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Total uptake of 3H-thymidine, 3H-thymine, and 3H-deoxyuridineand incorporation of these substances into DNA have been investigatedin excised roots in Vicia faba. Total uptake was found to behigher in excised roots than in intact ones. This was a consequenceof exogenous 3H-DNA precursors entering the excised roots throughthe cut surface. Where the cut surface was not immersed in the3H-thymidine solution 3H uptake was also higher than in intactroots. In this case 3H uptake scemed to be correlated with water-lossfrom the cut surface. Incorporation of 3H-thymidine, 3H-thymine,and 3H-deoxyuridine into DNA was found to be higher in excisedroots than in intact ones, probably as a result of a decreasein the size of the relevant endogenous precursor pools. It issuggested that this decrease resulted from the cessation ofthe supply of DNA precursors to these roots from the cotyledons.  相似文献   

MAcLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(2):237-248
The enzyme thymidine kinase can be induced, or activated, inthe apical 6 cm of the primary root of Vicia faba. The activityof this enzyme is correlated with the amount of thymidine triphosphatepresent in successive 6-mm segments of the root. Thymidine isproduced by cell death. Some of this thymidine may reach themeristem and be used by the apical cells in DNA synthesis, onceit is phosphorylated by thymidine kinase. Most remains in thebasal region of the root, however, where it is used by differentiatingcells. Non-radioactive thymidine, at the concentrations used,has no effect on root growth by elongation.  相似文献   

FYSON  A.; SPRENT  J. I. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):681-692
The development of primary root nodules on the field bean (Viciafaba L.) grown at 10 and 18 °C was examined. The sequenceof anatomical changes observed was the same in both temperatureregimes. Nodules developed much more slowly at 10 °C andthe nodules were much larger when corresponding anatomical changesoccurred. Primary root nodules eventually ceased growth in bothtemperature regimes but ultimate nodule volume was nearly twiceas great as 10 °C as at 18 °C. The larger size did notcompensate for the lower specific nitrogenase activity of cold-grownnodules: nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates on awhole plant basis were much lower at 10 °C than at 18 °C.There was no difference in the total number of primary rootnodules in the two temperature regimes but their distributionwas biased towards the upper part of the root and the epicotylat 18 °C. Vicia faba L., field bean, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, temperature  相似文献   

The Emergence and Early Growth of the Lateral Root in Vicia faba L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(1):69-75
The duration of the mitotic cycle, as well as the proportionof cells with long and short cycle times and quiescent cells,have been investigated in the apical meristems of young lateralroots of Vicia faba. No changes took place in the duration ofC or in the phases of the mitotic cycle as the lateral rootemerged from the primary root, though the proportion of proliferatingcells increased and the quiescent fraction of cells decreased.It is suggested that the low frequency with which newly emergedlateral roots label with 3H-TdR is a result of the formationof a large endogenous pool of TdR in the meristems during theperiod they are temporarily quiescent. The changes which tookplace in the parameters of cell proliferation during the earlygrowth of the lateral root have been correlated with those inroot apical meristems following the onset of seed germination.  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(4):687-697
The effects of colchicine and IAA treatments on mitotic activityin various root proliferating tissues have been determined.Lateral root primordia were not affected by IAA, though 24 hfollowing treatment mitotic activity was severely inhibitedin the apical meristems of 1-cm-long attached lateral rootsand primary roots. Primordia were also less sensitive to colchicinetreatment than root apical meristems. Thus telophase figureswere present in the former meristems 3 h following treatment,but not in the latter. Primordia and apical meristems respondedto the same extent, however, to the colchicine-induced increasein number of cells in metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, 3h after treatment began. The apparent difference between largeprimordia and root apical meristems in this respect was dueto the failure of colchicine to penetrate the cells of the formerproliferating tissues as rapidly as the latter. IAA was foundto prevent the increased MI found 24 h following colchicinetreatment only in those meristems where IAA inhibited mitoticactivity at this time. IAA treatments, either alone or withcolchicine, were also found to maintain mitotic activity in1-cm-long lateral roots which were excised from the primaryroots 24 h previously. In such laterals which were not treatedwith IAA, MI was zero at 24 h. It is concluded from the datareported in this paper that, during the development of rootapical meristems, changes take place in the response of cellsto factors affecting mitotic activity.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   

The effect of the formation of a cavity in the cortex of theprimary root of Vicia faba adjacent to lateral root primordiaon root development has been investigated. Premature exposureof such primordia to the external medium by removing the overlyingtissues of the primary root has no effect on primordium developmentif that primordium was within 48 h of emerging as a lateralroot. Similar exposure of primordia which were at an earlierstage of development and consisted of between 3400 and 7000cells resulted in the generation of a stationary phase, withmost of the nuclei arrested in G1 (presynthetic interphase),48–72 h after exposure began, followed by nuclear degenerationby 96 h. Since no mature vascular tissue was found in theseprimordia until after they emerged as secondary roots, all ofthe nutrients necessary for the maintenance of cell proliferationin these meristems must reach them by simple diffusion fromthe surrounding medium. A preliminary analysis of the liquidcontents of the cavity next to developing primordia demonstratesit to be rich in carbohydrates and it is clear, from the resultsreported in this paper, that cell proliferation in primordia,consisting of a mean number of 5400 cells, is largely dependenton the substances present in the cavity fluid, although somematerials reach the primordium by diffusion from the cells ofthe primary root to which the primordium remains attached.  相似文献   

Uptake of potassium ions, estimated microdensitometrically,and stomatal opening in isolated epidermal strips from Viciafaba L. cv. Aquadulce were both inhibited by incubation of thestrips in solutions of low solute potential. The inhibitionof potassium uptake was substantially reduced by preincubationof the strips in benzylaminopurine1 solution. The data are discussedin terms of the induction of abscisic acid synthesis by waterstress in the epidermal strips and the antagonism to its effectsby BAP.  相似文献   

KASSAM  A. H. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):265-271
Wilting of leaves of Vicia faba L., which occurs when the pressurepotential (p) is zero, and the leaf-water potential () at wiltingboth depend entirely upon the solute potential at incipientplasmolysis (so) and not on soil-water status. Wilting in V.faba is acropetal; this is consistent with the hypothesis thatthere is a gradient of decreasing so up the plant and that wateris transferred from the lower to the upper leaves, hasteningthe overall water loss from the lower leaves to the point whenp is zero. The gradient in so up the plant is of the order of3–8 bar. It is proposed that wilting when p>0 (i.e. > so) shouldbe ‘apparent wilting’ and that when p0 (i.e. so),‘true wilting’.  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(3):551-562
Lateral root primordia in i are first initiated 2–3 daysfollowing the onset of germination, after which they take 5.17–6.35days to complete their development and emerge as lateral roots.Variation in the amount of time elapsing between primordiuminitiation and emergence as a lateral is probably a reflectionof the cell number attained by any one primordium at the timeof emergence. The number of primordia produced per cm of primaryroot growth (5.35–6.65) was not affected by variationin the rate of root elongation, although the number of primordiaproduced each day increased with increase in the rate of rootgrowth. In colchicine-treated roots, the amount of time between primordiuminitiation in the C-tumour and the subsequent emergence of alateral (5.43–6.43 days) was similar to the value obtainedin control roots. Primordia which were present at the time ofcolchicine treatment responded to treatment in a number of differentways, depending on the stage of development reached. Primordiain the first 2.66 days of their development die following treatment;those between 2.66 and 3.69 days old have their developmentinhibited but stay alive; primordia which have been developingfor 3.69–4.91 days following initiation grow out as straightlaterals, while those between 4.91 and 5.77 days old form C-tumoursand emerge as inhibited laterals.  相似文献   

CLOWES  F. A. L. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(2):345-350
Percentages of cells with micronuclei in four regions of theroot meristems of Vicia faba are used as measures of sensitivityto acute X-irradiation. There are two peaks in these percentages,occurring at about four and eight days after 360 rads and twoand six days after 180 rads. Two peaks exist, probably becausethe radiation delays cells that were in G1 much more than cellsthat were in G2 in reaching the first post-irradiation mitosisand consequently in displaying micronuclei in the followinginterphase. The relative heights of the two peaks thereforereflect the relative numbers of cells in G1 and G2 as well asthe relative sensitivity of the two phases to chromosomal damage. The cells of the quiescent centre are injured least by the radiationas they are mostly held at Gt. The meristem thus obeys the lawof Bergonié and Tribondeau, but differs from that ofZea in that the meristematic cells of the cap initials and steleimmediately adjacent to the quiescent centre resemble the quiescentcentre much more closely than the stele 250 µ away inthe numbers of micronuclei produced. This is consistent withthe differences already known between the two species concerningrates of division in the different regions of the meristem andthe behaviour of the meristem after severe radiation injury.  相似文献   

The use of tritium-labeled thymidine (3H-TdR) in biological research made it necessary to develop a quick and accurate method for determination of tritium activity in tissue. After 3H-TdR incorporation into the root tip meristem of Vicia faba, total 3H activity as well as 3H-DNA activity was measured by liquid scintillation counting. The incorporation rate of 3H-TdR using various parameters was examined-for example, the amount of incorporated 3H-TdR as a function of duration of treatment or as a function of thymidine concentration in the nutrient solution. The experimental results together with other data allow the calculation of the average number of incorporated thymidine molecules per labeled cell nucleus. This is necessary to interpret quantitatively the biological effects of incorporated radionuclides.  相似文献   

The fatty acids of the major glycerolipids of Vicia faba leaves were analyzed immediately following 14CO2 feeding. The leaves were fractionated into chloroplast and cytoplasmic fractions and the location of radioactivity in the fatty acids determined. The results indicate that the major site of incorporation of fatty acids is in the phospholipids. Phosphatidylcholine contained the highest level of radioactivity in the cytoplasmic fraction, whereas phosphatidylglycerol contained radioactivity in both the chloroplast and cytoplasmic fractions. The galactolipids contained very little radioactivity in comparison, this radioactivity being confined to high speed centrifugal fractions believed to contain the envelopes of the chloroplast. Our results suggest that phosphatidylcholine is a major site of incorporation of fatty acids (mainly in oleic acid) in the cytoplasm, whereas phosphatidylglycerol is also a site of incorporation involving both oleic and palmitic acids, inside and outside the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The development of lateral root primordia has been investigatedin excised roots of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Zea mays andPhaseolus vulgaris cultured in White's medium supplemented with2 per cent sucrose and compared with previously published dataon such development in primaries of the corresponding intactplants (control roots). Primordia were produced in each batchof excised roots over the 6 day culture period but at a lowerrate (number day–1) than in the controls. Such primordia in cultured roots of Zea and Phaseolus completedtheir development and grew out as lateral roots over a periodsimilar in length to that found in the controls, but with acell number of only about 33 per cent of that attained at thetime of secondary emergence in the primaries of the latter roots.These lower cell numbers were at least partly a reflection ofincreases in mean cell doubling time over the period of anlagedevelopment investigated in the excised roots relative to thecorresponding values found in the controls. Primordia initiated in excised roots of Pisum and Vicia didnot complete their development in culture, i.e. no lateral rootsemerged and arrest took place with cell numbers of only 37 (Pisum)and 17 (Vicia) per cent of the numbers determined at the timeof secondary root emergence in the controls. Such arrested primordiahad few nuclei in S and none in mitosis. Moreover, at leastin Pisum, the frequency distribution of the relative DNA contentof the nuclei in the latter primordia approximated that foundin the apical meristem of primary roots following the establishmentof the stationary phase under conditions of carbohydrate starvation. It has also been demonstrated in the course of these investigationsthat lateral root primordium development in all four speciesis at least biphasic and possibly triphasic. Vicia faba L., broad bean, Pisum sativum L., garden pea, Zea mays L., maize, Phaseolus vulgaris L., dwarf bean, root primordia, anlage, cell doubling time, lateral root emergence  相似文献   

The incorporation of exogenous thymidine and thymine into acid-insoluble material of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris has been studied during germination and subsequent growth. Thymine is not incorporated. The incorporation of thymidine stops after a short time due to the rapid breakdown of thymidine to thymine and deoxyribose-1-phosphate by the inducible thymidine phosphorylase. Deoxyadenosine enhances the incorporation of thymidine as well as of thymine and prolongs the tine of uptake. Uridine stimulates only the incorporation of thymidine but not of thymine. These effects can be explained by the function of these substances within the salvage pathway. Deoxyadenosine acts as donor of deoxyribosyl groups being necessary for the conversion of thymine to thymidine by thymidine phosphorylase and uridine inhibits thymidine phosphorylase, and thereby it prevents the degradation of thymidine to thymine. Thymidine is incorporated into alkali-, RNase-and protease-stable, hot TCA-soluble and DNase-sensitive material. That means that the cellular DNA of T. vulgaris can be specifically labelled by radioactive thymidine in the presence of deoxyadenosine and uridine, respectively.  相似文献   

D. G. Rowlands 《Chromosoma》1957,9(1):176-184
Summary InVicia faba two groups of chromosomes can be distinguished and consequently correlations of chiasma frequency can be calculated between the groups and also within the group of small chromosomes. A negative correlation was demonstrated during some analyses while positive ones occurred in others, in fact a wide range of coefficients could be calculated by both methods. It is suggested that negative correlation of chiasma frequency occurs only when reproduction of the chromosomes is precipitated or pairing delayed, so that the degree of pairing may be affected in plants where many chromosomes are present or where the chromosomes are large in size. Such correlations can have no influence on recombination, but rather they are the occasional outcome of the mechanism controlling chiasma frequency.  相似文献   

Vicia faba cv. Maris Bead was grown either on fixed nitrogenor on ammonium nitrate. After 4 weeks growth, nutrient solutionswere supplemented with 50, 75 and 100 mol m–3 NaCl for15 d. Five harvests were made at weekly intervals, beginningat 4 weeks. Effects of salinity were directly related to dose,plant growth (fresh and dry weight) being depressed in bothN-fixing and N-fertilized plants. The number of nodules perplant and the proportion of those formed which developed intothe active nitrogen fixing state were depressed by salt stress.Increased size of nodules in salt-stressed plants only partlycompensated for the lower specific nitrogenase activity. Theeffects of salinity on plant nitrogen content were more pronouncedon N-flxing than on N-fertilized plants. The former took upmore Na+ and Cl than the latter: the implications ofthis and of ionic imbalance are discussed. Key words: Vicia faba, Growth, Salt stress, Nodulation  相似文献   

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