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Purified flagellar filaments isolated from six methanogens were composed of multiple flagellins. Two flagellins were present in Methanococcus deltae (M r =34000 and 32000), Methanoculleus marisnigri (M r =31000 and 25500) and Methanococcus jannaschii (M r =31000 and 27500), three in Methanothermus fervidus (M r =34000, 25000 and 24000) and four or more in both Methanococcus vanniellii and Methanococcus maripaludis (M r ranging from 27500 to 32000). The flagellins of M. fervidus and M. deltae reacted positively with glycoprotein-specific stains. The flagellins of M. deltae, M. maripaludis and M. vannielii were closely related to those of M. voltae based on cross-reactivity with antisera raised against M. voltae flagellins and homology with flagellin-specific oligonucleotide probes to the N-terminus and leader peptide of M. voltae flagellins. Similarities appear to exist among the flagellins of M. fervidus, M. marisnigri and Halobacterium halobium based on cross-reactivity with antisera produced against the flagella of Methanospirillum hungatei JF1. The N-termini of the flagellins from the mesophilic Methanococcus spp. and M. marisnigri show homology with the N-termini of other archaebacterial flagellins. These N-termini may undergo a modification involving removal of a leader peptide.  相似文献   

A thermophilic sulfate-reducing vibrio isolated from thermal vent water in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA is described. The gram-negative, curved rod-shaped cells averaged 0.3 m wide and 1.5 m long. They were motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Growth was observed between 40° and 70 °C with optimal growth at 65 °C. Cultures remained viable for one year at 27 °C although spore-formation was not observed. Sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite were used as electron acceptors. Sulfur, fumarate and nitrate were not reduced. In the presence of sulfate, growth was observed only with lactate, pyruvate, hydrogen plus acetate, or formate plus acetate. Pyruvate was the only compound observed to support fermentative growth. Pyruvate and lactate were oxidized to acetate. Desulfofuscidin and c-type cytochromes were present. The G+C content was 29.5 mol%. The divergence in the 16S ribosomal RNA sequences between the new isolate and Thermodesulfobacterium commune suggests that these two thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria represent different genera. These two bacteria depict a lineage that branches deeply within the Bacteria domain and which is clearly distinct from previously defined phylogenetic lines of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Strain YP87 is described as the type strain of the new genus and species Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii. Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming, USA) is located within one of the most tectonically active regions in the world (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal springs, hot gas fumaroles and elevated substrata temperatures have been observed within the lake itself (e.g., Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal vent waters were reported to be anoxic, high in dissolved nutrients relative to the lake water and to have temperatures in excess of 80 °C (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Sulfate concentrations averaged 380 M in vent waters and 80 M in bulk lake water (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). On the basis of on these physical and chemical characteristics, and the observation (e.g., Zeikus et al. 1983) that microbial sulfate reduction is prevalent in the thermal aquatic environments of Yellowstone National Park, we hypothesized that hydrothermal vent waters in Yellowstone Lake could support the growth of thermophilic sulfate reducers.Here we describe the general characteristics of a new thermophilic sulfate reducing bacterium, Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii, which was isolated from hydrothermal vent water in Sedge Bay of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. In addition, we report on the phylogenetic relationship of this new isolate with other thermophilic and mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria.Dedicated to the memory of Friedhelm Bak  相似文献   

An extremely thermophilic methanogen was isolated from a hydrothermal vent core sample from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, at a depth of 2003 m. The isolate, designated strain AG86, was a coccoid autotroph using H2-CO2 as energy and carbon source with a growth temperature range of 48 to 92°C, optimum, 85°C. AG86 required NaCl and Mg2+ and trace amounts of selenite and tungstate. Vitamins were not required. However, yeast extract, Casamino acids and Trypticase stimulated growth significantly. When grown in the presence of these stimulants and at the optimal growth temperature and pH 6.5, the minimum doubling time was 20 min. Cells were fragile and readily lysed by detergents. The mol% G+C was 33%. These results and partial 16S rRNA sequencing indicated that AG86 belonged to the genus Methanococcus and closely resembled Methanococcus jannaschii. Tests for extrachromosomal DNA revealed a plasmid in AG86 and two plasmids in M. jannaschii. Different patterns were obtained from restriction endonuclease digestion of the three plasmids, and no homology was observed with DNA-DNA hybridization.Abbreviations CCC DNA covalently close circular DNA - DM defined marine medium - G+C Guanine plus cytosine - MPN most probable number  相似文献   

The exopolysaccharide produced by the bacterium Alteromonas sp. strain 1644 originating from deep sea hydrothermal vents was shown to contain a novel glucuronic acid derivatives: acid. The structure of this compound was established on the basis of mass spectrometric data, methylation analysis, preparation of derivatives, and chemical synthesis of references compounds.  相似文献   

A moderately thermophilic, strictly anaerobic, chemoautotrophic bacterium, designated strain HS1857T, was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent at the Noho site in the Mid-Okinawa Trough. Strain HS1857T grew between 35 and 63 °C (optimum 55 °C), in the presence of 10–55 g l?1 NaCl (optimum 25 g l?1), and pH 5.5–7.1 (optimum 6.4). Growth occurred with molecular hydrogen as the electron donor and elemental sulfur, nitrate, or selenate as the electron acceptors. Formate could serve as an alternative electron donor with nitrate as an electron acceptor. During growth with nitrate as the electron acceptor, strain HS1857T produced ammonium and formed a biofilm. CO2 was utilized as the sole carbon source. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 33.2 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain HS1857T is a member of the order Nautiliales, showing a sequence similarity of 95.0% with Lebetimonas acidiphila Pd55T. The fatty acid composition was similar to that of L. acidiphila, which was dominated by C18:0 (47.0%) and C18:1 (23.7%). Based on the genomic, chemotaxonomic, phenotypic characteristics, the name Lebetimonas natsushimae sp. nov., is proposed. The type strain is HS1857T (= NBRC 112478T = DSM 104102T).  相似文献   

Abstract: A numerical taxonomic study has been carried out with 80 strains, newly isolated, from three geographically separated deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Guaymas Basin and Lau Basin) and eleven thermophilic reference strains representing 11 Bacillus species. The deep-sea isolates were all halotolerant spore-forming rods and grew aerobically above 65°C. Results from unweighted average linkage cluster analysis of a similarity matrix derived from the simple matching coefficient, showed formation of nine major phena, which were defined at the 83% similarity level or above. Seven phena were composed exclusively of strains isolated from the same site (4 from Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 1 from Guaymas Basin and 2 from Lau Basin). The majority of the Lau Basin isolates clustered with 6 of the reference strains in one phenon, while isolates from Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Guaymas Basin were found separated from this phenon at the 69% similarity level. The other reference strains showed less than 69% similarity with the deep-sea isolates.  相似文献   

Ridgeia piscesae, living around the extremely harsh hydrothermal vent in deep sea, is an ideal model for studying the adaptative mechanism to extreme environment. For insights of its molecular characteristics, a cDNA library of R. piscesae was constructed. A total of 879 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced and 199 genes were identified for the first time. They were found to be involved in basal metabolism, adaptation and defense, or signal transduction. Among them, we found 23 various chitin-binding proteins, which are the major component of the chitinous tube that prevents the tubeworms from predators and surrounding extreme environment. Additionally, high polymorphism also exists in other genes, such as myohemerythrin, lysozyme. The gene-expression profile might help to further understand the molecular basis of tubeworm physiology. It will also lay a good foundation for functional studies on the adaptation to extreme environments.  相似文献   

A thermophilic coccoid methanogenic bacterium, strain TCI, that grew optimally around 55° C was isolated with 2-propanol as hydrogen donor for methanogenesis from CO2. H2, formate or 2-butanol were used in addition. Each secondary alcohol was oxidized to its ketone. Growth occurred in defined freshwater as well as salt (2% NaCl, w/v) medium. Acetate was required as carbon source, and 4-aminobenzoate and biotin as growth factors. A need for molybdate or alternatively tungstate was shown.Strain TCI was further characterized together with two formerly isolated mesophilic secondary alcohol-utilizing methanogens, the coccoid strain CV and the spirilloid strain SK. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA of the three strains was 55,47, and 39 mol%, respectively. Determination of the molecular weights of the methylreductase subunits and sequencing of ribosomal 16S RNA of strains TCI and CV revealed close relationships to the genus Methanogenium. The new isolate TCI is classified as a strain of the existing species, Methanogenium thermophilum (thermophilicum). For strain CV, that uses ethanol or 1-propanol in addition, a classification as new species, Methanogenium organophilum, is proposed. Strain SK is affiliated with the existing species, Methanospirillum hungatei. The ability to use secondary alcohols was also tested with described species of methanogens. Growth with secondary alcohols was observed with Methanogenium marisnigri, Methanospirillum hungatei strain GP1 and Methanobacterium bryantii, but not with Methanospirillum strains JF1 and M1h, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanococcus species or thermophilic strains or species other than the new isolate TCI.  相似文献   

A range of Bacillus thermophiles was tested for the ability to be converted to protoplasts with lysozyme and subsequently, to regenerate to bacillary form. Protoplast formation was straightforward but many of the strains failed to regenerate on commonly-used media. Two medium components were found to be causing the inhibition. Growth of protoplasts as L-forms only occurred if the medium lacked phosphate. However, reversion of L-forms to bacilli was asynchronous and infrequent. Regeneration of cell walls by protoplasts/L-forms to re-establish bacillary form was greatly improved when the medium was gelled with pluronic polyol F127 in place of agar or similar polysaccharides.  相似文献   

In situ microbial ecology of hydrothermal vent sediments   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract Lipid analysis of a preliminary sampling of the Endeavor Ridge hydrothermal vent site was performed in order to estimate the extent and nature of the diversity of the microbial community. The vent microbial community was found to be highly variable in density and composition. Evidence was found for a dense microbial community of archaebacteria and possibly Thiobacilli in the interior of the flange of a black smoker, a red Beggiatoa -type colony in a sediment sample, and large amounts of polyenoic fatty acids of the type previously found in barophilic eubacteria. Lipid analysis provided a 'snapshot' of the in situ biomass, community structure, and metabolic status of the microbial community, a valuable addition to the techniques available to the microbial ecologist.  相似文献   

Microorganisms-grauling above 60 °C isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents were screened for amylolytic activity. Of the 269 strains tested, 70 were found to be positive. Nine archaea (including Thermococcus hydrothermalis AL662 and Thermococcus fumicolans ST557) and one thermophilic bacterium were selected for the determination of thermostability, and the temperature and pH optima of their amylolytic enzymes. Pullulanase, α-glucosidase and α-amylase activities were detected in four archaeal strains (including AL662 and ST557) related to the genus Thermococcus. The anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus hydrothermalis was chosen for the further study of the α-glucosidase activity, and a preliminary characterization of this enzyme was carried out. The small number of highly thermostable α-glucosidases that has been described to date, combined with the very interesting properties of this enzyme, suggest a use for this enzyme in biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

This study describes the micro-morphological features of the shell nacre in the vent mytilid Bathymodiolus azoricus collected along a bathymetric gradient of deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR). Pressure-dependent crystallisation patterns were detected in animals subjected to post-capture hydrostatic simulations. We provide evidence for the following: (1) shell micro morphology in B. azoricus is similar to that of several vent and cold-seep species, but the prismatic shell layers may vary among bathymodiolids; (2) nacre micro-morphology of mussels from three vent sites of the MAR did not differ significantly; minor differences do not appear to be related to hydrostatic pressure, but rather to calcium ion availability; (3) decompression stress may cause drop off in pH of the pallial fluid that damages nascent crystals, and in a more advanced phase, the aragonite tablets as well as the continuous layer of mature nacre; and (4) adverse effects of decompression on calcium salt deposition in shells was diminished by re-pressurisation of specimens. The implications of the putative influence of hydrostatic pressure on biomineralisation processes in molluscs are discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Two out of three extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaea, isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, produced pullulanase activity in the presence of maltose in the growth medium. Enzyme activities were mainly extracellular and characterized by optimum temperatures of 95°C and 80–95°C, optimum pH of 5.0–7.0 and a high degree of thermostability. One strain when grown in a fermenter with maltose as inducer produced pullulanase at 35 U/l. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

A superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene was cloned from the thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus sp. XMH10 for the first time and highly expressed in Escherichia coli. The Rhodothermus sp. XMH10 SOD (RhSOD) gene encodes 209 amino acids with a putative molecular weight of 23.6 kDa and a pI value of 5.53. The recombinant RhSOD was detected to be an iron type SOD and existed as a dimer on its natural status. Experiments revealed that this RhSOD showed high activity at 50–70 °C and pH 5.0. Compared to SODs from other thermophiles, it was highly thermostable, maintaining more than 90% of its activity after incubation at 70 °C for 12 h, only totally inactivated after more than 4-h incubation at 80 °C. It also showed much higher resistance to KCN, NaN3 and H2O2 as compared to other SODs. Xin Wang and Haijie Yang contribute to this work equally.  相似文献   

An enrichment culture which converted acetate to methane at 60°C was obtained from a thermophilic anaerobic bioreactor. The predominant morphotype in the enrichment was a sheathed gas-vacuolated rod with marked resemblence to the mesophile Methanothrix soehngenii. This organism was isolated using vancomycin treatments and serial dilutions and was named Methanothrix sp. strain CALS-1. Strain CALS-1 grew as filaments typically 2–5 cells long, and cultures showed opalescent turbidity rather than macroscopic clumps. The cells were enclosed in a striated subunit-type sheath and there were distinct cross-walls between the cells, similar to M. soehngenii. The gas vesicles in cells were typically 70 nm in diameter and up to 0.5 m long, and were collapsed by pressures over 3 atm (ca. 300 kPa). Stationary-phase cells tended to have a higher vesicle content than did growing cells, and occasionally bands of cells were seen floating at the top of the liquid in stationary-phase cultures. Acetate was the only substrate of those tested which was used for methanogenesis by strain CALS-1, and acetate was decarboxylated by the aceticlastic reaction. The optimum temperature for growth of strain CALS-1 was near 60°C (doubling time=24–26 h), with no growth occurring at 70°C and 37°C. The optimum pH value for growth was near 6.5 in bicarbonate/CO2 buffered medium and no growth occurred at pH 5.5 or pH 8.4. No growth was obtained below pH 7 when the medium was buffered with 20 mM phosphate. Strain CALS-1 grew in a chemically defined medium and required biotin. Sulfide concentrations over 1 mM were inhibitory to the culture, and growth was more rapid with 1 mM 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate (coenzyme M) or 1 mM titanium citrate as an accessory reductant than with 1 mM cysteine. It is likely that strain CALS-1 represents a new species in the genus Methanothrix.  相似文献   

We describe a new species, Thermococcus litoralis, which is different from the type species Thermococcus celer in molecular, morphological and physiological characteristics.Abbreviations 3 x SSC (standard saline citrate) - 0.45 M NaCl 0.045 M Na3-citrate  相似文献   

A novel obligately chemolithotrophic Thiobacillus species isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent is described. This organism grows lithoautotrophically on thiosulphate, tetrathionate, sulphide and sulphur which are oxidized to sulphate. The isolate is slightly halophilic and markedly halotolerant, showing optimum growth at pH 7.5 and at 35°C. The G+C content of the DNA is 67.1 mol%. The 16S rRNA sequence is distinct from any other Thiobacilli sequences. Phylogenetic analysis shows the organism to be a representative of the -group of proteobacteria and a specific relative of Thiobacillus neapolitanus. The ubiquinone is ubiquinone-8. These characters distinguish the isolate from any other Thiobacillus or Thiomicrospira species previously reported and is a new species described as Thiobacillus hydrothermalis. The type strain is isolate R3, DSM7121.  相似文献   

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