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Physicochemical studies of human O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, present in most organisms, removes mutagenic and carcinogenic O6-alkylguanine from DNA by accepting the alkyl group in a stoichiometric reaction. The protein has been partially purified from human placenta. It reacts with second-order rate constants of 2.20 x 10(8) and 0.067 x 10(8) lmol-1 min-1 at 37 degrees C for duplex and single-stranded DNA substrates, respectively. The corresponding value for the alkylated base in synthetic poly(dC, dG, m6dG) is 0.02 x 10(8) l mol-1 min-1. The native protein is monomeric with a molecular mass of 22-24 kDa. Methylation of the protein does not lead to a gross change in its conformation but causes a slight reduction in its isoelectric point of 6.2. Although DNA protects the protein from heat inactivation, both duplex and single-stranded DNAs inhibit its activity in a concentration-dependent manner. The transferase reaction rate is also strongly inhibited by salt with about 20% of the maximum rate observed in physiological ionic strength. This inhibition is nonspecific with respect to the ions of univalent salts.  相似文献   

cDNA for O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase was isolated by screening rat liver cDNA libraries, using as a probe the human cDNA sequence for methyltransferase. The rat cDNA encodes a protein with 209 amino acid residues. The predicted amino acid sequence of the rat methyltransferase exhibits considerable homology with those of the human, yeast and bacterial enzymes, especially around putative methyl acceptor sites. When the cDNA was placed under control of the lac promoter and expressed in methyltransferase-deficient Escherichia coli (ada-, ogt-) cells, a characteristic methyltransferase protein was produced. The rat DNA methyltransferase thus expressed could complement the biological defects of the E. coli cell caused by lack of its own DNA methyltransferases; e.g. increased sensitivity to alkylating agents in terms of both cell death and mutation induction.  相似文献   

A plasmid encoding a recombinant human O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) fused to a fragment of the bacteriophage lambda N protein has been constructed. The fusion protein retained methyltransferase activity when expressed at high levels in E.coli and was purified to essential homogeneity by a simple procedure. Antisera raised against the purified fusion protein recognized MGMT in western blots of extracts of human cells. For most cell lines, there was a quantitative relation between the amount of immunologically detectable MGMT protein and enzyme activity. However, four cell lines contained detectable MGMT protein despite having no measurable methyltransferase activity. Additionally, a HeLa line contained considerably more immunoreactive MGMT protein than could be accounted for by its methyltransferase activity. Thus, some cells contain significant amounts of inactive MGMT. Preliminary characterization of the inactive protein in HeLaS3 cells indicated that it has some properties in common with MGMT methylated at the active cysteine residue.  相似文献   

O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase removes methyl groups from the O-6 position of guanine in DNA previously alkylated by alkylating carcinogens. Thus, the protein facilitates restoration of the impaired DNA. The content of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase was assayed in circulating lymphocytes and the impact of surgical trauma investigated. Patients (n = 13) without metabolic diseases admitted for elective orthopedic surgery were used. The patients were allowed water and food postoperatively. Blood was taken before and 3 days following surgery and the circulating lymphocytes were isolated. Before surgery, the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase content determined in the cell extracts showed patient-specific variations. Following surgery, a significant decrease of the protein by 60% (from 609 to 243 fmole/mg of DNA) was observed. The intensity of surgical trauma was confirmed by the decrease in plasma albumin concentration and the increase in white blood cell counts. The surgical trauma might elicit its effect as either a change in turnover of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase or a release from the thymus of lymphocytes low in enzyme levels. In summary, the surgical trauma per se was the cause of the pronounced decrease in the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase seen here. Investigations on O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase levels have an important relevance in studies on tumor-promoting agents inhaled and then taken up by the T lymphocytes of prospective proliferating capacity.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that human O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), a DNA repair protein that protects the genome against mutagens and accords tumor resistance to many anticancer alkylating agents, may have other roles besides repair. Therefore, we isolated MGMT-interacting proteins from extracts of HT29 human colon cancer cells using affinity chromatography on MGMT-Sepharose. Specific proteins bound to this column were identified by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry and/or Western blotting. These procedures identified >60 MGMT-interacting proteins with diverse functions including those involved in DNA replication and repair (MCM2, PCNA, ORC1, DNA polymerase delta, MSH-2, and DNA-dependent protein kinase), cell cycle progression (CDK1, cyclin B, CDK2, CDC7, CDC10, 14-3-3 protein, and p21(waf1/cip1)), RNA processing and translation (poly(A)-binding protein, nucleolin, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, A2/B1, and elongation factor-1alpha), several histones (H4, H3.4, and H2A.1), and topoisomerase I. The heat shock proteins, HSP-90alpha and beta, also bound strongly with MGMT. The DNA repair activity of MGMT was greatly enhanced in the presence of interacting proteins or histones. These data, for the first time, suggest that human MGMT is likely to have additional functions, possibly, in sensing and integrating the DNA damage/repair-related signals with replication, cell cycle progression, and genomic stability.  相似文献   

The level of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity in a human cell line carrying a 1.1-kilobase cDNA fragment was about 50 times higher than that found in ordinary methyltransferase-proficient (Mer+) cell lines (Hayakawa, H., Koike, G., and Sekiguchi, M. (1990) J. Mol. Biol. 213, 739-747). Taking advantage of this overproduction, the enzyme was purified to apparent physical homogeneity and the physical and biochemical properties investigated. A single polypeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 25,000 was detected on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the most highly purified preparation. The Stokes radius of 22.5 A and the sedimentation coefficient of 2.0 S were obtained, from which the molecular weight of the native form of the enzyme was calculated to be 19,000. After digestion with lysyl endopeptidase, peptide fragments of the protein were isolated and sequenced. The amino acid sequences of these peptides and the amino acid composition of the protein were in good agreement with those deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cloned cDNA. The purified enzyme catalyzed transfer of methyl groups from O6-methylguanine and O4-methylthymine, but not from methylphosphotriesters, of methylated DNA to the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

The 19,000 Mr C-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli ada gene product that contains O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase DNA repair activity has been crystallized in a low-salt environment. The crystals, which diffract to 2.3 A (1 A = 0.1 nm), are suitable for detailed structural studies. The space group is P21 with unit cell dimensions a = 46.3 A, b = 45.8 A, c = 46.9 A and beta = 113.3 degrees.  相似文献   

A constitutive O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase of Rhizobium meliloti   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have identified a DNA methyltransferase activity of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium, Rhizobium meliloti, that repairs O6-methylguanine lesions. Repair of the O6-methylguanine residue results in transfer of the methyl group to a cysteine residue of a 28,000-dalton protein. The O6-methyltransferase activity is expressed constitutively and R. meliloti does not exhibit an adaptive response to alkylating agents.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1983,119(3-4):221-228
A synthetic DNA polymer containing [8-3H]O6-methylguanine m6G) was used as a substrate to assay the in situ demethylation of the alkylated base by an activity in HeLa cell extracts. The repair activity appears to be similar to the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase of E. coli and to be inactivated by reaction with the substrate. Extracts of a methylation-repair proficient (Mer+) cell strain, HeLa CCL2, were found to contain m6G repair activity equivalent to approx. 100 000 molecules of methyltransferase per cell, assuming that each molecule can demethylate one m6G residue. No activity could be detected in the extract of a repair deficient (Mer) cell strain, HeLa S3, and there is no evidence of an inhibitor of repair activity in this strain.  相似文献   

Unfolding intermediates have been found only rarely in earlier studies, and how a protein unfolds is therefore poorly understood. In this paper, we show experimental evidence for multiple pathways and multiple intermediates during unfolding reaction of O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase from hyperthermophile Thermococcus kodakaraensis (Tk-MGMT). The unfolding profiles monitored by far-UV CD and tryptophan fluorescence were both biphasic, and unfolding monitored by fluorescence was faster than that monitored by CD. GdnHCl-induced titration curves indicate that the intermediates with significant alpha-helical structure accumulate during unfolding. Dependence of kinetic phases on initial GdnHCl concentrations and cysteine reactivity of Tk-MGMT were investigated, suggesting that the heterogeneity of native conformations and parallel unfolding pathways.  相似文献   

Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with human DNA has been shown in several laboratories to produce clones which stably express the DNA-repair protein, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), that is lacking in the parent cell lines (Mex- phenotype). We have investigated the genetic origin of the MGMT in a number of such MGMT-positive (Mex+) clones by using human MGMT cDNA and anti-human MGMT antibodies as probes. None of the five independently isolated Mex+ lines has human MGMT gene sequences. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the absence of the human protein in the extracts of these cells. The MGMT mRNA in the lines that express low levels of MGMT (0.6-1.4 x 10(4) molecules/cell) is of the same size (1.1 kb) as that present in hamster liver. One cell line, GC-1, with a much higher level of MGMT (4 x 10(4) molecules/cell) has two MGMT mRNAs, a major species of 1.3 kb and a minor species of 1.8 kb. It has also two MGMT polypeptides (32 and 28 kDa), both of which are larger than the 25 kDa MGMT present in hamster liver and other Mex+ transfectants. These results indicate that the MGMT in all Mex+ CHO cell clones is encoded by the endogenous gene. While spontaneous activation of the MGMT gene cannot be ruled out in the Mex+ cell clones, the intervention of human DNA sequences may be responsible for activation of the endogenous gene in the GC-1 line.  相似文献   

The alkyltransferase-like (ATL) proteins contain primary sequence motifs resembling those found in DNA repair O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase proteins. However, in the putative active site of ATL proteins, a tryptophan (W83) residue replaces the cysteine at the known active site of alkyltransferases. The Escherichia coli atl gene was expressed as a fusion protein and purified. Neither ATL nor C83 or A83 mutants transferred [3H] from [3H]-methylated DNA to themselves, and the levels of O6-methyl guanine (O6-meG) in substrate DNA were not affected by ATL. However, ATL inhibited the transfer of methyl groups to human alkyltransferase (MGMT). Inhibition was reduced by prolonged incubation in the presence of MGMT, again suggesting that O6-meG in the substrate is not changed by ATL. Gel-shift assays show that ATL binds to short single- or double-stranded oligonucleotides containing O6-meG, but not to oligonucleotides containing 8-oxoguanine, ethenoadenine, 5-hydroxycytosine or O4-methylthymine. There was no evidence of demethylation of O6-meG or of glycosylase or endonuclease activity. Overexpression of ATL in E.coli increased, or did not affect, the toxicity of N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in an alklyltransferase-proficient and -deficient strain, respectively. These results suggest that ATL may act as a damage sensor that flags O6-meG and possibly other O6-alkylation lesions for processing by other repair pathways.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase has been used as a reagent to analyse the initial reaction sites of alkylating agents such as chloroethylnitrosourea that cross-link DNA. The transferase can be employed for this purpose because it removes substituted ethyl groups from DNA, as shown by its ability to act on O6-hydroxyethylguanine residues in DNA. The enzyme counteracts the formation of interstrand cross-links induced by bis-chloroethylnitrosourea, but not those induced by nitrogen mustard. Once formed, chloroethylnitrosourea-induced cross-links are not broken by the enzyme. In agreement with deductions from experiments with living cells, it is concluded that chloroethylnitrosourea act by forming reactive monoadducts at the O6 position of guanine and/or the O4 position of thymine, which subsequently generate -CH2CH2- bridges to the complementary DNA strand. A new method for quantitating interstrand cross-links in DNA has been employed.  相似文献   

Temozolomide (TMZ) is an alkylating agent that is widely used in chemotherapy for cancer. A key mechanism of resistance to TMZ is the overexpression of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). MGMT specifically repairs the DNA O6-methylation damage induced by TMZ and irreversibly inactivates TMZ. Regulation of MGMT expression and research regarding the mechanism of TMZ resistance will help rationalize the clinical use of TMZ. In this review, we provide an overview of recent advances in the field, with particular emphasis on MGMT structure, function, expression regulation, and the association between MGMT and resistance to TMZ.  相似文献   

Deficiency in DNA repair has been linked to aging, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and several types of primary neuronal degeneration. O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase is a key enzyme in the repair of DNA alkylation damage that removes a methyl group from the O6 position of methylguanine. This study was carried out to determine whether there were any changes in the activity of this enzyme in lymphocytes of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) as compared to lymphocytes of age-matched non-demented elderly. The transferase activity in lymphocytes from 19 elderly patients with AD (mean 87.7 fmole/100 micrograms protein +/- SD 44.7) was not statistically different from that in 19 age/sex-matched controls (mean 91.3 fmole/100 micrograms protein +/- SD 40.0). There was no significant trend with age in transferase activity and the activity levels in the elderly subjects studied were the same as those reported previously for younger individuals by this laboratory. It is concluded that a reduction in O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity is unlikely to be involved in the etiology or the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

The O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase of Escherichia coli acts rapidly and stoichiometrically to convert a mutagenic O6-methylguanine residue in DNA to unsubstituted guanine. Even at low protein concentrations and in the absence of any cofactors, the transfer of a methyl group to one of the protein's own cysteine residues occurs in less than 2 s at 37 degrees C. The entire kinetic process can be followed experimentally at 5 degrees C. Formation of S-methylcysteine in the protein is accompanied by loss of activity and accounts for the exceptional suicide kinetics of this enzyme as well as for the sharp saturation of O6-methylguanine repair observed in vivo. The enzyme can remove greater than 98% of the methyl groups from O6-methylguanine present in alkylated DNA, but leaves N-alkylated purines untouched. Single-stranded DNA containing O6-methylguanine is a poor substrate, with the methyl transfer occurring at approximately 0.1% of the rate for duplex DNA. This latter observation may explain the high frequency of mutations induced by alkylating agents at DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

Divalent cations stabilized rat recombinant O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (rMGMT) protein against heat treatment. Activity of rMGMT was completely abolished by incubating at 45 degrees C for 30 min, however, addition of 1.0 mM Mg2+, Ca2+ or Mn2+ significantly protected heat-induced inactivation of MGMT activity (50-60% vs. 97% inactivation). Protective effect of Ca2+ on the MGMT activity was concentration-dependent up to 3 mM, and the thermal protection was effective up to 45 degrees C. In order to investigate Ca2+ binding site in rMGMT protein, truncated GST-rMGMT proteins containing N-terminal 39 amino acids (GST-rMGMT39), 70 amino acids (GST-rMGMT70) and full-length protein (GST-rMGMT) were prepared. Radiolabeled calcium ion [45Ca2+] was bound only to the GST-rMGMT70 and GST-rMGMT, but not to the GST-rMGMT39, indicating that divalent cations could bind the residues between 40th and 70th of the rMGMT protein. Calcium binding was not observed in the site-directed mutant rMGMT proteins (rMGMT(D42A) and rMGMT(E45A)), confirmed by autoradiography using [45Ca2+] after nondenaturing gel electrophoresis; however, the above two mutants had the same catalytic activity as well as proteolytic sensitivity as the wild MGMT protein. Analysis by equilibrium dialysis revealed stoichiometric binding of one molecule of Ca2+ to one molecule of the protein. Since circular dichroism (CD) spectra indicated no discernible difference before and after Ca2+ binding, the above results suggested that neutralization of two negative charges of Asp42 and Glu45 by Ca2+ resulted in thermal stabilization of the protein with minimum perturbation of its tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The consumption of red meat is a risk factor in human colorectal cancer (CRC). One hypothesis is that red meat facilitates the nitrosation of bile acid conjugates and amino acids, which rapidly convert to DNA-damaging carcinogens. Indeed, the toxic and mutagenic DNA adduct O6-carboxymethylguanine (O6-CMG) is frequently present in human DNA, increases in abundance in people with high levels of dietary red meat and may therefore be a causative factor in CRC. Previous reports suggested that O6-CMG is not a substrate for the human version of the DNA damage reversal protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), which protects against the genotoxic effects of other O6-alkylguanine lesions by removing alkyl groups from the O6-position. We now show that synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the known MGMT substrate O6-methylguanine (O6-MeG) or O6-CMG effectively inactivate MGMT in vitro (IC50 0.93 and 1.8 nM, respectively). Inactivation involves the removal of the O6-alkyl group and its transfer to the active-site cysteine residue of MGMT. O6-CMG is therefore an MGMT substrate, and hence MGMT is likely to be a protective factor in CRC under conditions where O6-CMG is a potential causative agent.  相似文献   

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