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黄颡前驼形线虫发生和成熟的季节动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道了寄生于黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)胃、肠中的黄颡前驼形线虫(Procamallanus fulvidraconis)的成熟和感染丰度的季节动态。从2001年2月到2002年7月的18个月中,对来自于湖北省梁子湖的900尾黄颡鱼进行了调查,结果表明:该线虫的感染率除在2002年1月比较低(32%)外,其他月份都在90%以上,且没有显著的季节性变化(G=16.9620.0517=27.58);平均丰度也是在2002年1月较低(0.46),其他月份都高于6.32,但感染丰度表现出显著的季节性变化(F=12.58>F0.0117,882=1.98)。在对黄颡前驼形线虫雌虫成虫的三个阶段(成熟期、怀卵期和怀幼期)和雄虫成虫的季节变化分析中发现:该线虫的生命周期为一周年;处于成熟期的雌虫在2-3月达到高峰,怀卵期雌虫在5-7月达到高峰,怀幼期雌虫则在6-9月达到高峰。因此推测:雌虫从第一期幼虫发育到成熟期(显隐前期)可能需要5-6个月,成熟期到怀卵期需要4-5个月,怀卵期到怀幼期需要1-2个月;第一期幼虫的释放应该在秋季,第三期幼虫的感染主要发生在晚冬和早春。本文还讨论了引起黄颡前驼形线虫在黄颡鱼中高感染率和高感染强度的原因。    相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may have some significant effects on population genetic structure because geographic distance and physical barriers may impede gene flow between populations. In this study, we investigated whether recent habitat fragmentation affected genetic structure and diversity of populations of the nematode Procamallanus fulvidraconis in the yellowhead catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. The nematode was collected from 12 localities in 7 floodplain lakes of the Yangtze River. Using 11 intersimple sequence repeat markers, analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic diversity occurred mainly within populations (70.26%). Expected heterozygosity (He) of P. fulvidraconis was barely different between connected (0.2105) and unconnected lakes (0.2083). Population subdivision (Fst) between connected lakes (0.2177) was higher than in unconnected lakes (0.1676). However, the connected and unconnected lakes did not cluster into 2 clades. A Mantel test revealed significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances (R = 0.5335, P < 0.01). These results suggest that habitat fragmentation did not cause genetic differentiation among populations or a reduction of diversity in isolated populations of P. fulvidraconis. At least 2 factors may increase the dispersal range of the nematode, i.e., flash flooding in summer and other species of fish that may serve as the definitive hosts. Moreover, lake fragmentation is probably a recent process; population size of the nematode in these lakes is large enough to maintain population structure.  相似文献   

抚仙湖外来黄颡鱼种群的年龄和生长特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李秀启  陈毅峰  李堃 《动物学报》2006,52(2):263-271
黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrusfulvidraco)是近年被无意引入到抚仙湖的外来鱼类,自2002年以来在渔获物中已形成了较为稳定的产量。根据2002年9月至2005年5月采集的708尾标本对抚仙湖黄颡鱼种群的年龄和生长特征进行了研究。以脊椎骨作为年龄鉴定的材料,表明种群的年龄分别为雌性0 -5 龄6个龄组和雄性0 -7 龄8个龄组组成;拟合的VonBertalanffy生长参数为雄性L∞=294·68mm,k=0·2476/y,t0=-0·0298y,W∞=209·93g;雌性L∞=257·13mm,k=0·2476/y,t0=-0·3329y,W∞=184·45g;生长特征参数分别为=4·3324(♂)和=4·1665(♀)。雄鱼体重生长的拐点年龄为3·1龄时,重60·98g;雌鱼为3·6龄,重54·47g。与其它种群的生活史特征相比,抚仙湖种群表现出年龄结构复杂和生长缓慢的特点,这些变化是黄颡鱼在抚仙湖建立种群过程中为增加总体适合度而作出的一种适应性响应[动物学报52(2):263-271,2006]。  相似文献   

The yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is a freshwater fish species. Due to overfishing and pollution of freshwater ecosystems, the wild stocks of this fish reduced substantially. We isolated and characterized 12 polymorphic microsatellites of this species. The number of alleles at the 12 microsatellite loci ranged from four to eight, with an average of 6.6/locus. The average observed heterozygosity was 0.72, whereas the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.60 to 0.86 (average: 0.80). All 12 microsatellites conformed to Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium and were in linkage equilibrium. These 12 novel microsatellites could facilitate studies of genetic diversity and population structure of the yellow catfish to supply necessary information of conservation of the yellow catfish.  相似文献   

Up to date, only limited information is available on genetically and functionally different isoforms of CPT I enzyme in fish. In the study, molecular characterization and their tissue expression profile of three CPT Iα isoforms (CPT Iα1a, CPT Iα1b and CPT Iα2a) and a CPT Iβ isoform from yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is determined. The activities and kinetic features of CPT I from several tissues have also been analyzed. The four CPT I isoforms in yellow catfish present distinct differences in amino acid sequences and structure. They are widely expressed in liver, heart, white muscle, spleen, intestine and mesenteric adipose tissue of yellow catfish at the mRNA level, but with the varying levels. CPT I activity and kinetics show tissue-specific differences stemming from co-expression of different isoforms, indicating more complex pathways of lipid utilization in fish than in mammals, allowing for precise control of lipid oxidation in individual tissue.  相似文献   

The population and seasonal distribution of Procamallanus daccai (Nematoda: Procamallanidae) in Eutropiichthys vacha (Siluridae) from the Kaptai Lake were studied for a period of 20 months during 1986-1987. A total of 208 fish were necropsied and 5652 worms were recovered, of which 2392 were from 87 infected male fish and 3260 were from 89 infected female fish. Prevalence values varied from 50% to 95%. The intensity and abundance of nematodes fluctuated over the study period and are statistically significant (F=14.87, P<0.0001), and showed a seasonal preference for the summer period (F=33.39, P<0.05). The mean intensity was the highest in the smallest size group at 66.3+/-12.7 which gradually decreased to 4+/-1.89 in the largest size group. No significant differences were found between parasites from male and female hosts, except in the summer. Male parasites were less abundant in the population. Female worms were grouped into immature, maturing and gravid and all these stages were present throughout the year. The highest occurrence of both immature and gravid P. daccai was found during the months of February to April each year. Peak recruitment seems to occur during this period due to the presence of high quantities of immature worms.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) can provide important information for understanding phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution. Herein, we amplified the complete mitogenome sequence of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. The mitogenome was 16,526 bp in length and included 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and a non-coding control region (D-loop). Both the organization and location of genes in the mitogenome were consistent with those from Siluriformes fishes previously published in GenBank. The phylogenetic relationships based on Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum likelihood (ML) methods showed that P. fulvidraco has close relationships with Pelteobagrus eupogon and Tachysurus intermedius, suggesting that P. fulvidraco belongs to Tachysurus. This study provides evidence that Tachysurus, Pseudobagrus and Leiocassis do not form monophyly, but that these three genera form a monophyletic group. Our results provide reference for further phylogenetic research of the Bagridae species.  相似文献   

利用光学显微技术和透射电镜技术,观察和研究了出膜后1-35日龄黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)仔稚鱼的胃肠发育.水温为23-25℃时,2日龄仔稚鱼的消化道分化出口咽腔、食道、胃、肠;3日龄肠道分化为前肠、中肠、后肠.3日龄黄颡鱼开口摄食时其胃贲门部黏膜层下出现胃腺,为已有鱼类研究报道中胃腺最早出现的日龄.超微结构显示3日龄胃腺细胞中可见胃蛋白酶原颗粒和丰富的管泡系统,为典型的泌酸胃酶细胞;随日龄增加,胃蛋白酶原颗粒越来越丰富而管泡系统越来越不明显.3日龄时前肠吸收细胞胞质中可见脂肪泡,后肠吸收细胞胞质中可见蛋白质胞饮体.直到25日龄后肠吸收细胞胞质中尚可见蛋白质胞饮体.以七结果表明黄颡鱼在3日龄开口摄食时消化道具备细胞外消化功能,但此功能不完善,期间继续通过胞饮作用等细胞内消化来弥补胞外消化的不足,直到25-30日龄后细胞外消化功能发育完善.采用符合其生理机能发育过程的投喂管理策略可以有效提高大规格苗种培育的成活率.  相似文献   

Seasonal population dynamics of the digenean Phyllodistomum pawlovskii in the urinary bladder of the bullhead catfish, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco, were investigated in Liangzi Lake in the flood plain of the Yangtze River in China from February 2001 to July 2002. The overall prevalence of the parasite was high, 41.5% (n = 1,476), while the mean abundance was relatively low, 1.24 +/- 2.11. The parasite exhibited evident seasonality in changes of prevalence and abundance. In brief, prevalence and abundance were very low in midwinter (January), but increased and remained relatively high in other seasons and months. The distribution pattern of this parasite in the fish was overdispersed, with a variance to mean ratio > 1, but its frequency distribution could not be described by the negative binomial model. There were positive correlations between the number of the parasites per fish and the age and length of the fish; a peaked age-parasite abundance curve was not detected in the parasite-host association. It is suggested that the parasite P. pawlovskii has little effect on the population structure of the bullhead catfish.  相似文献   

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