and the water column. Comparisons of two detection methods for enumerating Symbiodinium indicated that conventional microscope analysis is accurate and more efficient when estimating Symbiodinium densities in sediment samples, while an automated particle counter (FlowCAM) was more efficient in detecting cells in the water column where densities are low. Symbiodinium densities were found to be relatively high (1000–4000 cells/mL) in sediment samples and much lower (up to 80 cells/mL) in the water column, indicating that the free-living form resides mainly in the benthos. Symbiodinium densities were found to be highly variable spatially, differing significantly between two reef locations. Within sites, elevated densities of Symbiodinium along reef margins combined with significant decreases in densities one meter away from the reef, suggest that cells aggregate within the reef habitat.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have established that the belted beauty moth Lycia zonaria britannica, which is an endemic subspecies found only in the British Isles, now occurs at just three sites in England and Wales. Populations at all three sites are small, with annual peak counts of usually less than 50 females. At Morfa Conwy in Wales and Meols Common in England, habitat quality has been declining for more than a decade as open, herb-rich, early successional dune grassland is replaced by fixed, rank grassland. Uniquely at Sunderland Point in England, the moth is primarily associated with areas of saltmarsh, but distribution is constrained by surrounding farmland and man-made structures. Attempts are now being made to restore areas of open grassland and to return the moth to its former distribution. Since the winter of 2000-2001, small plots of rank grassland on Meols Common have been excavated annually, with all vegetation removed, together with any humic layer present. The exposed bare sand has then been allowed to re-vegetate naturally. Within 18 months, the plots have developed into open, herb-rich habitats suitable for the moth. Adults were recorded on the plots for the first time in spring 2003 and may have been the product of the small numbers of eggs and larvae introduced to the plots in spring 2002. Similar excavations have been initiated at Morfa Conwy, which is in the process of being notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A 3-year programme to establish a second Welsh population is underway and, to date, more than 2000 captive-reared larvae have been released on the receptor site which lies 21 km to the east of Morfa Conwy.  相似文献   

Bracon hebetorSay(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is known primarily as a parasitoid of pyralid moth larvae infesting stored grain. In the 1970s, a parasitoid identified asB. hebetorwas released for control ofHeliothis/Helicoverpaspp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on the island of Barbados. Because life-history traits of this parasitoid differed from those reported forB. hebetorfrom the United States, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments to determine whether this parasitoid was (i) a population ofB. hebetorthat attacks noctuids in the field or (ii) a different species fromB. hebetor.We confirmed thatHeliothis virescens(F.) was a more suitable host for the Barbados strain than forB. hebetor.However, a stored-grain infesting pyralid,Plodia interpunctella(Hübner), was a more suitable host for the Barbados strain than wasH. virescens.Reciprocal crosses between the Barbados strain andB. hebetorshowed that the two populations were reproductively isolated. No mating was observed during a series of 30-min observations of reciprocal crosses, and the crosses produced only male offspring. Examination of each female's spermatheca confirmed that females were not fertilized. Sequence analysis of a 517-bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene revealed that two populations ofB. hebetorfrom our laboratory were identical but differed in sequence by 2% from the Barbados strain. Collectively, our results indicate that the Barbados strain is a distinct species fromB. hebetor.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)隔距兰属(Cleisostoma Blume)一新记录种:角唇隔距兰(C.tricornutum Averyanov)。该种与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay、C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相近,因其有不分枝的线状花粉团柄、球状的花粉团块和一个先端短喙状的半球形药帽而与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay相区别;因其有松散、罕分枝的花序,长角状的唇瓣侧裂片而与C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相区别。提供了新记录种的形态描述及图片。  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, a study was conducted to determine the effect of bacterial strains, Burkholdria OSU 7, Bacillus OSU 142, and Pseudomonas BA 8, on biological control of brown rot disease (Monilinia laxa Ehr.) on apricot cv. Hacıhaliloğlu in Malatya province of Turkey. Apricot orchard at full blooming stage was inoculated with conidial suspension (1 × 106 spores/ml) of M. laxa Ehr. After inoculation, two apricot trees for each application were treated with each of the three biological control agents (Burkholdria gladii OSU 7, Bacillus subtilis OSU 142, and Pseudomonas putida BA 8) by spraying (1 × 109 cfu/ml) on inoculated branches. Disease incidence was evaluated for untreated (control 1) and four different treatment groups including commercial disease management (control 2, positive control: 3% Bourdox in fall, 50% Cupper at pink flower, 30 g/100 l Corus at first blooming, and 300 g/100 l Captan at last blooming stage) and treatments including each of the three bacterial strains (OSU 7, OSU 142, and BA 8). The results showed that disease incidence for negative control (control 1) was 9.94, which was significantly higher than disease incidence for commercial application (2.57%) or bacterial treatments (2.82–5.00%) in the first year. In 2003, the lowest disease incidence observed in OSU 7 treatment (6.80%), while disease incidence rate for positive control and negative control were 9.45% and 28.46%, respectively. This result may suggest that OSU 7 has potential to be used as biopesticide for effective management of brown rot disease on apricot.  相似文献   

Three types of multihyphal structures, stromata, sporangiomata and chlamydosori, are described for the plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. Their morphology, morphogenesis and position on the host organ were observed by dissecting, compound and scanning electron microscopy. Stromata were consistently formed one to two weeks after zoospore inoculation of detached leaves and fruits of an assortment of Mediterranean sclerophyll shrubs. Stroma initials appeared subcuticularly or subepidermally and developed as small hyphal aggregates by repeated branching, budding, swelling and interweaving, eventually forming a prosenchyma. They always emerged through the adaxial side of the leaf by rupture of the overlying host tissue. Occasionally sporangia and chlamydosori (packed clusters of chlamydospores) were formed on the stromata. Sporangiomata bore short sporangiophores and clusters of 20–100 sporangia and resembled sporodochia of the mitosporic fungi. The biological significance of these multihyphal structures is discussed. Some epidemiological aspects were also studied: several understorey species of the holm oak (Quercus ilex) woodland were susceptible to in vitro infection with three isolates of P. ramorum originally collected from different ornamental hosts. The risk of spread to this ecosystem is evaluated.  相似文献   

该文报道了采自湖南省湘西世界地质公园德夯园区壳斗科栎属一新种——德夯栎(Quercus dehangensis G. X. Chen, D. G. Zhang & B. Z. Wang),根据其壳斗小苞片覆瓦状排列而被归于栎属。德夯栎和巴东栎(Quercus engleriana Seem.)相近,但与巴东栎的区别在于前者植株通常3~5 m高,侧脉7~10对,小枝、叶柄及叶背被覆具鳞片的星状毛,托叶早落。根据IUCN红色名录标准,德夯栎濒危等级为极危(CR)。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships within many clades of the Crassulaceae are still uncertain, therefore in this study attention was focused on the “Acre clade”, a group comprised of approximately 526 species in eight genera that include many Asian and Mediterranean species of Sedum and the majority of the American genera (Echeveria, Graptopetalum, Lenophyllum, Pachyphytum, Villadia, and Thompsonella). Parsimony and Bayesian analyses were conducted with 133 species based on nuclear (ETS, ITS) and chloroplast DNA regions (rpS16, matK). Our analyses retrieved four major clades within the Acre clade. Two of these were in a grade and corresponded to Asian species of Sedum, the rest corresponded to a European–Macaronesian group and to an American group. The American group included all taxa that were formerly placed in the Echeverioideae and the majority of the American Sedoideae. Our analyses support the monophyly of three genera – Lenophyllum, Thompsonella, and Pachyphytum; however, the relationships among Echeveria, Sedum and the various segregates of Sedum are largely unresolved. Our analyses represents the first broad phylogenetic framework for Acre clade, but further studies are necessary on the groups poorly represented here, such as the European and Asian species of Sedum and the Central and South American species of Echeveria.  相似文献   

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