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Tonic activity in rabbit superior cervical ganglion neurons was investigated using intracellular recording techniques as well as changes produced when the animal breathed a gaseous mix with a raised CO2 level. The test neurons were divided into three groups depending on the pattern of their tonic activity and reflex change. Action potentials were produced by the activity of dominant and accessory preganglionic inputs in the firing pattern of all neuronal groups, implying the existence of other types of inputs into the neurons innervating different organs. Having analyzed changes in action potential rate and EPSP in the tonic activity of neurons from different groups, it was presumed that preganglionic fibers with a similar activity pattern converge on the majority of neurons in each group.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 665–672, September–October, 1987.  相似文献   

Investigation of spontaneous activity (mean amplitude of spikes 200–300 µV, frequency from 0.07 to 2.9 Hz) in the rabbit superior cervical sympathetic ganglion by the sucrose gap method showed that this activity was completely blocked by D-tubocurarine and hexamethonium; its frequency was increased in hypertonic solution, by an increase in the external potassium concentration, and by the addition of theophylline and ethanol. These observations suggest that the activity observed is due to spontaneous liberation of acetylcholine mediator from preganglionic nerve endings. However, addition of tetrodotoxin and an increase in the external calcium concentration to 10 mM block spontaneous activity in the ganglion. This suggests that the observed spontaneous activity consists of action potentials.  相似文献   

Intracellular recording techniques were used to record electrical response from neurons of the rabbit (isolated) superior cervical ganglion to single stimuli applied to bundles of preganglionic fibers as well as tonic electrical neuronal activity in this ganglion during acute experiments in situ. A review of the findings obtained confirms that neurons of the ganglion receive preganglionic synaptic inputs of two types, the first of a single pattern, formed by a preganglionic fiber; excitatory action of the latter on ganglion units suffices to induce postsynaptic action potentials (AP I) and the second of a multiple pattern, formed by several preganglionic fibers with relatively faint excitatory action, capable of evoking postsynaptic action potentials (AP II) only when excited in unison. Interspike intervals for AP I and AP II in tonic neuronal activity conformed to a normal distribution and a random distribution pattern respectively.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 252–261, March–April, 1989.  相似文献   

Electrolyte distribution in rabbit superior cervical ganglion   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Abstract— Superior cervical ganglia of the rabbit were removed and analysed for Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl?. The mean electrolyte content in μmole/g wet wt. was as follows: Na+, 64.7 ± 1.3; K+, 65.1 ± 2.7; Ca2+, 3.71 ± 0.28; Mg2+, 3.70 ± 0.50; and Cl?, 50.15 ± 2.26. Water content was 0.76 ± 0.01 ml/g wet wt. Extracellular space was 0.37 ± 0.01 ml/g, and the vascular space 0.0238 ± 0.0002. The mean resting potential of the rabbit superior cervical ganglion was – 68.6 mv. After correction for extracellular electrolyte content, the potential differences, ENa, EK and Ecl, were estimated to be +33.6 mv, –96.9 mv and -41.1 mv, respectively, in the ganglia. Permeability coefficients for K+, Na+, and Cl? were estimated to be 1:0.06:0.02. Replacement of sodium in physiological saline solution by lithium results in a displacement of 94 per cent of the sodium content of the ganglion and 69 per cent of the potassium after 30 min of equilibration.  相似文献   

The action of ionotophoretic application of acetylcholine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) on neurons of the isolated rabbit superior cervical ganglion was investigated by intracellular recording. The soma of neurons in the ganglion was shown to have no muscarinic receptors and to have only nicotinic receptors scattered irregularly over the whole surface of the neuron soma membrane. Acetylcholine has an excitatory action on presynaptic endings. In about half of the neurons of the ganglion the soma was shown to possess serotonin receptors.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 519–524, September–October, 1978.  相似文献   

The effect of ganglion blocking agents, hexamethonium and tubocurarine, on post-train facilitation and ganglionic transmission was studied and compared in isolated superior cervical ganglion of the rabbit, using electrophysiological technique--the conditioning-testing methodology. The preganglionic nerve trunk was stimulated, with either a single unconditioned stimulus (UR)-or a train of conditioning stimuli at 10 or 30 Hz, followed by a post-train test stimulus (PTR). The transmitted postganglionic, compound action potential (PCAP) was recorded following single and trains of stimuli, in the presence and absence of ganglion blocking drugs, hexamethonium (1-100 microM) and tubocurarine (1-100 microM). Hexamethonium and tubocurarine produced concentration-dependent reduction in the amplitude of the transmitted PCAP, increased post-train facilitation values and proportionately reduced those of the subliminal fringe (SF). The mean IC50 values (concentration to produce 50% block of PCAP) of hexamethonium and tubocurarine-induced blockade of the single unconditioned response were 15 +/- 1 microM and 26 +/- 2 microM (n = 6, P less than 0.01) respectively. A dose-ratio (tubocurarine)/hexamethonium) of 1.7 was obtained.  相似文献   

Changes in the intracellular calcium concentration induced by activation of neurons of the isolated intact rat superior cervical ganglion were recorded. It is concluded that stimulation within the physiological range of frequencies can effectively increase the intracellular calcium concentration in these neurons. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 400–402, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

目的 建立一种高效电转染不同日龄大鼠颈上交感神经节(superior cervical sympathetic ganglion,SCG)神经元细胞的方法.提高转染后细胞的成活率、转染效率和干扰效率.方法 用传统的及经改良的神经元培养液分别培养电转染后的7日龄、14日龄和40日龄SD大鼠SCG细胞,24 h后用台盼蓝染色方法观察并计算细胞成活率;通过改变质粒DNA和siRNA与转染液比例,优化转染条件,于转染24h后在共聚焦显微镜下观察并计算转染效率或干扰效率.结果 改良培养液可使14日龄以上SD大鼠SCG细胞转染后成活率达到75%以上,明显高于传统培养液转染后的成活率(P<0.01),且结果稳定,细胞状态良好,能够满足后续实验研究的要求;优化转染条件后,DNA 的转染率及siRNA的干扰率显著提高,当DNA与转染液比例为1∶100(μg∶μL)时,细胞转染率最高;当siRNA与转染液比例为1∶50(μg∶ μL)时干扰率最高.结论 通过改良神经元培养液及优化转染条件,成功提高了电转染后细胞的成活率、转染效率和干扰效率,利用电转染方法可成功转染不同日龄SD大鼠SCG神经元.  相似文献   

Ongoing activity was investigated in rat superior certical ganglion neurons innervating the submandibular gland using intracellular recording techniques. These cells had previously been labelled by fluorescent marker. Ongoing activity was found in 11% of test cells, with a firing rate of 0.1±0.01 Hz. No ongoing activity occurred in the remainder (89% out of 95). Following an experimentally induced reduction in the number of neurons innervating the gland (which had previously been partially denervated), numbers of cells manifesting ongoing activity rose significantly (from 11 to 42%) and ongoing spike rate rose, at 0.3±0.03 Hz. These changes in neurons innervating the partially denervated gland are thought to result from increased convergence on these neurons of influences from preganglionic fibers.Studies carried out at the Anatomy and Neurobiology Department of Washington University Medical School (St. Louis, USA).A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 826–832, November–December, 1989.  相似文献   

Effects of d-sparteine (d-SP), a ganglionic blocking agent, on membrane currents evoked by iontophoretic applications of acetylcholine to rat superior cervical ganglion neurons, were studied using a whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique. Blocking effects of d-SP were enhanced by membrane hyperpolarization to potentials more negative than –50 mV. Analysis of the d-SP effect on the dose—response relationship suggests that d-SP at concentrations of 0.5–5.0 µM exerts both voltage-independent and voltage-dependent competitive actions on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. No use-dependence of the d-SP-induced blockade was found using paired ACh applications at interpulse intervals longer than 0.5 sec. Inhibitory constantK i estimated by the Dixon method was equal to 0.62±0.15 and 0.28±0.08 µM at membrane potential levels –30 and –90 mV, respectively. These characteristics of the d-SP blocking effects are compatible with a voltage-dependent competitive blocking mechanism. The possibility remains that an open channel-blocking mechanism with a comparatively fast kinetics contributes to the d-SP-induced blockade, but its contribution is small.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 266–272, July–August, 1993.  相似文献   

The effect of tetraethylammonium (TEA) on the currents evoked in neurons of the rat superior cervical ganglion by iontophoretic application of acetylcholine (ACh) was studied using a whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique. Tetraethylammonium was used at a concentration of about 20 µM, providing no blocking effect on the ACh-induced membrane currents at a range of positive membrane potentials and reducing these currents recorded at a range of negative membrane potentials by about half. The blocking effect of TEA increased with hyperpolarization within the –50 to –90 mV membrane potential range, and did not depend on the membrane potential level within a range of 0 to –50 mV. The analysis of dose dependence showed that both the voltage-dependent and the voltage-independent blocking effects are due to TEA competitive action on the ganglionic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). The results suggest that the TEA-induced competitive blockade is voltage-dependent.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 63–66, January–February, 1995.  相似文献   

The background activity of the guinea pig caudal mesenteric ganglion (CMG) neurons and their reflex reactions to colonic distension were studied on isolated combined preparations including the CMG and a colon segment connected with the lumbar colonic nerves. In the control, 62% of the neurons under study generated background activity, which consisted of irregular or regular “fast” excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) and action potentials (AP). In 27% of the CMG neurons called “pacemaker-like neurons” (PLN), the background activity was represented by highly regular AP never observed in the CMG completely isolated from the distal colon. Reflex responses evoked by colonic distension were recorded from 76% of the units studied. The distension evoked fEPSP and AP in “silent” neurons and increased the background activity. Both the background activity and reflex responses were shown to be due to nicotinic cholinergic transmission. In some neurons, reflex responses (regular AP) were generated as superimposed on a slow depolarization; the latter was insensitive to nicotinic antagonists and either sensitive or insensitive to muscarinic antagonists. It has been concluded that CMG neurons receive nicotinic, muscarinic, and, probably, peptidergic afferent inputs from the distal colon. Although there are no true pacemaker neurons in CMG, some neurons generate pacemaker-like activity of a synaptic origin.  相似文献   

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