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The hydroid Myrionema ambionense, a fast-growing cnidarian (doubling time = 8 days) found in shallow water on tropical back-reefs, lives in symbiosis with symbiotic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium (hereafter also referred to as zooxanthellae). The symbionts live in vacuoles near the base of host digestive cells, whereas unhealthy looking zooxanthellae are generally located closer to the apical end of the host cell. Cytokinesis of zooxanthellae occurred at night, with a peak in number of symbionts with division furrows (mitotic index, MI = 12%-20%) observed at dawn. The MI of zooxanthellae decreased to near zero by the middle of the afternoon and remained there until the middle of the next night. Densities of live zooxanthellae living inside of host digestive cells peaked following cytokinesis, whereas densities of unhealthy looking symbionts were highest just before the division peak. Mitosis of host digestive cells was highest in the evening, also preceding the peak in zooxanthellar MI. This is the first study relating phased host cell division to diel zooxanthellar division in marine cnidarians. Food vacuoles were prevalent inside of digestive cells of field-collected hydroids within a few hours after sunset and throughout the night, coinciding with digestion of captured demersal plankton. Laboratory experiments showed that food vacuoles appeared in digestive cell cytoplasm within 2 h of feeding with nauplii of Artemia. The number and size of food vacuoles per digestive cell and the percentage of digestive cells with food vacuoles all decreased 5-7 h following feeding in laboratory experiments, and by mid-day in field-collected hydroids. Light and external food supply were important in maintaining phased division of the symbionts, with a lag in response time to both parameters of 11-36 h. Altering light and feeding during the night did not influence the level of the peak MI the next morning, though in one experiment the absence of light slowed final separation of daughter cells at the end of cytokinesis. In another experiment, hydroids starved for 3-7 d and "pulse-fed" Artemia nauplii for 1 h at the beginning of the dark period showed continued low symbiont division (< 5%) after 11 h, whether maintained in constant light or darkness, implying that most algal division is set more than 24 h prior to actual cytokinesis. Transferred to a 14:10 h light:dark cycle for another 24 h (36 h after feeding), the same hydroids exhibited a "normal" peak MI (ca. 15%) at dawn, but zooxanthellae from hydroids kept in constant darkness still showed a low MI. These results show that mitosis of symbiotic dinoflagellates requires three factors: external food; a minimum period of time following feeding (11-36 h), presumably for digestion; and a period of light following feeding, presumably to provide carbon skeletons necessary for completing cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Isolations of pressure-adapted deep sea bacteria from depths of 1,400 to 5,100 m resulted in a variety of psychrophilic barotolerant and barophilic strains. Growth rates determined at different pressures indicated a gradual transition between the two types of pressure-adapted isolates. The presence of barotolerant bacteria in deep water, sustained by sinking particulate matter, causes the nonbarophilic response of natural populations, i.e., increased growth after decompression. With increasing pressure-adaptation in barophilic isolates the maximum growth rates at optimum pressures decrease. Thus, the observed general slow-down of microbial activity in the deep sea takes effect regardless of the common occurrence of psychrophilic and barophilic bacteria. The highest degree of barophilism was observed in isolates from nutrient-rich habitats such as intestinal tracts of deep sea animals or decaying carcasses. Detailed studies with an isolate, growing barophilically on a complex as well as a single-carbon-source medium, showed that (1) culturing at pressures lower than optimal for growth resulted in the formation of cell filaments, (2) growth was unaffected by repeated compression/decompression cycles and (3) no perceptible differences in the distribution of radiolabeled carbon from an amino acid mixture occurred in cells grown at, below and above the pressure optimal for growth.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hans G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 60th birthday in recognition of his broad microbiological interests and in special appreciation of his lasting support for the Marine Microbiology Course at the Stazione Zoologica (Naples, Italy) now for almost 25 years Non-standard abbreviations. The traditional use of atm as a unit of pressure (=10 m of water column, =1.013 bar, =101.3 kN/m2) is retained here in view of the important relation between water depth and hydrostatic pressure in the present study. Due to the compression of seawater and the geographic variability of gravity, there is a progressive deviation of the actual pressure with depth amounting to +4.9 atm at 5,000 m and a latitude of 30°. EPC, cell counts obtained by epifluorescence microscopy. PY, peptone yeast extract medium  相似文献   

The importance of symbiotic microbes to insects cannot be overstated; however, we have a poor understanding of the evolutionary processes that shape most insect–microbe interactions. Many bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) species are involved in what have been described as obligate mutualisms with symbiotic fungi. Beetles benefit through supplementing their nutrient‐poor diet with fungi and the fungi benefit through gaining transportation to resources. However, only a few beetle–fungal symbioses have been experimentally manipulated to test whether the relationship is obligate. Furthermore, none have tested for adaptation of beetles to their specific symbionts, one of the requirements for coevolution. We experimentally manipulated the western pine beetle–fungus symbiosis to determine whether the beetle is obligately dependent upon fungi and to test for fine‐scale adaptation of the beetle to one of its symbiotic fungi, Entomocorticium sp. B. We reared beetles from a single population with either a natal isolate of E. sp. B (isolated from the same population from which the beetles originated), a non‐natal isolate (a genetically divergent isolate from a geographically distant beetle population), or with no fungi. We found that fungi were crucial for the successful development of western pine beetles. We also found no significant difference in the effects of the natal and non‐natal isolate on beetle fitness parameters. However, brood adult beetles failed to incorporate the non‐natal fungus into their fungal transport structure (mycangium) indicating adaption by the beetle to particular genotypes of symbiotic fungi. Our results suggest that beetle–fungus mutualisms and symbiont fidelity may be maintained via an undescribed recognition mechanism of the beetles for particular symbionts that may promote particular associations through time.  相似文献   

For cnidarians that can undergo shifts in algal symbiont relative abundance, the underlying algal physiological changes that accompany these shifts are not well known. The sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima associates with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium muscatinei and the chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina, symbionts with very different tolerances to light and temperature. We compared the performance of these symbionts in anemones maintained in an 8–11.5 month outdoor common garden experiment with simulated intertidal conditions and three levels of shading (2, 43, and 85% ambient irradiance). Symbiont densities, mitotic indices, photophysiology and pigments were assessed at three time points during the summer, a period of high irradiance and solar heating during aerial exposure. Whereas S. muscatinei was either neutrally or positively affected by higher irradiance treatments, E. marina responded mostly negatively to high irradiance. E. marina in the 85% irradiance treatment exhibited significantly reduced Pmax and chlorophyll early in the summer, but it was not until nearly 3 months later that a shift in symbiont relative abundance toward S. muscatinei occurred, coincident with bleaching. Symbiont densities and proportions remained largely stable in all other treatments over time, and displacement of S. muscatinei by E. marina was not observed in the 2% irradiance treatment despite the potentially better performance of E. marina. While our results support the view that rapid changes in symbiont relative abundance are typically associated with symbiont physiological dysfunction and bleaching, they also show that significant temporal lags may occur between the onset of symbiont stress and shifts in symbiont relative abundances.  相似文献   

The fungus-growing ant-microbe mutualism is a classic example of organismal complexity generated through symbiotic association. The ants have an ancient obligate mutualism with fungi they cultivate for food. The success of the mutualism is threatened by specialized fungal parasites (Escovopsis) that consume the cultivated fungus. To defend their nutrient-rich garden against infection, the ants have a second mutualism with bacteria (Pseudonocardia), which produce antibiotics that inhibit the garden parasite Escovopsis. Here we reveal the presence of a fourth microbial symbiont associated with fungus-growing ants: black yeasts (Ascomycota; Phialophora). We show that black yeasts are commonly associated with fungus-growing ants, occurring throughout their geographical distribution. Black yeasts grow on the ants' cuticle, specifically localized to where the mutualistic bacteria are cultured. Molecular phylogenetic analyses reveal that the black yeasts form a derived monophyletic lineage associated with the phylogenetic diversity of fungus growers. The prevalence, distribution, localization and monophyly indicate that the black yeast is a fifth symbiont within the attine ant-microbe association, further exemplifying the complexity of symbiotic associations.  相似文献   

Beneficial eukaryotic–bacterial partnerships are integral to animal and plant evolution. Understanding the density regulation mechanisms behind bacterial symbiosis is essential to elucidating the functional balance between hosts and symbionts. Citrus mealybugs, Planococcus citri (Risso), present an excellent model system for investigating the mechanisms of symbiont density regulation. They contain two obligate nutritional symbionts, Moranella endobia, which resides inside Tremblaya princeps, which has been maternally transmitted for 100–200 million years. We investigate whether host genotype may influence symbiont density by crossing mealybugs from two inbred laboratory‐reared populations that differ substantially in their symbiont density to create hybrids. The density of the M. endobia symbiont in the hybrid hosts matched that of the maternal parent population, in keeping with density being determined either by the symbiont or the maternal genotype. However, the density of the T. princeps symbiont was influenced by the paternal host genotype. The greater dependency of T. princeps on its host may be due to its highly reduced genome. The decoupling of T. princeps and M. endobia densities, in spite of their intimate association, suggests that distinct regulatory mechanisms can be at work in symbiotic partnerships, even when they are obligate and mutualistic.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that life originated in a similar environment to those of deep sea hydrothermal vents. These environments are located along volcanic ridges and are characterized by extreme conditions such as unique physical properties (temperature, pressure), chemical toxicity, and absence of photosynthesis. However, numerous living organisms have been discovered in these hostile environments, including a variety of microorganisms and many animal species which live in intimate and complex symbioses with sulfo-oxidizing and methanotrophic bacteria. Recent proteomic analyses of the endosymbiont ofRiftia pachyptila and genome sequences of some free living and symbiotic bacteria have provided complementary information about the potential metabolic and genomic capacities of these organisms. The evolution of these adaptive strategies is connected with different mechanisms of genetic adaptation including horizontal gene transfer and . various structural and functional mutations. Therefore, the organisms in this environment are good models for studying the evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as different aspects of the biology of adaptation. This review describes some current research concerning metabolic and plausible genetic adaptations of organisms in a deep sea environment, usingRiftia pachyptila as model.  相似文献   

Terrestrial arthropods are often infected with heritable bacterial symbionts, which may themselves be infected by bacteriophages. However, what role, if any, bacteriophages play in the regulation and maintenance of insect–bacteria symbioses is largely unknown. Infection of the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum by the bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa confers protection against parasitoid wasps, but only when H. defensa is itself infected by the phage A. pisum secondary endosymbiont (APSE). Here, we use a controlled genetic background and correlation-based assays to show that loss of APSE is associated with up to sevenfold increases in the intra-aphid abundance of H. defensa. APSE loss is also associated with severe deleterious effects on aphid fitness: aphids infected with H. defensa lacking APSE have a significantly delayed onset of reproduction, lower weight at adulthood and half as many total offspring as aphids infected with phage-harbouring H. defensa, indicating that phage loss can rapidly lead to the breakdown of the defensive symbiosis. Our results overall indicate that bacteriophages play critical roles in both aphid defence and the maintenance of heritable symbiosis.  相似文献   

The outcome of coevolutionary interactions is predicted to vary across landscapes depending on local conditions and levels of gene flow, with some populations evolving more extreme specializations than others. Using a globally distributed parasite of colonial seabirds, the tick Ixodes uriae, we examined how host availability and geographic isolation influences this process. In particular, we sampled ticks from 30 populations of six different seabird host species, three in the Southern Hemisphere and three in the Northern Hemisphere. We show that parasite races have evolved independently on hosts of both hemispheres. Moreover, the degree of differentiation between tick races varied spatially within each region and suggests that the divergence of tick races is an ongoing process that has occurred multiple times across isolated areas. As I. uriae is vector to the bacterium responsible for Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, these results may have important consequence for the epidemiology of this disease. With the increased occurrence of novel interspecific interactions due to global change, these results also stress the importance of the combined effects of gene flow and selection for parasite diversification.  相似文献   

Dynamic symbioses may critically mediate impacts of climate change on diverse organisms, with repercussions for ecosystem persistence in some cases. On coral reefs, increases in heat-tolerant symbionts after thermal bleaching can reduce coral susceptibility to future stress. However, the relevance of this adaptive response is equivocal owing to conflicting reports of symbiont stability and change. We help reconcile this conflict by showing that change in symbiont community composition (symbiont shuffling) in Orbicella faveolata depends on the disturbance severity and recovery environment. The proportion of heat-tolerant symbionts dramatically increased following severe experimental bleaching, especially in a warmer recovery environment, but tended to decrease if bleaching was less severe. These patterns can be explained by variation in symbiont performance in the changing microenvironments created by differentially bleached host tissues. Furthermore, higher proportions of heat-tolerant symbionts linearly increased bleaching resistance but reduced photochemical efficiency, suggesting that any change in community structure oppositely impacts performance and stress tolerance. Therefore, even minor symbiont shuffling can adaptively benefit corals, although fitness effects of resulting trade-offs are difficult to predict. This work helps elucidate causes and consequences of dynamism in symbiosis, which is critical to predicting responses of multi-partner symbioses such as O. faveolata to environmental change.  相似文献   

Expansins comprise a superfamily of plant cell wall loosening proteins that can be divided into four individual families (EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB). Aside from inferred roles in a variety of plant growth and developmental traits, little is known regarding the function of specific expansin clades, for which there are at least 16 in flowering plants (angiosperms); however, there is evidence to suggest that some expansins have cell‐specific functions, in root hair and pollen tube development, for example. Recently, two duckweed genomes have been sequenced (Spirodela polyrhiza strains 7498 and 9509), revealing significantly reduced superfamily sizes. We hypothesized that there would be a correlation between expansin loss and morphological reductions seen among highly adapted aquatic species. In order to provide an answer to this question, we characterized the expansin superfamilies of the greater duckweed Spirodela, the marine eelgrass Zostera marina and the bladderwort Utricularia gibba. We discovered rampant expansin gene and clade loss among the three, including a complete absence of the EXLB family and EXPA‐VII. The most convincing correlation between morphological reduction and expansin loss was seen for Utricularia and Spirodela, which both lack root hairs and the root hair expansin clade EXPA‐X. Contrary to the pattern observed in other species, four Utricularia expansins failed to branch within any clade, suggesting that they may be the result of neofunctionalization. Last, an expansin clade previously discovered only in eudicots was identified in Spirodela, allowing us to conclude that the last common ancestor of monocots and eudicots contained a minimum of 17 expansins.  相似文献   

Marine phytoplankton can evolve rapidly when confronted with aspects of climate change because of their large population sizes and fast generation times. Despite this, the importance of environment fluctuations, a key feature of climate change, has received little attention—selection experiments with marine phytoplankton are usually carried out in stable environments and use single or few representatives of a species, genus or functional group. Here we investigate whether and by how much environmental fluctuations contribute to changes in ecologically important phytoplankton traits such as C:N ratios and cell size, and test the variability of changes in these traits within the globally distributed species Ostreococcus. We have evolved 16 physiologically distinct lineages of Ostreococcus at stable high CO2 (1031±87 μatm CO2, SH) and fluctuating high CO2 (1012±244 μatm CO2, FH) for 400 generations. We find that although both fluctuation and high CO2 drive evolution, FH-evolved lineages are smaller, have reduced C:N ratios and respond more strongly to further increases in CO2 than do SH-evolved lineages. This indicates that environmental fluctuations are an important factor to consider when predicting how the characteristics of future phytoplankton populations will have an impact on biogeochemical cycles and higher trophic levels in marine food webs.  相似文献   

外来入侵物种在入侵地经常面临很强的选择压力,这常常导致种内变异。在生活史事件发生的时间上,种群分化对气候梯度的响应被认为是促进许多入侵物种扩张的重要机制。对于产生种子的植物来说,种子萌发的时间决定了萌芽所经历的第一个环境条件,这对入侵植物的成功定植、种群建立和传播具有重要意义——尽管对于萌发在植物入侵成功中所起的作用仍然知之甚少。在本研究中,我们评估了入侵植物石茅(Sorghum halepense)在北美分布的10个种群的种子萌发在温度和降水梯度上的动态变化,以及这种变化是否与本地气候有关。种子被放置于一个较宽的温度范围(11-48˚C)以及两个水分梯度处理中。我们发现,石茅的种子可以在很宽的温度范围下萌发,但在不同的种群中,种子萌发的比例随温度和水分的不同而有较大的变化。有证据表明,当石茅的生长范围从温暖的气候扩展到寒冷的气候时,种子萌发温度的生态位也同时发生了向低温的转变。我们的研究结果表明,石茅种子的萌发已经适应了当地的气候,使其在整个生长范围内的萌发最大化,这可能是其入侵新环境的一个重要贡献因素。  相似文献   

Local adaptation in response to fine-scale spatial heterogeneity is well documented in terrestrial ecosystems. In contrast, in marine environments local adaptation has rarely been documented or rigorously explored. This may reflect real or anticipated effects of genetic homogenization, resulting from widespread dispersal in the sea. However, evolutionary theory predicts that for the many benthic species with complex life histories that include both sexual and asexual phases, each parental habitat patch should become dominated by the fittest and most competitive clones. In this study we used genotypic mapping to show that within headlands, clones of the sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa show restricted distributions to specific habitats despite the potential for more widespread dispersal. On these same shores we used reciprocal transplant experiments that revealed strikingly better performance of clones within their natal rather than foreign habitats as judged by survivorship, asexual fecundity, and growth. These findings highlight the importance of selection for fine-scale environmental adaptation in marine taxa and imply that the genotypic structure of populations reflects extensive periods of interclonal competition and site-specific selection.  相似文献   

深层海洋浮游植物研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张武昌  李海波  丰美萍  于莹  赵苑  赵丽  肖天  孙军 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3820-3826
对深层海洋(200 m)浮游生物的研究是我国海洋浮游生物研究的前沿,已有的深层海洋浮游生物知识是我国相关研究的基础。浮游植物需要阳光进行光合作用,大多数浮游植物沉降到深海中会死亡,但有些浮游植物却能在深海中生存。综述深层海洋中存活的浮游植物的研究进展,为我国的研究提供参考。在深层海洋发现的浮游植物(2"m)种类不多,共有18种,最深分布在4000 m,颗石藻的丰度大于硅藻和甲藻,最大丰度为2220个/L,出现在500 m。在1911—1985年期间,曾经发现橄榄绿细胞,由于研究手段有限,一直没有对其进行分类学研究。1985年以后的研究怀疑这些橄榄绿细胞就是聚球藻蓝细菌,聚球藻蓝细菌在太平洋、大西洋和地中海的几个站位能分布到2750 m,在深层海洋的最大丰度为3.5×105个/mL,出现在800 m。在许多海区200—700 m发现有浮游植物色素荧光的高值,但对引起高值的原因尚不清楚。浮游植物生物量在深层海洋的垂直剖面研究不多,已有的研究表明浮游植物生物量在300 m以深为0.001—0.1"g C/L,且其随深度增加而降低。  相似文献   

A small crabZebrida adamsii, an obligate symbiont of the sea urchin, lives solitary on a host from the earliest stage of its benthic life. In the breeding season males frequently move between hosts to search for mates. Analysis of daily positional changes of individually marked crabs indicates that males often land on the substrate to migrate between separate hosts. Females also change hosts before they copulate, but after oviposition they stay on the same hosts for a long time, similarly to crabs in the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

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