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In the present study, high levels of CD30s, a glycoprotein preferentially expressed and released by T lymphocytes producing Th(2)-type cytokines, were seen in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C, and a correlation with histological activity of the disease was found. CD30s levels were assayed in the sera of 29 HCV RNA-positive patients with histologically proven chronic active hepatitis and in 30 healthy blood donors. Thirteen of 29 (45%) HCV patients had CD30s serum levels above the normal range (>20 U/ml). Mean CD30s serum levels were significantly higher in HCV patients than in controls (P<0.0005). A positive correlation was found between serum CD30s levels and both the histological activity index (r=0.59, P=0.001) and ALT serum levels (r=0.5; P=0.006). The raised CD30s level found in more severe HCV liver disease indirectly suggests activation and expansion of Th(2)cells. CD30s levels could represent a useful surrogate marker of activity in chronic HCV infections.  相似文献   

CD36 is a class B scavenger receptor observed in many cell types and tissues throughout the body. Recent literature has implicated CD36 in the pathogenesis of metabolic dysregulation such as found in obesity, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis. Genetic variation at the CD36 loci have been associated with obesity and lipid components of the metabolic syndrome, with risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Recently, non-cell bound CD36 was identified in human plasma and was termed soluble CD36 (sCD36). In this review we will describe the functions of CD36 in tissues and address the role of sCD36 in the context of the metabolic syndrome. We will also highlight recent findings from human genetic studies looking at the CD36 locus in relation to metabolic profile in the general population. Finally, we present a model in which insulin resistance, oxLDL, low-grade inflammation and liver steatosis may contribute to elevated levels of sCD36.  相似文献   

The primary role of cellular gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) is to metabolize extracellular reduced glutathione (GSH), allowing for precursor amino acids to be assimilated and reutilized for intracellular GSH synthesis. Paradoxically, recent experimental studies indicate that cellular GGT may also be involved in the generation of reactive oxygen species in the presence of iron or other transition metals. Although the relationship between cellular GGT and serum GGT is not known and serum GGT activity has been commonly used as a marker for excessive alcohol consumption or liver diseases, our series of epidemiological studies consistently suggest that serum GGT within its normal range might be an early and sensitive enzyme related to oxidative stress. For example, serum and dietary antioxidant vitamins had inverse, dose-response relations to serum GGT level within its normal range, whereas dietary heme iron was positively related to serum GGT level. More importantly, serum GGT level within its normal range positively predicted F2-isoprostanes, an oxidative damage product of arachidonic acid, and fibrinogen and C-reactive protein, markers of inflammation, which were measured 5 or 15 years later, in dose-response manners. These findings suggest that strong associations of serum GGT with many cardiovascular risk factors and/or events might be explained by a mechanism related to oxidative stress. Even though studies on serum and/or cellular GGT is at a beginning stage, our epidemiological findings suggest that serum GGT might be useful in studying oxidative stress-related issues in both epidemiological and clinical settings.  相似文献   

A series of studies in black and white women and men have suggested that serum gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) within its normal range might be an early marker of oxidative stress. If serum GGT is a marker of oxidative stress, it might have important implications both clinically and epidemiologically because measurement of serum GGT is easy, reliable, and not expensive. We examined the cross-sectional association between deciles of serum GGT and concentrations of serum antioxidants among 9083 adult participants in the third U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. After adjustment for race, sex, age, and total cholesterol, serum concentration of GGT across all deciles was inversely associated with serum concentrations of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin/lutein, lycopene, and vitamin C (p for trend <.01, respectively). Vitamin E was not associated with serum GGT. All these associations were not materially different after additional adjustment for total energy intake, body mass index, smoking status, smoking amount, alcohol intake, and exercise. These associations were similarly observed among most subgroups. In conclusion, the current and previous studies strongly suggest that serum GGT level within its normal range may be an early marker of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The prevailing school of thought is that mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) do not express CD34, and this sets MSC apart from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), which do express CD34. However, the evidence for MSC being CD34? is largely based on cultured MSC, not tissue-resident MSC, and the existence of CD34? HSC is in fact well documented. Furthermore, the Stro-1 antibody, which has been used extensively for the identification/isolation of MSC, was generated by using CD34+ bone marrow cells as immunogen. Thus, neither MSC being CD34? nor HSC being CD34+ is entirely correct. In particular, two studies that analyzed CD34 expression in uncultured human bone marrow nucleated cells found that MSC (BMSC) existed in the CD34+ fraction. Several studies have also found that freshly isolated adipose-derived MSC (ADSC) express CD34. In addition, all of these ADSC studies and several other MSC studies have observed a disappearance of CD34 expression when the cells are propagated in culture. Thus the available evidence points to CD34 being expressed in tissue-resident MSC, and its negative finding being a consequence of cell culturing.  相似文献   

Digital audio tape (DAT) recorders have become the de facto gold standard recording devices for lung sounds. Sound recorded on DAT is compact-disk (CD) quality with adequate sensitivity from below 20 Hz to above 20 KHz. However, DAT recorders have drawbacks. Although small, they are relatively heavy, the recording mechanism is complex and delicate, and finding one desired track out of many is inconvenient. A more recent development in portable recording devices is the minidisc (MD) recorder. These recorders are widely available, inexpensive, small and light, rugged, mechanically simple, and record digital data in tracks that may be named and accessed directly. Minidiscs hold as much recorded sound as a compact disk but in about 1/5 of the recordable area. The data compression is achieved by use of a technique known as adaptive transform acoustic coding for minidisc (ATRAC). This coding technique makes decisions about what components of the sound would not be heard by a human listener and discards the digital information that represents these sounds. Most of this compression takes place on sounds above 5.5 KHz. As the intended use of these recorders is the storage and reproduction of music, it is unknown whether ATRAC will discard or distort significant portions of typical lung sound signals. We determined the suitability of MD recorders for respiratory sound research by comparing a variety of normal and pathologic lung sounds that were digitized directly into a computer and also after recording by a DAT recorder and 2 different MD recorders (Sharp and Sony). We found that the frequency spectra and waveforms of respiratory sounds were not distorted in any important way by recording on the two MD recorders tested.  相似文献   

Acute marrow graft rejection in allogeneic or semiallogeneic donor-recipient mouse combinations has been suggested to be caused by natural killer (NK) cells. The unique in vitro specificity of NK cells for tumor cells, however, does not explain the specific rejection of bone marrow grafts by NK cells. Recent experiments have implicated antibody in marrow graft recipients as the specificity-inducing component that guides NK cells in an antibody-dependent cytotoxic (ADCC) reaction to attack the marrow graft. On the basis of this hypothesis, one would postulate that nonresponder marrow graft recipients can be converted into responders by injection with antibody of appropriate specificity. Results presented in this report show that this is indeed possible. Specific monoclonal or polyclonal antibody of IgG isotype induces marrow graft rejection in nonresponder recipients. This can be demonstrated in allogeneic as well as in semi-allogeneic (hybrid resistance) donor-recipient strain combinations. Antibody-induced marrow graft rejection is independent of complement and dependent on the presence of NK cells. Surprisingly, graft rejection induced by antibody is quite efficient in allogeneic and semiallogeneic marrow donor-recipient combinations, whereas it is generally poor in syngeneic combinations. This result is not understood if NK cells lyse bone marrow cells solely in an ADCC-type reaction. Because NK cells can lyse targets in an antibody-dependent as well as independent reaction, it is proposed that the binding of NK cells to targets via their receptors plays an additional role in the rejection of bone marrow in vivo. Preliminary evidence for this possibility is that NK cells in the apparent absence of antibody may have a detectable suppressive effect on the growth of marrow grafts in F1 hybrid mice transplanted with parental marrow grafts.  相似文献   

Swab and biopsy samples of allograft musculoskeletal tissue are most commonly collected by tissue banks for bacterial and fungal bioburden testing. An in vitro study was performed using the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards standard ‘Quality control of microbiological transport systems’ (2003) to validate and evaluate the recovery of six challenge organisms from swab and biopsy samples of allograft musculoskeletal tissue. On average, 8.4 to >100 and 7.2 to >100 % of the inoculum was recovered from swab and biopsy samples respectively. A retrospective review of donor episodes was also performed, consisting of paired swab and biopsy samples received in this laboratory during the period 2001–2012. Samples of allograft femoral heads were collected from living donors during hip operations. From the 3,859 donor episodes received, 21 paired swab and biopsy samples each recovered an isolate, 247 swab samples only and 79 biopsy samples only were culture positive. Low numbers of challenge organisms were recovered from inoculated swab and biopsy samples in the in vitro study and validated their use for bioburden testing of allograft musculoskeletal tissue. Skin commensals were the most common group of organisms isolated during a 12-year retrospective review of paired swab and biopsy samples from living donor allograft femoral heads. Paired swab and biopsy samples are a suitable representative sample of allograft musculoskeletal tissue for bioburden testing.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogenous autoimmune disease, which can affect different organs. Increased proportions of CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells have been described in SLE patients. The exact role of this cell population in SLE patients still remains unclear. We therefore analyzed this T cell subset in a large cohort of SLE patients with different organ manifestations.


Phenotypic analyses, proportions and absolute cell numbers of CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were determined by flow cytometry (FACS) in healthy controls (HC) (n = 36) and SLE patients (n = 61) with different organ manifestations. CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were correlated with clinical data, the immunosuppressive therapy and different disease activity indices. In patients with active glomerulonephritis, CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were analyzed in urine sediment samples. Time course analyses of CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were performed in patients with active disease activity before and after treatment with cyclophosphamide and prednisone.


CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were significantly increased in active SLE patients and the majority expressed Helios. Detailed analysis of this patient cohort revealed increased proportions of CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells in SLE patients with renal involvement. CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells were also detected in urine sediment samples of patients with active glomerulonephritis and correlated with the extent of proteinuria.


CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells resemble regulatory rather than activated T cells. Comparative analysis of CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells in SLE patients revealed a significant association of this newly described cell population with active nephritis. Therefore CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ T cells might serve as an important tool to recognize and monitor SLE patients with renal involvement.  相似文献   



We investigated plasma and flow cytometric biomarkers of monocyte status that have been associated with prognostic utility in HIV infection and other chronic inflammatory diseases, comparing 81 HIV+ individuals with a range of treatment outcomes to a group of 21 healthy control blood donors. Our aim is to develop and optimise monocyte assays that combine biological relevance, clinical utility, and ease of adoption into routine HIV laboratory practice.


Cross-sectional evaluation of concurrent plasma and whole blood samples.


A flow cytometry protocol was developed comprising single-tube CD45, CD14, CD16, CD64, CD163, CD143 analysis with appropriately matched isotype controls. Plasma levels of soluble CD14 (sCD14), soluble CD163 (sCD163) and CXCL10 were measured by ELISA.


HIV status was associated with significantly increased expression of CD64, CD143 and CD163 on CD16+ monocytes, irrespective of the virological response to HIV therapy. Plasma levels of sCD14, sCD163 and CXCL10 were also significantly elevated in association with viremic HIV infection. Plasma sCD163 and CXCL10 levels were restored to healthy control levels by effective antiretroviral therapy while sCD14 levels remained elevated despite virological suppression (p<0.001).


Flow cytometric and plasma biomarkers of monocyte activation indicate an ongoing systemic inflammatory response to HIV infection, characterised by persistent alterations of CD16+ monocyte expression profiles and elevated sCD14 levels, that are not corrected by antiretroviral therapy and likely to be prognostically significant. In contrast, sCD163 and CXCL10 levels declined on antiretroviral therapy, suggesting multiple activation pathways revealed by these biomarkers. Incorporation of these assays into routine clinical care is feasible and warrants further consideration, particularly in light of emerging therapeutic strategies that specifically target innate immune activation in HIV infection.  相似文献   

The right chemistry for marker gene removal?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ow DW 《Nature biotechnology》2001,19(2):115-116

Amyloid formation depends on amyloid precursor production and is influenced by the activity of the underlying disorder and mediated by some proinflammatory cytokines. In this pilot study we tried to find some specific markers that could establish the activity of the disease. We investigated 45 samples of sera and 38 samples of urine from patients (pts) with secondary amyloidosis (AA), primary amyloidosis (AL), systemic autoimmune diseases with renal impairment (Vasc) and healthy controls (Co). Pts with AA had increased plasma levels of TNF alpha (9.97 +/- 4.22 vs. 2.63 +/- 1.34 pg/mL, p < 0.001) and SAA (43.14 +/- 16.0 vs. 3.42 +/- 0.7 ng/mL, p < 0.05) in comparison with Co. Plasma levels of M-CSF in the AA group were significantly increased in comparison with Co (1077.34 +/- 238.6 vs. 137.71 +/- 19.6, pg/mL, p < 0.001) and also in comparison with Vasc (482.24 +/- 86.7 pg/mL, p < 0.05). Urinary excretions of TNF alpha (8.92 +/- 8.1 vs. 0.17 +/- 0.11 microgram/mol creatinine, p < 0.01), sIL-6R (1.39 +/- 1.14 vs. 0.07 +/- 0.05 g/mol creatinine, p < 0.01) and M-CSF (650.2 +/- 153.7 vs. 33.3 +/- 8.6 micrograms/mol creatinine, p < 0.01) in AA were significantly increased in comparison with Co. Pts with AL had increased plasma levels of M-CSF (819.83 +/- 264.2 vs. 137.71 +/- 19.6 pg/mL, p < 0.05) and urinary excretion of M-CSF (865.0 +/- 188.4 vs. 33.3 +/- 8.6 micrograms/mol creatinine, p < 0.01) in comparison with Co. SAA has a low specificity for amyloidosis but is a sensitive acute phase reactant. TNF alpha, a proinflammatory cytokine, may reflect the activity of the underlying diseases in secondary amyloidosis. M-CSF was increased both in plasma and urine in amyloidosis groups and seems to be the most promising (possibly specific) marker of amyloidosis.  相似文献   

In the retina, both neurons and glia differentiate from a common progenitor population. CD44 cell surface antigen is a hyaluronic acid receptor expressed on mature Müller glial cells. We found that in the developing mouse retina, expression of CD44 was transiently observed at or around birth in a subpopulation of c-kit-positive retinal progenitor cells. During in vitro culture, purified CD44/c-kit-positive retinal progenitor cells exclusively differentiated into Müller glial cells and not into neurons, suggesting that CD44 marks a subpopulation of retinal progenitor cells that are fated to become glia. Over-expression of CD44 inhibited the extension of processes by Müller glial cells and neurons. Notch signaling is known to be involved in the specification of retinal progenitors into a glial fate. Activation of Notch signaling increased the number of CD44-positive cells, and treatment with the Notch signal inhibitor, DAPT, at early, but not later, stages of retinal development abolished both CD44-positive cells and Müller glial cells. Together, CD44 was identified as an early cell surface marker of the Müller glia lineage, and Notch signalling was involved in commitment of retinal progenitor cells to CD44 positive Müller glial precursor cells.  相似文献   

Short-term variability of airway caliber-a marker of asthma?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variability in airway caliber is a characteristic feature of asthma. Previous studies reported that the variability in respiratory system impedance (Zrs), measured by the forced oscillation technique during several minutes of tidal breathing, is increased in asthma and may be a marker of inherent instability of the airways. The aims of this study were to determine if short-term variability in impedance correlates with peak expiratory flow (PEF) variability or airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). The SD of log-transformed impedance (lnZrsSD) was measured as a marker of short-term variability and compared with the diurnal variability of PEF over 2 wk in 28 asthmatic and 7 nonasthmatic subjects and with AHR to histamine in a cohort of 17 asthmatic and 82 nonasthmatic subjects. In addition, lnZrsSD was measured in eight nonasthmatic subjects before and after methacholine challenge in the upright and supine positions. There were no significant differences in lnZrsSD between asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects (P = 0.68). Furthermore, in asthmatic subjects, lnZrsSD did not correlate with diurnal variability of PEF (rs = -0.12 P = 0.54) or with AHR to histamine (r = 0.10, P = 0.71). Neither methacholine challenge nor supine posture caused any significant change in lnZrsSD. We conclude that our findings do not support previous reports about the utility of short-term variability of impedance. Our findings suggest that, using standard methods for forced oscillometry, impedance variability does not provide clinically useful information about the severity of asthma.  相似文献   

We have tested whether the effects of temperature on sunflower leaf growth could be documented by using thermal time. The rates of leaf expansion and of cell division were analysed in leaves located at two positions on the stem, and a spatial analysis of expansion rate was carried out. Experiments were performed in growth chamber (stable conditions), in the field or in a greenhouse (fluctuating conditions). We compared three methods for characterizing the rate and the duration of expansion. Responses to leaf temperature were consistent only when expansion was characterized as a two-phase process — a period of exponential expansion (constant relative expansion rate, RER ) followed by a decrease in RER . RER and relative cell division rate ( RDR ) responded linearly to temperature with a common response curve for all studied conditions. This response curve was also common to all studied zones within a leaf and to leaves at two positions on the stem. The reciprocals of the durations of the periods of exponential expansion, non-zero expansion and non-zero division were also linearly related to leaf temperature with common response curves in a given leaf zone. The x -intercepts of all these response curves and of the response curve of leaf initiation rate to temperature did not significantly differ in an analysis of covariance, with a common value of 4·8 °C. The expression of time in cumulative degree days, with a base temperature of 4·8 °C, resulted in a unique time course of RER and cell division rate regardless of temperature. These results suggest that a powerful 'program' of leaf development exists in a sunflower plant.  相似文献   

Hockey R 《PLoS medicine》2006,3(9):e406; author reply e407

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