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Incubation of Drosophila salivary glands with radioactive diisopropyl fluorophosphate results in the uniform labeling of polytene chromosomes. Extensive labeling is seen only when chromosome squashes are prepared by a formaldehyde fixation procedure and not by standard acetic acid techniques. The labeling is inhibited in the presence of tosylphenylalanine chloromethyl ketone and phenylmethane sulfonylfluoride but not by tosyllysine chloromethyl ketone, suggesting that a chymotrypsin-like serine protease is associated with the chromosomes. Protease inhibitors show no apparent effect on heat-shock specific puffing.  相似文献   

We have used a new approach involving in situ hybridisation and electron microscopy to establish ultrastructural homologies between polytene chromosome regions of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila subobscura. Twelve probes were chosen to cover all the chromosomal elements: the myospheroid gene, the collagen type IV gene, the collagen-like gene, the w26 homeobox gene, the β3 tubulin gene, the kinesin heavy chain gene, the tryptophan hydrolase gene, the Hsp82, Hsp22–26 and Hsp23–28, Hsp68, Hsp70 genes and the β unit of the F0–F1 ATPase gene. Most of these loci were previously undescribed in D. subobscura and imprecisely located in D. melanogaster. We have demonstrated here, by an ultrastructural analysis of each chromosomal region, that homologous genetic loci tend to show a similar ultrastructure in the two species. With a few exceptions, the structural homology extends to the chromosomal regions surrounding the loci. In some cases, however, no structurally recognisable homology can be seen either in the locus or in its flanking regions. Received: 15 December 1996; in revised form: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 28 January 1998  相似文献   

Whole-mounted polytene chromosomes were isolated from nuclei by microdissection in 60% acetic acid and analyzed by electron microscopy. Elementary chromosome fibers in the interchromomeric regions and individual chromomeres can be distinguished in polytene chromosomes at low levels of polyteny (26–27 chromatids). Elementary fibers in the interbands are oriented parallel to the axis of the polytene chromosome. Their number roughly corresponds to the expected level of polyteny. These fibers have an irregular beaded structure, 100–300 Å in diameter, and there is no apparent lateral association between them in the interchromomeric regions. Most bands, in contrast, form continuous structures crossing the entire width of the chromosome. Polytene chromosomes isolated in 2% or 10% acetic acid can be reversibly dispersed in a solution for chromatin spreading. The spread chromosomes consist of long uniform deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) fibers with a nucleosome structure. This supports the notion that continuous DNA molecules extend through the entire length of a polytene chromosome and that the nucleosome structure exists both in bands and interbands. Analysis of the band shape and of the fibrillar pattern in the interbands emphasizes that the polytene chromosome assumes a ribbonlike structure from which the more complex three-dimensional structure of the polytene chromosome at higher levels of polyteny develops.  相似文献   

Polytene interphase chromosomes are compacted into a series of bands and interbands reflecting their organization into independent chromosomal domains. In order to understand chromosomal organization, we set out to study the role of proteins that are selective for interbands. Here we describe the Drosophila melanogaster chromodomain protein Chriz that is coimmunoprecipitated with the zinc finger protein Z4. Both proteins colocalize exclusively to the interbands on Drosophila polytene chromosomes. Like Z4, Chriz is ubiquitously expressed throughout development and is associated with chromatin in all interphase nuclei. Following dissociation from chromatin, early in mitosis Chriz binds to the centrosomes and to the mitotic spindle. Newly induced amorphic Chriz alleles are early lethal, and ubiquitous overexpression of Chriz is lethal as well. Available Chriz hypomorphs which survive until pupal stage have a normal chromosomal phenotype. Reducing Z4 protein does not affect Chriz binding to polytene chromosomes and vice versa. Z4 is still chromosomally bound when Chriz protein is depleted by RNA interference.  相似文献   

Fragments from section 3 of the salivary gland X chromosome of D. melanogaster were dissected with a micromanipulator. The DNA was extracted, cut and ligated to a λ vector in a volume of a few nanoliters in an oil chamber monitored through a microscope. From about 10 pg of DNA we obtained 80 recombinant clones, a sample of which were analysed and shown to contain Drosophila DNA which hybridises in situ to the region of section 3 of the X chromosome. With this technique we can isolate clones from any desired region as small as 200 kb from the euchromatic arms of polytene chromosomes. This paper is dedicated to Professor W. Beermann on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

Studies of the position effect resulting from chromosome rearrangements in Drosophila melanogaster have shown that replication distortions in polytene chromosomes correlate with heritable gene silencing in mitotic cells. Earlier studies mostly focused on the effects of euchromatin--heterochromatin rearrangements on replication and silencing of euchromatic regions adjacent to the heterochromatin breakpoint. This review is based on published original data and considers the effect of rearrangements on heterochromatin: heterochromatin blocks that are normally underrepresented or underreplicated in polytene chromosomes are restored. Euchromatin proved to affect heterochromatin, preventing its underreplication. The effect is opposite to the known inactivation effect, which extends from heterochromatin to euchromatin. The trans-action of heterochromatin blocks on replication of heterochromatin placed within euchromatin is discussed. Distortions of heterochromatin replication in polytene chromosomes are considered to be an important characteristic associated with the functional role of the corresponding genome regions.  相似文献   

Salivary glands of third instar Drosophila melanogaster larvae were incubated in vitro in the presence of 5 x 10(-6) M 20-hydroxy-ecdysone. Steroid hormone was localized on the polytene chromosomes of the salivary gland by a combination of photoaffinity-labeling and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Steroid hormone binding to chromosomal loci and their puffing activity was correlated for the larval/prepupal puffing cycle characterized by puff stages 1-10. In general, there was a good correlation between the sequential and temporal puffing activity induced by 20-hydroxy-ecdysone and the binding of ecdysteroid hormone to these puffs. Ecdysteroid hormone was detected at intermolt, and at early and late puffs with two notable exceptions. Ecdysteroid was not detected at the two well-studied puffs at 23E and at 25AC, the former being an early puff, which is activated in the presence of 20-hydroxy-ecdysone, and the latter being an intermolt puff, which regresses more rapidly in the presence of hormone. Ecdysteroid hormone was present at puffs as long as the respective puff was active. Also, it apparently accumulated at late puff sites after induction. Since ecdysteroid binding to chromosomal loci is temporal as well as sequential during the larval/prepupal puffing cycle, additional factors besides steroid hormone are necessary for sequentially regulating puffing and concomitant gene activity during development from larvae to prepupae.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of 125I-labelled 5 S and 18 + 28 S ribosomal RNAs to the salivary polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster was successfully quantitated. Although the precision of the data is low, it is possible to compare the hybridization reaction between an RNA sample and chromosomes in situ with the reaction between the same RNA sample and Drosophila DNA immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. The in situ hybrid dissociates over a narrow temperature range with a midpoint similar to the value expected for the filter hybrid. The kinetics of the in situ hybridization reaction can be fit with a single first-order rate constant that has a value from three to five times smaller than the corresponding filter hybridization reaction. Although the reaction saturates at longer times or higher RNA concentrations, the saturation value does not correspond to an RNA molecule bound to every available DNA sequence. With the acid denaturation procedure most commonly used to preserve cytological quality, only 5 to 10% of the complementary DNA in the chromosomes is available to form hybrids in situ. This hybridization efficiency is a function of how the slides are prepared and the conditions of annealing, but is approximately constant with a given procedure for both 5 S RNA and 18 + 28 S RNA over a number of different cell types with different DNA contents. The results provide further evidence that the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids is the sole basis of in situ hybridization, and show that the properties of the in situ hybrids are remarkably similar to those of filter hybrids. It is also suggested that for reliable chromosomal localization using the in situ hybridization technique, the kinetics of the reaction should be followed to ensure that the correct rate constant is obtained for the major RNA species in the sample and an impurity in the sample is not localized instead.  相似文献   

V N Stegni?  I E Vasserlauf 《Genetika》1991,27(7):1163-1168
The principles of three dimensional organization of primary and secondary orders polytene chromosomes in ovarian nurse cells of Drosophila melanogaster were elucidated. Contrary to somatic tissues, no joining of chromosome arms into local chromocentre was discovered. The chromosomes are separated in the nuclear space and are attached to the nuclear envelope by the centromeric (and the XL arm--by the telomeric) sites, the arms of autosomes (especially primary polytene chromosomes) being separated in the area of attachment. Polytenized XR arm of the X chromosomes were discovered. The architecture of chromosomes discovered in ovarian nurse cells is tissue-specific and differs considerably from the organization of polytene chromosomes of somatic tissues.  相似文献   

The proportion of the Drosophila genome coding for ribosomal RNA was examined in DNA from both diploid and polytene tissues of Drosophila melanogaster by rRNA-DNA hybridization. Measurements were made on larvae with one, two, three and four nucleolus organizer regions per genome. In DNA from diploid tissues the percent rDNA (coding for 28S and 18S ribosomal DNA) was found to be in proportion to the number of nucleolus organizers present. The number of rRNA genes within a nucleolus organizer therefore does not vary in response to changes in the number of nucleolus organizers. On the other hand, in DNA from cells with polytene chromosomes the percent rDNA remained at a level of about 0.1% (two to six times lower than the diploid values), regardless of either the number of nucleolus organizers per genome or whether the nucleolus organizers were carried by the X or Y chromosomes. This independence of polytene rDNA content from the number of nucleolus organizers is presumably due to the autonomous polytenization of this region of the chromosome. When the rDNA content of DNA from whole flies is examined, both the rDNA additivity of the diploid cells and the rDNA independence of polytene cells will affect the results. This is a possible explanation for the relative rDNA increase known to occur in X0 flies, but probably not for the phenomenon of rDNA magnification. — In further studies on DNA from larval diploid tissues, the following findings were made: 1) the Ybb-chromosome carries no rDNA; 2) flies carrying four nucleolus organizers do not tend to lose rDNA, even after eleven generations, and 3) the nucleolus organizer on the wild type Y chromosome may have significantly less rDNA than does that on the corresponding X chromosome.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of intercalary heterochromatin (IH) are compared with those of other types of silenced chromatin in the Drosophila melanogaster genome: pericentric heterochromatin (PH) and regions subject to position effect variegation (PEV). We conclude that IH regions in polytene chromosomes are binding sites of silencing complexes such as PcG complexes and of SuUR protein. Binding of these proteins results in the appearance of condensed chromatin and late replication of DNA, which in turn may result in DNA underreplication. IH and PH as well as regions subject to PEV have in common the condensed chromatin appearance, the localization of specific proteins, late replication, underreplication in polytene chromosomes, and ectopic pairing.  相似文献   

Studies on Feulgen-DNA content in the polytene chromosomes of D. melanogaster T(14)w m258-21 heterozygotes showed that when the euchromatic region 3D1-E2 is located next to the heterochromatic breakpoint it contains less DNA than in the non-translocated homologue (Hartmann-Goldstein and Cowell, 1976). In contrast to the region adjacent to the breakpoint, region 3C1–10, which contains intercalary heterochromatin, shows more DNA in the translocated than in the non-translocated chromosome. Transposition may induce morphologically euchromatic regions containing putatively underreplicated sequences to undergo additional replication cycles. Region 2E1-3A4, distal to 3C1 and at some distance from the heterochromatic breakpoint is apparently unaffected. Extended replication and reduced DNA content in regions which have undergone chromosomal rearrangement could be accounted for by varying degrees of blockage of replication in individual strands of the polytene chromosome.  相似文献   

The mitotic chromosome complement of D. ananassae consists of four structurally distinguishable submetacentric pairs and all four have been identified with their linkage groups. For the polytene chromosome complement of six arms representing the X, second and third chromosomes, an improved reference map has been constructed and used to describe selected cytogenetically useful rearrangements. In meiotic prophase of spermatocytes, chromosomes 2 and 3 form pachytene-diplotene bivalents whose arms may be associated by chiasmata in postdiplotene stages, but the X, Y and fourth chromosomes participate in a complex multivalent. No correlation was detected between meiotic chromosome behavior and specific genes that regulate crossing over in males. In male inversion heterozygotes having high levels of genetically monitored crossing over, no unequivocal evidence was found for formation of either pachytene inversion loops or anaphase bridges and fragments.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster heat-resistant stock T32 is characterized by additional chromatin in the telomeres of the X and 2L chromosomes. Moreover, elevated (32 degrees C) temperature provokes high instability in the telomere morphology, so that sublines can be obtained which have additional chromatin in different chromosomes. Morphological patterns of telomeres in each subline are stable, if flies are kept at 23 degrees C. It was demonstrated using this model that additional chromatin in the "long" telomeres hybridizes actively with 3H-labelled telomere-associated Dm665 probe. The "short" telomeres show far weaker hybridization, if any, with Dm665. This means that morphological changes in the telomeres of polytene chromosomes result from different degree amplification of the telomere-associated sequences.  相似文献   

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