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A monoclonal antibody was generated against the large subunit of Schistosoma japonicum calpain to study the localization and possible function of the molecule in vivo. Mice were immunized with recombinant S. japonicum calpain and polyclonal antisera and a monoclonal antibody specific to schistosome calpain was obtained. In immunohistochemistry, a monoclonal antibody against S. japonicum calpain, KG-2E11, bound weakly to calpain expressed at the surface of adult worm tegument, however, it bound strongly to the cercarial secretions ("footprints") of S. japonicum, emitted from the penetration glands. The present study indicates that calpain is multifunctional as it is expressed at various locations in different developmental stages. Calpain-based vaccines could thus possibly induce protective immunity against cercariae and the following early developing stages.  相似文献   

The present study examined phenotypic variation in infectivity of Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda) cercariae within a natural population. Twelve infected Lymnaea stagnalis were collected from the field, and the infectivity of cercariae from individual snails was assessed under constant laboratory conditions. At a water temperature of 16.3 C, the mean infectivity of cercariae from the snails varied between 55.5% and 87.5%. Depending on the source of variation, this may have important ecological and evolutionary implications for both natural parasite populations and those occurring in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Schistosome invasive stages, cercariae, leave intermediate snail hosts, penetrate the skin of definitive hosts, and transform to schistosomula which migrate to the final location. During invasion, cercariae employ histolytic and other bioactive products of specialized holocrine secretory cells – postacetabular (PA) and circumacetabular (CA) penetration glands. Although several studies attempted to characterize protein composition of the in vitro-induced gland secretions in Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum, the results were somewhat inconsistent and dependent on the method of sample collection and processing. Products of both gland types mixed during their secretion did not allow localization of identified proteins to a particular gland. Here we compared proteomes of separately isolated cercarial gland cells of the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia szidati, employing laser-assisted microdissection and shotgun LC-MS/MS, thus obtaining the largest dataset so far of the representation and localization of cercarial penetration gland proteins. We optimized the methods of sample processing with cercarial bodies (heads) first. Alizarin-pre-stained, chemically non-fixed samples provided optimal results of MS analyses, and enabled us to distinguish PA and CA glands for microdissection. Using 7.5 × 106 μm3 sample volume per gland replicate, we identified 3347 peptides assigned to 792 proteins, from which 461 occurred in at least two of three replicates in either gland type (PA = 455, 40 exclusive; CA = 421, six exclusive; 60 proteins differed significantly in their abundance between the glands). Peptidases of five catalytic types accounted for ca. 8% and 6% of reliably identified proteins in PA and CA glands, respectively. Invadolysin, nardilysin, cathepsins B2 and L3, and elastase 2b orthologs were the major gland endopeptidases. Two cystatins and a serpin were highly abundant peptidase inhibitors in the glands. While PA glands generally had rich enzymatic equipment, CA glands were conspicuously abundant in venom allergen-like proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of exposing Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata), infected with Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae), to 100 microg l(-1) cadmium for 7 days on survival characteristics (survival, tail loss, decaudized cercarial life-span) of emerged cercariae was investigated. Exposure of L. stagnalis to cadmium resulted in significantly increased D. spathaceum cercarial survival and an inhibited tail loss compared to controls. The normal parallel relationship which exists over time between decreasing cercarial survival and increasing tail loss in controls was changed in cercariae from cadmium-exposed hosts with an increased proportion of cercarial deaths occurring without tail loss. The decaudized cercarial life-span over the survival period of the cercarial population did not significantly change. However comparisons between individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h time period with those which were decaudized during the final period of cercarial survival showed a significantly altered life span which did not occur in the control population. As a potential indicator of penetration 'fitness' comparisons were also undertaken between control and exposed cercariae decaudized during the initial 24 h time period, which revealed that the decaudized cercarial life-span from the exposed hosts was significantly different from controls. This may have important implications for the ability of cercariae to migrate through the tissues of their target host. The importance and relevance of these results to parasite transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments on the infection of carp fry with cercariae of Diplostomum have shown that cercariae of Diplostomum spathaceum can penetrate crystalline lens of larvae of these fishes in three days after their hatching and that the adaptability of cercariae of D. paracaudum to carp is much higher than that of cercariae of D. spathaceum. After the first infection with cercariae a relative postinfectious immunity against infection with cercariae of this or close species of this genus arises in carp fry.  相似文献   

To infect a definitive host, schistosome cercorioe must identify and penetrate intact skin. This involves complex biochemical and morphological changes over a fairly brief time (48 hours), and possibly offers a potential point of intervention against infection. Attempts to define a vaccine against the invading organisms have so far been unsuccessful, but unravelling the complex biochemical interactions of schistosome penetration and transformation seems to suggest possible pharmacological or immunopharmacological interventions against these initial stages of infection.  相似文献   

The diplostomid flukes, Diplostomum spp., infect fish and cause cataract opacities in the eye lens. The effect of exposure dose on abundance of Diplostomum spp. eye flukes in fish is known, but the effect of the duration of cercariae exposure has not been studied. However, under natural conditions, the temporal window for a successful cercaria attachment on fish is very short and, consequently, differences in infectivity of eye fluke cercariae, in the short-exposure durations of a few seconds, are probably biologically the most meaningful. We investigated infectivity of Diplostomum spp. cercariae originating from snail hosts in 3 lakes (3 Lymnaea stagnalis populations and 1 Radix balthica population) in 6 exposure times, ranging from 5 sec to 15 min, in young-of-the-year Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. In addition, we compared the infectivity to the cross-morphology of the cercariae. In the long-exposure duration, i.e., > or = 5 min, infectivity of Diplostomum spp. did not vary between the snail host species (L. stagnalis and R. balthica) of the same lake or across the L. stagnalis populations of 3 different lakes. However, in the short-exposure duration, i.e., < or = 60 sec, Diplostomum spp. cercariae shed from L. stagnalis had higher infectivity than did cercariae from R. balthica of the same lake. This indicates that that there is an interaction between length of cercariae exposure and origin of Diplostomum spp., and that the duration of exposure may influence the results when fish are experimentally infected. Within a lake, cercariae shed from L. stagnalis were also smaller than cercariae shed from R. balthica.  相似文献   

During its normal life cycle, Diplostomum spathaceum cercariae attach to and invade fish intermediate hosts. They are also known to attach to various other aquatic animals in response to water currents, touch and carbon dioxide. The purpose of this study was to identify the specific stimuli used by D. spathaceum cercariae to recognise the appropriate fish host. We characterised the host cues which stimulate them to remain on the host (enduring contact) and to penetrate the skin. Cercariae were exposed to animal skin tissues and fish skin surface mucus, their extracts and chemical modifications integrated into agar or offered via membrane filters. Enduring contact was stimulated by hydrophilic extracts Mr<3kDa, which were sensitive to oxidation of carbohydrates. The stimulating cues are probably small molecular carbohydrates, as monosaccharides stimulated enduring contacts, but amino acids, urea, electrolytes and peptides did not. Penetration was stimulated by hydrophilic macromolecules, Mr>30kDa, and by lipids. The hydrophilic stimuli were protease resistant and precipitable with Alcian blue and they were sensitive to alkaline cleavage, to digestion with lysozyme and neuraminidase as well as to oxidation of sialic acids. They were considered to be glycoproteins with O-glycosidically linked carbohydrate chains and bound sialic acids as signal structures. The lipophilic penetration stimuli were contained exclusively in the fatty acid fractions, and the stimulating characteristics of these fatty acids resembled the stimulating penetrations in other cercarial species. Diplostomum spathaceum cercariae respond to a unique profile of cues in their sequence of host-recognition phases. These cues differ from those used in other fish parasites studied to date and underline the diversity of fish recognition strategies.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity was demonstrated in secretions from the preacetabular glands of cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. Thin gelatin film substrates were lysed by living cercariae stimulated to penetrate by application on the films of skin surface lipid. Lysis was directly related to number of cercariae, time, and temperature of incubation and pH of the medium. Gelatinase activity in unfixed frozen sections of cercariae incubated on the gelatin films was in the preacetabular glands which are the source of the secretion emptied into skin during penetration. Protease activity, therefore, appears to be related to penetration. The schistosome larvae which made the penetration attempt satisfied the accepted criteria for schistosomules, and therefore appeared to have transformed into schistosomules even though they did not successfully penetrate anything.  相似文献   

A novel lectin (AMML) was isolated from a Chinese herb, i.e., the roots of Astragalus mongholicus, using a combination of ammonium sulfate fraction and ion exchange chromatographies. The molecular mass of intact AMML was determined to be 66,396 Da by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 61.8 kDa by gel filtration, respectively. AMML was a dimeric protein composed of two identical subunits each with a molecular mass of 29.6 kDa. The lectin was a glycoprotein with a neutral carbohydrate content of 19.6%. The purified lectin hemagglutinated both rabbit and human erythrocytes, and showed preference for blood types O (native) and AB (trypsin-treated). Among various carbohydrates tested, the lectin was best inhibited by D-galactose and its derivatives with pronounced preference for lactose (3.13 mM). N-terminal amino acid sequence of AMML was determined as ESGINLQGDATLANN. The optimal pH range for lectin activity was between pH 4.5 and 7.5, and the lectin was active up to 65 degrees C. It also exerted antifungal activity against Botrytis cincerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Colletorichum sp., and Drechslera turcia but not against Rhizoctonia solani and Mycosphaerella arachidicola.  相似文献   

Composition and histotopography of lectin receptors have been studied in 12 species of mammals with various nutritional specialization: carnivorous, phytophagous and omnivorous. In cells of the duodenal glands of the carnivorous and omnivorous receptors to concanavalin A and lentil lectin (D-mannosoglycans ) are absent and they are present in the glands of the phytophagous animals. In cells of some parts of the glands presence of receptors to soya bean lectin (N-acetyl-D-galactosamine++) is the most characteristic sign of the duodenal glands in the carnivorous and phytophagous animals. Together with certain differences, depending on the nutritional way of the animals, specific peculiarities of lectins binding with glandulocytes of the duodenal glands are demonstrated. The data on rearrangement of the lectin receptors are obtained during the process of cellular differentiation. Presence of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine++ remnants-biding soya bean lectin in composition of oligosaccharide++ chains of glycoconjugates is a sign of low differential degree of the glandular cells. In more differentiated cells concealment in oligosaccharide chains of D-galactose remnants (peanut and castor-oil lectins receptors) by L-fucose, N-acetil-D-glucosamin remnants and sialic acid can have place; this is demonstrated as accumulation of receptors to wheat germ and Laburnum anagyroides lectins in the glandular cells.  相似文献   

The effects of chloramphenicol (CAP) on puffing activity and incorporation of tritiated amino acids in proteins synthesized by cultured larval salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster were examined. CAP concentrations exceeding 1 mM were found to inhibit cellular protein synthesis and to induce the special group of heat-shock puffs in the polytene chromosomes. Recovery from a transient treatment with 5 mM CAP for 120 min led to rapid regression of the puffs and resumption of protein synthesis giving a pattern of labelled polypeptides similar to that produced by cells submitted to a temperature shift from 25 to 37 degrees C. Only slight inhibition of protein synthesis was found with thiamphenicol, the methylsulphonyl analogue of CAP, which induced a single puff in the 93D region, but did not alter the pattern of polypeptides. In contrast to the results obtained with CAP, recovery from a transient inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide led to the synthesis of normal proteins as produced by control cells at 25 degrees C. Different effects of CAP which may interfere with protein synthesis and puffing activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Deficiency of human mannose-binding lectin (MBL) caused by mutations in the coding part of the MBL2 gene is associated with increased risk and severity of infections and autoimmunity. To study the biological consequences of MBL mutations, we expressed wild type MBL and mutated MBL in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The normal MBL cDNA (WT MBL-A) was cloned, and the three known natural and two artificial variants were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. When analyzed, WT MBL-A formed covalently linked higher oligomers with a molecular mass of about 300-450 kDa, corresponding to 12-18 single chains or 4-6 structural units. By contrast, all MBL variants formed a dominant band of about 50 kDa, with increasingly weaker bands at 75, 100, and 125 kDa corresponding to two, three, four, and five chains, respectively. In contrast to WT MBL-A, variant MBL formed noncovalent oligomers containing up to six chains (two structural units). MBL variants bound ligands with a markedly reduced capacity compared with WT MBL-A. Mutations in the collagenous region of human MBL compromise assembly of higher order oligomers, resulting in reduced ligand binding capacity and thus reduced capability to activate complement.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni is a blood-dwelling trematode which can persist for several years in the vessels of the human host. The schistosomal surface has been extensively characterized by lectin binding studies, revealing the carbohydrate composition of the worm's tegument. Using fluorescent and scanning electron microscopy we demonstrate that the surface carbohydrates of cercariae and adult worms are the binding ligands for mannanbinding lectin (MBL), a serum protein that is part of the innate immune system. An in vitro complement activation assay with C1q-deficient complement suggests that MBL, in association with the serine proteases MASP-1 and MASP-2, is capable of fixing complement components on the schistosomal tegument and activating the complement cascade via the "MBL pathway." MBL is constitutively expressed by hepatocytes and present in the blood at a stable level. Since it is also a weak acute-phase protein and therefore upregulated in an acute-phase response we investigated the serum MBL levels in patients infected with Schistosoma sp. and in healthy control persons. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated no differences between the two groups. Although our results suggest an involvement of MBL activated complement in vitro, its role in vivo remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Nodule bacteria (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) of various activities were preincubated with homologous lectin and then used for inoculating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seeds. The effect of this inoculation on the photosynthetic rate, lectin activity in leaves, and plant development at different supply of mineral nitrogen was investigated under the conditions of pot experiments. There was a positive relationship between the photosynthetic rate and the lectin activity of proteins isolated from soybean leaves. Under the conditions of effective symbiosis, activation of functioning of the symbiotic apparatus by preincubation of the rhizobia with lectin exerted an additional stimulating effect on the photosynthetic rate. It is suggested that a relationship between the effectiveness of legume-rhizobium symbiosis and the lectin activity in leaves is mediated by the regulation of photosynthesis through a demand for assimilates in the source-sink system of soybean plants.  相似文献   

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