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Parasite-mediated sexual selection theory posits that individuals(usually females) choose mates by assessing the expression ofcostly secondary sexual signals, which provide reliable indicationsof parasite resistance. If these signals are indeed reliable,then immune-compromised males are predicted to exhibit changesin the sexual signal that are discernable by the female. Moreover,the mating pair is predicted to exhibit some reduction in reproductivefitness if the male is immune compromised. Here, we addressedthese predictions in the ground cricket, Allonemobius socius,by injecting juvenile males with lipopolysaccarides, which allowedus to activate the immune system without the introduction ofa metabolically active pathogen. As a consequence, we were ableto disentangle the cost of immune system activation from thecost of infection. We found that immune activation had a long-termeffect on male calling song and the males' ability to providepaternal resources, which can constrain male and female reproductivepotential. We also found that song interpulse interval variedsignificantly with the male's immune treatment and may thereforeprovide choosy females with a way to avoid mating with immune-compromisedmales. In short, our data support the parasite-mediated theoryof sexual selection, suggesting that female's gain direct benefitsby mating with males who are immune competent.  相似文献   


Comparative studies of sound production and sound emission in seven species of European tettigoniids have been carried out. The species chosen were two Tettigoniines (Tettigonia cantans, Tettigonia viridissima), two Ephippigerines (Ephippiger discoidalis, Ephippiger ephippiger), and three Decticines (Decticus albifrons, Decticus verrucivorus, Psorodonotus illyricus). The factors which determined the choice of species were the different morphology (for example body shape and weight, and wing size) of the three subfamilies. The parameters of the different songs (e.g. dominant frequency, intensity) are normally not correlated to any of the investigated morphological characteristics of the animals. In the brachypterous species intraspecific correlations exist between wing size and the dominant low frequency band of the call. This frequency band is also observable at related higher frequencies in the ultrasonic range (20–60 kHz), the observed band width increasing with frequency. Sound emission in all species is to some extent directional. This directionality is related to body size and wing structure. The song structure of the different species does not appear to be related to any observable characteristic of the habitat of die animals. A possible exception may be the song of Psorodonotus illyricus with a particularly low dominant frequency band. The phylogenetic development of the songs seems to be determined by relationships between the different species rather than to any factors contributed by the habitat.  相似文献   

The structure of male songs and the timing of female replies with respect to the male songs are described for four species of the palaearctic bushcricket genus Barbitistes (B. constrictus, B. ocskayi, B. serricauda, B. yersini). In a male song, 3 to 16 syllables form a chirp followed by a trigger syllable after a longer interval. The trigger syllable releases a female reply with a latency of 30 to 50 ms in all four species. In B. serricauda songs, there is no clearly separated trigger syllable. Instead, the first syllable of a chirp functions as a trigger syllable. Some B. serricauda males may produce a short female-type syllable just at the moment, when a female would reply. The possible function of such a syllable is acoustical mimicry. When comparing at least two song parameters, each species occupies a specific combination of values. According to the overlap of parameters a close phylogenetic relationship between B. constrictus and B. serricauda and between B. ocskayi and B. yersini is assumed. This interpretation is compared with a hypothesis based on morphological investigations.  相似文献   

Defense of territories in many animal species involves the advertisementof territory holder quality by acoustic signaling. In the sac-wingedbat Saccopteryx bilineata, males engage in territorial countersingingwhen reoccupying their day-roost territories in the morningand in the evening before abandoning the roost for the night.Females roost mainly in male territories, and territory holdersare reproductively more successful than nonterritorial males.In territorial songs of male S. bilineata, we distinguished6 syllable types and parameterized their acoustic properties.The analysis of 11 microsatellite loci allowed assignments ofjuveniles to their parents. Males had a higher reproductivesuccess both when they uttered more territorial songs per dayand when their long buzz syllables had a lower end frequencyof the fundamental harmonic. Long buzzes had a harsh qualitydue to a pulsation of the fundamental frequency at the syllableonset and also had the highest sound pressure level of all syllabletypes in most territorial songs. Territorial songs and especiallylong buzz syllables are thus likely to advertise territory holderquality and competitive ability.  相似文献   

The occurrence of additive genetic variance (VA) for male sexual traits remains a major problem in evolutionary biology. Directional selection normally imposed by female choice is expected to reduce VA greatly, yet recent surveys indicate that a substantial amount remains in many species. We addressed this problem, also known as the 'lek paradox', in Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an acoustic moth in which males advertise to females with a pulsed ultrasonic song. Using a standard half-sib/full-sib breeding design, we generated F1 progeny from whom we determined VA and genetic covariance (COVA) among seven traits: three song characters, an overall index of song attractiveness, nightly singing period, adult lifespan, and body mass at adult eclosion. Because A. grisella neither feed nor drink as adults, the last trait, eclosion body mass, is considered a measure of 'condition'. We found significant levels of VA and narrow-sense heritabilities (h2) for all seven traits and significant genetic correlations (= COVAi,j / radical (VA i x VA j)) between most pairs of traits (i, j). Male attractiveness was positively correlated with body mass (condition), adult lifespan, and nightly singing period, which we interpret as an energy constraint preventing males in poor condition from singing attractively, from singing many hours per night, and from surviving an extended lifespan. The positive genetic correlation (r = 0.79) between condition and attractiveness, combined with significant levels of VA for both traits, indicates that much of the variation in male song can be explained by VA for condition. Finally, we discuss the morphological and physiological links between condition and song attractiveness, and the ultimate factors that may maintain VA for condition.  相似文献   

Male katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) invest in offspring through nutrients provided in a large spermatophore. Previous research with Requena verticalishad shown that almost all of the investment of males mating with recently mated (4 days previously) females is in eggs fertilized by the female's previous mate. Thus males are predicted to discriminate against such females as mates. In experiments placing males with both a virgin and a female mated 4–5 days previously, virgin females obtained almost all matings. Although male discrimination of mates was noted in the experiments, there was no evidence that such discrimination was against nonvirgins in both this experiment and one in which a single virgin or mated female was placed with a male. Instead, the results suggest that the differential mating was a result of interfemale competition. The mating advantage held by virgin females over nonvirgins appeared to be lost once the latter had oviposited. Finally, there was no evidence from both single- and paired-female experiments that males preferred larger females as mates.  相似文献   

Multispecies cicada communities in neotropical rainforests produce a complex and intense acoustic environment. In a fragment of a Mexican rainforest (Veracruz, Mexico), a cicada community at the end of the dry season consisted of nine species ( Daza montezuma; Pacarina schumanni; Miranha imbellis; Dorisiana sutori; Fidicinoides picea; Fidicinoides pronoe; Quesada gigas; one species of the genus Neocicada and one uncaught canopy species). Seven of the nine species formed dense choruses at dawn and at dusk. Each species showed preferences in the height of calling sites. Males of the species were solitary or gregarious, and followed a 'call-fly' or a 'call-stay' calling strategy. Acoustic signals of each species had particular time and frequency patterns. All these specific features appear to separate the nine species acoustically and lead to a partitioning of the acoustic environment. The acoustic partitioning might decrease the risk of heterospecific courting and mating.© 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 379–394.  相似文献   

In members of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), songs with powerful high-frequency (HF) harmonics have evolved, which likely represents a distinctive acoustic adaptation. In this study, we analysed or reanalysed the songs of the three eneopterine genera present in the Neotropics to evaluate whether they also possess high-amplitude HF components. We present new data and combine several lines of evidence to interpret or reinterpret the calling signals of a representative species for each genus. We used new recordings in order to detect and analyse potential HF components of the songs. Stridulatory files were measured, and stridulation was studied using high-speed video recordings. The results suggest that all eneopterine genera from the Neotropics use HFs to communicate, based on the rich harmonic content of their songs. Strikingly, the Neotropical eneopterines possess high dominant frequencies, recalling the patterns observed in the tribe Lebinthini, the most speciose tribe of the subfamily distributed in the Western Pacific region and in Southeast Asia: Ligypterus and Ponca show dominant harmonic peaks, whereas Eneoptera possesses unique features. The three species under study, however, deal differently with HFs.  相似文献   

Pair formation in the lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is effected by male ultrasonic signals that are attractive to receptive females within 1-2 m. The males typically aggregate in the vicinity of the larval food resource, honeybee colonies, and signal for 6-10 h each night. Females are known to choose males on a relative basis and evaluate primarily three signal characters: signal rate (SR), loudness (peak amplitude; PA), and asynchrony interval (AI), a temporal feature reflecting the time interval between signals produced by the left and right tymbals. We conducted a series of experiments to investigate whether and how A. grisella males modify their signals in the presence of neighboring signalers. When separated by <40 cm, males increase their SRs by 3-6% upon perceiving a neighbor's signals, but they do not alter their PAs or Als. Increased SRs continue for 5-10 min and are more pronounced in males that are silent at the time they perceive their neighbor. By increasing its SR, a male improves the likelihood of matching or exceeding its neighbor's SR and may thereby compete more effectively for local females. SR increases are energetically demanding, though, and their brief duration and occurrence primarily at the beginning of signaling bouts may be the most prudent allocation of a male's limited energy reserves.  相似文献   


Shearwaters are nocturnal seabirds that rely on olfaction and acoustics to communicate at night. Although previous studies have described the vocal repertoire of some shearwater species, there is a need for more precise experimental data investigating the biological relevance of these acoustic signals in this seabird group. The present paper focuses on the vocal behaviour of the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan, a poorly studied species which produces a single major call composed of two notes, a noisy note and a clear one. A quantitative analysis of the calls allowed to extract the acoustic parameters supporting both sexual and individual signatures. Playback experiments were conducted during the incubation period to test the ability of the Yelkouan shearwater (1) to vocally identify the sex of the emitter, and (2) to discriminate the mate from a non-mate. We showed that birds discriminate the sex of the emitter, calling back almost exclusively to calls of birds of the same sex. Among the few birds replying to calls of the opposite sex, females responded to calls of their partner only, whereas males responded equally to calls of the partner or to calls of a non-partner, suggesting that females are vocally more selective than males.  相似文献   

Studies of avian vocal development without exposure to conspecific song have been conducted in many passerine species, and the resultant isolate song is often interpreted to represent an expression of the genetic code for conspecific song. There is wide recognition that vocal learning exists in oscine songbirds, but vocal learning has only been thoroughly investigated in a few model species, resulting in a narrow view of birdsong learning. By extracting acoustic signals from published spectrograms, we have reexamined the findings of isolate studies with a universally applicable semi‐automated quantitative analysis regimen. When song features were analyzed in light of three different production aspects (respiratory, syringeal, and central programming of sequence), all three show marked interspecific variability in how close isolate song features are to normal. This implies that song learning mechanisms are more variable than is commonly recognized. Our results suggest that the interspecific variation shows no readily observable pattern reflecting phylogeny, which has implications for understanding the mechanisms behind the evolution of avian vocal communication. We emphasize that song learning in passerines provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of a complex, plastic trait from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

Among songbirds with large song-type repertoires, there may be functional variation in how individuals organize and display song-type diversity over time. Past studies focusing on conventional measures of song production have been extremely productive. However, network analysis offers a novel set of tools to quantify additional, previously unstudied elements of song organization and display. We studied protracted bouts of singing by 10 male House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to (1) test functional hypotheses of variation in song diversity in this species, and (2) evaluate the utility of network metrics in such research. Our analysis included a variety of conventional measures of song production and several standard metrics from network theory to quantify how variably the many song types in a male’s repertoire could be connected to one another and the limitations or diversity of their song sequences. Analysis of conventional variables showed that males produced more and longer songs, at shorter intervals, containing more syllables and more different syllable types, and also more different song types, prior to than after pairing and early in the morning regardless of breeding stage. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that song diversity functions in mate attraction and possibly in territory signaling. In contrast, analyses of network metrics revealed variety in song sequencing by males, but comparatively few and weak effects associated with either breeding stage or time of day. Overall, most song types connected to only a few others and a relatively small proportion of all possible song-type transitions actually occurred. Hence, much of the variety in song sequencing that was possible with the large song repertoires of males was not realized. The latter outcomes, brought to light via network analyses, highlight an important paradox for future research on this and related species with large song repertoires.  相似文献   

In contrast to studies of sex-specific weaponry and other sexually selected traits, there has been no examination of Darwin's (1871, p. 418) suggestion that elaborations or enlargements of “the organs of sense” function to enhance mating success. In certain katydids the size of thoracic spiracles, which are a main input into the hearing system, determines auditory sensitivity of females. Here we present evidence that sexual dimorphism in the spiracle size of a pollen katydid, Kawanaphila nartee, is a result of sexual selection on females competing to locate nuptial-gift giving males. In field experiments in which female K. nartee were attracted to a calling male, we show a pairing advantage to females with larger auditory spiracles. The spiracle-size advantage was not a correlated result of a larger body size or mass of winners. Finally, there was no spiracle-size advantage or body-mass advantage for mating females in a later stage of competition when experimental females struggled for access to a silent male. We suggest that research on the detection of displays has lagged behind work on the displays themselves; the focus has been on the species specificity of signal perception rather than on the fitness consequences of variation in the ability to detect cues from mates or predators.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a relationship between migrationand the degree of elaboration of sexually selected traits,but investigators have differed in the mechanisms they proposedto account for this association. We examined the relationshipbetween song repertoire size and distance migrated among birdsin the genus Vireo. There is a strong positive relationshipbetween migratory distance and repertoire size in this genus,but our data do not support the specific predictions of anyof the three proposed mechanisms (the "rapid pairing," "goodmigrations," and "territory lottery" hypotheses). Migrationdistance is presumably correlated with other life-history characteristicsthat influence the development of sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

Models of female choice in acoustic communication   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this article we present generalized theoretical models ofmate attraction in acoustic communication.The models use simpledecision rules for females and show theoretical differencesbetween the rules in relative attraction of females to soundsources (calling males). The important variables of the modelsare the relative powers of the sources, the distance betweenthe sources and the number of competing signalers.Relative attractionamong sources is a function of their relative power output withmore powerful signals attracting more females. Using differentassumptions about the spacing of sources with respect to femalesensitivity, data from phonotaxis studies can be explained wellby either random pick or active choice models. Bioacousticiansmust reexamine their use of, and conclusions based on, the two-choiceplayback paradigm in studying female mate choice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Positive phonotaxis to tape recorded conspecific song by males of the katydid Neoconocephalus affinis (Beauvois) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) was studied in the field, in Puerto Rico. N.affinis males stridulated loudly during evening hours, and most males were territorial. Aggression between neighbours occurred, albeit rarely, and playback experiments using tape recordings of N.affinis song showed that aggressive behaviour, in the form of jumps directed toward a loudspeaker, could be elicited from a male by song broadcast above a threshold sound intensity. Response thresholds for different males varied from 76 to 93 dB, intensities that corresponded to calculated inter-neighbour distances of 1.6-0.26 m, respectively. Insects that had lower response thresholds were on average more isolated from neighbours and also stridulated more persistently and at a higher sound intensity than insects with higher response thresholds. N.affinis males displayed no phonotaxis toward the song of Neoconocephalus maxillosus , a sympatric species whose song is similar to that of N.affinis in principal frequency but differs in wingstroke rate. Phonotaxis toward conspecific song could only be elicited from males while they were silent.  相似文献   

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