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The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are implicated in various cellular processes, including sensory signal transduction and electrolyte homeostasis. We show here that the GTL-1 and GON-2 TRPM channels regulate electrolyte homeostasis in the C. elegans intestine. GON-2 is responsible for a large outwardly rectifying current of intestinal cells, and its activity is tightly regulated by intracellular Mg(2+) levels, while GTL-1 mainly contributes to appropriate Mg(2+) responsiveness of the outwardly rectifying current. We also used nickel cytotoxicity to study the function of these channels. Both GON-2 and GTL-1 are necessary for intestinal uptake of nickel, but GTL-1 is continuously active while GON-2 is inactivated at higher Mg(2+) levels. This type of differential regulation of intestinal electrolyte absorption ensures a constant supply of electrolytes through GTL-1, while occasional bursts of GON-2 activity allow rapid return to normal electrolyte concentrations following physiological perturbations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ambient oxygen (O2) influences the behavior of organisms from bacteria to man. In C. elegans, an atypical O2 binding soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), GCY-35, regulates O2 responses. However, how acute and chronic changes in O2 modify behavior is poorly understood. RESULTS: Aggregating C. elegans strains can respond to a reduction in ambient O2 by a rapid, reversible, and graded inhibition of roaming behavior. This aerokinetic response is mediated by GCY-35 and GCY-36 sGCs, which appear to become activated as O2 levels drop and to depolarize the AQR, PQR, and URX neurons. Coexpression of GCY-35 and GCY-36 is sufficient to transform olfactory neurons into O2 sensors. Natural variation at the npr-1 neuropeptide receptor alters both food-sensing and O2-sensing circuits to reconfigure the salient features of the C. elegans environment. When cultivated in 1% O2 for a few hours, C. elegans reset their preferred ambient O2, seeking instead of avoiding 0%-5% O2. This plasticity involves reprogramming the AQR, PQR, and URX neurons. CONCLUSIONS: To navigate O2 gradients, C. elegans can modulate turning rates and speed of movement. Aerotaxis can be reprogrammed by experience or engineered artificially. We propose a model in which prolonged activation of the AQR, PQR, and URX neurons by low O2 switches on previously inactive O2 sensors. This enables aerotaxis to low O2 environments and may encode a "memory" of previous cultivation in low O2.  相似文献   

The dauer larva is a specialized third-larval stage of Caenorhabditis elegans that is long-lived and resistant to environmental insult. The dauer larva is formed in response to a high external concentration of a constitu-tively secreted pheromone. Response to the dauer-inducing pheromone of C. elegans is a promising genetic model for metazoan chemosensory transduction. More than 20 genes have been identified that are required for normal pheromone response. The functions of these genes include production of the pheromone, exposure of sensory neuron endings to the environment, structural and functional integrity of those sensory endings, and the capacity of sensory neurons to make appropriate output. Genetic evidence suggests that two partially redundant sensory pathways act in concert to control dauer formation. At least two classes of chemosensory neurons, ADF and ASI, are implicated in the pheromone response. On the basis of on these findings, a speculative model for the pheromone response is proposed. In this model, the neurons ADF and ASI are pheromone sensors that repress dauer formation in the absence of pheromone and dere-press dauer formation in response to pheromone. It is currently unclear whether or not the two genetically defined sensory pathways both act in ADF and ASI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Egg laying in Caenorhabditis elegans has been well studied at the genetic and behavioral levels. However, the neural basis of egg-laying behavior is still not well understood; in particular, the roles of specific neurons and the functional nature of the synaptic connections in the egg-laying circuit remain uncharacterized. RESULTS: We have used in vivo neuroimaging and laser surgery to address these questions in intact, behaving animals. We have found that the HSN neurons play a central role in driving egg-laying behavior through direct excitation of the vulval muscles and VC motor neurons. The VC neurons play a dual role in the egg-laying circuit, exciting the vulval muscles while feedback-inhibiting the HSNs. Interestingly, the HSNs are active in the absence of synaptic input, suggesting that egg laying may be controlled through modulation of autonomous HSN activity. Indeed, body touch appears to inhibit egg laying, in part by interfering with HSN calcium oscillations. CONCLUSIONS: The egg-laying motor circuit comprises a simple three-component system combining feed-forward excitation and feedback inhibition. This microcircuit motif is common in the C. elegans nervous system, as well as in the mammalian cortex; thus, understanding its functional properties in C. elegans may provide insight into its computational role in more complex brains.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans implicate PcG- and NuRD-like chromatin regulators in the establishment and maintenance of germline-soma distinctions. Somatic cells appear to utilize NuRD-related nucleosome-remodeling factors to overwrite germline-specific chromatin states that are specified through PcG-like activities. The germline, in turn, may rely on an asymmetrically inherited inhibitor to prevent chromatin reorganization that would otherwise erase pluripotency.  相似文献   

To perform high-throughput studies on the biological effects of ionizing radiation in vivo, we have implemented a microfluidic tool for microbeam irradiation of Caenorhabditis elegans. The device allows the immobilization of worms with minimal stress for a rapid and controlled microbeam irradiation of multiple samples in parallel. Adapted from an established design, our microfluidic clamp consists of 16 tapered channels with 10-μm-thin bottoms to ensure charged particle traversal. Worms are introduced into the microfluidic device through liquid flow between an inlet and an outlet, and the size of each microchannel guarantees that young adult worms are immobilized within minutes without the use of anesthesia. After site-specific irradiation with the microbeam, the worms can be released by reversing the flow direction in the clamp and collected for analysis of biological endpoints such as repair of radiation-induced DNA damage. For such studies, minimal sample manipulation and reduced use of drugs such as anesthetics that might interfere with normal physiological processes are preferable. By using our microfluidic device that allows simultaneous immobilization and imaging for irradiation of several whole living samples on a single clamp, here we show that 4.5-MeV proton microbeam irradiation induced DNA damage in wild-type C. elegans, as assessed by the formation of Rad51 foci that are essential for homologous repair of radiation-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Intercellular calcium waves can be observed in adult tissues, but whether they are instructive, permissive, or even required for behavior is predominantly unknown. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a periodic calcium spike in a pacemaker cell initiates a calcium wave in the intestine. The calcium wave is followed by three muscle contractions that comprise the defecation motor program. Normal wave propagation requires the pannexin gap-junction subunit INX-16 at the interfaces of the intestinal cells. In the absence of this gap-junction subunit, calcium waves are frequently absent. The remaining waves are slow, initiate at abnormal locations, or travel in the opposite direction. Abnormal waves are associated with parallel effects in the first step of the motor program: The contractions of the overlying muscles fail to propagate beyond the pacemaker cell, are slow, initiate in abnormal locations, or are reversed. Moreover, the last two motor steps are predominantly absent. Finally, the absence of this gap-junction subunit also affects the reliability of the pacemaker cell; cycle timing is often irregular. These data demonstrate that pannexin gap junctions propagate calcium waves in the C. elegans intestine. The calcium waves instruct the motor steps and regulate the pacemaker cell's authority and reliability.  相似文献   

The nematode C. elegans has attracted a great deal of interest from the neuroscience community due to the simplicity of its nervous system, which in the hermaphrodite is composed of just 302 neurons. C. elegans is known to engage in a number of sophisticated behaviours such as chemo- and thermotaxis. Experimental work has shown that these behaviours can be modified by experience and that C. elegans is capable of associative learning. In this paper, we focus on the chemotactic response of C. elegans to sodium chloride mediated by the ASE sensory neurons. We construct a biophysical model of the ASEL and ASER neurons that captures the time course of the ASE responses in response to up- and down-steps in NaCl concentration. We use this model to show that the time course of the ASE responses provide sufficient temporal resolution to successfully drive chemotaxis in C. elegans via steering, pirouettes and control of final turn angle. We show that these different locomotion strategies are individually capable of driving chemotaxis and that by working together they produce the best chemotactic response. We find that there is a separation into upward and downward drives mediated by the left and right ASE neurons. We show that the connectivity from ASEL and ASER must be of opposite polarity and that ASER, and the concomitant ability to sense when the worm is moving down the gradient, is more important for chemotaxis than ASEL, findings that are consistent with existing modelling studies in the literature. Finally, we examine associative learning in the network and show that experimental data can be explained by changes that occur at either the synaptic or sensory neuron level, the choice of which has distinct consequences for network function.  相似文献   

Okochi Y  Kimura KD  Ohta A  Mori I 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(12):2127-2137
Molecular and pharmacological studies in vitro suggest that protein kinase C (PKC) family members play important roles in intracellular signal transduction. Nevertheless, the in vivo roles of PKC are poorly understood. We show here that nPKC-epsilon/eta TTX-4 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is required for the regulation of signal transduction in various sensory neurons for temperature, odor, taste, and high osmolality. Interestingly, the requirement for TTX-4 differs in different sensory neurons. In AFD thermosensory neurons, gain or loss of TTX-4 function inactivates or hyperactivates the neural activity, respectively, suggesting negative regulation of temperature sensation by TTX-4. In contrast, TTX-4 positively regulates the signal sensation of ASH nociceptive neurons. Moreover, in AWA and AWC olfactory neurons, TTX-4 plays a partially redundant role with another nPKC, TPA-1, to regulate olfactory signaling. These results suggest that C. elegans nPKCs regulate different sensory signaling in various sensory neurons. Thus, C. elegans provides an ideal model to reveal genetically novel components of nPKC-mediated molecular pathways in sensory signaling.  相似文献   

Delta-9 desaturases, also known as stearoyl-CoA desaturases, are lipogenic enzymes responsible for the generation of vital components of membranes and energy storage molecules. We have identified a novel nuclear hormone receptor, NHR-80, that regulates delta-9 desaturase gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we describe fatty acid compositions, lifespans, and gene expression studies of strains carrying mutations in nhr-80 and in the three genes encoding delta-9 desaturases, fat-5, fat-6, and fat-7. The delta-9 desaturase single mutants display only subtle changes in fatty acid composition and no other visible phenotypes, yet the fat-5;fat-6;fat-7 triple mutant is lethal, revealing that endogenous production of monounsaturated fatty acids is essential for survival. In the absence of FAT-6 or FAT-7, the expression of the remaining desaturases increases, and this ability to compensate depends on NHR-80. We conclude that, like mammals, C. elegans requires adequate synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and maintains complex regulation of the delta-9 desaturases to achieve optimal fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The nematode C. elegans displays complex dynamical behaviors that are commonly used to identify relevant phenotypes. Although its maintenance is straightforward, sorting large populations of worms when looking for a behavioral phenotype is difficult, time consuming and hardly quantitative when done manually. Interestingly, when submitted to a moderate electric field, worms move steadily along straight trajectories. Here, we report an inexpensive method to measure worms crawling velocities and sort them within a few minutes by taking advantage of their electrotactic skills. This method allows to quantitatively measure the effect of mutations and aging on worm's crawling velocity. We also show that worms with different locomotory phenotypes can be spatially sorted, fast worms traveling away from slow ones. Group of nematodes with comparable locomotory fitness could then be isolated for further analysis. C. elegans is a growing model for neurodegenerative diseases and using electrotaxis for self-sorting can improve the high-throughput search of therapeutic bio-molecules.  相似文献   

C. elegans responds to and discriminates among a large number of volatile and water-soluble chemicals using a few defined chemosensory neurons. The functions of individual sensory neurons have been defined by cell killing experiments, and genes required for responses to subsets of chemicals have been identified. C. elegans has several large families of putative chemosensory receptor genes, and one of these genes has been demonstrated to encode a receptor for a specific odorant. Current work is aimed at identifying additional components of chemosensory neuron development and function.  相似文献   

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