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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used for wildlife research and monitoring, but little information exists on their potential effect on marine mammals. We assessed the effects of a UAV on the behavior of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in Australia. Focal follows of ten right whale mother-calf pairs were conducted using a theodolite. Control data were recorded for 30 min, and then a DJI Inspire 1 Pro was flown above the whales for 10 min at 5 m altitude. Potential changes to horizontal behavior (swim speed and turning angle) and surfacing pattern (interbreath intervals) were investigated by comparing mother-calf behavior before and during UAV approaches. Changes in respiration rate were used to quantify energetic effects. We also explored acoustic cue perceptibility of the UAV at 5, 10, and 30 m altitude, by measuring the received UAV underwater noise level on whales equipped with acoustic tags (DTAGs). The received noise levels were 86.0 ± 3.9 dB re 1 μPa, while the measured ambient noise was 80.7 ± 7.3 dB re 1 μPa in the same frequency band (100–1,500 Hz). No behavioral response to the UAV was observed. This provides support for UAVs as a noninvasive tool to study baleen whale behavior and ecophysiology.  相似文献   


Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus L. clicks have been studied for nearly fifty years, during which time great efforts have been made to understand the functions and production mechanisms of this sound. Other than clicks, sperm whales may also produce low intensity sounds arranged in short sequences, named trumpets, which have been recorded occasionally in the past by few groups of researchers. Sperm whale recordings collected in the Mediterranean Sea with a towed array and digital tags were used to describe the temporal and spectral characteristics of trumpets. This sound is made of a series of repeated units, around 0.2 s long, arranged in short sequences lasting between 0.6 s to 3.5 s. Each of these units comprises an amplitude modulated tonal waveform with a complex harmonic structure, and a spectrum composed of a low frequency component at 500 Hz and a mid-frequency component at 3 kHz. The apparent source level could be estimated for one of the trumpets and was estimated to be 172 dBpp re: 1μPa at lm with energy flux density of 147 dB re: 1μ Pa2s.  相似文献   

Underwater noise of whale-watching boats was recorded in the popular killer whale-watching region of southern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State. A software sound propagation and impact assessment model was applied to estimate zones around whale-watching boats where boat noise was audible to killer whales, where it interfered with their communication, where it caused behavioral avoidance, and where it possibly caused hearing loss. Boat source levels ranged from 145 to 169 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m, increasing with speed. The noise of fast boats was modeled to be audible to killer whales over 16 km, to mask killer whale calls over 14 km, to elicit a behavioral response over 200 m, and to cause a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in hearing of 5 dB after 30–50 min within 450 m. For boats cruising at slow speeds, the predicted ranges were 1 km for audibility and masking, 50 m for behavioral responses, and 20 m for TTS. Superposed noise levels of a number of boats circulating around or following the whales were close to the critical level assumed to cause a permanent hearing loss over prolonged exposure. These data should be useful in developing whale-watching regulations. This study also gave lower estimates of killer whale call source levels of 105–124 dB re 1 μPa.  相似文献   

The low-frequency, powerful vocalizations of blue and fin whales may potentially be detected by conspecifics across entire ocean basins. In contrast, humpback and bowhead whales produce equally powerful, but more complex broadband vocalizations composed of higher frequencies that suffer from higher attenuation. Here we evaluate the active space of high frequency song notes of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in Western Greenland using measurements of song source levels and ambient noise. Four independent, GPS-synchronized hydrophones were deployed through holes in the ice to localize vocalizing bowhead whales, estimate source levels and measure ambient noise. The song had a mean apparent source level of 185±2 dB rms re 1 µPa @ 1 m and a high mean centroid frequency of 444±48 Hz. Using measured ambient noise levels in the area and Arctic sound spreading models, the estimated active space of these song notes is between 40 and 130 km, an order of magnitude smaller than the estimated active space of low frequency blue and fin whale songs produced at similar source levels and for similar noise conditions. We propose that bowhead whales spatially compensate for their smaller communication range through mating aggregations that co-evolved with broadband song to form a complex and dynamic acoustically mediated sexual display.  相似文献   

Environmental assessments of underwater noise on marine species must be based on species-specific hearing abilities. This study was to assess the potential impact of underwater noise from the East China Sea Bridge wind farm on the acoustic communication of the marbled rockfish. Here, the 1/3 octave frequency band of underwater noise was 125 Hz with the level range of 78–96 dB re 1 μPa, recorded at distances between 15-20m from the foundation at wind speed of 3–5 m/s. Auditory evoked potential (AEP) and passive acoustic techniques were used to determine the hearing abilities and sound production of the fish. The resultes showed the lowest auditory threshold of Sebastiscus marmoratus was 70 dB at 150 Hz matching the disturbance sound ranging 140–180 Hz, which indicating the acoustic communication used in this species. However, the frequency and level of turbine underwater noise overlapped the auditory sensitivity and vocalization of Sebastiscus marmoratus. The wind turbine noise could be detected by fish and may have a masking effect on their acoustic communication. This result can be applied for further to the assessent of fish species released into offshore wind farm marine ranch.  相似文献   

Active acoustic techniques can be used to detect whales. The ability to detect whales from a moving vessel or stationary buoy could reduce conflicts between hazardous human activities and whales, enabling implementation of mitigation procedures. In order to identify acoustic targets correctly as whales, knowledge of whale target strength (TS) is required. Active acoustic detections of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were made in the Norwegian Sea; acoustic data were collected using calibrated omnidirectional sonar, operating at a discrete frequency of 110 kHz. Three fin whales of similar size (estimated between 16 and 18 m total length) had an overall average TS for all insonified body aspects of ?11.4 dB [95% CI ?12.05, ?10.8] at 110 kHz, with a total spread of nearly 14 dB. As expected, the received signals were stronger when the fin whales were insonified at broadside (?5.6 dB). Individual fin whale TS varied by approximately 12 dB, probably due to variation in lung volume with breathing, and to dynamic swimming kinematics. Our TS values are consistent with values reported previously for other large whales. All data together pave the way for development of automated acoustic whale detection protocols that could aid whale conservation.  相似文献   

This study assesses effects of airgun sounds on bowhead calling behavior during the autumn migration. In August–October 2007, 35 directional acoustic recorders (DASARs) were deployed at five sites in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Location estimates were obtained for >137,500 individual calls; a subsample of locations with high detection probability was used in the analyses. Call localization rates (CLRs) were compared before, during, and after periods of airgun use between sites near seismic activities (median distance 41–45 km) and sites relatively distant from seismic activities (median distance >104 km). At the onset of airgun use, CLRs dropped significantly at sites near the airguns, where median received levels from airgun pulses (SPL) were 116–129 dB re 1 μPa (10–450 Hz). CLRs remained unchanged at sites distant from the airguns, where median received levels were 99–108 dB re 1 μPa. This drop could result from a cessation of calling, deflection of whales around seismic activities, or both combined, but call locations alone were insufficient to differentiate between these possibilities. Reverberation from airgun pulses could have masked a small number of calls near the airguns, but even if masking did take place, the analysis results remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Shore-based theodolite tracking of eastern gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) movements was conducted to test for potential whale responses to a high-frequency sonar system. Southbound migrating whales were observed from two California shore observation stations as the whales swam past the source vessel that was moored in their migration path. The sonar transducer was deployed from the vessel during all observations, broadcasting 21–25 kHz sweeps for half of each day, the other half remaining silent. The order of control and experimental periods was randomized. No readily apparent response to sonar transmissions was observed in the field or in the visual data. Statistical analysis of tracking data indicates that, compared to control data, gray whales deflected inshore at ranges of 1–2 km from the vessel during sonar transmissions at a received sound pressure level of approximately 148 dB re 1 μPa2 (134 dB re 1 μPa2s). These data suggest that the functional hearing sensitivity of gray whales extends to at least 21 kHz.  相似文献   

This study investigated immediate effects of intense sound exposure associated with low‐frequency (170–320 Hz) or with mid‐frequency (2·8–3·8 kHz) sonars on caged rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and hybrid sunfish Lepomis sp. in Seneca Lake, New York, U.S.A. This study focused on potential effects on inner ear tissues using scanning electron microscopy and on non‐auditory tissues using gross and histopathology. Fishes were exposed to low‐frequency sounds for 324 or 628 s with a received peak signal level of 193 dB re 1 µPa (root mean square, rms) or to mid‐frequency sounds for 15 s with a received peak signal level of 210 dB re 1 µPa (rms). Although a variety of clinical observations from various tissues and organ systems were described, no exposure‐related pathologies were observed. This study represents the first investigation of the effects of high‐intensity sonar on fish tissues in vivo. Data from this study indicate that exposure to low and midfrequency sonars, as described in this report, might not have acute effects on fish tissues.  相似文献   

In recent years, an increasing number of surveys have definitively confirmed the seasonal presence of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in highly productive regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, very little is yet known about the routes that the species seasonally follows within the Mediterranean basin and, particularly, in the Ionian area. The present study assesses for the first time fin whale acoustic presence offshore Eastern Sicily (Ionian Sea), throughout the processing of about 10 months of continuous acoustic monitoring. The recording of fin whale vocalizations was made possible by the cabled deep-sea multidisciplinary observatory, “NEMO-SN1”, deployed 25 km off the Catania harbor at a depth of about 2,100 meters. NEMO-SN1 is an operational node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) Research Infrastructure. The observatory was equipped with a low-frequency hydrophone (bandwidth: 0.05 Hz–1 kHz, sampling rate: 2 kHz) which continuously acquired data from July 2012 to May 2013. About 7,200 hours of acoustic data were analyzed by means of spectrogram display. Calls with the typical structure and patterns associated to the Mediterranean fin whale population were identified and monitored in the area for the first time. Furthermore, a background noise analysis within the fin whale communication frequency band (17.9–22.5 Hz) was conducted to investigate possible detection-masking effects. The study confirms the hypothesis that fin whales are present in the Ionian Sea throughout all seasons, with peaks in call detection rate during spring and summer months. The analysis also demonstrates that calls were more frequently detected in low background noise conditions. Further analysis will be performed to understand whether observed levels of noise limit the acoustic detection of the fin whales vocalizations, or whether the animals vocalize less in the presence of high background noise.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the auditory capabilities of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris), an amphibious marine mammal that remains virtually unstudied with respect to its sensory biology. We trained an adult male sea otter to perform a psychophysical task in an acoustic chamber and at an underwater apparatus. Aerial and underwater audiograms were constructed from detection thresholds for narrowband signals measured in quiet conditions at frequencies from 0.125–40 kHz. Aerial hearing thresholds were also measured in the presence of octave-band masking noise centered at eight signal frequencies (0.25–22.6 kHz) so that critical ratios could be determined. The aerial audiogram of the sea otter resembled that of sea lions and showed a reduction in low-frequency sensitivity relative to terrestrial mustelids. Best sensitivity was ?1 dB re 20 µPa at 8 kHz. Under water, hearing sensitivity was significantly reduced when compared to sea lions and other pinniped species, demonstrating that sea otter hearing is primarily adapted to receive airborne sounds. Critical ratios were more than 10 dB higher than those measured for pinnipeds, suggesting that sea otters are less efficient than other marine carnivores at extracting acoustic signals from background noise, especially at frequencies below 2 kHz.  相似文献   

褐菖鲉的听觉阈值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用听觉诱发电位记录技术研究了褐菖鲉(Sebasticus marmoratus)的听觉阈值。通过采用听觉生理系统记录和分析了8尾褐菖鲉对频率范围在100—1000 Hz的7种不同频率的声音刺激的诱发电位反应。结果表明, 褐菖鲉的听觉阈值在整体上随着频率增加而增加, 对100—300 Hz的低频声音信号敏感, 最敏感频率为150 Hz, 对应的听觉阈值为70 dB re 1 μPa。褐菖鲉的听觉敏感区间与其发声频率具有较高的匹配性, 表明其声讯交流的重要性。同时, 人为低频噪声可能对其声讯交流造成影响。  相似文献   

Summary In order to determine whether correlations exist between hearing and the known soundproduction abilities in piranhas (Serrasalmus nattereri), behavioral auditory thresholds were obtained with continuous tones and tone pulses. A new avoidance conditioning method was developed, where fin movements of caged animals were taken as response to a tone. The mean values of the far-field audiogram ranged from –26 dB re. 0.1 Pa at 80 Hz to a low point of about –43 dB between 220–350 Hz and rose to –14 dB at 1500 Hz. The frequency spectrum of typical drumming sounds (barks) covers the range of best hearing (100–600 Hz).Piranhas are able to integrate temporally acoustic signals: in threshold investigations with repeated tone pulses, the thresholds rose approximately exponentially with decreasing pulse duration and repetition rate; thresholds of single pulses were higher with shorter pulses. The temporal patterning of the calls and the temporal integration ability are well correlated in piranhas, optimizing intraspecific detectability and total length of sound production with respect to the fatigue characteristics of drumming muscles and habituation of the neural pacemaker.The lagenae of the piranhas were found to face laterofrontally; this is thought to be a morphological adaptation to sound production, saving the lagenae from excessive strain during activation of the drumming muscles.Abbreviations Cl acoustic condition 1, where a board with the air loudspeaker rested on the experimental tank upon a layer of felt - C2 acoustic condition 2, where the loudspeaker was freely mounted 20 cm above the water surface - d p pulse duration - f p pulse repetition rate - D duty cycle  相似文献   

Archival bottom‐mounted audio recorders were deployed in nine different areas of the western Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, and adjacent North Atlantic waters during 2006–2009 to study fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) seasonal presence and population structure. Analysis of 29,822 recording hours revealed typical long, patterned sequences of 20 Hz notes (here called “song”), back‐beats, 135–140 Hz notes, and downsweeps. Acoustic parameters (internote interval, note duration, frequency range, center and peak frequencies) were statistically compared among songs and song notes recorded in all areas. Fin whale singers producing songs attributable to the northeastern North Atlantic subpopulation were detected crossing the Strait of Gibraltar and wintering in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea (Alboran basin), while songs attributed to the Mediterranean were detected in the northwest Mediterranean basin. These results suggest that the northeastern North Atlantic fin whale distribution extends into the southwest Mediterranean basin, and spatial and temporal overlap may exist between this subpopulation and the Mediterranean subpopulation. This new interpretation of the fin whale population structure in the western Mediterranean Sea has important ecological and conservation implications. The conventionally accepted distribution ranges of northeastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean fin whale subpopulations should be reconsidered in light of the results from this study.  相似文献   

Sounds were produced by the topmouth minnow Pseudorasbora parva , a common Eurasian cyprinid, during feeding but not during intraspecific interactions. Feeding sounds were short broadband pulses with main energies between 100 and 800 Hz. They varied in their characteristics (number of single sounds per feeding sequence, sound duration and period, and sound pressure level) depending on the food type (chironomid larvae, Tubifex worms and flake food). The loudest sounds were emitted when food was taken up at the water surface, most probably reflecting 'suctorial' feeding. Auditory sensitivities were determined between 100 and 4000 Hz utilizing the auditory evoked potentials recording technique. Under laboratory conditions and in the presence of natural ambient noise recorded in Lake Neusiedl in eastern Austria, best hearing sensitivities were between 300 and 800 Hz (57 dB re 1 μPa v . 72 dB in the presence of ambient noise). Threshold-to-noise ratios were positively correlated to the sound frequency. The correlation between sound spectra and auditory thresholds revealed that P. parva can detect conspecific sounds up to 40 cm distance under ambient noise conditions. Thus, feeding sounds could serve as an auditory cue for the presence of food during foraging.  相似文献   


Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signals should be loud, omni-directional and easy to recognise and localise. Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris mating calls (booms) are known to be loud and probably omni-directional but there is no data on acoustic localisation of this species. We made recordings of bittern booms with a 4-element GPS-linked microphone array, calibrated for absolute sound pressure level measurements. Receiver spacing was 65 to 294 m. The source level was 101 ± 3 dB re 20 μPa @ 1 m. The source level did not vary more than 7 dB for the same boom recorded at two different locations, with angular separations of 3°-27° as seen from the source. The geometric transmission loss was close to spherical, and the excess attenuation was much smaller than what was expected from the prevailing temperature and humidity conditions. The prevailing wind conditions caused sound velocity variations of up to 3%. The source location error was 104 ± 113 m (mean ± 1 s.d.). The prevalence of large location errors was probably caused by problems of discerning the direct path from multipath arrivals of the signal at the receivers and by sound velocity variations.  相似文献   

Signal source intensity and detection range, which integrates source intensity with propagation loss, background noise and receiver hearing abilities, are important characteristics of communication signals. Apparent source levels were calculated for 819 pulsed calls and 24 whistles produced by free-ranging resident killer whales by triangulating the angles-of-arrival of sounds on two beamforming arrays towed in series. Levels in the 1–20 kHz band ranged from 131 to 168 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m, with differences in the means of different sound classes (whistles: 140.2±4.1 dB; variable calls: 146.6±6.6 dB; stereotyped calls: 152.6±5.9 dB), and among stereotyped call types. Repertoire diversity carried through to estimates of active space, with “long-range” stereotyped calls all containing overlapping, independently-modulated high-frequency components (mean estimated active space of 10–16 km in sea state zero) and “short-range” sounds (5–9 km) included all stereotyped calls without a high-frequency component, whistles, and variable calls. Short-range sounds are reported to be more common during social and resting behaviors, while long-range stereotyped calls predominate in dispersed travel and foraging behaviors. These results suggest that variability in sound pressure levels may reflect diverse social and ecological functions of the acoustic repertoire of killer whales.  相似文献   


Exact locations of spawning areas used by marine fishes are needed to design marine reserves and estimate spawning stocks. The location of spawning areas of soniferous fishes such as weakfish Cynoscion regalis can be determined by means of passive hydroacoustic surveys. We conducted nocturnal hydrophone surveys at 12 locations in Pamlico Sound in May of 1996 and 1997. Digital audio tapes were made of weakfish “purring” sounds, the tapes were analyzed spectrographically and compared with ichthyoplankton surveys taken at the same stations and times. All weakfish “purring” sounds were recorded at stations near inlets. Maximum sound pressure levels recorded after sunset were 127 dB (re 1 (μPa) for individual weakfish, but reached a maximum of 147 dB when weakfish and other fish were producing sounds simultaneously. The maximum distance that an individual weakfish “purr” can be detected above the background sound, assuming a cylindrical spreading model, is approximately 50 m. There was a strong association (r = 0.78) between the log10— transformed abundance of early-stage sciaenid-type eggs and maximum sound pressure levels, with the greatest numbers occurring at the inlet stations. These results suggest that passive hydroacoustic surveys can be used to delimit spawning areas for conservation and management purposes.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of beaked whales (Family: Ziphiidae) to intense sound exposure has led to interest in their behavioral responses to mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS, 3–8 kHz). Here we present satellite-transmitting tag movement and dive behavior records from Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) tagged in advance of naval sonar exercises at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in the Bahamas. This represents one of the largest samples of beaked whales individually tracked during sonar operations (n = 7). The majority of individuals (five of seven) were displaced 28–68 km after the onset of sonar exposure and returned to the AUTEC range 2–4 days after exercises ended. Modeled sound pressure received levels were available during the tracking of four individuals and three of those individuals showed declines from initial maxima of 145–172 dB re 1 μPa to maxima of 70–150 dB re 1 μPa following displacements. Dive behavior data from tags showed a continuation of deep diving activity consistent with foraging during MFAS exposure periods, but also suggested reductions in time spent on deep dives during initial exposure periods. These data provide new insights into behavioral responses to MFAS and have important implications for modeling the population consequences of disturbance.  相似文献   

Fishes are constantly exposed to various sources of noise in their underwater acoustic environment. Many of these sounds are from anthropogenic sources, especially engines of boats. Noise generated from a small boat with a 55 horsepower outboard motor was played back to fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, for 2 h at 142 dB (re: 1 Pa), and auditory thresholds were measured using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) technique. The results demonstrate that boat engine noise significantly elevate a fish's auditory threshold at 1 kHz (7.8 dB), 1.5 kHz (13.5 dB), and 2.0 kHz (10.5 dB), the most sensitive hearing range of this species. Such a short duration of noise exposure leads to significant changes in hearing capability, and implies that man-made noise generated from boat engines can have far reaching environmental impacts on fishes.  相似文献   

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