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The effect of stimulus call complexity and calling rate on the vocal responses of males and female mate choice was studied in Hyla microcephala in Panama. Males increased the number of notes in their calls in response to increases in stimulus call complexity during both playback of 1 to 8-note advertisement calls and during natural interactions. However, precise matching of the number of notes in stimuli and responses did not occur consistently. Males also increased calling rates if stimuli were presented above prestimulus rates. Two-stimulus choice experiments demonstrated that females prefer both higher calling rates and greater call complexity, indicating that the ways males change their vocal behavior during interactions increases their attractiveness to potential mates. Tests in which the relative intensity of a high and low rate stimulus was varied indicated that females prefer stimuli with higher total sound energy. In a natural chorus, it is likely that females simply approach males giving the most conspicuous calls.  相似文献   

Female preference for the different temporal features of advertisement calls by males was studied in the foam-nesting treefrog,Rhacophorus arboreus. Field observations showed that females were attracted to males making more calls, calling in more bouts of vocalization and leading choruses. In phonotactic experiments in the laboratory, however, females were attracted to vocalizations with more total notes while they were not attracted to chorus leaders. alphabetical order  相似文献   


In two-choice discrimination experiments, females of Hyperolius marmoratus preferred the calls of lower frequency of the pair of stimuli. This preference was not shown in mating patterns observed in natural choruses, but is when females are phonotactically orienting in small choruses in an experimental enclosure. With an increase in chorus size, the mating pattern shifts from size-based, non-random (with some evidence of size-assortative) mating to random mating. This is the first time that frequency-based mate-choice by female anurans has been associated with chorus size, and hence with the sonic complexity of the acoustic environment.  相似文献   

We studied the vocal communication of Hyla ebraccata in central Panama. The advertisement call of this species consists of a pulsed buzz-like primary note which may be given alone or followed by 1–4 secondary click notes. Primary notes are highly stereotyped, showing little variation within or0 among individuals in dominant frequency, duration, pulse repetition rate or rise time. Males calling in isolation give mostly single-note calls. They respond to playbacks of conspecific calls by increasing calling rates and the proportion of multi-note calls, and by giving synchronized calls 140–200 ms after the stimulus begins. Responses to conspecific advertisement calls are usually given immediately after the primary note of the leading call, but the primary note of the response often overlaps with the click notes of the leading call. Experiments with synthetic signals showed that males synchronize to any type of sound of the appropriate frequency (3 kHz), regardless of the fine structure of the stimulus. Playbacks of synthetic calls of variable duration showed that males do not synchronize well to calls less than 150 ms long, but they do to longer calls (200–600 ms). The variance in response latency increased with increasing stimulus duration, but modal response times remained at around 140–200 ms. Similar results were obtained in experiments withsynthetic calls having a variable number of click notes. Males showed no tendency to increase the number of click notes in their calls in response to increasing stimulus duration or increasing number of clicks in the stimulus. Females preferred three-note to one-note calls in two-choice playback experiments, whether these were presented in alternation, or with the one-note call leading and the three-note call following. Females showed no preference for leader or follower calls when both were one-note. When two-note calls were presented with the primary note of the follower overlapping the click note of the leader, females went to calls in which click notes were not obscured. Our results indicate that male H. ebraccata respond to other males in a chorus in ways which enhance their ability to attract mates.  相似文献   

Males of many species of anurans alternate calls with those of their neighbors in a chorus. This pattern of calling reduces signal interference and may: 1) facilitate intermale spacing because males can better gauge the intensity of neighbors' calls if these calls do not overlap with their own; 2) help preserve species-specific temporal information in calls required to attract females; and/or 3) make it easier for females to localize males in the chorus. I tested these hypotheses with three species that exhibit call alternation, Hyla crucifer, H. versicolor, and H. microcephala. Males of all three species gave more aggressive calls to high-intensity synthetic stimuli that alternated with their calls than to those that overlapped their calls. These results support the first hypothesis. Results of four-speaker female choice experiments using alternating and overlapping calls indicate that preservation of signal integrity also is important in H. versicolor and H. microcephala, species that have fine-scale temporal information in their calls. However, the third hypothesis was not supported; females failed to discriminate among alternating and overlapping calls if the problem of signal disruption was eliminated or irrelevant.  相似文献   

In many animals, males aggregate to produce mating signals that attract conspecific females. These leks, however, also attract eavesdropping predators and parasites lured by the mating signal. This study investigates the acoustic preferences of eavesdroppers attracted to natural choruses in a Neotropical frog, the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus). In particular, we examined the responses of frog‐biting midges to natural variation in call properties and signaling rates of males in the chorus. These midges use the mating calls of the frogs to localize them and obtain a blood meal. Although it is known that the midges prefer complex over simple túngara frog calls, it is unclear how these eavesdroppers respond to natural call variation when confronted with multiple males in a chorus. We investigated the acoustic preference of the midges using calling frogs in their natural environment and thus accounted for natural variation in their call properties. We performed field recordings using a sound imaging system to quantify the temporal call properties of males in small choruses. During these recordings, we also collected frog‐biting midges attacking calling males. Our results revealed that, in a given chorus, male frogs calling at higher rates and with higher call complexity attracted a larger number of frog‐biting midges. Call rate was particularly important at increasing the number of midges attracted when males produced calls of lower complexity. Similarly, call complexity increased attractiveness to the midges especially when males produced calls at a low repetition rate. Given that female túngara frogs prefer calls produced at higher repetition rates and higher complexity, this study highlights the challenge faced by signalers when increasing attractiveness of the signal to their intended receivers.  相似文献   

In some primate species, males and females within a social group emit loud calls in a coordinated manner or chorus. Indri indri emits a very conspicuous loud call that elicits the loud calls of neighboring groups. Previous investigations have hypothesized that the main functions of the indri chorus are related to territorial announcement, intergroup avoidance, and group cohesion. We investigated sex differences in indri song. We recorded and analysed songs given by 10 different groups over 160 d. Overall singing duration did not vary between the sexes. However, males emitted significantly fewer but longer notes. Adult males and females of each group participated in the song with sex-specific repertoires. Females had a song repertoire of 8 note types; males shared all of their 6 notes with females. Apart from the initial roars, in all note types shared by both sexes, male notes were significantly longer than female ones, whereas variations in frequency parameters differed according to the note type. These findings suggest that indri song may provide cues to conspecifics, such as group size and sex composition, which could influence interactions between groups.  相似文献   


Shearwaters are nocturnal seabirds that rely on olfaction and acoustics to communicate at night. Although previous studies have described the vocal repertoire of some shearwater species, there is a need for more precise experimental data investigating the biological relevance of these acoustic signals in this seabird group. The present paper focuses on the vocal behaviour of the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan, a poorly studied species which produces a single major call composed of two notes, a noisy note and a clear one. A quantitative analysis of the calls allowed to extract the acoustic parameters supporting both sexual and individual signatures. Playback experiments were conducted during the incubation period to test the ability of the Yelkouan shearwater (1) to vocally identify the sex of the emitter, and (2) to discriminate the mate from a non-mate. We showed that birds discriminate the sex of the emitter, calling back almost exclusively to calls of birds of the same sex. Among the few birds replying to calls of the opposite sex, females responded to calls of their partner only, whereas males responded equally to calls of the partner or to calls of a non-partner, suggesting that females are vocally more selective than males.  相似文献   

The African painted reed frog, Hyperolius marmoratus, has a potentially complex communication system. Advertisement calls and aggressive calls, although distinct from each other, are in fact two ends of a continuum of graded calls. Playback experiments using standard advertisement calls showed that males increased the proportion of aggressive calls as the stimulus intensity was increased. In addition, three characteristics of the aggressive calls changed in response to higher playback levels. Males increased the number of pulses/call, increased call duration, and decreased dominant frequency. Aggressive calling occurred primarily during the early hours of the night, with considerable overlap with times when females were searching for mates in the chorus. Females tested in two-choice arena trials discriminated against aggressive calls in favor of advertisement calls. It is suggested that aggressive calls reduce a male's ability to attract a female and that a graded signalling system may enable males to escalate agonistic encounters with other males without rendering calls completely unattractive to females.  相似文献   

Gibbons are characterized by their species-specific calls, or songs. There are few studies of songs of Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). To study the sound spectrum characteristics and test for intergroup differences in Hainan gibbon song, we studied the singing behavior of Hainan gibbons in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province, China, intermittently from August 2002 to February 2013, collecting 184 recordings. Our results show that: 1) Hainan gibbon song bouts occur mainly 0–4 h after dawn. 2) The songs of adult males living in groups are composed mainly of one to three short notes and one to five long notes, while solitary adult male songs consist only of long frequency modulated notes and no short or single notes. 3) The song chorus is dominated by adult males, while females add a great call. Males do not have a great call, unlike those in other gibbon species. There are no female solos. 4) The sound spectrum frequency is similar in adult males living in two different groups, but the duration of the first long note differed significantly between the groups. The sonic frequencies of male and female songs are lower than those of other gibbons: no more than 2 kHz. Hainan gibbon sound structure is simple, although females participate in the chorus, reflecting their primitive status among gibbon species.  相似文献   

Playback experiments were conducted to investigate interspecific discrimination of male loud calls in Sulawesi macaques. Loud calls of four macaque species living in Sulawesi (Macaca tonkeana, M. maurus, M. hecki, andM. nigrescens) and a control stimulus (an 8-sec frequency modulated sound) were played back to semi-free-ranging Tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana). A preliminary acoustic analysis indicated that the calls of these four species differ in some spectral and temporal features. In the playback experiments, Tonkean macaques responded in a similar manner to conspecific calls and calls of two other species,M. maurus andM. hecki. In contrast, animals responded more weakly to the call ofM. nigrescens and the control stimulus. Males responded more strongly than females to all stimuli, while females appeared to be more discriminating for species differences than males. Analyses on the acoustic features of loud calls suggested that high frequency, wide frequency range, and repetition of sound units at a high rate elicit quick responses from animals.  相似文献   


Male gray Lreefrogs, Hyla versicolor, advertise for females in choruses in which calls often overlap. Previous research has demonstrated that such acoustic interference among conspecifics can impair the ability of a male to attract a mate. However, the stimulus set used in those studies was quite limited. Here we performed single-speaker and two-speaker tests of phonotaxis with female Hyla versicolor to explore the impact of different degrees and forms of call overlap on the relative attractiveness of male signals. We found that: (1) overlapped calls are recognized as acceptable signals by females, although they are less attractive than calls that are not overlapped; (2) the relative phase of the overlapping calls matters. When calls were time-shifted by 50% of their pulse-period (180 degree offset), attractiveness of overlapped calls was reduced relative to non-overlapped calls as much as it would be by a reduction in intensity of about 12 dB SPL or a drop in call duration of between one third to one half. A 90 degree phase offset was equivalent to a 3 dB drop in SPL; (3) partial call overlap may not impair call attractiveness if one third or less of the call is overlapped; (4) if the ending portion of a call is overlapped it may impair attractiveness less than if previous segments of a call are obscured; (5) if most (three fourths or more) of a male's calls are free of interference, overlap of his remaining calls does not significantly impair his attractiveness.  相似文献   

Frogs are a representative taxon that use advertisement calls to aid in reproduction. In most frog species, calls vary with body size, and allometric constraints between body size and call frequency have been widely reported among anuran species. Although this variation is an important driver of sexual selection in frogs, male advertisement call strategies may also vary according to body size. In this study, we conducted playback experiments on the male forest green tree frog (Zhangixalus arboreus) to determine whether male advertisement call characteristics and strategies vary according to body size and the amplitude of intraspecific chorus noise. The results indicated that the calls of larger individuals are louder and lower than those of smaller ones, who call more frequently; moreover, the calls become lower, and the number of calls decreases, as noise levels increase. These findings suggest that forest green tree frog emits lower calls or refrains from calling when chorus noise increases, and that intraspecific variation in advertisement call characteristics can induce different strategies in response to chorus noise. Because advertisement call variation with body size is common among frog species, intraspecific variation in male advertisement call strategies may also be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

During the reproductive season, male Hyla versicolor produce advertisement calls to attract females. Females exhibit phonotaxis and approach the individual callers, resulting in amplexus. For frogs that call from dense choruses, the extent to which and the range from which a male’s advertisement call within a chorus can be heard by a receptive female leading to phonotaxis is unclear. We investigated females’ responses to natural choruses in the field and found that they were attracted and showed directed orientation to breeding choruses at distances up to 100 m. To assess the role of acoustic cues in the directed orientation, we conducted acoustic playback experiments in the laboratory using conspecific call and noise as stimuli, as well as chorus sounds (that contained calls from a focal male) recorded at various distances, all played at naturalistic intensities. Using two response metrics (females’ normalized response times and their phonotaxis trajectories) we found that, unlike the field experiments, females oriented and were attracted to chorus sounds from 1 to 32 m only, but not from >32 m, or to band-limited noise. Possible reasons for the observed difference in phonotaxis behavior in the two experimental conditions were discussed.  相似文献   

Male mating behavior of a Japanese pond frog,Rana porosa brevipoda, was observed in an enclosed pond. Males organized chorus aggregation during the night. Within the chorus, most males defended “floating” territories. Territorial males exhibited 2 types of calls: advertisement and encounter. Mating occurred primarily in male territories with female initiation, while most spawning occurred outside of the territories. After spawning, males returned to their territories and resumed display behavior. The mating system of this frog is analogous to the typical lek system. Alternative male mating tactics, including satellite and ambush behavior, were also observed. Satellite and ambush males mated with females through forced clasping.  相似文献   

We studied the degree to which alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) alarm calls function as communication about specific external stimuli. Alpine marmots emit variable alarm calls when they encounter humans, dogs, and several species of aerial predators. The first part of the study involved observations and manipulations designed to document contextual variation in alarm calls. Alarm calls varied along several acoustic parameters, but only along one that we examined, the number of notes per call, was significantly correlated with the type of external stimulus. Marmots were more likely to emit single-note alarm calls as their first or only call in response to an aerial stimulus, and multiple-note alarm calls when first calling to a terrestrial stimulus. This relationship was not without exceptions; there was considerable variation in the number of notes they emitted to both aerial and terrestrial stimuli, and a single stimulus type — humans — elicited a wide range of acoustic responses. The second part of the study involved playing back three types of alarm calls to marmots and observing their responses. Marmots did not have overtly different responses to the three types of played-back alarm calls. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that: 1. Alarm calls do not refer to specific external stimuli; 2. Alarm calls function to communicate the degree of risk a caller experiences; and 3. Alarm calls require additional contextual cues to be properly interpreted by conspecifics.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in spring peepers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In the previous study (Wilczynski et al. 1984) we found that neurons in the auditory nerve of female spring peepers (Hyla crucifer) are tuned to frequencies in the male advertisement call, whereas auditory units in male peepers are mismatched in spectral sensitivity to their call. We investigated, in the present report, behavioral consequences of this sexual dimorphism in auditory sensitivity. Call amplitude, rate of call attenuation with environmental transmission, and the amplitude of ambient noise were measured and used to compute the active space of this signal for males and females. The effect of calling height upon active space was considered. Measurements of active space were compared with intermale distances within breeding choruses.Results indicate that active space of the advertisement call for females is as much as 6 times greater than that for males, and varies directly with the height above ground from which males call. Observed maximum intermale distances correspond closely to the active space of the call for this sex. This suggests that males space themselves so that the amplitude of a neighbor's calls approximates their auditory neural threshold to call frequencies. By this proximal mechanism, peepers maximize intermale distance but ensure that they remain within a chorus.Abbreviation dB SPL decibels sound pressure levelre: 20 Pa  相似文献   

In many species males vocally advertise for mates in choruses and these choruses serve as acoustic beacons to conspecific females as well as to eavesdropping predators and parasites. Chorusing will often cease in response to disturbances, such as the presence of predators. In some cases the cessation is so rapid and over such a large area that it seems improbable that males are all responding directly to the same local disturbance. Here, we demonstrate experimentally in Neotropical túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus, that the cessation of calling by males spreads rapidly through the chorus. The cessation of chorusing in response to the cessation of playbacks of three calling males is more effective in inducing chorus cessation than is the cessation of one male calling. When three males are calling, the cessation of complex calls is more effective in inducing chorus cessation than simple calls. There is no main effect on whether the final call of the male is complete or is interrupted. We thus conclude that the sudden lack of signals—the ‘sounds of silence’—becomes an alarm cue that can explain the rapid cessation of choruses that are common in many chorusing species.  相似文献   

Anurans emit distress calls when attacked by predators as a defensive mechanism. As distress calls may trigger antipredator behaviour even in individuals that are not under attack, we tested whether this defensive behaviour induced behavioural changes in neighbouring conspecifics. We compared the behavioural responses of two species of Neotropical hylid frogs (genus Boana) to conspecific distress calls and white noise. Individuals of both species interrupted their vocal activity and decreased call rate after hearing the distress call. Natural variation on signal intensity calibrated among the nearest neighbours did not influence the response and we did not observe negative phonotaxis after any acoustic stimulus. Despite the fact that many predators are acoustically oriented, we could not determine if such response (reduced call rate) was induced by risk assessment or by the masking effect on advertisement calls. Boana faber responded similarly to white noise and distress calls, while B. bischoffi responded more intensely to distress calls. Duration of silence after playbacks in B. faber was longer than B. bischoffi. We suggest that, if the signals are interpreted as a risk cue by neighbouring conspecifics, each species may be preyed upon by different predators, as they may have led to distinct defensive strategies and different responses to distress calls. If risk assessment information is included in distress calls, it triggers behavioural responses only in the nearest neighbours, as we did not observe responses on the vocal activity of the interspecific chorus. Our results add relevant data about acoustic communication and interpretations by anurans, highlighting the importance of considering cues within common and widespread signals.  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the natural calling behaviour of male painted reed frogs in the wild. Comprehensive minute by minute records of the vocal activity of males calling simultaneously in the breeding chorus were generated over a 19-night period using a multi-channel event recorder. With few exceptions, the period over which males called either spanned or extended beyond the time window when females sought mates in the chorus. Males varied little in calling persistence and the majority produced advertisement calls during each minute of the calling period. Aggressive interactions between males curtailed advertisement call production but fights were short-lived, seldom repeated and limited to a small proportion (12.6%) of males. Call rate was independent of body size and varied widely among males active in the chorus at the same time and under the same environmental conditions. The relative call rate ranks of individuals were sustained over time. The call rates of mated males were high in relation to the rates of other males monitored in the chorus at, and prior to, the time of mating. Females usually preferred the higher of two call rate alternatives presented in a range of two-choice phonotaxis experiments.  相似文献   

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