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The function of bird song is closely linked to sexual selection through female choice and male–male competition, and thus variation in communication success is likely to have major fitness consequences for a singing male. A crucial constraint on signal transmission is imposed by background noise, which may include songs from other species. I investigated whether singing nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) avoid temporal overlap with the songs of other bird species in a playback experiment. I analysed the temporal song patterns of six males, each of which were exposed to songs of other species. The nightingales significantly avoided overlapping their songs with the playback songs, and started singing preferentially during the silent intervals between the heterospecific songs. This timing of song onset produced a greater variability in pause duration compared to the nightingales’ undisturbed solo singing. These findings suggest that birds adjust their song timing to avoid acoustic interference on short temporal scales, and thus are able to improve the efficiency of acoustic communication in complex sonic environments. Moreover, the results indicate that temporal song patterns can be affected by the songs of other species, and thus such influences should be taken into account when studying bird song in the field.  相似文献   

Urban habitats are noisy and constrain acoustic communication in birds. We analysed the effect of anthropogenic noise on the vocalization characteristics of House Wrens Troglodytes aedon at two sites with different noise levels (rural and urban). We measured in each song and song trill the frequency bandwidth, maximum amplitude, highest and minimum frequency, and trill rate. In noisy urban environments, there was a reduction in bandwidth and an increase in trill rate relative to quieter, rural environments. The whole song of birds from both populations increased in minimum frequency as noise increased, improving song transmission.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

J. VIELLIARD 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(3):239-240
Although it is highly recognisable, relatively little is known about the repertoire composition and singing behaviour of the Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus). To address this, we recorded spontaneously singing males in two eastern populations (Halifax, NS (n = 11) and Hancock County, ME (n = 7)) and analysed the recordings with respect to repertoire size, basic song type characteristics and song syntax. Males had song type repertoires of 7–12 song types, and no song type sharing between individuals was observed within or between populations. While frequency-related structural characteristics of the song types were the same between the populations, song type duration (especially that of the introductory note) differed significantly. The song types within each repertoire could be categorised into high and low song types based on introductory note frequency, and these song type categories also differed with respect to the amount and distribution of spectral energy. In both populations, males sang with immediate variety, never repeating the same song type consecutively, and preferentially used some song-type to song-type transitions more than others. In addition, we found correlational evidence of changes in singing behaviour (e.g., the relative use of low versus high song types) over the course of the breeding season. We discuss these findings in the context of other songbird research as well as their implications for future work examining how Hermit Thrush males utilise their songs in defending territories and attracting mates.  相似文献   

Song learning has evolved within several avian groups. Although its evolutionary advantage is not clear, it has been proposed that song learning may be advantageous in allowing birds to adapt their songs to the local acoustic environment. To test this hypothesis, we analysed patterns of song adjustment to noisy environments and explored their possible link to song learning. Bird vocalizations can be masked by low‐frequency noise, and birds respond to this by singing higher‐pitched songs. Most reports of this strategy involve oscines, a group of birds with learning‐based song variability, and it is doubtful whether species that lack song learning (e.g. suboscines) can adjust their songs to noisy environments. We address this question by comparing the degree of song adjustment to noise in a large sample of oscines (17 populations, 14 species) and suboscines (11 populations, 7 species), recorded in Brazil (Manaus, Brasilia and Curitiba) and Mexico City. We found a significantly stronger association between minimum song frequency and noise levels (effect size) in oscines than in suboscines, suggesting a tighter match in oscines between song transmission capacity and ambient acoustics. Suboscines may be more vulnerable to acoustic pollution than oscines and thus less capable of colonizing cities or acoustically novel habitats. Additionally, we found that species whose song frequency was more divergent between populations showed tighter noise–song frequency associations. Our results suggest that song learning and/or song plasticity allows adaptation to new habitats and that this selective advantage may be linked to the evolution of song learning and plasticity.  相似文献   

Many animals defend territories against conspecific individuals using acoustic signals. In birds, male vocalizations are known to play a critical role in territory defence. Territorial acoustic signals in females have been poorly studied, perhaps because female song is uncommon in north‐temperate ecosystems. In this study, we compare male vs. female territorial singing behaviour in Neotropical rufous‐and‐white wrens Thryothorus rufalbus, a species where both sexes produce solo songs and often coordinate their songs in vocal duets. We recorded free‐living birds in Costa Rica using an eight‐microphone Acoustic Location System capable of passively triangulating the position of animals based on their vocalizations. We recorded 17 pairs of birds for 2–4 consecutive mornings and calculated the territory of each individual as a 95% fixed kernel estimate around their song posts. We compared territories calculated around male vs. female song posts, including separate analyses of solo vs. duet song posts. These spatial analyses of singing behaviour reveal that males and females use similarly sized territories with more than 60% overlap between breeding partners. Territories calculated based on solo vs. duet song posts were of similar size and similar degrees of overlap. Solos and duets were performed at similar distances from the nest for both sexes. Overall, male and female rufous‐and‐white wrens exhibit very similar spatial territorial singing behaviour, demonstrating congruent patterns of male and female territoriality.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals play a fundamental role in avian territory defence and mate attraction. Several studies have now shown that spectral properties of bird song differ between urban and rural environments. Previously this has been attributed to competition for acoustic space as a result of low-frequency noise present in cities. However, the physical structure of urban areas may have a contributory effect. Here we investigate the sound degradation properties of woodland and city environments using both urban and rural great tit song. We show that although urban surroundings caused significantly less degradation to both songs, the transmission efficiency of rural song compared to urban song was significantly lower in the city. While differences between the two songs in woodland were generally minimal, some measures of the transmission efficiency of rural song were significantly lower than those of urban song, suggesting additional benefits to singing rural songs in this setting. In an attempt to create artificial urban song, we mimicked the increase in minimum frequency found several times previously in urban song. However, this did not replicate the same transmission properties as true urban song, suggesting changes in other song characteristics, such as temporal adjustments, are needed to further increase transmission of an avian signal in the city. We suggest that the structure of the acoustic environment, in addition to the background noise, plays an important role in signal adaptation.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus songbirds initiate singing activities just prior to sunrise. Environmental factors affect the timing of the dawn chorus, but relatively little is known about how behavioural cues influence chorus timing. We assessed whether early playback of conspecific and heterospecific song influenced chorus start times in two early‐singing temperate species, hermit thrush Catharus guttatus and veery C. fuscescens. We used arrays of GPS time‐synchronized recorders to record the dawn chorus at 30 locations. In each location, thirty minutes prior to natural chorus initiation, we broadcast: 1) an early singing species (hermit thrush or veery), 2) a late singing species (black‐throated green warbler Setophaga virens or Nashville warbler Oreothlypis ruficapilla), 3) a noise control, and 4) also recorded without playback (silent control). Playback treatments were separated by two‐three days at each location. Both hermit thrush and veery sang significantly earlier in response to conspecific playback compared to noise or silent controls. Both species also sang earlier in response to conspecific playback compared to the day before or the day after playback. Neither species sang earlier in response to heterospecific playback (regardless of whether the broadcast species was a naturally early or late song initiator) compared to noise or silent controls. Our results support the theory that the dawn chorus is a communication network where individuals attend primarily to conspecific cues; heterospecific song appears to have minimal impacts on the chorus start times of the two early‐singing species we investigated.  相似文献   

The rapid development of wind energy may have negative effects on bird populations, including collisions with turbines, displacement due to disturbance or habitat loss, indirect effects of reduced breeding success and barrier effects. This challenging conservation issue has attracted a great deal of interest, but the noise generated by turbines has been largely overlooked. Here, we studied acoustic behaviour of Skylarks Alauda arvensis in relation to wind farm start‐up to assess whether a change in song parameters can indicate a deterioration in the acoustic environment. We recorded territorial males displaying close to operating and non‐operating turbines and at a control site without turbines. In the following breeding season, we undertook replications at the same sites, except that the non‐operating turbines were now in operation. We found that Skylarks displaying at the wind farm were affected by wind turbine noise. Males singing close to operating wind turbines sang higher‐frequency songs than males from a control site and those that displayed near non‐operating turbines. In addition, an upward frequency shift in songs was observed when non‐operating turbines started to operate in the consecutive season. We therefore conclude that the frequency shift observed did not result from turbine presence, but from the noise they started to generate. This shows that a change in song parameters may reliably and within a relatively short time indicate a significant deterioration of the acoustic environment as a consequence of wind farm start‐up. This may help conservation biologists to identify species and populations that are particularly susceptible to wind farm noise.  相似文献   

Many bird species participate in dawn singing, a behaviour categorized by intensive singing at dawn; however, many of these species deliver only one song type at dawn. While there are many proximate and ultimate hypotheses for why birds sing at dawn, little is known about whether males are able to vary one simple song to convey different information. We used autonomous acoustic recorders to record dawn songs of field sparrows and quantified three parameters of singing performance: 1) bout length, 2) song rate, and 3) song complexity. We found that males sang the longest dawn bouts during their mate's fertile period, the highest song rates during the post-fertile period, and the most complex songs during the pre-fertile period. The change in dawn singing behaviour with their mate's breeding stage suggest the purpose of dawn song may be context dependent. Our results demonstrate that male field sparrows, while only having a single song type sung at dawn, may convey information for both intra- and intersexual purposes. While it is generally assumed that dawn song has a specific function, the variability in the duration, rate, and complexity of dawn song in field sparrows suggests that they are conveying different information and that dawn song likely has multiple functions.  相似文献   

The courtship song of Drosophila has been extensively used as a model system for studies of sexual selection and species recognition. Traditionally, the courtship song has been recorded from males placed individually with a female. However, under natural conditions females are exposed to multiple courting males, and the effect of their joint signal on mate recognition by the female is not yet understood. Here, we recorded the courtship behavior of D. melanogaster males singing either individually to a female lpar;1:1) or in the presence of an additional male lpar;2:1). We compared the structure of the male song in the two experimental designs. Our results show that when two males courted a female their songs could overlap each other. Males produced a significantly different signal in the presence of competition; the duration of each song component was significantly shorter and the rate of singing was markedly lower. The present study demonstrates that male competition can dramatically alter the acoustic signal detected by the female.  相似文献   

Hoopoe (Upupa epops, Coraciformes) males produce a very simple song during the breeding season in order to attract females and repel intruders. Strophes vary in length (i.e. number of elements) both within and between males, and previous studies have shown that this song cue is positively correlated with male condition and breeding success. In the present study we tested whether strophe length of males influences male behaviour during intra‐sexual contests, in a colour‐ringed population in southeast Spain. Paired males were presented with a recorded song with long strophes during the pre‐laying period, while they were near their mates, in order to provoke male mate‐defence behaviour. Most males responded to the playback, but the strategy of defence adopted depended on their own strophe length in spontaneous songs recorded before the experiments. While singing responses were common to most of the males, only those using long strophes adopted the most risky strategy of approaching the loudspeaker. However, the males that approached produced abnormal songs during playback, that were shorter and with fewer strophes than those of males that did not approach, and used shorter strophes in comparison with spontaneous songs before the experiment. These differences in quality of the song produced in response to the playback suggest that long‐strophe males were basing their response mainly on attacking rather than singing, while short‐strophe males tried to resolve the contest at a distance by means of their song. These results show that strophe length reflects some component of the competitive ability of males (either physical strength or aggressiveness) in the hoopoe, which together with previous results regarding its role for female choice, show that it is a sexual signal with dual function.  相似文献   

Patterns of geographic variation in communication systems can provide insight into the processes that drive phenotypic evolution. Although work in birds, anurans, and insects demonstrates that acoustic signals are sensitive to diverse selective and stochastic forces, processes that shape variation in mammalian vocalizations are poorly understood. We quantified geographic variation in the advertisement songs of sister species of singing mice, montane rodents with a unique mode of vocal communication. We tested three hypotheses to explain spatial variation in the song of the lower altitude species, Scotinomys teguina: selection for species recognition in sympatry with congener, S. xerampelinus, acoustic adaptation to different environments, and stochastic divergence. Mice were sampled at seven sites in Costa Rica and Panamá; genetic distances were estimated from mitochondrial control region sequences, between‐site differences in acoustic environment were estimated from climatic data. Acoustic, genetic and geographic distances were all highly correlated in S. teguina, suggesting that population differentiation in song is largely shaped by genetic drift. Contrasts between interspecific genetic‐acoustic distances were significantly greater than expectations derived from intraspecific contrasts, indicating accelerated evolution of species‐specific song. We propose that, although much intraspecific acoustic variation is effectively neutral, selection has been important in shaping species differences in song.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise produced by human activities affects acoustic communication in animals living in urban habitats. We recorded the calling songs of the cicada Cryptotympana takasagona in the Kaohsiung metropolitan areas of southern Taiwan to investigate possible acoustic adaptations to anthropogenic noise. C. takasagona did not call more in noise gaps. Acoustic features (peak frequency, quartile 25%, quartile 50%, and quartile 75%) of calling songs significantly increased with ambient noise levels. C. takasagona shifted the energy distribution of calling songs to higher frequencies in the presence of higher noise levels. We suggest that the acoustic adaptation by which song frequencies increase with levels of anthropogenic noise in C. takasagona may result from a size-dependent calling strategy in which small-sized males call more in noise conditions or large-sized males adjust their song frequency by changing their abdominal cavities.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise (≤ 3 kHz) can affect key features of birds’ acoustic communication via two different processes: (1) song‐learning, because songbirds need to hear themselves and other birds to crystallize their song, and (2) avoidance of song elements that overlap with anthropogenic noise. In this study we tested whether anthropogenic noise reduces the number of song elements in the repertoire of House Wren Troglodytes aedon, an urban species. Additionally, we tested whether the proportion of high‐frequency elements (i.e. elements where the minimum frequency is above 3 kHz) is related to anthropogenic noise levels, and how the frequencies and duration of shared elements between males change with different levels of anthropogenic noise. We recorded 29 House Wren males exposed to different anthropogenic noise levels (36.50–79.50 dB) during two consecutive breeding seasons from four locations. We recorded each male on 2 days during each season continuously for 50 min (we collected 104 h of recordings) and measured anthropogenic noise levels every 10 min inside each male territory during the recording period. In general, individuals inhabiting noisier territories had smaller repertoires. However, only in two locations with anthropogenic noise levels between 38.60 and 79.50 dB did males inhabiting noisier territories have smaller repertoires. In the other two locations with lower anthropogenic noise (36.50–66.50 dB), the anthropogenic noise inside each territory was not related to the repertoire size. Individuals inhabiting the noisiest location showed a tendency to include more high‐frequency elements in their songs. In 26% of the elements, the anthropogenic noise affected their frequency features. Our results showed that not all House Wrens inhabiting urban environments modify their songs at the highest level of organization (i.e. repertoire) to reduce the masking effect of anthropogenic noise on acoustic communication.  相似文献   

Previous studies detected an influence of urban characteristics on song traits in passerine birds, that is, song adjustments to ambient noise in urban areas. Several studies already described the effect of weather conditions on the behavior of birds, but not the effect on song traits. We investigate, if song trait variability changes along a continuous urbanity gradient in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. We examined, for the first time on a larger scale, the influence of weather on song parameters. We made song recordings of three common passerine species: the blue and great tit (Cyanistes caeruleus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Parus major Linnaeus, 1758) and the European blackbird (Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758). We measured different song traits and performed statistical analyses and modeling on a variety of variables—among them urbanity and weather parameters. Remarkably, we found only few cases of a significant influence of urbanity parameters on song traits. The influence of weather parameters (air pressure, atmospheric humidity, air and soil temperatures) on song traits was highly significant. Birds in Frankfurt face high noise pollution and might show different adaptations to high noise levels. The song trait variability of the investigated species is affected more by weather conditions than by urban characteristics in Frankfurt. However, the three species react differently to specific weather parameters. Smaller species seem to be more affected by weather than larger species.  相似文献   

When animals live in cities, they have to adjust their behaviour and life histories to novel environments. Noise pollution puts a severe constraint on vocal communication by interfering with the detection of acoustic signals. Recent studies show that city birds sing higher-frequency songs than their conspecifics in non-urban habitats. This has been interpreted as an adaptation to counteract masking by traffic noise. However, this notion is debated, for the observed frequency shifts seem to be less efficient at mitigating noise than singing louder, and it has been suggested that city birds might use particularly high-frequency song elements because they can be produced at higher amplitudes. Here, we present the first phonetogram for a songbird, which shows that frequency and amplitude are strongly positively correlated in the common blackbird (Turdus merula), a successful urban colonizer. Moreover, city blackbirds preferentially sang higher-frequency elements that can be produced at higher intensities and, at the same time, happen to be less masked in low-frequency traffic noise.  相似文献   

Capsule Blue Tits sang their dawn song in trees that provided greater concealment.

Aims To determine if dawn singing Blue Tits select trees that increase their concealment.

Methods We compared the timing of leaf growth initiation in Blue Tit song-post trees to the average timing of leaf growth initiation for other tree species within 25 m of the song-post.

Results Most Blue Tits (96%, n = 23) sang from tree species that begin leaf growth earlier than the average tree available within 25 m. If males singing in Hawthorns Crataegus monogyna were excluded, 92% (n = 13) sang from earlier leafing trees.

Conclusion Dawn singing Blue Tits select perches that offer greater concealment.  相似文献   

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