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Regulation of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), the primary NO receptor, is linked to NO binding to the prosthetic heme group. Recent studies have demonstrated that the degree and duration of sGC activation depend on the presence and ratio of purine nucleotides and on the presence of excess NO. We measured NO dissociation from full-length alpha1beta1 sGC, and the constructs beta1(1-194), beta1(1-385), and beta2(1-217), at 37 and 10 degrees C with and without the substrate analogue guanosine-5'-[(alpha,beta-methylene]triphosphate (GMPCPP) or the activator 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-3'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole (YC-1). NO dissociation from each construct was complex, requiring two exponentials to fit the data. Decreasing the temperature decreased the contribution of the faster exponential for all constructs. Inclusion of YC-1 moderately accelerated NO dissociation from sGC and beta2(1-217) at 37 degrees C and dramatically accelerated NO dissociation from sGC at 10 degrees C. The presence of GMPCPP also dramatically accelerated NO dissociation from sGC at 10 degrees C. This acceleration is due to increases in the observed rate for each exponential and in the contribution of the faster exponential. Increases in the contribution of the faster exponential correlated with higher activation of sGC by NO. These data indicate that the sGC ferrous-nitrosyl complex adopts two 5-coordinate conformations, a lower activity "closed" form, which releases NO slowly, and a higher activity "open" form, which releases NO rapidly. The ratio of these two species affects the overall rate of NO dissociation. These results have implications for the function of sGC in vivo, where there is evidence for two NO-regulated activity states.  相似文献   

Activation of cerebral guanylate cyclase by nitric oxide.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Mouse cerebral guanylate cyclase was activated by catalase in the presence of sodium azide (NaN3), which is known to form catalase-NO complex, while nitrosamines and nitric oxide (NO gas) were capable of activating cerebral guanylate cyclase in the absence of catalase. The activation of guanylate cyclase by NaN3-catalase or nitrosamines was markedly inhibited by ferrohemoglobin which has a high affinity for NO, but not by ferrihemoglobin. These data suggest that NO or NO containing compounds may activate guanylate cyclase, whereas ferrohemoglobin may exhibit an inhibitory effect on the activation of guanylate cyclase, possibly by interacting with NO or NO containing compounds.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase is an NO-sensing hemoprotein that serves as a NO receptor in NO-mediated signaling pathways. It has been believed that this enzyme displays no measurable affinity for O(2), thereby enabling the selective NO sensing in aerobic environments. Despite the physiological significance, the reactivity of the enzyme-heme for O(2) has not been examined in detail. In this paper we demonstrated that the high spin heme of the ferrous enzyme converted to a low spin oxyheme (Fe(2+)-O(2)) when frozen at 77 K in the presence of O(2). The ligation of O(2) was confirmed by EPR analyses using cobalt-substituted enzyme. The oxy form was produced also under solution conditions at -7 °C, with the extremely low affinity for O(2). The low O(2) affinity was not caused by a distal steric protein effect and by rupture of the Fe(2+)-proximal His bond as revealed by extended x-ray absorption fine structure. The midpoint potential of the enzyme-heme was +187 mV, which is the most positive among high spin protoheme-hemoproteins. This observation implies that the electron density of the ferrous heme iron is relatively low by comparison to those of other hemoproteins, presumably due to the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond. Based on our results, we propose that the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond is a key determinant for the low O(2) affinity of the heme moiety of soluble guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

This study examines in endothelium-denuded bovine pulmonary arteries the effects of increasing heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) activity on relaxation and soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activation by nitric oxide (NO). A 24-h organ culture with 0.1 mM cobalt chloride (CoCl2) or 30 microM Co-protoporphyrin IX was developed as a method of increasing HO-1 expression. These treatments increased HO-1 expression and HO activity by approximately two- to fourfold and lowered heme levels by 40-45%. Induction of HO-1 was associated with an attenuation of pulmonary arterial relaxation to the NO-donor spermine-NONOate. The presence of a HO-1 inhibitor 30 microM chromium mesoporphyrin during the 24-h organ culture (but not acute treatment with this agent) reversed the attenuation of relaxation to NO seen in arteries co-cultured with agents that increased HO-1. Relaxation to isoproterenol, which is thought to be mediated through cAMP, was not altered in arteries with increased HO-1. Inducers of HO-1 did not appear to alter basal sGC activity in arterial homogenates or expression of the beta(1)-subunit of sGC. However, the increase in activity seen in the presence of 1 microM spermine-NONOate was attenuated in homogenates obtained from arteries with increased HO-1. Since arteries with increased HO-1 had decreased levels of superoxide detected by the chemiluminescence of 5 microM lucigenin, superoxide did not appear to be mediating the attenuation of relaxation to NO. These data suggest that increasing HO-1 activity depletes heme, and this is associated with an attenuation of pulmonary artery relaxation and sGC activation responses to NO.  相似文献   

Martin E  Berka V  Sharina I  Tsai AL 《Biochemistry》2012,51(13):2737-2746
Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), the key enzyme for the formation of second messenger cyclic GMP, is an authentic sensor for nitric oxide (NO). Binding of NO to sGC leads to strong activation of the enzyme activity. Multiple molecules and steps of binding of NO to sGC have been implicated, but the target of the second NO and the detailed binding mechanism remain controversial. In this study, we used (15)NO and (14)NO and anaerobic sequential mixing-freeze-quench electron paramagnetic resonance to unambiguously confirm that the heme Fe is the target of the second NO. The linear dependence on NO concentration up to 600 s(-1) for the observed rate of the second step of NO binding not only indicates that the binding site of the second NO is different from that in the first step, i.e., the proximal site of the heme, but also supports a concerted mechanism in which the dissociation of the His105 proximal ligand occurs simultaneously with the binding of the second NO molecule. Computer modeling successfully predicts the kinetics of formation of a set of five-coordinate NO complexes with the ligand on either the distal or proximal site and supports the selective release of NO from the distal side of the transient bis-NO-sGC complex. Thus, as has been demonstrated with cytochrome c', a five-coordinate NO-sGC complex containing a proximal NO is formed after the binding of the second NO.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is highly activated by nitric oxide (NO) and is the known mediator of the effects of NO on a variety of physiological processes. The rates at which sGC is activated and deactivated are therefore of wide interest since they determine the duration of a tissue's response to NO. The effect of NO on smooth muscle dissipates in 1-2 min, suggesting that both activation and deactivation are fast. In vitro measurements show that the activation of sGC occurs in less than a second, while the deactivation takes several hours at 20 degrees C. However, recent reports indicate that Mg-GTP, oxyhemoglobin, and reducing and oxidizing agents could deactivate the cyclase in several seconds to minutes, though the effectiveness of each of these agents is in dispute. We investigated the lifetime of NO-sGC in the cytosol of retina by monitoring its enzymatic activity at 20 degrees C. Our results show that Mg-GTP, the substrate of NO-sGC, has no influence on the deactivation. Similarly, reducing agents glutathione and dithiothreitol shortened the half-life of NO-sGC only by about 30%. The greatest effect on the deactivation was caused by scavengers of NO: oxyhemoglobin reduced the half-life of NO-sGC from 106 min to 18 s; another NO scavenger, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5, 5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (CPTIO), reduced it to 42 s (20 degrees C). Similarly rapid deactivation was observed with the enzyme from bovine lung, immunoprecipitated enzyme from bovine retina, and heme-deficient enzyme from bovine retina reconstituted with heme. On the other hand, YC-1, an activator of sGC, stabilized the activated enzyme, preventing NO dissociation, as was evident from the inability of oxyhemoglobin or CPTIO to deactivate NO-sGC. Calcium, which is known to inhibit NO-sGC, also inhibited the effects of oxyhemoglobin and CPTIO, slowing down the deactivation of the enzyme. Lithium, which is also known to inhibit NO-sGC, had no effect on the deactivation rate of the enzyme. These results, taken together, suggest that two factors with major impact on the lifetime of NO-sGC are the proximity to NO scavengers and the calcium concentration in the cell.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is the target of nitric oxide (NO) released by nitric-oxide synthase in endothelial cells, inducing an increase of cGMP synthesis in response. This heterodimeric protein possesses a regulatory subunit carrying a heme where NO binding occurs, while the second subunit harbors the catalytic site. The binding of NO and the subsequent breaking of the bond between the proximal histidine and the heme-Fe(2+) are assumed to induce conformational changes, which are the origin of the catalytic activation. At the molecular level, the activation and deactivation mechanisms are unknown, as is the dynamics of NO once in the heme pocket. Using ultrafast time-resolved absorption spectroscopy, we measured the kinetics of NO rebinding to sGC after photodissociation. The main spectral transient in the Soret band does not match the equilibrium difference spectrum of NO-liganded minus unliganded sGC, and the geminate rebinding was found to be monoexponential and ultrafast (tau = 7.5 ps), with a relative amplitude close to unity (0.97). These characteristics, so far not observed in other hemoproteins, indicate that NO encounters a high energy barrier for escaping from the heme pocket once the His-Fe(2+) bond has been cleaved; this bond does not reform before NO recombination. The deactivation of isolated sGC cannot occur by only simple diffusion of NO from the heme; therefore, several allosteric states may be inferred, including a desensitized one, to induce NO release. Thus, besides the structural change leading to activation, a consequence of the decoupling of the proximal histidine may also be to induce a change of the heme pocket distal geometry, which raises the energy barrier for NO escape, optimizing the efficiency of NO trapping. The non-single exponential character of the NO picosecond rebinding coexists only with the presence of the protein structure surrounding the heme, and the single exponential rate observed in sGC is very likely to be due to a closed conformation of the heme pocket. Our results emphasize the physiological importance of NO geminate recombination in hemoproteins like nitric-oxide synthase and sGC and show that the protein structure controls NO dynamics in a manner adapted to their function. This control of ligand dynamics provides a regulation at molecular level in the function of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (GC) from bovine lung is activated 4-fold by carbon monoxide (CO) and 400-fold by nitric oxide (NO). Spectroscopic and kinetic data for ligation of CO and NO with GC are summarized and compared with similar data for myoglobin (Mb), hemoglobin (Hb), and heme model compounds. Kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural data form a basis on which to construct a model for the manner in which the two ligands affect protein structure near the heme for heme proteins in general and for GC in particular. The most significant datum is that although association rates of ligands with GC are similar to those with Mb and Hb, their dissociation rates are dramatically faster. This suggests a delicate balance between five- and six-coordinate heme iron in both NO and CO complexes. Based on these and other data, a model for GC activation is proposed: The first step is formation of a six-coordinate species concomitant with tertiary and quaternary structural changes in protein structure and about a 4-fold increase in enzyme activity. In the second step, applicable to NO, the bond from iron to the proximal histidine ruptures, leading to additional relaxation in the quaternary and tertiary structure and a further 100-fold increase in activity. This is the main event in activation, available to NO and possibly other activators or combinations of activators. It is proposed, finally, that the proximal base freed in step 2, or some other protein base suitably positioned as a result of structural changes following ligation, may provide a center for nucleophilic substitution catalyzing the reaction GTP --> cGMP. An example is provided for a similar reaction in a derivatized protoheme model compound. The reaction mechanism attempts to rationalize the relative enzymatic activities of GC, heme-deficient GC, GC-CO, and GC-NO on a common basis and makes predictions for new activators that may be discovered in the future.  相似文献   

Free nitric oxide (NO) activates soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), an enzyme, within both pulmonary and vascular smooth muscle. sGC catalyzes the cyclization of guanosine 5'-triphosphate to guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP). Binding rates of NO to the ferrous heme(s) of sGC have been measured in vitro. However, a missing link in our understanding of the control mechanism of sGC by NO is a comprehensive in vivo kinetic analysis. Available literature data suggests that NO dissociation from the heme center of sGC is accelerated by its interaction with one or more cofactors in vivo. We present a working model for sGC activation and NO consumption in vivo. Our model predicts that NO influences the cGMP formation rate over a concentration range of approximately 5-100 nM (apparent Michaelis constant approximately 23 nM), with Hill coefficients between 1.1 and 1.5. The apparent reaction order for NO consumption by sGC is dependent on NO concentration, and varies between 0 and 1.5. Finally, the activation of sGC (half-life approximately 1-2 s) is much more rapid than deactivation (approximately 50 s). We conclude that control of sGC in vivo is most likely ultra-sensitive, and that activation in vivo occurs at lower NO concentrations than previously reported.  相似文献   

Analysis of purified soybean and rabbit reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX) and PA317 cells transfected with human 15-LOX revealed a rapid rate of linoleate-dependent nitric oxide (.NO) uptake that coincided with reversible inhibition of product ((13S)-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid, or (13S)-HPODE) formation. No reaction of .NO (up to 2 microM) with either native (Ered) or ferric LOXs (0.2 microM) metal centers to form nitrosyl complexes occurred at these .NO concentrations. During HPODE-dependent activation of 15-LOX, there was consumption of 2 mol of .NO/mol of 15-LOX. Stopped flow fluorescence spectroscopy showed that.NO (2.2 microM) did not alter the rate or extent of (13S)-HPODE-induced tryptophan fluorescence quenching associated with 15-LOX activation. Additionally, .NO does not inhibit the anaerobic peroxidase activity of 15-LOX, inferring that the inhibitory actions of .NO are due to reaction with the enzyme-bound lipid peroxyl radical, rather than impairment of (13S)-HPODE-dependent enzyme activation. From this, a mechanism of 15-LOX inhibition by .NO is proposed whereby reaction of .NO with EredLOO. generates Ered and LOONO, which hydrolyzes to (13S)-HPODE and nitrite (NO2-). Reactivation of Ered, considerably slower than dioxygenase activity, is then required to complete the catalytic cycle and leads to a net inhibition of rates of (13S)-HPODE formation. This reaction of .NO with 15-LOX inhibited. NO-dependent activation of soluble guanylate cyclase and consequent cGMP production. Since accelerated .NO production, enhanced 15-LOX gene expression, and 15-LOX product formation occurs in diverse inflammatory conditions, these observations indicate that reactions of .NO with lipoxygenase peroxyl radical intermediates will result in modulation of both .NO bioavailability and rates of production of lipid signaling mediators.  相似文献   

Highly purified rat lung soluble guanylate cyclase was activated with nitric oxide or sodium nitroprusside and the degree of activation varied with incubation conditions. With Mg2+ as the action cofactor, about 2- to 8-fold activation was observed with nitric oxide or sodium nitroprusside alone. Markedly enhanced activation (20-40 fold) was observed when 1 muM hemin added to the enzyme prior to exposure to the activating agent. The activation with hemin and sodium nitroprusside was prevented in a dose-dependent manner by sodium cyanide. The level activation was also increased by the addition of 1 mM dithiothreitol, but unlike hemin which had no effect on basal enzyme activity, dithiothreitol led to a considerable increase in basal activity. Activated guanylate cyclase decayed to basal activity within one hour at 2 degrees C and the enzyme could be reactivated upon re-exposure to nitroprusside or nitric oxide. Under basal conditions, Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed, with a Km for GTP of 140 muM with Mg2+ cofactor. Following activation with nitroprusside or nitric oxide, curvilinear Eadie-Hofstee transformations of kinetic data were observed, with Km's of 22 MuM and 100 MuM for Mg-GTP. When optimal activation (15-40 fold) was induced by the addition of hemin and nitroprusside, multiple Km's were also seen with Mg-GTP and the high affinity form was predominant (22 MuM). Similar curvilinear Eadie-Hofstee transformations were observed with Mn2+ as the cation cofactor. These data suggest that multiple GTP catalytic sites are present in activated guanylate cyclase, or alternatively, multiple populations of enzyme exist.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is a heterodimeric, nitric oxide (NO)-sensing hemoprotein composed of two subunits, alpha1 and beta1. NO binds to the heme cofactor in the beta1 subunit, forming a five-coordinate NO complex that activates the enzyme several hundred-fold. In this paper, the heme domain has been localized to the N-terminal 194 residues of the beta1 subunit. This fragment represents the smallest construct of the beta1 subunit that retains the ligand-binding characteristics of the native enzyme, namely, tight affinity for NO and no observable binding of O(2). A functional heme domain from the rat beta2 subunit has been localized to the first 217 amino acids beta2(1-217). These proteins are approximately 40% identical to the rat beta1 heme domain and form five-coordinate, low-spin NO complexes and six-coordinate, low-spin CO complexes. Similar to sGC, these constructs have a weak Fe-His stretch [208 and 207 cm(-)(1) for beta1(1-194) and beta2(1-217), respectively]. beta2(1-217) forms a CO complex that is very similar to sGC and has a high nu(CO) stretching frequency at 1994 cm(-)(1). The autoxidation rate of beta1(1-194) was 0.073/min, while the beta2(1-217) was substantially more stable in the ferrous form with an autoxidation rate of 0.003/min at 37 degrees C. This paper has identified and characterized the minimum functional ligand-binding heme domain derived from sGC, providing key details toward a comprehensive characterization.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase was purified from rat liver supernatant. Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions revealed one major peptide of Mr approx. 69 000. On the basis of the Stokes radius (4.7 nm) and S20,w (6.4S), the calculated Mr value of the native enzyme was 133 000, i.e. it is apparently a homodimer. Kinetics of inactivation by diamide (which was reversible with dithiothreitol) suggested that oxidation of a single class of thiol sites was involved. In the absence of other additions, cyclase activity assayed with Mn2+ was over 7 times that assayed with Mg2+; maximal effects were observed with approx. 5 mM of each (with 1 mM-GTP). The purified enzyme was markedly activated by nitrosylhaemoglobin. Relative activation was much greater in assays with Mg2+ than with Mn2+, although maximal activities were similar. When assayed with Mg2+, the enzyme exhibited a single Km (0.35 mM) for GTP; with Mn2+, plots of 1/v versus 1/[S] were non-linear. Activator or nitrosylhaemoglobin increased Vmax, but did not alter Km in the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+. The enzyme was inhibited by Na3VO4, Na2WO4 and Na2B4O7. Reduction from VV to VIV abolished the inhibitory effect of vanadate. Na2B4O7 (2 mM) inhibited activity with Mn2+, but not with Mg2+. In assays with Mg2+, but not with Mn2+, FMN, NAD+ and NADH (each 0.5 mM) inhibited activation by protoporphyrin IX and nitrosylhaemoglobin. Rotenone (0.6 mM) inhibited activity with protoporphyrin IX to a greater extent than with nitrosylhaemoglobin. Methylene Blue (1 mM) inhibited activation by nitrosylhaemoglobin, protoporphyrin IX and activator. It appears that this enzyme purified from rat liver lacks haem (and perhaps other components) required for activation by NO, and it should be particularly useful for elucidating the mechanism of action of NO, protoporphyrin IX and other activators.  相似文献   

The heme cofactor in soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is a selective receptor for NO, an important signaling molecule in eukaryotes. The sGC heme domain has been localized to the N-terminal 194 amino acids of the beta1 subunit of sGC and is a member of a family of conserved hemoproteins, called the H-NOX family (Heme-Nitric Oxide and/or OXygen-binding domain). Three new members of this family have now been cloned and characterized, two proteins from Legionella pneumophila (L1 H-NOX and L2 H-NOX) and one from Nostoc punctiforme (Np H-NOX). Like sGC, L1 H-NOX forms a 5-coordinate Fe(II)-NO complex. However, both L2 H-NOX and Np H-NOX form temperature-dependent mixtures of 5- and 6-coordinate Fe(II)-NO complexes; at low temperature, they are primarily 6-coordinate, and at high temperature, the equilibrium is shifted toward a 5-coordinate geometry. This equilibrium is fully reversible with temperature in the absence of free NO. This process is analyzed in terms of a thermally labile proximal Fe(II)-His bond and suggests that in both the 5- and 6-coordinate Fe(II)-NO complexes of L2 H-NOX and Np H-NOX, NO is bound in the distal heme pocket of the H-NOX fold. NO dissociation kinetics for L1 H-NOX and L2 H-NOX have been determined and support a model in which NO dissociates from the distal side of the heme in both 5- and 6-coordinate complexes.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is an important downstream intracellular target of nitric oxide (NO) that is produced by endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and inducible NO synthase (iNOS). In this study, we demonstrate that sGC exists in a complex with eNOS and heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) in aortic endothelial cells. In addition, we show that in aortic smooth muscle cells, sGC forms a complex with HSP90. Formation of the sGC/eNOS/HSP90 complex is increased in response to eNOS-activating agonists in a manner that depends on HSP90 activity. In vitro binding assays with glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins that contain the alpha- or beta-subunit of sGC show that the sGC beta-subunit interacts directly with HSP90 and indirectly with eNOS. Confocal immunofluorescent studies confirm the subcellular colocalization of sGC and HSP90 in both endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Complex formation of sGC with HSP90 facilitates responses to NO donors in cultured cells (cGMP accumulation) as well as in anesthetized rats (hypotension). These complexes likely function to stabilize sGC as well as to provide directed intracellular transfer of NO from NOS to sGC, thus preventing inactivation of NO by superoxide anion and formation of peroxynitrite, which is a toxic molecule that has been implicated in the pathology of several vascular diseases.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), a heterodimeric hemeprotein, is the only receptor for the biological messenger nitric oxide (NO) identified to date and is intimately involved in various signal transduction pathways. By using the recently discovered NO- and heme-independent sGC activator BAY 58-2667 and a novel cGMP reporter cell, we could distinguish between heme-containing and heme-free sGC in an intact cellular system. Using these novel tools, we identified the invariant amino acids tyrosine 135 and arginine 139 of the beta(1)-subunit as crucially important for both the binding of the heme moiety and the activation of sGC by BAY 58-2667. The heme is displaced by BAY 58-2667 due to a competition between the carboxylic groups of this compound and the heme propionic acids for the identified residues tyrosine 135 and arginine 139. This displacement results in the release of the axial heme ligand histidine 105 and to the observed activation of sGC. Based on these findings we postulate a signal transmission triad composed of histidine 105, tyrosine 135, and arginine 139 responsible for the enzyme activation by this compound and probably also for transducing changes in heme status and porphyrin geometry upon NO binding into alterations of sGC catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Hyperammonemia is the main responsible for the neurological alterations in hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver failure. We studied the function of the glutamate-nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP pathway in brain in animal models of hyperammonemia and liver failure and in patients died with liver cirrhosis. Activation of glutamate receptors increases intracellular calcium that binds to calmodulin and activates neuronal nitric oxide synthase, increasing nitric oxide, which activates soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), increasing cGMP. This glutamate-NO-cGMP pathway modulates cerebral processes such as circadian rhythms, the sleep-waking cycle, and some forms of learning and memory. These processes are impaired in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. Activation of sGC by NO is significantly increased in cerebral cortex and significantly reduced in cerebellum from cirrhotic patients died in hepatic coma. Portacaval anastomosis in rats, an animal model of liver failure, reproduces the effects of liver failure on modulation of sGC by NO both in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In vivo brain microdialisis studies showed that sGC activation by NO is also reduced in vivo in cerebellum in hyperammonemic rats with or without liver failure. The content of alpha but not beta subunits of sGC are increased both in frontal cortex and cerebellum from patients died due to liver disease and from rats with portacaval anastomosis. We assessed whether determination of activation of sGC by NO-generating agent SNAP in lymphocytes could serve as a peripheral marker for the impairment of sGC activation by NO in brain. Chronic hyperammonemia and liver failure also alter sGC activation by NO in lymphocytes from rats or patients. These findings show that the content and modulation by NO of sGC are strongly altered in brain of patients with liver disease. These alterations could be responsible for some of the neurological alterations in hepatic encephalopathy such as sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

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