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In a previous study (J. Cell Biol. 109: 1229-1243, 1989), we reported that conditions which increased growth cone calcium levels and induced neurite retraction in cultured chick DRG neurons also resulted in an apparent loss of actin filaments in the growth cone periphery. We further showed that the actin-stabilizing drug phalloidin could block or reverse calcium-ionophore-induced neurite retraction, indicating that the behavioral changes were mediated, at least in part, by changes in actin filament stability. In this study, we have further characterized the calcium sensitivity of growth cone behavior to identify which features of calcium-induced behavioral effects can be attributed to effects on actin filaments alone, and to assess whether two other second-messenger systems, cAMP and protein kinase C, might influence neurite outgrowth by altering calcium levels or actin stability. The results indicated that growth cone behavior was highly sensitive to small changes in calcium concentrations. Neurite outgrowth was only observed in calcium-permeabilized cells when extracellular calcium concentrations were between 200 and 300 nM, and changes as small as 50 nM commonly produced detectable changes in behavior. Furthermore, low doses of cytochalasins mimicked all of the grossly observable features of growth cone responses to elevation of intracellular calcium, including the apparent preferential destruction of lamellipodial actin filaments and sparing of filopodial actin, suggesting that the behavioral effects of calcium elevation could be explained by loss of actin filaments alone. The effects of cAMP elevation and protein kinase C activation on growth cone behavior, ultrastructure, and fura2-AM-measured calcium levels indicated that the effects of cAMP manipulations could be partially explained by a cAMP-induced lowering of growth cone calcium levels and concomitant increased stabilization of actin filaments, but protein kinase C appeared to act through an independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Although much evidence suggests that axon growth and guidance depend on well-coordinated cytoskeletal dynamics, direct characterization of the corresponding molecular events has remained a challenge. Here, we address this outstanding problem by examining neurite outgrowth stimulated by local application of cell adhesion substrates. During acute outgrowth, the advance of organelles and underlying microtubules was correlated with regions of attenuated retrograde actin network flow in the periphery. Interestingly, as adhesion sites matured, contractile actin arc structures, known to be regulated by the Rho/Rho Kinase/myosin II signaling cascade, became more robust and coordinated microtubule movements in the growth cone neck. When Rho Kinase was inhibited, although growth responses occurred with less of a delay, microtubules failed to consolidate into a single axis of growth. These results reveal a role for Rho Kinase and myosin II contractility in regulation of microtubule behavior during neuronal growth.  相似文献   

Stretch activation of cation-permeable channels may be an important proximal sensory mechanism in mechanotransduction. As actin filaments may mediate cellular responses to changes of the mechanical properties of the substrate and regulate stretch-induced calcium transients, we examined the role of actin filaments and substrate flexibility in modulating the amplitude of stretch-activated intracellular calcium transients. Human gingival fibroblasts were subjected to mechanical stretch through integrins by magnetic force acting on collagen-coated ferric oxide beads. Intracellular calcium concentration was measured in fura-2-loaded cells by ratio fluorimetry. Cytochalasin D-treatment greatly increased (3-fold) the amplitude of stretch-activated calcium transients in well-spread cells grown on glass coverslips while phalloidin, colchicine or taxol exerted no signficant effects, indicating that actin filaments but not microtubules modulate stretch-activated calcium transients. In freshly plated cells with rounded shapes and poorly developed cortical actin filaments, stretch-induced calcium transients were of 3-fold higher amplitude than well-spread cells plated for 6-24 hrs and with well developed actin filaments. Cells plated on soft collagen-polyacrylamide gels showed round morphology but exhibited <50% of the response to stretch of well-spread cells on inflexible gels. Notably, cells on soft gels showed very heavy phalloidin staining for cortical actin filaments compared with cells on more inflexible surfaces which showed only light staining for cortical actin. While cell shape may have some effect on responsiveness to mechanical stretch, the rigidity of the cell membrane mediated by the extensive cortical actin network appears to be a central determinant in the regulation of stretch-induced calcium signals.  相似文献   

The role of actin filaments in regulating plasmodesmal transport has been studied by microinjection experiments in mesophyll cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun). When fluorescent dextrans of various molecular sizes were each co-injected with specific actin filament perturbants cytochalasin D (CD) or profilin into these cells, dextrans up to 20 kilodalton (kDa) moved from the injected cell into surrounding cells within 3–5 min. In contrast, when such dextrans were injected alone or co-injected with phalloidin into the mesophyll cells, they remained in the injected cells. Phalloidin co-injection slowed down or even inhibited CD- or profilin-elicited dextran cell-to-cell movement. Dextrans of 40 kDa or larger were unable to move out of the injected cell in the presence of CD or profilin. These data suggest that actin filaments may participate in the regulation of plasmodesmal transport by controlling the permeability of plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Neurite extension and branching are affected by activity-dependent modulation of intracellular Ca2+, such that an optimal window of [Ca2+] is required for outgrowth. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating this optimal [Ca2+]i remains unclear. Taking advantage of the large growth cone size of cultured primary neurons from pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis combined with dsRNA knockdown, we show that neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) regulates neurite extension and branching, and activity-dependent Ca2+ signals in growth cones. An NCS-1 C-terminal peptide enhances only neurite branching and moderately reduces the Ca2+ signal in growth cones compared with dsRNA knockdown. Our findings suggest that at least two separate structural domains in NCS-1 independently regulate Ca2+ influx and neurite outgrowth, with the C-terminus specifically affecting branching. We describe a model in which NCS-1 regulates cytosolic Ca2+ around the optimal window level to differentially control neurite extension and branching.  相似文献   

Neurones are highly specialised cells that can extend over great distances, enabling the complex networking of the nervous system. We are beginning to understand in detail the molecular mechanisms that control the shape of neurones during development. One family of proteins that are clearly essential are the Rho GTPases which have a pivotal role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton in all cell types. The Rho GTPases are responsible for the activation and downregulation of many downstream kinases. This review discusses individual kinases that are regulated by three members of the Rho GTPases, Rac, Rho and Cdc42 and their function during neurite outgrowth and remodelling.  相似文献   

cAMP induces neurite outgrowth in the rat pheochromocytoma cell line 12 (PC12). In particular, di-butyric cAMP (db-cAMP) induces a greater number of primary processes with shorter length than the number induced by nerve growth factor (NGF). db-cAMP up- and down-regulates GTP-RhoA levels in PC12 cells in a time-dependent manner. Tat-C3 toxin stimulates neurite outgrowth, whereas lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and constitutively active (CA)-RhoA reduce neurite outgrowth, suggesting that RhoA inactivation is essential for the neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells stimulated by cAMP. In this study, the mechanism by which RhoA is inactivated in response to cAMP was examined. db-cAMP induces phosphorylation of RhoA and augments the binding of RhoA with Rho guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI). Moreover, RhoA (S188D) mimicking phosphorylated RhoA induces greater neurite outgrowth than RhoA (S188A) mimicking dephosphorylated form does. Additionally, db-cAMP increases GTP-Rap1 levels, and dominant negative (DN)-Rap1 and DN-Rap-dependent RhoGAP (ARAP3) block neurite outgrowth induced by db-cAMP. DN-p190RhoGAP and the Src inhibitor PP2 suppress neurite outgrowth, whereas transfection of c-Src and p190RhoGAP cDNAs synergistically stimulate neurite outgrowth. Taken together, RhoA is inactivated by phosphorylation of itself, by p190RhoGAP which is activated by Src, and by ARAP3 which is activated by Rap1 during neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells in response to db-cAMP.  相似文献   

The molecular composition of the substrate is of critical importance for neurite extension by isolated identified leech nerve cells in culture. One substrate upon which rapid growth occurs in defined medium is a cell-free extract of extracellular matrix (ECM) that surrounds the leech central nervous system (CNS). Here we report the co-purification of neurite-promoting activity with a laminin-like molecule. High molecular mass proteins from leech ECM purified by gel filtration exhibited increased specific activity for promoting neurite outgrowth. The most active fractions contained three major polypeptide bands of ca. 340, 250 and 220 kDa. Electron microscopy of rotary-shadowed samples showed three macromolecules, one of which had a cross-shaped structure similar to vertebrate laminin. A second six-armed molecule resembled vertebrate tenascin and a third rod-like molecule resembled vertebrate collagen type IV. The most active fractions contained a protein of ca. 1 MDa on non-reducing gels with disulphide-linked subunits of ca. 220 and 340 kDa, with cross-shaped laminin-like molecules. We conclude that a laminin-like molecule represents a major neurite promoting component present in leech ECM. The experiments represent a first step in determining the location of leech laminin within the CNS and assessing its role in neurite outgrowth during development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Evidence for direct binding of vinculin to actin filaments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
K Ruhnau  A Wegner 《FEBS letters》1988,228(1):105-108
The interaction of vinculin with actin filaments was investigated by methods which exclude interference by contaminating proteins which may occur in vinculin preparations. Vinculin which was blotted from SDS-polyacrylamide gels onto nitrocellulose, was stained specifically by fluorescently labeled polymeric actin (100 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2). Vinculin which was purified from alpha-actinin and an actin polymerization-inhibiting protein (HA1), was found to be cosedimented with polymeric actin. Maximally one vinculin molecule was cosedimented per one hundred actin filament subunits. Half maximal binding of vinculin was observed at about 0.25 microM free vinculin. Vinculin could be replaced from actin by the addition of tropomyosin.  相似文献   

Progranulin (PGRN) has recently emerged as a key player in a subset of frontotemporal dementias (FTD). Numerous mutations in the progranulin gene have been identified in patients with familial or sporadic frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). In order to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PGRN deficiency leads to FTLD, we examined activity of PGRN in mouse cortical and hippocampal neurons and in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Treatment of mouse neurons with PGRN protein resulted in an increase in neurite outgrowth, supporting the role of PGRN as a neurotrophic factor. PGRN treatment stimulated phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3β) in cultured neurons. Knockdown of PGRN in SH-SY5Y cells impaired retinoic acid induced differentiation and reduced the level of phosphorylated GSK-3β. PGRN knockdown cells were also more sensitized to staurosporine- induced apoptosis. These results reveal an important role of PGRN in neurite outgrowth and involvement of GSK-3β in mediating PGRN activity. Identification of GSK-3β activation as a downstream event for PGRN signaling provides a mechanistic explanation for PGRN activity in the nervous system. Our work also suggest that loss of axonal growth stimulation during neural injury repair or deficits in axonal repair may contribute to neuronal damage or axonal loss in FTLD associated with PGRN mutations. Finally, our study suggests that modulating GSK-3β or similar signaling events may provide therapeutic benefits for FTLD cases associated with PGRN mutations.  相似文献   

It has been lately proposed that the interaction between like-charged residues stabilizes the native state of proteins. To explore this, we created a histidine-histidine pair in the Ca-III binding site of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens α-amylase (BAA) and then examined the impact of this pairing on the BAA. For this purpose, we used site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) to substitute Pro407 with His, Ala, Gln, Arg, and Glu in the BAA. Subsequently, thermostability, kinetic parameters and structural properties of these variants were measured. Moreover, His-His pairing effect on the BAA thermostability was examined by simultaneous mutation of two residues (P407H/H406A and P407H/H406N). The data exhibited a significant improve in thermostability and structural features of enzyme by His replacement instead of Pro407. Other substitutions in this site did not have a significant effect on the enzyme properties, except for P407R, which yielded a partial improvement. The results also showed that the thermostabilities of double mutants significantly decreased compared with that of the P407H mutant. Moreover, the thermostability of P407H remarkably increased compared with that of other variants even in the absence of Ca(2+). Our data clearly demonstrated that His406-His407 pairing was the major cause for improved thermal stability.  相似文献   

We have examined conditions under which aggregates of embryonic chick neural retina will extend neurities in vitro. Trypsin-dispersed cells from 7-day embryonic chick neural retina were aggregated in rotation culture for 8 hr and maintained in serum-free medium on a variety of standard culture substrate. Aggregates extend few neurites on untreated plastic, glass, or collagen substrata. However, pretreatment of these substrata with human plasma fibronectin enhances their capacity to support retinal neurite outgrowth. Aggregates cultured on fibronectin-treated substrata extend long, radially oriented neurites within 36 hr in vitro. The morphology of these neurites is distinct from that seen when aggregates are cultured on polylysine-treated substrata. In the latter case, neurites are highly branched and grow concentrically around the aggregate perimeter. Addition of fibronectin to polylysine-treated substrata stimulates radial neurite outgrowth. Promotion of neurite outgrowth is dependent on the amount of fibronectin bound to the culture substratum and on the pH at which binding occurs. The requirements for fibronectin-mediated neurite outgrowth are more stringent than those previously reported for fibroblast attachment and spreading.  相似文献   

The time-course of actin assembly was measured in the absence and in the presence of tropomyosin. The polymerization was followed by the fluorescence enhancement of a 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzeno-2-oxa-1,3-diazole label attached to actin molecules or by light-scattering. The kinetic curves measured in the absence and in the presence of tropomyosin revealed characteristic differences. Tropomyosin was found to retard actin polymerization and to cause the final constant actin monomer concentration to be reached slowly. In the absence of tropomyosin, the final constant actin monomer concentration was approached considerably faster. The time-course of polymerization was interpreted quantitatively in terms of inhibition of actin filament fragmentation by tropomyosin molecules bound along the filaments. Within the limits of this model, actin monomers are consumed slowly in the presence of tropomyosin because the creation of new filament ends by spontaneous fragmentation is inhibited by tropomyosin.  相似文献   

We have used the nerve growth factor (NGF)-responsive line of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells as a model system to study microtubule specializations associated with neurite outgrowth. PC12 cells treated with NGF cease proliferating and extend neurites. Long-term NGF treatment results in a two- to threefold increase in the proportion of total cellular tubulin that is polymerized in PC12 cells. The increase in this parameter first becomes apparent at 2-4 d with NGF and increases steadily thereafter. Several changes in microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) of PC12 cells also occur after exposure to NGF. In immunoprecipitation assays, we observed the levels of MAP-2 to increase by at least several-fold after treatment with NGF. We also found that the compositions of three MAP classes with apparent Mr of 64K, 67K, and 80K are altered by NGF treatment. These MAPs, recently designated "chartins," are biochemically and immunologically distinct from the similarly-sized tau MAPs (Peng et al., 1985 Brain Res. 361: 200; Magendantz and Solomon, 1985 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 82: 6581). In two-dimensional isoelectric focusing x SDS polyacrylamide gels, each chartin MAP class resolves into a set of proteins of similar apparent Mr but distinct pI. Peptide mapping analyses confirm that the isoelectric variants comprising each chartin MAP class are closely related in primary structure. Several striking differences in the composition of the chartin MAPs of PC12 cells grown with or without NGF were consistently observed. In particular, following longterm NGF treatment, the abundances of the more acidic variants of each chartin MAP class were markedly enhanced relative to the more basic members. This occurs without substantial changes in the abundance of each MAP class as a whole relative to total cell protein. The combined results of in vivo phosphorylation and peptide mapping experiments indicate that the NGF-inducible chartin MAP species are not primary translation products, but are generated posttranslationally, apparently by differential phosphorylation of other chartin MAPs. These observations suggest that NGF treatment of PC12 cells leads to changes in the posttranslational processing of the chartin MAPs. The time course of these changes closely resembles that for the increase in the proportion of cellular tubulin that is polymerized and for neurite outgrowth. One of the important events in the growth and stabilization of neurites appears to be the formation of microtubule bundles that extend from the cell body to the tips of the neurites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tropomyosin inhibition of the rate of spontaneous polymerization of actin is associated with binding of tropomyosin to actin filaments. Rate constants determined by using a direct electron microscopic assay of elongation showed that alpha alpha- and alpha beta-tropomyosin have a small or no effect on the rate of elongation at either end of the filaments. The most likely explanation for the inhibition of the rate of polymerization of actin in bulk samples is that tropomyosin reduces the number of filament ends by mechanical stabilization of the filaments.  相似文献   

Coelomocyte filopodia are composed primarily of actin and a 57000 D protein, which is antigenically related to the actin cross-linking protein found in needles produced in vitro from extracts of sea urchin oocytes. In this report we present electron micrographs of the filopodia which show longitudinal striations corresponding to bundled, F-actin filaments and transverse bands corresponding to a cross-linking protein. The periodicities of the spacings are 90 and 130 Å respectively. Interestingly, the filaments in the filopodia are less well ordered than those in needles, probably as a result of the speed with which the filopodia are assembled in the transforming coelomocytes. These results indicate that the well ordered needles are a good in vitro model for important in vivo structures.  相似文献   

The important experiments showing nonlinear amplitude dependences of the neurite outgrowth in pheochromocytoma nerve cells due to ELF magnetic field exposure had been carried out in a nonuniform ac magnetic field. The nonuniformity entailed larger than expected variances in magnetic field magnitudes associated with specific levels of biological effects, thereby evoking a question about validity of the interpretations formulated for the case of a uniform field. In this work, we calculate the relative value of nonuniformity and deviations in ac magnetic field. It is shown that these factors do not affect the main conclusion in the original papers about the form of the amplitude dependence of the observed biological effect.  相似文献   

Rønn LC  Dissing S  Holm A  Berezin V  Bock E 《FEBS letters》2002,518(1-3):60-66
We have recently identified a synthetic peptide, termed C3, capable of binding the first immunoglobulin-like module of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) by means of combinatorial chemistry and shown that this NCAM ligand promotes neurite outgrowth. By means of single cell calcium imaging using the calcium-sensitive probe fura-2-acetomethyl ester, we here show that the C3-peptide induced an increase in intracellular calcium in primary hippocampal neurons and PC12-E2 cells, presumably requiring mobilization of calcium from both extracellular and intracellular stores. We further observed that C3-induced neurite outgrowth was inhibited by antagonists of voltage-dependent calcium channels as well as by an inhibitor of intracellular calcium mobilization, TMB-8. These findings demonstrate at the single cell level that a synthetic NCAM ligand directly can induce an increase in intracellular calcium and suggest that NCAM-dependent neurite outgrowth requires calcium mobilization from both extracellular and intracellular calcium stores. Thus, the C3-peptide may be regarded as a useful tool for the study of NCAM-dependent signal transduction. Furthermore, the peptide may be of considerable therapeutical interest for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

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