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Identification of a novel phosphatase sequence motif.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified a novel, conserved phosphatase sequence motif, KXXXXXXRP-(X12-54)-PSGH-(X31-54)-SRXXXXX HXXXD, that is shared among several lipid phosphatases, the mammalian glucose-6-phosphatases, and a collection of bacterial nonspecific acid phosphatases. This sequence was also found in the vanadium-containing chloroperoxidase of Curvularia inaequalis. Several lines of evidence support this phosphatase motif identification. Crystal structure data on chloroperoxidase revealed that all three domains are in close proximity and several of the conserved residues are involved in the binding of the cofactor, vanadate, a compound structurally similar to phosphate. Structure-function analysis of the human glucose-6-phosphatase has shown that two of the conserved residues (the first domain arginine and the central domain histidine) are essential for enzyme activity. This conserved sequence motif was used to identify nine additional putative phosphatases from sequence databases, one of which has been determined to be a lipid phosphatase in yeast.  相似文献   

Lyon CJ  Evans CJ  Bill BR  Otsuka AJ  Aguilera RJ 《Gene》2000,252(1-2):147-154
The Caenorhabditis elegans nuc-1 gene has previously been implicated in programmed cell death due to the presence of persistent undegraded apoptotic DNA in nuc-1 mutant animals. In this report, we describe the cloning and characterization of nuc-1, which encodes an acidic nuclease with significant sequence similarity to mammalian DNase II. Database searches performed with human DNase II protein sequence revealed a significant similarity with the predicted C. elegans C07B5.5 ORF. Subsequent analysis of crude C. elegans protein extracts revealed that wild-type animals contained a potent endonuclease activity with a cleavage preference similar to DNase II, while nuc-1 mutant worms demonstrated a marked reduction in this nuclease activity. Sequence analysis of C07B5.5 DNA and mRNA also revealed that nuc-1(e1392), but not wild-type animals contained a nonsense mutation within the CO7B5.5 coding region. Furthermore, nuc-1 transgenic lines carrying the wild-type C07B5.5 locus demonstrated a complete complementation of the nuc-1 mutant phenotype. Our results therefore provide compelling evidence that the C07B5.5 gene encodes the NUC-1 apoptotic nuclease and that this nuclease is related in sequence and activity to DNase II.  相似文献   

The Kv1-4 families of K+ channels contain a tandem proline motif (PXP) in the S6 helix that is crucial for channel gating. In human Kv1.5, replacing the first proline by an alanine resulted in a nonfunctional channel. This mutant was rescued by introducing another proline at a nearby position, changing the sequence into AVPP. This resulted in a channel that activated quickly (ms range) upon the first depolarization. However, thereafter, the channel became trapped in another gating mode that was characterized by slow activation kinetics (s range) with a shallow voltage dependence. The switch in gating mode was observed even with very short depolarization steps, but recovery to the initial "fast" mode was extremely slow. Computational modeling suggested that switching occurred during channel deactivation. To test the effect of the altered PXP sequence on the mobility of the S6 helix, we used molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated S6 domain of wild type (WT) and mutants starting from either a closed or open conformation. The WT S6 helix displayed movements around the PXP region with simulations starting from either state. However, the S6 with a AVPP sequence displayed flexibility only when started from the closed conformation and was rigid when started from the open state. These results indicate that the region around the PXP motif may serve as a "hinge" and that changing the sequence to AVPP results in channels that deactivate to a state with an alternate configuration that renders them "reluctant" to open subsequently.  相似文献   

Halpern AL 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):903-908
A binary sequence may give the appearance of being composed of alternating segments with relatively high and relatively low probability of success. Determining whether such an alternating pattern is significant is a multiple-changepoint problem where the number of segments and their success probabilities are unknown, with the added constraint of segment alternation. A dynamic programming method for determining the optimal segmentation into a given number of segments is provided. Given this, a variation on the simulation method of Venter and Steel (1996, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 22, 481-504) may be employed to test the null hypothesis of a homogeneous sequence as well as to estimate the number and location of changepoints. A sample application, the assessment of the possibility of genetic recombination in HIV sequences, is presented.  相似文献   

We examined structural properties of poly d(C4A2).d(T2G4), the telomeric DNA sequence of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena. Under conditions of high negative supercoiling, poly d(C4A2).d(T2G4) inserted in a circular plasmid vector was preferentially sensitive to digestion with S1 nuclease. Only the C4A2 strand was sensitive to first-strand S1 cutting, with a markedly skewed pattern of hypersensitive sites in tracts of either 46 or 7 tandem repeats. Linear poly d(C4A2).(T2G4) showed no preferential S1 sensitivity, no circular dichroism spectra indicative of a Z-DNA conformation, no unusual Tm, and no unusual migration in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The S1 nuclease sensitivity properties are consistent with a model proposed previously for supercoiled poly d(CT).d(AG) (Pulleyblank et al., Cell 42:271-280, 1985), consisting of a double-stranded, protonated, right-handed underwound helix. We propose that this structure is shared by related telomeric sequences and may play a role in their biological recognition.  相似文献   

The sequences of four-alpha-helical bundle proteins are characterized by a pattern of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids which is repeated every seven residues. At each position of the heptad repeat there are specific constraints on the amino acid properties which result from the topology of the tertiary motif. These constraints give rise to patterns of amino acid distribution which are distinct from those of other proteins. The distributions in each of the heptad positions have been determined by a statistical analysis of structural and sequence data derived from seven families of aligned protein sequences. The constitution of each position is dominated by a very small number of different amino acids, with the core positions consisting overwhelmingly of Leu and Ala. The positional preferences of the individual amino acids can be generally interpreted in terms of residue properties and topological constraints. The potential for four-alpha-helix bundle folding is reflected primarily in the pattern of residue occurrence in the heptad and not in the overall amino acid composition of the protein. Possible applications of this analysis in structure predictions, sequence alignments and in the rational design and engineering of four-alpha-helical bundle proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Localization of a protein-DNA interface by random mutagenesis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M O''Neill  D T Dryden    N E Murray 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(23):7118-7127
The type I restriction and modification enzymes do not possess obvious DNA-binding motifs within their target recognition domains (TRDs) of 150-180 amino acids. To identify residues involved in DNA recognition, changes were made in the amino-TRD of EcoKI by random mutagenesis. Most of the 101 substitutions affecting 79 residues had no effect on the phenotype. Changes at only seven positions caused the loss of restriction and modification activities. The seven residues identified by mutation are not randomly distributed throughout the primary sequence of the TRD: five are within the interval between residues 80 and 110. Sequence analyses have led to the suggestion that the TRDs of type I restriction enzymes include a tertiary structure similar to the TRD of the HhaI methyltransferase, and to a model for a DNA-protein interface in EcoKI. In this model, the residues within the interval identified by the five mutations are close to the protein-DNA interface. Three additional residues close to the DNA in the model were changed; each substitution impaired both activities. Proteins from twelve mutants were purified: six from mutants with partial or wild-type activity and six from mutants lacking activity. There is a strong correlation between phenotype and DNA-binding affinity, as determined by fluorescence anisotropy.  相似文献   

Anti-DNA antibodies have the potential to be applied in vast fields of fundamental as well as medical research. They are found in autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythemotosus. In most cases, anti-dsDNA antibodies do not present sequence specificity and are of low affinity. The dominant role of VH domains in DNA recognition induced us to search for binders based on VH dimers (VHD), previously reported to bind different protein antigens. We screened a phage displayed homo-VHD library against a 19-bp dsDNA sequence. A sequence-specific binder was selected, which recognizes the terminal located CTGC motif with a Kd of 250 nM. Association of the two identical VH domains of the molecule was shown to be essential for binding.  相似文献   

Nonantibody scaffolds such as designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) can be rapidly engineered to detect diverse target proteins with high specificity and offer an attractive alternative to antibodies. Using molecular simulations, we predicted that the binding interface between DARPin off7 and its ligand (maltose binding protein; MBP) is characterized by a hot-spot motif in which binding energy is largely concentrated on a few amino acids. To experimentally test this prediction, we fused MBP to a transmembrane domain to properly orient the protein into a polymer-cushioned lipid bilayer, and characterized its interaction with off7 using force spectroscopy. Using this, to our knowledge, novel technique along with surface plasmon resonance, we validated the simulation predictions and characterized the effects of select mutations on the kinetics of the off7-MBP interaction. Our integrated approach offers scientific insights on how the engineered protein interacts with the target molecule.  相似文献   

The fruit body of shiitake (Lentinus edodes) produces two acid nucleases, nuclease Le1 and nuclease Le3, both of which are thought to be candidates for the enzyme that produces a flavorful substance, 5'-GMP, and the primary structure of one of the nucleases, nuclease Le1, has been analyzed by both protein chemistry and gene cloning [Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 64, 948-957 (2000)]. In this study the amino acid sequence of nuclease Le3 was analyzed by protein chemistry and gene cloning. Nuclease Le3 is a glycoprotein that contains 280 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass of the protein moiety of nuclease Le3 is 31,045. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA and genomic DNA encoding nuclease Le3 revealed the presence of an 18-residue putative signal peptide. Nuclease Le3 contains 170, 108, and 98 amino acid residues that are identical to residues of nuclease Le1, nuclease P1, and nuclease S, respectively. The amino acid residues involved in coordination with Zn2+ atoms in nuclease P1 are all conserved in nuclease Le3. Nuclease Le3 contains 9 half-cystine residues, and 7 of them are located in the same positions as in nuclease Le1.  相似文献   

A cycloheximide-resistant strain of Tetrahymena thermophila, expressing a mutant chx-B gene (Ares and Bruns, Genetics 90:463-474, 1978), displayed very different temperature-dependent growth characteristics than either wild-type cells or another cycloheximide-resistant strain expressing a different mutant gene. Whereas wild-type cells showed an immediate decline in ribosome translocation rates when shifted from 30 to 38 or 40 degrees C, this mutant strain (X-8) showed no such decline. These results directly correlated with the growth rate differences we found for these cells at these temperatures. By genetic analysis, we showed that the phenotype of cycloheximide resistance cosegregated with the ability to grow rapidly at 40 degrees C. Analyses, both direct and indirect, suggested that a number of functional and structural characteristics of the ribosomes from strain X-8 cells are most likely conformationally different from those of wild-type ribosomes.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domains of retroviral transmembrane (TM) glycoproteins contain conserved sequence motifs that resemble tyrosine-based (YXXO-type) endocytosis signals. We have previously described a mutant Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Env protein, Env-mu26, with an L165R mutation in the membrane-spanning domain (MSD) of TM, that exhibited dramatically decreased steady-state surface expression (G. L. Davis and E. Hunter, J. Cell Biol. 105:1191-1203, 1987; P. B. Johnston, J. Y. Dong, and E. Hunter, Virology 206:353-361, 1995). We now demonstrate that the tyrosine of the Y(190)RKM motif in the RSV TM cytoplasmic domain is crucial for the mu26 phenotype and is part of an efficient internalization signal in the context of a mutant MSD. In contrast, despite the presence of the Y(190)RKM motif, wild-type RSV Env is constitutively internalized at a slow rate (1.1%/min) more characteristic of bulk uptake during membrane turnover than of active clustering into endocytic vesicles. The mu26 mutation and two MSD mutations that abrogate palmitoylation of TM resulted in enhanced Env endocytosis indicative of active concentration into coated pits. Surprisingly, an Env-Y190A mutant was apparently excluded from coated pits since its uptake rate of 0.3%/min was significantly below that expected for the bulk rate. We suggest that in RSV Env an inherently functional endocytosis motif is silenced by a counteracting determinant in the MSD that acts to prevent clustering of Env into endocytic vesicles. Mutations in either the cytoplasmic tail or the MSD that inactivate one of the two counteracting signals would thus render the remaining determinant dominant.  相似文献   

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