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To facilitate feeding, certain hematophagous invertebrates possess inhibitors of collagen-induced platelet aggregation in their saliva. However, their mechanisms of action have not been fully elucidated. Here, we describe two major salivary proteins, triplatin-1 and -2, from the assassin bug, Triatoma infestans, which inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen but not by other agents including ADP, arachidonic acid, U46619 and thrombin. Furthermore, these triplatins also inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen-related peptide, a specific agonist of the major collagen-signaling receptor glycoprotein (GP)VI. Moreover, triplatin-1 inhibited Fc receptor gamma-chain phosphorylation induced by collagen, which is the first step of GPVI-mediated signaling. These results strongly suggest that triplatins target GPVI and inhibit signal transduction necessary for platelet activation by collagen. This is the first report on the mechanism of action of collagen-induced platelet aggregation inhibitors from hematophagus invertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the distal cells in the Malpighian tubes ofTriatoma infestans Klug differs from that of the proximal cells in terms of types of striated border, and distribution of mitochondria and laminated concretions. This is in accordance with published data for another blood-sucking insect,Rhodnius prolixus Stahl. Other observations, however, elucidate cytoplasmic structures not yet reported inReduviidae insects. Layered membranous formations ending in spiral configurations are found in both cell types giving rise to layered membranous globules. Bundles of fibers made up of tubuli occur in the apical regions of the proximal cells in fasted animals. Glycogen deposits surround vacuole-like areas which are probably representing a stage in the formation of laminated concretions. Several globule types [lysosome-like structures, and layered membranous globules sometimes containing cell organelles (cytolysomes?)], are present in the distal and proximal cells, whereas laminated concretions are displayed only by the distal cells. The different globules are ascribed to various stages in the excretion of substances and the elimination of organelles. No special ultrastructural findings could be related to the diversified nuclear phenotypes previously described in the Malpighian tubes ofT. infestans.  相似文献   

Summary Feulgen-DNA values were evaluated cytophotometrically in the Malpighian tubes of T. infestans at the nymphal, adult and ageing life periods. In all cases the total nuclear Feulgen-DNA contents were found to be distributed within the 32C and 64C classes. However, part of the Feulgen-DNA values is shifted to lower intervals in ageing insects, as compared with nymphal and adult individuals, promoted by decrease in Feulgen-DNA values of the euchromatins. Changed response to Feulgen reaction due to some aging-induced alteration in DNP complexes, and/or breaks and loss of DNA in the euchromatins, as part of the senescence process, are ascribed to be responsible for such phenomenon.  相似文献   

A new kallikrein-kinin system inhibitor, designated anophensin, was identified in the salivary glands of the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi. In vitro reconstitution experiments showed that anophensin inhibits activation of the kallikrein-kinin system by inhibiting the reciprocal activation of factor XII (FXII) and prekallikrein (PK), and subsequent release of bradykinin. Additionally, anophensin inhibits activation of the kallikrein-kinin system on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Direct binding assays show that this inhibitory effect is due to Zn(2+)-dependent specific binding of anophensin to both FXII and high molecular weight kininogen (HK). Furthermore, anophensin interacts with both the N-terminus of FXII and domain D5 of HK, which are the binding domains for biological activating surfaces. These results suggest that anophensin inhibits activation of the kallikrein-kinin system by interfering with the association of FXII and HK with biological activating surfaces, resulting in the inhibition of bradykinin release in a host animal during insect blood-feeding.  相似文献   

Feulgen-DNA values were evaluated cytophotometrically in the Malpighian tubes of T. infestans at the nymphal, adult and ageing life periods. In all cases the total nuclear Feulgen-DNA contents were found to be distributed within the 32C and 64C classes. However, part of the Feulgen-DNA values is shifted to lower intervals in ageing insects, as compared with nymphal and adult individuals, promoted by decrease in Feulgen-DNA values of the euchromatins. Changed response to Feulgen reaction due to some aging-induced alteration in DNP complexes, and/or breaks and loss of DNA in the euchromatins, as part of the senescence process, are ascribed to be responsible for such phenomenon.  相似文献   

The pigmentation of black (wild) and red (mutant) eyes of Triatoma infestans was studied spectrophotometrically and compared with red-eyed (wild) and white-eyed (mutant) forms of Drosophila melanogaster. The spectral absorption profiles of the black and red eye pigments of T. infestans were similar to each other and to that of the wild-type eyes of D. melanogaster. The similarity to the wild form of D. melanogaster indicated that both eye forms of T. infestans contained ommochromes of the xanthommatin type, a finding confirmed by ascending paper chromatography. Pteridines, melanins, and ommins were not detected as eye pigments in T. infestans. The eye color difference in T. infestans was assumed to be a function of the xanthommatin concentration, with a smaller content of ommochrome in red eyes, although this probably did not affect the insect's visual acuity. These data support other findings regarding the similarities between black- and red-eyed specimens of T. infestans for other characteristics.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the salivary glands of adult Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) bugs has been analyzed. Stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed that each insect presents a pair of salivary glands, each pair containing three distinct units (main, supplementary, and accessory) with different sizes and colors. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that all gland units consist of a monolayer of epithelial cells surrounding a large central lumen. The gland units are enveloped by a thick basal lamina containing bundles of muscle cells. Microvilli are present at the apical plasma membrane domain of the gland cells, thus enlarging the available membrane area for saliva secretion towards the large gland lumen, although occasionally budding vesicles could be observed among the microvilli. Cytochemical analysis showed that the salivary gland cells of T. infestans present abundant endoplasmic reticulum profiles and several lipid droplets.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the adult nervous system of the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans has been studied by means of dissections and histology. The central nervous system comprises three nervous masses: the brain + suboesophageal ganglion, the prothoracic ganglion, and the posterior fused ganglion (meso + metathoracic + abdominal ganglia). The form of the brain is determined by the tubular head and the highly developed muscles of the pharyngeal pump. The prothoracic. ganglion is located near the posternum, the posterior ganglionic mass near the mesosternum. A significative variation of the branching pattern of abdominal nerves is reported. The innervations of mouth parts, salivary glands, muscles, retrocerebral complex, spiracles, rectum, reproductive organs, alary muscles, and peripheral nerves are described. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Apyrases are nucleoside triphosphate-diphosphohydrolases that remove Pi from ATP and ADP. The blood feeding reduviid Triatoma infestans, which transmits the Trypanosoma cruzi agent of Chagas disease to animals and man, presents in its salivary glands five apyrases with molecular masses of 88, 82, 79, 68 and 67 kDa. These triatomine apyrases have been associated with the prevention of ADP induced platelet aggregation in the host. Here we provide biochemical data showing that these apyrases are stored in the lumen of the salivary gland D1 pairs, and that about one half of the pool of the enzyme is consumed during feeding. After the feeding recovery of apyrases to maximal activity level takes days, thus suggesting de novo protein synthesis. This hypothesis is supported by quantitative RT-PCR analysis which shows an upregulation of the 79 kDa apyrase mRNA level after feeding.  相似文献   

Recently, we have cloned several Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors from the midgut of the Triatoma infestans bug. A single gene composed of multi Kazal-type domains, in tandem, encodes these inhibitors. In this work, we describe the purification and characterization of recombinant infestins 3-4 and 4, which are potent factor XIIa inhibitors (KI=67 pM and 128 pM, respectively). We also identified the first native factor XIIa inhibitor from a hematophagous insect. The factor XIIa inhibitory activity of infestin 4 demonstrates extremely efficient anticoagulant activity, prolonging activated partial thromboplastin time by approximately 3 times. Our results suggest that infestins perform a very important role in the T. infestans midgut during meal acquisition and digestion by controlling blood coagulation by means of inhibiting thrombin and factor XIIa.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of Triatoma infestans larvae to carbon dioxide and other odours of vertebrate origin were investigated in a locomotion compensator. T. infestans oriented towards airstreams enriched with carbon dioxide exhibiting a threshold response between 300 and 400 p.p.m. above the ambient CO(2) background. The accuracy of the oriented response to carbon dioxide improved with stimulus intensity. Remarkably, insects did not show any change in their sensitivity threshold to carbon dioxide with the starvation time. The attractiveness to carbon dioxide depended on the time of the day, i.e. these nocturnal bugs only oriented towards carbon dioxide-loaded airstreams during the first hours of the scotophase. L-lactic acid did not evoke oriented responses when it was presented as a single stimulus in a wide range of intensities. However, a marked synergism was evident when L-lactic acid was combined with a sub-threshold concentration of carbon dioxide. Under this condition, the threshold response to carbon dioxide decreased to 75-150 p.p.m. above ambient CO(2) background. The isomer D-lactic acid evoked no response, either alone or in combination with carbon dioxide. When insects were stimulated with 1-octen-3-ol a significant positive orientation was found. This response was not modified by the addition of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Triatominae bugs experience changes in the mechanical properties of their cuticle prior to feeding. This process-plasticization-allows a rapid stretching of the unsclerotized abdominal cuticle of triatominae larvae and it is evoked by sensory inputs related to feeding. We tested: (a) whether the cuticle recovers its original mechanical properties after plasticization, (b) whether repeated stimulation would be able to evoke recurrent plasticization along the same larval instar, (c) the temporal course of recovering cuticular stiffness. We injected Ringer solution into the body cavity of the bugs at constant pressure, using the injection rate (ml/min) as a measure of the cuticle extensibility. To trigger plasticization, individuals were allowed to feed on blood from an artificial feeder at 32+/-2 degrees C. After plasticization occurred, the abdominal cuticle gradually recovered its original mechanical properties. Bugs were capable of plasticizing for a second time when repeatedly stimulated. The effects of plasticization vanished between 1 and 2 h after stimulation. Although one full meal could suffice to accomplish moult in other Triatomine species, Triatoma infestans is able to feed repeatedly during a single larval instar. Accordingly to this, their cuticle recovers stiffness in some hours and becomes able to respond repeatedly to sensory inputs associated with feeding.  相似文献   

We studied the spectral sensitivity of the visual system of the blood-sucking bug Triatoma infestans, one of the main vectors of Chagas Disease in South America. We quantified the photonegative reaction of this insect in a rectangular arena, half of which was kept dark and the other half illuminated with various intensities of different monochromatic lights (or broadband stimuli for λ>665 nm). As a behavioral parameter of the photonegative response, we measured the time each insect spent in the dark half of the arena. We found that low intensity levels (under 0.06 μW/cm2) of monochromatic lights of 397, 458, 499, and 555 nm evoked a statistically significant (i.e., different from that of control groups) photonegative reaction. Insects were less sensitive to monochromatic lights of 357 nm (UV) and 621 nm (dark orange), and to broadband stimuli in the red part of the spectrum (665–695 nm). These findings indicate that the visual system of T. infestans is sensitive to broader regions of the spectrum than those previously reported.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans is a hemiptera, vector of Chagas' disease that feeds exclusively on vertebrate blood in all life stages. Hematophagous insects' salivary glands (SG) produce potent pharmacological compounds that counteract host hemostasis, including anticlotting, antiplatelet, and vasodilatory molecules. To obtain a further insight into the salivary biochemical and pharmacological complexity of this insect, a cDNA library from its SG was randomly sequenced. Also, salivary proteins were submitted to two-dimensional gel (2D-gel) electrophoresis followed by MS analysis. We present the analysis of a set of 1534 (SG) cDNA sequences, 645 of which coded for proteins of a putative secretory nature. Most salivary proteins described as lipocalins matched peptide sequences obtained from proteomic results.  相似文献   

A sylvatic Triatoma infestans DM (dark morph) population detected in the Bolivian Chaco was characterized and compared with various domestic ones. The degree of differentiation of DM was clearly within the T. infestans intra-specific level. Nevertheless marked chromatic and morphometric differences as well as differences in antennal pattern, chromosome banding and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA support the hypothesis of a distinct population. Continuous exchange of insects between wild and domestic habitats seems unlikely in the Chaco.  相似文献   

We investigated if Brindley's and metasternal glands are involved in the sexual behavior of Triatoma infestans. In laboratory assays, we analyzed the effect of selective occlusion of Brindley's and metasternal glands of the female (separately and together) on the behavior of males. Control assays without occlusion of glands were also performed. We quantitatively tested if such glands affect mating occurrence, the copulatory attempts of males, and the aggregation of males around a mating couple. The number of mating attempts by males did not differ between treatments, demonstrating that likelihood of males mating did not depend on which gland is occluded in the female. In the absence of any occlusion, T. infestans mated and males aggregated. The proportion of copulations and aggregation behavior of males did not differ between treatments when female's Brindley's glands were occluded. However, when metasternal glands were occluded, the proportion of mating couples decreased and males did not aggregate. We demonstrated that the metasternal glands of the female are involved in the sexual behavior of T. infestans, while Brindley's glands seem to have no effect on mating behavior. Copulation and aggregation behavior of males likely result from the eventual release of volatiles from the female's metasternal glands.  相似文献   

Culture forms of 12 Chilean and 9 Bolivian Trypanosoma cruzi stocks were compared isoenzymatically by the following enzymes: non-specific esterase, phosphoglucomutase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glucosephosphate isomerase, and alcohol dehydrogenase. On the basis of the electrophoretic mobility of these enzymes the stocks were classified into two main groups. Ten Chilean stocks were characterized as group II; two stocks showed enzyme patterns of group I. In contrast, five Bolivian stocks were classified as belonging to group I, the other four to group II. The results show that the two groups of T. cruzi overlap in Triatoma infestans suggesting that both groups of T. cruzi are infective for man. The classification of stocks into two groups is discussed in the light of published results of Brazilian T. cruzi stocks. A strong association of groups with the transmission cycles as it seems to be in Brazil does not exist in Chile and Bolivia.  相似文献   

Inhibitory activity against subtilisin, proteinase K, chymotrypsin and trypsin was detected in the salivary glands and saliva of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea (Blattoptera: Blaberidae). Fractionation of the salivary glands extract by affinity chromatography followed by reverse-phase HPLC yielded five subtilisin-inhibiting peptides with molecular masses ranging from 5 to 14 kDa. N-terminal sequences and subsequently full-length cDNAs of inhibitors designated NcPIa and NcPIb were obtained. The NcPIa cDNA contains 216 nucleotides and encodes a pre-peptide of 72 amino-acid residues of which 19 make up the signal peptide. The cDNA of NcPIb consists of 240 nucleotides and yields a putative secretory peptide of 80 amino-acid residues. Mature NcPIa (5906.6 Da, 53 residues) and NcPIb (6713.3 Da, 60 residues) are structurally similar (65.4% amino acid overlap) single-domain Kazal-type peptidase inhibitors. NcPIa with Arg in P1 position and typical Kazal motif VCGSD interacted stoichiometrically (1:1) with subtilisin and was slightly less active against proteinase K. NcPIb with Leu in P1 and modified Kazal motif ICGSD had similar activity on subtilisin and no on proteinase K but was active on chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

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