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Summary Tannic acid in glutaraldehyde was used to stain microtubules in myelinated and unmyelinated axons of rat sciatic nerve. In the majority of areas the tannic acid failed to penetrate the unmyelinated axons whilst penetrating neighbouring myelinated axons, suggesting a difference in the ability of the two types of nerves to exclude tannic acid. Where tannic acid had penetrated the unmyelinated axons the 13 protofilament substructure and size of the microtubules appeared identical to those seen in the myelinated axons.  相似文献   

Caveolin family is supposed to be essential molecules for the formation of not only caveola structure on cell membrane but also functional molecular complexes in them with direct and/or indirect interaction with other membrane and/or submembrane associated proteins. The direct coupling of caveolin-1 (cav1) with large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel, KCa1.1 has been established in several types of cells and in expression system as well. The possible interaction of caveolin-3 (cav3), which shows expression in some differential tissues from cav1, with KCa1.1 remains to be determined. In the present study, the density of KCa1.1 current expressed in HEK293 cells was significantly reduced by the co-expression of cav3, as well as cav1. The co-localization and direct interaction of GFP- or CFP-labeled cav3 (GFP/CFP-cav3) with YFP- or mCherry-labeled KCa1.1 (KCa1.1-YFP/mCherry) were clearly demonstrated by single molecular image analyses using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analyses with acceptor photobleaching method. The deletion of suggested cav1-binding motif in C terminus region of KCa1.1 (KCa1.1ΔCB-YFP) resulted in the marked decrease in cell surface expression, co-localization and FRET efficiency with CFP-cav3 and CFP-cav1. The FLAG-KCa1.1 co-immunoprecipitation with GFP-cav3 or GFP-cav1 also supported their direct molecular interaction. These results strongly suggest that cav3 possesses direct interaction with KCa1.1, presumably at the same domain for cav1 binding. This interaction regulates KCa1.1 expression to cell surface and the formation of functional molecular complex in caveolae in living cells.  相似文献   

TRAF6 (tumor necrosis factor-associated factor 6) is an essential adaptor downstream from the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor and Toll-like receptor superfamily members. This molecule is critical for dendritic cell maturation and T cell homeostasis. Here we show that TRAF6 is important in high affinity IgE receptor, FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell activation. In contrast to dendritic cells and T cells, TRAF6-deficient mast cells matured normally and showed normal IgE-dependent degranulation. Importantly, TRAF6-deficient mast cells showed impaired production of cytokine interleukin-6, CCL-9, interleukin-13, and TNF following FcepsilonRI aggregation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed decreased NF-kappaB p65 binding to CCL-9 and TNF promoters in TRAF6-deficient mast cells. Antigen and IgE-induced IkappaB phosphorylation and NF-kappaB p65 translocation to the nucleus were diminished in TRAF6-deficient mast cells. NF-kappaB luciferase activity in response to antigen and IgE stimulation was severely impaired in TRAF6-deficient mast cells. In addition, antigen and IgE-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 and JNK, but not ERK1/2, was significantly reduced in TRAF6-deficient mast cells. These results identified TRAF6 as an important signal transducer in FcepsilonRI-mediated signaling in mast cells. Our findings implicate TRAF6 as a new adaptor/regulator molecule for allergen-mediated inflammation in allergy.  相似文献   

GM1 ganglioside has a great impact on the function of nodes of Ranvier on myelinated fiber, suggesting its potential role to maintain the electrical and neuronal excitability of neurons. Here we first demonstrate that visceral afferent conduction velocity of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers are reduced significantly by tetrodotoxin (TTX) or cholera toxin-B subunits (CTX-B), and only the effects mediated by CTX-B are prevented by GM1 pre-treatment. At soma of myelinated A and unmyelinated C-type nodose ganglion neurons (NGNs), the action potential spike frequency reduced by CTX-B is also prevented by GM1. Additionally, the current density of both TTX-sensitive (TTX-S) and TTX-resistant (TTX-R) Na+ channels were significantly decreased by CTX-B without changing the voltage-dependent property. These data confirm that endogenous GM1 may play a dominant role in maintaining the electrical and neuronal excitability via modulation of sodium (Na+) channel around nodes and soma as well, especially TTX-S Na+ channel, which is also confirmed by the reduction of spike amplitude and depolarization. Similar data are also extended to fluorescently identified and electrophysiologically characterized aortic baroreceptor neurons. These findings suggest that GM1 plays an important role in the neural modulation of electric and neuronal excitability in visceral afferent system.  相似文献   

AimsThe aim of this present study was to investigate the changes of peripheral sensory nerve excitability produced by propofol.Main methodsIn a recently described in vitro model of rodent saphenous nerve we used the technique of threshold tracking (QTRAC®) to measure changes of axonal nerve excitability of Aβ-fibres caused by propofol. Concentrations of 10 μMol, 100 μMol and 1000 μMol were tested. Latency, peak response, strength-duration time constant (τSD) and recovery cycle of the sensory neuronal action potential (SNAP) were recorded.Key findingsOur results have shown that propofol decreases nerve excitability of rat primary sensory afferents in vitro. Latency increased with increasing concentrations (0 μMol: 0.96 ± 0.07 ms; 1000 μMol 1.10 ± 0.06 ms, P < 0.01). Also, propofol prolonged the relative refractory period (0 μMol: 1.79 ± 1.13 ms; 100 μMol: 2.53 ± 1.38 ms, P < 0.01), and reduced superexcitability (0 μMol: ? 14.0 ± 4.0%; 100 μMol: ? 9.5 ± 5.5%) and subexcitability (0 μMol: 7.5 ± 1.2%; 1000 μMol: 3.6 ± 1.2) significantly during the recovery cycle (P < 0.01).SignificanceOur results have shown that propofol decreases nerve excitability of primary sensory afferents. The technique of threshold tracking revealed that axonal voltage-gated ion channels are significantly affected by propofol and therefore might be at least partially responsible for earlier described analgesic effects.  相似文献   

A complex sensitivity of afferent nerves in the mesentery of the rat jejunum to systemic administration of histamine has recently been demonstrated. In the present study, we aimed to characterize subpopulations of mesenteric afferents that mediate this afferent nerve response. Multiunit afferent discharge was recorded from mesenteric nerves supplying the proximal jejunum in anesthetized rats. The majority of mesenteric bundles (84%) exhibited biphasic responses to histamine (8 micromol/kg), and these bundles also responded to 2-methyl-5-HT (2m5HT). In contrast, monophasic responses lacked a short-latency component, and these bundles failed to respond to 2m5HT. Single-unit analysis revealed a population of afferents that possessed cosensitivity for 2m5HT and histamine. This population of afferents was absent in chronically vagotomized animals, whereas mucosal anesthesia with luminal lidocaine reversibly converted the biphasic profile to a monophasic one. Ondansetron (500 microg/kg) blocked the response to 2m5HT with no effect on the profile of the histamine response, whereas pyrilamine (5 mg/kg) blocked the histamine response without affecting the response to 2m5HT. We conclude that histamine-sensitive afferents exist in the rat proximal jejunum that also respond to 5-HT via the 5-HT3 receptor. These fibers appear to be vagal afferents originating in the intestinal mucosa and may be involved in the organization of mast cell-mediated responses.  相似文献   

Iron-induced oxidative stress is thought to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Based on our previous in vivo experiments showing that down-regulation of the iron transporters ferroportin 1 (FP1) and hephaestin (HP) might account for the nigral iron accumulation in 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned animal models, in this study we investigated whether FP1 and HP were involved in cellular iron accumulation and the underlying mechanisms in a cell model of PD. The findings showed that 6-OHDA induced FP1 and HP down-regulation, followed by decreased iron efflux and iron accumulation in primary ventral mesencephalic neurons and MES23.5 dopaminergic cells. Silencing of FP1 but not HP led to increased iron levels and aggravated reactive oxygen species generation in MES23.5 cells. Under iron-overloaded conditions, FP1 showed dose-dependent up-regulation, whereas HP showed no response, indicating their down-regulation was not due to the increased intracellular iron content. In 6-OHDA-treated cells, both iron-regulatory protein (IRP) 1 and IRP2 were up-regulated, and silencing of IRPs in MES23.5 cells dramatically blocked 6-OHDA-induced FP1 down-regulation and reversed HP down-regulation. These results suggest that FP1 but not HP contributes to 6-OHDA-induced intracellular iron accumulation, and down-regulation of FP1 and HP by 6-OHDA is IRPs-dependent.  相似文献   

The respiratory response to hypercapnia has been investigated in 10 anesthetized rabbits by use of a rebreathing technique. The responses were obtained in three situations: with one intact vagus nerve (control), during differential block of conduction, and after vagotomy. Differential block was achieved using anodal hyperpolarization by application of a direct current to the cervical vagus nerve. Great care was taken during the differential block to establish that all impulse conduction in myelinated fibers of the cervical vagus nerve was abolished but that the nonmyelinated fibers conducted normally. Additionally, in five more rabbits the nature of the differential block was confirmed from single-fiber recordings of activity in both myelinated and nonmyelinated fibers. The same increase in tidal volume in response to hypercapnia was present in all three experimental situations, indicating that it was not vagally mediated. The increase in frequency in response to hypercapnia in the control state was abolished by vagotomy but preserved when only the nonmyelinated fibers were functioning during the differential block. This increased frequency response, attributable to decreases in both inspiratory and expiratory durations, was usually enhanced during the differential block, despite the slower deeper pattern of breathing attributed to loss of activity in myelinated fibers. The implications of this reflex increase in frequency in response to hypercapnia, mediated by nonmyelinated vagal endings in the lung, are discussed.  相似文献   

The large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (K(Ca)1.1, BK) channel has pivotal roles in the regulation of vascular tone. To clarify the molecular dynamics of BK channels and their functionally coupled protein on the membrane surface, we examined single-molecule imaging of fluorescent-labeled BK subunits in the plasma membrane using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. The dynamic mobility of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-tagged BKα subunit (BKα-YFP) expressed in human embryo kidney 293 (HEK) cells was detected in TIRF regions at the level of individual channels and their clusters on the plasma membrane with a diffusion coefficient of 6.7 × 10(3) nm(2)/s. When BKα-YFP was coexpressed with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-tagged BKβ1 subunit (BKβ1-CFP) in HEK cells, the mobility was reduced by ~50%. Fluorescent image analyses suggest that green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged BKα subunit (BKα-GFP) expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), at low density, preferentially formed a heterotetrameric molecular assembly with native BKα subunits, rather than homotetrameric BKα-GFP. Movement of BKα-YFP in VSMCs (0.29 × 10(3) nm(2)/s) was far more restricted than BKα-YFP/BKβ1-CFP in HEK cells (2.5 × 10(3) nm(2)/s). Actin disruption by pretreatment with cytochalasin D in VSMCs appeared to increase the mobile behavior of BKα-YFP, which was then significantly reduced by addition of jasplakinolide. Most BKα-YFP colocalized with caveolin 1 (Cav1)-CFP in VSMCs, but unexpectedly not frequently in HEK cells. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analyses showed the direct interaction between BKα-YFP and Cav1-CFP, particularly in VSMCs. These results, obtained by single molecule imaging in living cells, indicate that the dynamics of BKα molecules on the membrane surface are strongly restricted or regulated by its auxiliary β-subunit, cytoskeleton, and direct interaction with Cav1 in VSMCs.  相似文献   

This study set out to examine the vasomotor effects of the opioid-like peptide nociceptin on knee joint capsular blood flow in urethane-anaesthetized rats. Topical application of nociceptin (10(-15)-10(-8) mol) caused a progressive fall in joint perfusion that was significantly inhibited by the specific nociceptin receptor antagonist [Phe(1)-(CH(2)-NH)-Gly(2)] Nociceptin(1-13)-NH(2) as well as the nonspecific opioid antagonist naloxone. To test whether this constrictor response was sympathetically mediated, we administered nociceptin in animals treated with guanethidine to produce sympathetic blockade or in the presence of the alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine. Both guanethidine treatment and phentolamine coadministration attenuated the constrictor response to nociceptin. Inhibition of nociceptin-mediated vasoconstriction revealed a supplementary hyperemic response that persisted in animals whose knee joints were treated with 1% capsaicin to destroy the articular unmyelinated nerve supply. These results show that, in the rat knee, peripheral administration of nociceptin primarily causes a sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. In addition, high-dose nociceptin produces a vasodilatatory response that is likely due to the direct action of nociceptin on vascular smooth muscle and not by a neurogenic mechanism.  相似文献   

Evidence for sexual dimorphism in autonomic control of cardiovascular function is both compelling and confounding. Across healthy and disease populations sex-associated differences in neurocirculatory hemodynamics are far too complex to be entirely related to sex hormones. As an initial step toward identifying additional physiological mechanisms, we investigated whether there is a sex bias in the relative expression of low-threshold-myelinated and high-threshold-unmyelinated aortic baroreceptor afferents in rats. These two types of afferent fibers have markedly different reflexogenic effects upon heart rate and blood pressure and thus the potential impact upon baroreflex dynamics could be substantial. Our results, using a combination of a patch-clamp study of fluorescently identified aortic baroreceptor neurons (ABN) and morphometric analysis of aortic baroreceptor nerve fibers, demonstrate that females exhibit a greater percentage of myelinated baroreceptor fibers (24.8% vs. 18.7% of total baroreceptor fiber population, P < 0.01) and express a functional subtype of myelinated ABN rarely found in age-matched males (11% vs. 2.3%, n = 107, P < 0.01). Interestingly, this neuronal phenotype is more prevalent in the general population of female vagal afferent neurons (17.7% vs. 3.8%, n = 169, P < 0.01), and ovariectomy does not alter its expression but does lessen neuronal excitability. These data suggest there are fundamental neuroanatomical and electrophysiological differences between aortic baroreceptor afferents of female and male rats. Possible explanations are presented as to how such a greater prevalence of low-threshold myelinated afferents could be a contributing factor to the altered baroreflex sensitivity and vagal tone of females compared with males.  相似文献   

Voltage gated Ca(2+) channels are effective voltage sensors of plasma membrane which convert cell depolarizations into Ca(2+) signaling. The chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla utilize a large number of Ca(2+) channel types to drive the Ca(2+)-dependent release of catecholamines into blood circulation, during normal or stress-induced conditions. Some of the Ca(2+) channels expressed in chromaffin cells (L, N, P/Q, R and T), however, do not control only vesicle fusion and catecholamine release. They also subserve a variety of key activities which are vital for the physiological and pathological functioning of the cell, like: (i) shaping the action potentials of electrical oscillations driven either spontaneously or by ACh stimulation, (ii) controlling the action potential frequency of tonic or bursts firing, (iii) regulating the compensatory and excess endocytosis following robust exocytosis and (iv) driving the remodeling of Ca(2+) signaling which occurs during stressors stimulation. Here, we will briefly review the well-established properties of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels accumulated over the past three decades focusing on the most recent discoveries on the role that L- (Cav1.2, Cav1.3) and T-type (Cav3.2) channels play in the control of excitability, exocytosis and endocytosis of chromaffin cells in normal and stress-mimicking conditions.  相似文献   

To obtain evidence in the airways that catecholamines inhibit cholinergic neurotransmission, we recorded transverse tension in the posterior wall of an upper tracheal segment in anesthetized cats and compared the inhibitory effect of stimulating cervical sympathetic nerves when segment contraction was evoked by endogenous acetylcholine (vagal tone) with the effect when contraction was evoked by exogenous acetylcholine applied directly to the mucosal surface of the tracheal segment (ACh tone). We found that sympathetic stimulation abolished all contraction evoked by vagal tone but reduced ACh tone by only one-half. In a second group of cats we compared the inhibitory effects of sympathetic stimulation and intravenous isoproterenol during vagal and ACh tone and also during tone evoked by exogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT tone). Sympathetic stimulation or isoproterenol injection abolished all vagal and 5-HT tone but again reduced ACh tone by only one-half. Our results suggest that catecholamines released from sympathetic nerves or injected into the circulation completely inhibit vagal tone. This inhibition may be partially responsible for inducing relaxation in airway smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Multiunit celiac and single-unit cervical recordings of vagal afferents were performed before and during infusions of fatty acids, triglycerides, or saline into either the ileum or jejunum of the rat. In multiunit recordings, lipids increased activity of vagal afferents to a greater extent than saline. The greatest increases in vagal afferent activity resulted from infusions of linoleic acid, conjugated linoleic acid, or oleic acid. The triglycerides, corn oil or Intralipid, were less effective than the fatty acids in affecting vagal afferent activity. Ileal pretreatment with the hydrophobic surfactant Pluronic L-81 significantly attenuated the response of celiac vagal afferents to ileal infusion of linoleic acid. Single-unit recordings of cervical vagal afferents supported the multiunit data in showing lipid-induced increased vagal afferent activity in approximately 50% of ileal units sampled and 100% of a limited number of jejunal units sampled. These data demonstrate that free fatty acids can activate ileal and jejunal vagal afferents in the rat, and this effect can be attenuated by pretreatment with a chylomicron inhibitor. These data are consistent with the view that lipid-induced activation of vagal afferents could be a potential substrate for the inhibitory effects of intestinal lipids on gastrointestinal function, food intake, and body weight gain.  相似文献   

We examined the transfer function of autonomic heart rate (HR) control in anesthetized sedentary and exercise-trained (16 wk, treadmill for 1 h, 5 times/wk at 15 m/min and 15-degree grade) rats for comparison to HR variability assessed in the conscious resting state. The transfer function from sympathetic stimulation to HR response was similar between groups (gain, 4.2 ± 1.5 vs. 4.5 ± 1.5 beats·min(-1)·Hz(-1); natural frequency, 0.07 ± 0.01 vs. 0.08 ± 0.01 Hz; damping coefficient, 1.96 ± 0.55 vs. 1.69 ± 0.15; and lag time, 0.7 ± 0.1 vs. 0.6 ± 0.1 s; sedentary vs. exercise trained, respectively, means ± SD). The transfer gain from vagal stimulation to HR response was 6.1 ± 3.0 in the sedentary and 9.7 ± 5.1 beats·min(-1)·Hz(-1) in the exercise-trained group (P = 0.06). The corner frequency (0.11 ± 0.05 vs. 0.17 ± 0.09 Hz) and lag time (0.1 ± 0.1 vs. 0.2 ± 0.1 s) did not differ between groups. When the sympathetic transfer gain was averaged for very-low-frequency and low-frequency bands, no significant group effect was observed. In contrast, when the vagal transfer gain was averaged for very-low-frequency, low-frequency, and high-frequency bands, exercise training produced a significant group effect (P < 0.05 by two-way, repeated-measures ANOVA). These findings suggest that, in the frequency domain, exercise training augments the dynamic HR response to vagal stimulation but not sympathetic stimulation, regardless of the frequency bands.  相似文献   

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