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An immunohistochemical study of the cat pineal gland was performed using a rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against neuropeptide Y (NPY) and an antibody directed against the C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y (CPON). Numerous NPY- and CPON-immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibers were demonstrated throughout the gland and in the pineal capsule. The number of IR nerve fibers in the capsule was high and from this location fibers were observed to penetrate into the gland proper via the pineal connective tissue septa, often following the blood vessels. From the connective tissue septa IR fibers intruded into the parenchyma between the pinealocytes. Many IR nerve fibers were observed in the pineal stalk and in the habenular as well as the posterior commissural areas. The number of NPY/CPON-IR nerve fibers in pineal glands from animals bilaterally ganglionectomized two weeks before sacrifice was low. The source of most of the extrasympathetic NPY/CPONergic nerve fibers is probably the brain from where they enter the pineal via the pineal stalk. However, an origin of some of the fibers from parasympathetic ganglia cannot be excluded due to the presence of a few IR fibers in the pineal capsule of ganglionectomized animals. It is concluded that the cat pineal is richly innervated with NPYergic nerve fibers mostly of sympathetic origin. The posttranslational processing of the NPY promolecule results in the presence of both NPY and CPON in intrapineal nerve fibers.  相似文献   

With a view to checking the presence of melatonin in the pineal gland of the cow, in the present work we used six adult animals, ranging in age from one to six years, which were sacrificed at dawn. Sections of 6 micro m thickness of Bouin-fixed and paraffin-embedded pineal glands were incubated in an anti-melatonin serum, which was provided by the Institute for Molecular and Cellular Recognition, Gunma University, Maebshi, Japan. After incubation and successive washings in PBS, some of the sections were treated with the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) technique using antisera from Sigma, and developed with the method of Graham and Karnovsky (which employs 3,3'-diaminobenzidine and H2O2 as developer). Other sections were incubated in a goat-anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) bound to fluorochrome Cy5 for immunofluorescence studies. An intense reaction for melatonin was observed in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus of melatonin secreting pinealocytes located in peripheral and intermediate zones of the pineal gland. Immunoabsorption of the antimelatonin primary antibody with melatonin at a dilution of 10 mM per 0.1 ml of serum prevented the reaction, as happened when any of the antisera used in the procedure were used. Immunoabsorption of anti-melatonin serum with different amounts of bovine albumin (ranging between 1/5 to 1/50) failed to inhibit the immunoreactivity. When a bovine anti-albumin antibody was employed, working with the above methods, no immunoreaction was detected. Our data suggest that the pinealocytes of cows sacrificed at dawn contain immunoreactive melatonin.  相似文献   

S C Nickerson 《Cytobios》1987,51(205):81-92
Bovine mammary secretory tissue was examined histologically to determine the origin of amyloid fibrils and their mode of deposition. Spherical bodies of amyloid fibrils found in alveolar lumina and epithelium were closely associated with epithelial and monocytoid cells. Small bundles of parallel fibrils were observed within and between alveolar epithelial cells, and large spherical bodies occasionally developed in these positions, protruding into the luminal space. Bundles of parallel fibrils at the periphery of amyloid bodies in the alveolar lumen appeared to develop from the apical epithelial plasma membrane or in the cytoplasm just within the cell border. Bundles of parallel amyloid fibrils were also observed in slight indentations in the plasma membrane of monocytoid cells. In some cases, the point of contact between single fibrils and the plasma membrane was not discerned, and fibrils appeared continuous with the cytoplasm. The alveolar lumina appeared to be the major site of amyloid body formation. It is suggested that epithelial and monocytoid cells elaborate a soluble precursor which polymerizes into fibrils at the plasma membrane and in the peripheral cytoplasm, or is secreted by the cell and polymerizes extracellularly.  相似文献   

Aims: The differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules in routine practice can be problemmatic for both pathologists and clinicians. Effective treatment requires a determination of the biological nature of the lesions. For this reason, ancilliary diagnostic markers along with histological examination of the nodules may be useful. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of novel markers in the diagnosis of hyperplastic and neoplastic nodules. Methods: Forty eight thyroid lesions forming four diagnostic groups including adenomatous goiters (AS), follicular adenomas (FA), follicular (FC) and papillary carcinomas (PC) were examined using standard immunohistochemical methods. Monoclonal antibodies against galectin-3, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) -2 and -7 and endothelial markers CD31 and CD105 were used. Results: The cytoplasmatic expression of galectin-3 was positive in all cases of papillary carcinoma. Moreover, statistically significant differences between fused groups of benign (AS and FA) and malignant lesions (FC and PC) were found Fischer's exact test (p = 0.0001). No significant differences in cytoplasmic expression of MMPs -2 and -7 and in vascular density assessed by using of both endothelial markers between benign lesions and malignant tumors were revealed. Conclusions: Galectin-3 appears to be a useful marker in the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma only. The matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -7 are not helpful in distinguishing hyperplastic and neoplastic thyroid nodules. Endothelial markers do not appear to be suitable for thyroid differential diagnosis. A panel of antibodies in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodular lesions would seem most suitable and further studies with larger sets of patients are awaited.  相似文献   

 Morphological changes in developing human gustatory papillae during the 6th to the 23rd postovulatory week have been studied. The general innervation pattern of taste papillae and taste bud primordia was revealed immunohistochemically using antibodies against protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5), neurofilament H (NFH), neurofilament L (NFL), neurone-specific enolase (NSE), and tubulin. The autonomic and somatosensory nerve supply has been investigated using antibodies against substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), the neuronal form of nitric oxide synthase (n-NOS), and, enzyme histochemically, NADPH-diaphorase. Nerve fibers approach the basal membrane of the lingual epithelium around the 7th postovulatory week and invade the epithelium of papilla-like structures at the 8th week, but some also penetrate the basal membrane of the non-papillary epithelium. They are in close contact with slender epithelial cells that are considered to be the taste bud’s progenitor cells. Early human taste buds situated at the anterior part of the tongue do not necessarily require a dermal (later fungiform) papilla. The NADPH-diaphorase reaction revealed positive results in dermal nerve fibers, but the immunohistochemical reaction against n-NOS was negative. Immunohistochemical detection of neuropeptides and vasoactive substances rendered negative results for developmental stages of 7–18 postovulatory weeks. By the 18th week, only SP was detected in dermal papillae, but not in the vicinity of taste buds’ primordia. Thus, autonomic and somatosensory nerves seem not to play a key role in formation and maintenance of early human taste buds. Accepted: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

Abdominal extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue, or paraganglia, was examined at the ultrastructural level to elucidate the innervation of this adrenal medullary homologue. Paraganglia display unmyelinated nerve fibers surrounded by Schwann cell cytoplasm. These nerves are separated from the paraganglion Type I (granule-containing) cells by cytoplasmic projections of paraganglion Type II (satellite) cells. However, serial sections show that the nerves eventually make synaptic contact with the Type I cell. At the axon-chromaffin cell junction, only the outer aspect of the nerve is covered by the satellite cell. The presynaptic endings contain numerous synaptic vesicles, mitochondria and glycogen particles. The vesicles are predominantly of the clear-cored variety, but a few possess centers which are elecron opaque. The pre- and postsynaptic membranes are separated bya subsynaptic space and occasionally exhibit the membranal densities usually associated with synaptic areas. These ultrastructural studies establish definite evidence that abdominal paraganglion cells are innervated.  相似文献   

R Radke  W Stach 《Acta anatomica》1986,127(2):88-92
This contribution deals with the ultrastructure of the pancreatic nervous system of the dog 14 days and 5 months after bilateral truncal vagotomy. No major ultramorphological changes in the axons or their organelles (vesicles, mitochondria, microtubuli) were observed, and there appeared to be no reduction in the numbers of sympathic and cholinergic axis cylinders (material fixed in glutaraldehyde and potassium permanganate) or neurocellular contacts.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of short-term (8 weeks) treatment with different doses of cyproterone acetate (CPA), d-norgestrel (d-N) and progesterone (PRO) on the mammary gland were studied in cycle-synchronized beagle bitches (first anoestrus). Mammary glands from non-treated primiparous beagle bitches in the 6th and 9th weeks of pregnancy were also included. The results were evaluated using the whole-mount technique, histologic, histochemical and biochemical methods. CPA, d-N and PRO were shown to cause dose-dependent mammary growth accompanied by an increase in the mammary weight, DNA content and activity of several histochemically demonstrable dehydrogenases. These changes resembled in some aspects mammary development observed in the last third of pregnancy. A single human oral contraceptive dose (HCD) of CPA as well as a dose as low as 1.0mg/kg/day subcutaneously of PRO was capable of stimulating complete mammary development. A comparable effect was first observed as a result of treatment with as much as 100 times the HCD of d-N. However, d-N and CPA were shown to be more effective than PRO in stimulating ductal proliferative activity. These structural and biochemical responses indicate that quantitative and/or qualitative differences may exist between PRO, the synthetic progesterone derivative CPA and the synthetic nortestosterone progestagen d-N with regard to their growth-promoting effect on the canine mammary gland. This may be explained by possible differences in their potency and range of biological activity, pharmacodynamics and effects on pituitary hormone secretion.The authors are grateful to Dr. Christel Schöbel and Mrs. P. Kurth for carrying out the experimental work on animals, to Dr. Y. Nishino and Mr. M. Leidecker for biochemical determination of DNA, to Dr. J. Kaufmann for statistical analysis, to Miss E. Fallenbacher, Mrs. B. Schilk, Mrs. G. Soulioti and Miss. U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance, and to Dr. P. Günzel for his advice and encouragement  相似文献   

In the present study, the analysis of epithelial cells derived from various sources was undertaken, beginning from the mammary gland tissue through the primary cultures and their subsequent passages. The objective of the study was the comparative analysis of the stage in which the epithelial cells obtained from individuals in different lactation cycles and disparate phases of cell culture growth are the most suitable for morphological research and analysis of gene expression activity. The cultures of primary bovine mammary epithelial cells and passages were identified morphologically using immunocytochemical methods. After positive identification, real-time PCRs were performed for the analysis of the expression level of casein genes, whey protein genes, and butyrophilin gene. The most stable reference genes in real-time PCRs for the mammary gland tissue and cell cultures were also determined. Of the reference genes, the UXT and GAPDH genes appeared to be the most stable ones for the mammary gland tissue samples and epithelial cell cultures. The results obtained allowed concluding that the mammary gland samples collected from heifers constituted the most effective material for the initiation of primary cultures. The primary cultures formed characteristic for the mammary gland tissue dome structures, which images were obtained using confocal microscopy. The highest levels of expression of the CSN1S1, CSN1S2, CSN2, and CSN3 genes were detected in primary cultures. The levels of expression of whey protein genes (LALBA and BGL) were highest in the second passage. The most abundant expression of the BTN1A1 gene was observed in primary cultures and the third passage. On the basis of the whole experiment, it can be concluded that primary cultures and cells of the second passage derived from heifer individuals appeared to be the best materials for the analysis of mammary gland function and gene expression activity.  相似文献   

The present immunohistochemical study by use of antisera against neurofilament protein (NFP) and S-100 protein dealt with the innervation of the upper incisors and periodontal ligament in five species of rodents including the guinea pig, hamster, Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguicularis), mouse and squirrel (Tamias sibiricus). The innervation pattern of the periodontal ligament and dental pulp in the incisors of five rodents was fundamentally identical to that in the rat, which we have previously demonstrated by the same method. The NFP-positive Ruffini-like corpuscles were concentrated in the middle region of the lingual periodontal ligament in all the species examined, suggesting that this particular arrangement of Ruffini-like corpuscles, possibly stretch receptors, was essential to the rodent incisor. The labial periodontal ligament, on the other hand, contained less numerous NFP-positive nerves, these terminating among collagen fibers as free endings. The gerbil and squirrel in particular possessed only a few nerve fibers in the labial periodontal ligament. It was thus presumed that the labial periodontal ligament might be less significant as a mechanoreceptive site than the lingual periodontal ligament. The NFP-positive pulpal nerves, beaded or smooth in shape, ran parallel to the tooth axis, but never extended to the odontoblastic layer; no subodontoblastic plexus was found in the incisors of any of the rodents. S-100-immunopositive nervous elements were distributed in the periodontal ligament and dental pulp of all the rodent species examined, showing a distribution pattern similar to the NFP-positive nerves. Only in the squirrel did odontoblasts show an intense S-100 immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

We studied the expression of CD44 isoforms immunoreactivity in normal human salivary gland tissue, aiming at its full characterisation in normal epithelial and myoepithelial cell types. Optical immunohistochemistry techniques using monoclonal antibodies anti-CD44v3, CD44v4/5 and, for CD44v6, together with immunoelectron microscopy, were performed in serous, seromucinous and mucinous glands. Normal human breast and a case of lactating breast adenoma were used for comparative purposes and as controls. CD44v3 was positive in acinar and myoepithelial cells and was absent in mucin-producing cells from the different gland types. CD44v4/5 was consistently negative in all types of salivary tissue. CD44v6 was constantly positive in serous acinar cells, focally positive in basal cells of ducts, and myoepithelial cells consistently expressed it. At the ultrastructural level, CD44v6 was localised to the interdigitating processes of acinar cells, whenever they were not covered by basal lamina and to the cell membrane facing myoepithelial cells. In myoepithelial cells, immunolabelling was found at the membranes facing the acinar cells and in caveolae present at this interface. No labelling was found at cell membranes of both acinar and myoepithelial cells in contact with basal lamina or at the luminal aspect of the former. The finding of CD44v3 and v6 in myoepithelium of normal salivary glands may argue in favour of the role of these molecules in the regulation of growth and renewal of normal tissues and, potentially, on the morphogenesis of salivary gland neoplasms.  相似文献   

A study of the monoaminergic innervation of the cortical distal nephron beyond the thick ascending limb of Henle (TALH) was carried out by surveying nine autoradiograms, from three rats injected with exogenous tritiated norepinephrine, for overlapping of the tubule by accumulations of autoradiographic grains (AAGs). The largest number of the AAGs appeared on the late distal convoluted tubule-connecting tubule (LDCT-CNT) portion and the vast majority of the AAGs were related to the afferent arteriole. The distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD) showed half of their AAGs related to the efferent arterioles and capillary-interstitium although a substantial amount was associated with the afferent arterioles or arteries. Electron microscopy of reembedded autoradiograms demonstrated the presence of neuroeffector junctions with the CNT and CCD at sites of AAG overlap. The presence of adrenoceptors in the late distal nephron suggests the possibility of a local response of the nephron to the action of the adrenergic nerves shown in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), 5,6-benzoflavone (βNF), 7,8-benzoflavone (αNF) and pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile (PCN) upon aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) were determined in primary mammary gland epithelial cell cultures prepared from the C3Hf?/Ki mouse. MCA elevated AHH activity by 3–4 fold after 24 h of treatment; αNF produced a 50% inhibition. The specific activity of AHH in these cells was elevated by 6 h after exposure to MCA; enzyme activity was still maximally elevated after 48 h. The effects of MCA were also investigated in a group of mammary cell lines, one of which was derived from a control virgin mouse, the MCG V14; 3 of which arose from mammary tumors, MCG T10, MCG T14 and MCG T19; and 2 of which were sublines developed from hyperplastic alveolar nodules, HAN-1 and HAN-2. Induction was seen in all lines at 24 h, with the MCG T14 being the most responsive and the HAN-2, the least. Although the MCG T19 tumor cells did respond in culture, when implanted in the mouse, the AHH of the subsequent tumor was not elevated upon administration of MCA in vivo.  相似文献   

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