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P. Schröder 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(2):163-171
In laboratory experiments, blackfly larvae collected from a lake outlet, a woodland and a meadow stream were tested for size selection of latex beads of < Ito > 100 μm diameters. 3 suspensions of varying proportions for each size category were supplied to these blackfly larvae in common experiments. Comparisons between the size frequency distributions of particles supplied and the particle compositions in the larval guts showed intra- and interspecific differences and were quantified by calculating Jacobs' electivity index. In all species selection of larger particles increased with the larger larval instars. Although there was a positive selectivity of small particles in some cases, the ingested proportion of large particles increases volumes and biomasses of gut content and may be more important for larval growth than small particles.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Blackfly larvae were collected from twenty-one stations in five lake outlets in Southern Quebec. Tiles (total area=500cm2) were introduced in early March, and collected 4 weeks later: randomly selected rocks (30–500cm) from the surrounding area were collected at the same time. 2. Larval densities on tiles were significantly less variable than on rocks. The variance of density estimates on tiles averaged 36% of the observed variance on natural rocks, or 67% when variance on rocks was corrected for average rock size. 3. Tiles significantly overestimated densities on rocks in some streams, and significantly underestimated them in others. These differences could not be explained by microhabitat differences (distance from the lake, depth, current velocity) between rock and tile samples. The bias that tiles introduce in density estimates precludes their use in comparisons among sites.  相似文献   

Thirteen strains of Bacillus thuringiensis were bioassayed against late-instar larvae of field-collected Simulium vittatum. All 13 strains caused significant blackfly mortality. The mortalities ranged from 64% for the HD 225 strain to 88% for HD 39 at 10 ppm for a 24-hr exposure period. A minimum 24 hr of exposure to a minimum concentration of 10 ppm was required to produce mortalities approximating 90%. The LC50 values for the HD 39 and HD 225 strains were 1.1 and 1.0 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

1. Total counts of blackfly larvae densities over 30- and 57-h periods in experimental channels during May of 1996 & 1997 indicate that ultraviolet radiation (UV; 290–400 nm) may be important in stimulating emigration.
2. Under experimentally controlled solar UV exposure, larval densities at dawn in UV-shielded channels were 161% and 168% higher than in the UV-exposed channels. Larval densities in UV-exposed channels then decreased by 68.2% and 81.1% between dawn and early afternoon of the two days; density decreases in UV-shielded channels were slight, and not statistically significant, during the same periods.
3. Larvae within UV-exposed channels occupied shaded microhabitats during hours of intense solar radiation, suggesting that simuliid larvae can detect and respond to UV radiation over very short periods of time.
4. A cyclical pattern of UV-induced emigration during hours of increasing solar flux (06.30–13.30) and net immigration in the hours of decreasing solar flux and at night emerged. Thus stream invertebrates may be very sensitive to environmental changes, resulting in either increased UV flux or decreased shading of streams. Diel cycles in invertebrate densities should be taken into account in research designs and sampling protocols in order to identify and interpret correctly results of both periodic surveys and experiments.  相似文献   

A collection of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) from western Iran was examined, four species were recorded. Three new species are described: Tetisimulium iranicum sp. n., Wilhelmia lurestanica sp. n., and Crosskeyellum zagros sp. n. The presence of Tetisimulium coarctatum (Rubzov, 1940) in Iran is confirmed.  相似文献   

Wotton  R. S. 《Oecologia》1978,33(3):279-290
Summary A field experiment on feeding-rate in blackfly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae) was conducted in the River Teuronjoki near its origin from Lake Pääjärvi, Finland. Small larvae were seen to feed more rapidly than large larvae.The increase in mean body-tissue weight of the larvae in Teuronjoki was determined and, from this relationship, growth-rate day-1 for the larvae was obtained.In the laboratory, respiration-rate was determined for larvae of known body-tissue weight. Experiments were conducted when animals were feeding to replicate, as closely as possible, the conditions in the field. Respiration costs were higher for small, than for large, larvae.Estimates of assimilation-rate could be obtained by addition of growthrate and respiration-rate for larvae of given body-tissue weight. As the weight of material ingested per unit of time was known it was therefore possible to calculate assimilation efficiency. The values given in this study are the lowest yet recorded for freshwater detritivores.The study was conducted at Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki, Finland  相似文献   

Abstract. The nuisance activity of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) was investigated in several habitats on Speyside, near Kincraig (57o08'N, 3o56'W), Invernesshire, in central Scotland during May-October 1987-89.
The main blackfly species caught landing/biting on humans were Simulium reptans, S. argyreatum, S. variegetum and the S. tuberosum complex, in order of prevalence. Blackfly biting activity occurred from mid-May to mid-September. Numbers of female blackflies attracted to volunteers were correlated with their body posture, habitat and the season. Overall, Simulium activity was greatest in mixed birch/juniper forest, least in spruce plantations and at intermediate levels on pasture, moorland and in Scots Pine forest.
Compared with an adult, a child experienced twice as many Simulium bites per hour (12.2 v 6.3) in the birch forest. On the child's body, 69% of blackfiies landed on the head, neck and back, whereas the majority landed on the legs (48%) and arms (28%) of adults. Bending over, especially during the exertion of gardening, was more attractive to anthropophilic blackfiies than standing or kneeling.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the labral fan morphology of 29 populations belonging to at least 21 different simuliid species present as mature larvae in spring-early summer in North Swedish streams and rivers. The study revealed that there are both adaptive, morphological and phylogenetic traits evident in the material. Two basically different particle capture techniques can be deduced from morphology, where two prosimuliids, Cnephia pallipes and Metacnephia trigonia , represent species which mainly rely on a sieving technique, whereas all other species investigated capture particles by some other process, such as diffusional deposition. Within tribe Simuliini there are significant relationships between several fan traits and habitat. Thus, fast rivers are inhabited by species with small fans, having short and stout rays, whereas small, slow streams harbour species with large fans consisting of elongated, delicate rays. The finer morphology of the fan rays in terms of secondary structures, the microtrichia, appears to be more related to phylogeny than" habitat. Since a phylogeny of blackfly species still is lacking, this conclusion cannot be tested. In two subgenera, however, which are particularly well represented in the present material ( Simulium s. str. and Nevermannia ), and whose taxonomy is based on criteria other than fan morphology, there is consistent support for the conclusions about habitat-morphology relations.  相似文献   

P. Schröder 《Hydrobiologia》1988,164(2):149-160
Nine blackfly species were found in two river systems in south western Ireland. Their distribution patterns reflected the three main types of running waters: head waters and mountain brooks; meadow streams and river sections at lower altitudes; lake outlets. Cluster analyses showed correlations between the five most dominant blackfly species and stream sites, as well as with some environmental factors. Larval gut analyses demonstrated that in general the supply of suspended algae determined larval gut content, but there were distinct differences in food utilization between associated larvae.  相似文献   

Three blackfly Wilhelmia paraequina populations of Armenia (rivers Debet and Megriget, channel Megri) were studied. 2n = 6: IS + IIL, IIS + IL, IIIS + IIIL. Cytological maps of polytene chromosomes were constructed. High inversion polymorphism (95.63%) was observed, with 2.6 inversions per individual. Three inversions proved to be associated with male development: Y1 was characterized by a combination of two heterozygous inversions, IIL-3 + IIL-1, while Y2 had another combination of heterozygous inversions, IIL-5 + IIL-3. The X chromosome had a standard homozygous IIL disk sequence. The populations were shown to be similar in autosomal polymorphism. A tendency for differentiation was observed with respect to frequencies and types of sex-linked inversions: the sex determination system was Y1X-XX in the Debet and Megriget populations and Y2X-XX in the channel (Megri) population. On the strength of these findings, one W. paraequina morphotype was assumed to involve two cytotypes, A (Debet and Megriget populations) and B (Megri population).  相似文献   

陈汉彬  张春林 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):70-72
 记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种 。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are cosmopolitan nuisance pests of great economic importance as well as vectors of many pathogens. After reports of massive blackfly biting of captive nyala antelopes in the Vienna Zoo, Austria, this study aimed to identify the species causing multiple skin lesions on the antelope hosts. The Palearctic species Simulium equinum, belonging to the medically and veterinary important Wilhelmia subgenus, was identified as the most likely causative agent. Barcoding and maximum likelihood analysis supported morphological species identification and highlighted the complex phylogeny of the subgenus Wilhelmia. Our study gives first evidence of the multi-host feeding blackfly S. equinum in the Vienna Zoo, thereby raising the question whether other hosts could also be bitten on a regular basis. The preliminary results urge for further analysis of blackfly breeding sites as well as the clarification of the host spectrum to assess the medical and veterinary importance of blackflies in the Zoo.  相似文献   

Sheldon  Andrew L.  Oswood  Mark W. 《Hydrobiologia》1977,56(2):113-120
A mathematical model based on assumptions of proportionality of filter-feeding insect larvae and their food supply and of the ability of the larvae to substantially reduce the sestonic food supply was developed. The predictions of the model were tested by censusing simuliid blackfly larvae in the outlet stream of a mesotrophic lake. Observed trends in simuliid density agree closely with the predictions. Two seston components (diatoms, detritus) increase downstream contrary to prediction. Potential predators of simuliids were censumed. Isoperla spp. decreased with increasing distance below the lake while the perlid stoneflies Calineuria and Hesperoperla seemed to be excluded from the outfall region.  相似文献   

Oviposition habits of a univoltine mammalophilic blackfly, Prosimulium kiotoense Shiraki, were investigated at a stream in Kyushu Island, Japan. The flies oviposited on bryophyte mosses growing on river bank rock surfaces. The eggs were laid singly, but large irregular egg masses were often formed because many females oviposited within the same small areas. Wet sites with dense bryophyte cover at heights between 0 and 15 cm above water level were selected for oviposition. Oviposition activity was observed in the latter half of April. P. kioteonse females came to the site to lay eggs after 11.00 hours in the morning, when air temperature rose to about 15 degrees C. Peak ovipositional activity occurred between 12.00 and 14.00 hours.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of various primers for the purpose of DNA barcoding old, pinned museum specimens of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). We analysed 271 pinned specimens representing two genera and at least 36 species. Due to the age of our material, we targeted overlapping DNA fragments ranging in size from 94 to 407 bp. We were able to recover valid sequences from 215 specimens, of which 18% had 500‐ to 658‐bp barcodes, 36% had 201‐ to 499‐bp barcodes and 46% had 65‐ to 200‐bp barcodes. Our study demonstrates the importance of choosing suitable primers when dealing with older specimens and shows that even very short sequences can be diagnostically informative provided that an appropriate gene region is used. Our study also highlights the lack of knowledge surrounding blackfly taxonomy, and we briefly discuss the need for further phylogenetic studies in this socioeconomically important family of insects.  相似文献   

1. In insects, instar determination is generally based on the frequency distribution of sclerotised body part measurements. Commonly used univariate methods, such as histograms and univariate kernel smoothing, are not sufficient to reflect the distribution of the measurements, because development of sclerotised body parts is multidimensional. 2. This study used an adaptive bivariate kernel smoothing method, based on 10 pairs of separating variables, to differentiate instars of Austrosimulium tillyardianum (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae in two‐dimensional space. A variable bandwidth matrix was used and separation lines between instars were defined. Using the Crosby growth ratio, Brooks' rule and the new standard recently proposed, larvae were separated into nine instars. It was found that, using the bivariate kernel smoothing method, the clustering accuracy and determination of separation lines as instar class limits were higher than those associated with the univariate kernel smoothing method. With the exceptions of the paired separating variables, head capsule length and antennal segment 3 length (AS3L), the mean probabilities of correct classifications was > 85%. The pair of separating variables that yielded the greatest classification accuracy comprised mandible length (ML) and AS3L, which had mean probabilities of 0.8984. The clustering accuracy was higher for early‐ and late‐instar larvae, but lower for instars 6 and 7. The adaptive bivariate kernel smoothing method was better than univariate methods for instar determination, especially in the detection of divisions between instars and identification of a larval instar.  相似文献   

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