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A correspondence analysis of codon usage in human genes revealed, as expected, that the first axis is strongly correlated with the base composition at synonymous third codon positions. At one extreme of the second axis were localized genes with a high frequency of NCG and CGN codons. The great majority of these sequences were embedded in CpG islands, while the opposite is true for the genes placed at the other extreme. The two main conclusions of this paper are: (1) the influence of CpG islands on codon usage, and (2) since the second axis is orthogonal (and therefore independent) of the first, GC3-rich genes are not necessarily associated with CpG islands.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 55 EagI-containing genomic DNA clones from the distal long arm of the human X chromosome. The presence of additional sites for rare-cutter restriction enzymes and the demethylation of the corresponding genomic DNA demonstrate that at least 30 clones correspond to CpG islands of the Xq24-Xqter region. All clones were regionally mapped with a hybrid panel. The majority are in Xq28 and Xq24 (18 and 14 clones, respectively), 15 are in the Xq26-Xq27 interval, and none is in Xq25. This analysis demonstrates a nonuniform distribution of CpG islands that may reflect the distribution of coding regions in this part of the genome.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells may play a crucial role in controlling viral infection by bridging the innate and adaptive immune systems. These cells are activated by lipids presented by CD1d molecules, which are structurally homologous to major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. Although human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can avoid T cell recognition by down-regulating MHC-I-mediated antigen presentation, it remains unknown whether it can also interfere with CD1d-mediated lipid presentation. Here, we show that CD1d is resistant to rapid degradation induced by the HCMV gene products US2 and US11, which cause dislocation of MHC-I molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol for destruction by proteasomes. The resistance of CD1d to US11 is mainly due to the short cytosolic tail of CD1d; a hybrid CD1d protein, whose cytosolic tail was replaced with that of HLA-A2.1, was efficiently degraded by US11. Finally, we found that HCMV infection did not significantly influence the cell surface expression of CD1d. Thus, these results suggest that antigen presentation by CD1d is largely unaffected by the multiple immune-modulating functions of HCMV.  相似文献   

CpG islands (CGIs) are often considered as gene markers, but the number of CGIs varies among mammalian genomes that have similar numbers of genes. In this study, we investigated the distribution of CGIs in the promoter regions of 3,197 human-mouse orthologous gene pairs and found that the mouse genome has notably fewer CGIs in the promoter regions and less pronounced CGI characteristics than does the human genome. We further inferred CGI's ancestral state using the dog genome as a reference and examined the nucleotide substitution pattern and the mutational direction in the conserved regions of human and mouse CGIs. The results reveal many losses of CGIs in both genomes but the loss rate in the mouse lineage is two to four times the rate in the human lineage. We found an intriguing feature of CGI loss, namely that the loss of a CGI usually starts from erosion at the both edges and gradually moves towards the center. We found functional bias in the genes that have lost promoter-associated CGIs in the human or mouse lineage. Finally, our analysis indicates that the association of CGIs with housekeeping genes is not as strong as previously estimated. Our study provides a detailed view of the evolution of promoter-associated CGIs in the human and mouse genomes and our findings are helpful for understanding the evolution of mammalian genomes and the role of CGIs in gene function.  相似文献   

M Jackman  M Firth    J Pines 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(8):1646-1654
We have raised and characterized antibodies specific for human cyclin B2 and have compared the properties of cyclins B1 and B2 in human tissue culture cells. Cyclin B1 and B2 levels are very low in G1 phase, increase in S and G2 phases and peak at mitosis. Both B-type cyclins associate with p34cdc2; their associated kinase activities appear when cells enter mitosis and disappear as the cyclins are destroyed in anaphase. However, human cyclins B1 and B2 differ dramatically in their subcellular localization. Cyclin B1 co-localizes with microtubules, whereas cyclin B2 is primarily associated with the Golgi region. In contrast to cyclin B1, cyclin B2 does not relocate to the nucleus at prophase, but becomes uniformly distributed throughout the cell. The different subcellular locations of human cyclins B1 and B2 implicate them in the reorganization of different aspects of the cellular architecture at mitosis and indicate that different mitotic cyclin-cyclin-dependent kinase complexes may have distinct roles in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) trimethylates lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) to regulate gene expression during diverse biological transitions in development, embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation, and cancer. Here, we show that Polycomb-like 3 (Pcl3) is a component of PRC2 that promotes ESC self-renewal. Using mass spectrometry, we identified Pcl3 as a Suz12 binding partner and confirmed Pcl3 interactions with core PRC2 components by co-immunoprecipitation. Knockdown of Pcl3 in ESCs increases spontaneous differentiation, yet does not affect early differentiation decisions as assessed in teratomas and embryoid bodies, indicating that Pcl3 has a specific role in regulating ESC self-renewal. Consistent with Pcl3 promoting PRC2 function, decreasing Pcl3 levels reduces H3K27me3 levels while overexpressing Pcl3 increases H3K27me3 levels. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) reveal that Pcl3 co-localizes with PRC2 core component, Suz12, and depletion of Pcl3 decreases Suz12 binding at over 60% of PRC2 targets. Mutation of conserved residues within the Pcl3 Tudor domain, a domain implicated in recognizing methylated histones, compromises H3K27me3 formation, suggesting that the Tudor domain of Pcl3 is essential for function. We also show that Pcl3 and its paralog, Pcl2, exist in different PRC2 complexes but bind many of the same PRC2 targets, particularly CpG islands regulated by Pcl3. Thus, Pcl3 is a component of PRC2 critical for ESC self-renewal, histone methylation, and recruitment of PRC2 to a subset of its genomic sites.  相似文献   

Structure and hemimethylated CpG binding of the SRA domain from human UHRF1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human UHRF1 (ubiquitin-like PHD and RING finger 1) functions to maintain CpG DNA methylation patterns through DNA replication by co-localizing with the DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 at chromatin in mammals. Recent studies show that UHRF1 binds selectively to hemimethylated CpG via its conserved SRA (SET- and RING finger-associated) domain. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is not known. Here, we report a 1.95 A resolution crystal structure of the SRA domain of human UHRF1. Using NMR structure-guided mutagenesis, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and fluorescence anisotropy analysis, we determined key amino acid residues for methyl-DNA binding that are conserved in the SRA domain.  相似文献   

An expression library established in lambda gt11 with cDNA from squamous epithelium of the human upper digestive tract was screened with an antibody raised against keratin 13. A 1.2 kb fragment from the most strongly reacting plaque was sequenced and compared to known type I keratin sequences. The highest degree of homology was detected with the murine 47K type I keratin, which we consider to be the counterpart of human keratin 13. Tryptic peptides of keratin 13 were separated on a HPLC column and one peptide was sequenced. The amino acid sequence obtained supports the identity of the cDNA. An eight codon motif has been tandemly repeated in the C-domain of keratin 13. In spite of substantial divergence by point mutations and deletions, the remaining sequence homologies suggest that the C-domains of both the human keratin 13 and the orthologous murine protein have originated from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Kang MI  Rhyu MG  Kim YH  Jung YC  Hong SJ  Cho CS  Kim HS 《Genomics》2006,87(5):580-590
Alu and L1 retroelements have been suggested to initiate the spread of CpG methylation. In this study, the spread of CpG methylation was estimated based on the distance between the CpG islands and the nearest retroelements. All human genes (23,116) were examined and the correlations between the length of the CpG islands and the distance and density of the confronting retroelements were examined using nonoverlapping 5-kb windows. There was a linear relationship between the length of the CpG islands and the density of the Alu elements and an inverse relationship between the CpG islands and the L1 elements located more distantly, suggesting a suppressive effect of the Alu's on the spread of L1 methylation. Methylation analysis of the transitional CpG sites between the CpG islands and the nearest retroelements upstream of 16 genes was then carried out using DNA preparations from 11 different human tissues. Methylation-variable transitional CpGs were observed for the selected genes and the different tissues.  相似文献   

Complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21), in association with CD19, plays an important role in enhancing mature B cell responses to opsonized Ags. We have shown that mice expressing a human CR2/CD21 (hCR2/CD21) transgene during the CD43(+)/CD25(-) late pro-B cell stage of B cell development demonstrate marked changes in subsequent B cell ontogeny. In the present study, we show that the humoral immune response to the T cell-dependent Ag, sheep RBC, is muted severely in a manner inversely proportional to B cell expression level of hCR2. Individual Ag-specific IgG isotypes vary in the degree to which they are affected but all are reduced while IgM titers are normal. A substantial reduction in germinal centers, both in size and frequency, in the spleens of immunized hCR2 transgenic mice demonstrates a failure to maintain germinal center reaction. However, both IgM expression levels and LPS-proliferative responses appear fully intact in B cells from hCR2-positive mice, suggesting that this alteration in B cell phenotype is different qualitatively from that of specific Ag-defined anergy models. These data suggest that the unresponsiveness to T-dependent Ags displayed by hCR2-positive B cells is linked to an increase in the level of stimulus required to propel the B cell into a fully activated state and thus a normal humoral immune response to Ags. We conclude that this phenotype and these mice may offer an additional means to dissect mechanisms underlying B cell tolerance and Ag responsiveness both in bone marrow and periphery.  相似文献   

The Alpha class glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in human liver are composed of polypeptides of Mr 25,900. These enzymes are dimeric, and two immunochemically distinct subunits, B1 and B2, have been described that combine to form GSTs B1B1, B1B2 and B2B2 [Stockman, Beckett & Hayes (1985) Biochem. J. 227, 457-465]. Gradient affinity elution from GSH-Sepharose has been used to resolve the three Alpha class GSTs, and this method has been applied to demonstrate marked inter-individual differences in the hepatic content of GSTs B1B1, B1B2 and B2B2. The B1 and B2 subunits can be resolved by reverse-phase h.p.l.c., and their elution positions suggest that they are equivalent to the alpha chi and alpha y h.p.l.c. peaks described by Ketterer and his colleagues [Ostlund Farrants, Meyer, Coles, Southan, Aitken, Johnson & Ketterer (1987) Biochem. J. 245, 423-428]. The B1 and B2 subunits have now been cleaved with CNBr and the fragments subjected to automated amino acid sequence analysis. The sequence data show that B1 and B2 subunits do not arise from post-translational modification, as had been previously believed for the hepatic Alpha class GSTs, but are instead the products of separate genes; B1 and B2 subunits were found to contain different amino acid residues at positions 88, 110, 111, 112, 116, 124 and 127. The relationship between the B1 and B2 subunits and the cloned GTH1 and GTH2 cDNA sequences [Rhoads, Zarlengo & Tu (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 145, 474-481] is discussed.  相似文献   

Bradykinin is produced in response to inflammation, trauma, burns, shock, allergy and some cardiovascular diseases. Actions of this peptide are mediated through two different G-protein coupled receptors, named B1 and B2 that have different pharmacological characteristics. The former is up-regulated during inflammation episodes or tissue trauma whereas, the latter is constitutively expressed in a variety of cell types. In a previous work we have characterized the molecular features that explain the observed structure-activity results for both receptors by means of molecular modeling studies, using diverse ligands for both receptors. These results were summarized in the form of two different pharmacophores that provided new insights to be used for the design of novel molecules with antagonistic profile. In the present work, we compare these pharmacophores to understand the features that characterize ligand selectivity to the two bradykinin receptors. The study shows that most of the residues involved in the binding pocket are similar in both receptors and consequently are the pharmacophores obtained. The main difference between the two pharmacophores remains on point #5 that involves a polar moiety for the B1 receptor and an aromatic ring for the B2 receptor. Accordingly, analysis of the prospective bound conformation of several non-selective small molecule ligands of the bradykinin receptors permits to conclude that fulfilment of point#5 is a requirement to produce selective ligands. However, the study also shows that this is a necessary condition only, since ligands need also to be bulky enough to avoid binding to these receptors in diverse poses. These results provide new insights for a better understanding of the molecular features that ligands are required to exhibit to be selective bradykinin ligands.  相似文献   

Alus and B1s are short interspersed repeat elements (SINEs) indirectly derived from the 7SL RNA gene. While most researchers recognize that there exists extensive variability between individual elements, the extent of this variability has never been systematically tested. We examined all Alu elements over 200 nucleotides and all B1 elements over 100 nucleotides in the human and mouse genomes, and analyzed the number of copies of each element at various stringencies from 22 nucleotides to full length. Over 98% of 923,277 Alus and 365,377 B1s examined were unique when queried at full length. When the criterion was reduced to half the length of the repeat, 97% of the Alus and 73% of the B1s were still found to be a single copy. All single and multi-copy sequences have been mapped and documented. Access to the data is possible using the AluPlus website http://www.ibr.hawaii.edu.  相似文献   

The basic glutathione S-transferases in human liver are composed of at least two immunochemically distinct polypeptides, designated B1 and B2. These subunits exist as homodimers, but can hybridize to form the B1B2 heterodimer [Stockman, Beckett & Hayes (1985) Biochem. J. 227, 457-465]. Although these basic glutathione S-transferases possess similar catalytic properties, the B2 subunit exhibits significantly greater selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase activity than subunit B1. The use of the ligands haematin, tributyltin acetate and Bromosulphophthalein as inhibitors of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene-GSH-conjugating activity clearly discriminate between the B1 and B2 subunits and should help facilitate their identification. Peptide mapping experiments showed that B1 and B2 are structurally distinct, but related, subunits; subunit B1 yielded 43 tryptic peptides, seven of which were unique, whereas subunit B2 yielded 40 tryptic peptides, four of which were unique.  相似文献   

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