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D Tautz  M Renz 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(10):4127-4138
Simple sequences are stretches of DNA which consist of only one, or a few tandemly repeated nucleotides, for example poly (dA) X poly (dT) or poly (dG-dT) X poly (dC-dA). These two types of simple sequence have been shown to be repetitive and interspersed in many eukaryotic genomes. Several other types have been found by sequencing eukaryotic DNA. In this report we have undertaken a systematical survey for simple sequences. We hybridized synthetical simple sequence DNA to genome blots of phylogenetically different organisms. We found that many, probably even all possible types of simple sequence are repetitive components of eukaryotic genomes. We propose therefore that they arise by common mechanisms namely slippage replication and unequal crossover and that they might have no general function with regards to gene expression. This latter inference is supported by the fact that we have detected simple sequences only in the metabolically inactive micronucleus of the protozoan Stylonychia, but not in the metabolically active macronucleus which is derived from the micronucleus by chromosome diminution.  相似文献   

Highly repetitive DNA sequences in cyanobacterial genomes.   总被引:27,自引:7,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
We characterized three distinct families of repeated sequences in the genome of the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601. These repeated sequences were present at a level of about 100 copies per Calothrix genome and consisted of tandemly amplified heptanucleotides. These elements were named short tandemly repeated repetitive (STRR) sequences. We used the three different Calothrix STRR sequences as probes to perform Southern hybridization experiments with DNAs extracted from various cyanobacterial strains, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. The three different STRR sequences were found as repetitive genomic DNA components specific to the heterocystous strains tested. The role of the STRR sequences, as well as their possible use in taxonomic studies, is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of contextual analysis of 25 different middle repetitive DNA sequences are presented. It was shown that each of these repetitive DNA sequences contains at least one enhancer-like structure homologous to real enhancers, as well as to their consensus. The enhancer-like structures have been also revealed in the replication origin of some prokaryote genomes. The results are discussed in the light of a possible role of middle repetitive DNA sequences in the modulation of gene expression. Some aspects of genomes' evolution, in relation to enhancers, are also considered.  相似文献   

Short, interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in prokaryotic genomes.   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  

Conserved N-terminal sequences in the flagellins of archaebacteria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Methanococcus voltae produces two flagellins of molecular weight 31,000 and 33,000. Amino acid analysis as well as peptide mapping with cyanogen bromide, chymotrypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease indicates that the two flagellins are distinct. N-terminal sequencing of the 31,000 Mc. voltae flagellin as well as the 24,000 and 25,000 molecular weight flagellins of Methanospirillum hungatei GP1 shows an extensive homology with the reported N-terminus of the flagellins from Halobacterium halobium, deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cloned genes. However, the N-termini of all three sequenced methanogen flagellins lack a terminal methionine and start at position 13 from the N-terminus of H. halobium flagellins. This initial 12 amino acid stretch may be a leader peptide which is subsequently cleaved to generate the mature flagellin, which could suggest flagellar assembly in archaebacteria occurs by a mechanism distinct from that in eubacteria. The high degree of conservation of the N-terminus of the flagellins from Mc. voltae, Msp. hungatei and H. halobium suggests an important role for this sequence, and that the archaebacteria share a common mechanism for flagellar biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Simple repetitive DNA sequences from primates: Compilation and analysis   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Simple repeats composed of tandemly repeated units 1–6 nucleotides (nt) long have been extracted from a selected set of primate genomic DNA sequences. Of the 501 theoretically possible, different types of repeats only 67 were present in the analyzed database in at least two different size ranges over 12 nt. They include all simple repeats known to be polymorphic in the primate genome. A list of moderately expanding and nonexpanding oligonucleotide patterns has also been included. Furthermore, we have compiled statistical data with emphasis on the overall variability of the most abundant 67 types of repeats. We have demonstrated that the expandability of at least some simple repeats may be affected by the overall base composition and by flanking sequences. In particular, the occurrence of tandemly repeated CAG and GCC triplets in exons positively correlates with their G+C content. We also noted that in the vicinity of Alu sequences tetrameric repeats are more abundant than in the total genomic DNA. This paper can be used as a comprehensive guide in identification of the most abundant and potentially polymorphic simple repeats. It is also of broader significance as a step toward understanding the contribution of flanking sequences and the overall sequence composition to variability of simple repeats. Correspondence to: J. Jurka  相似文献   

We present a program UNIREP, written in PowerBASIC for IBM-PCs,that identifies repetitive and unique nucleotide sequences ingenomes or parts of genomes. A key feature of the algorithmis an oligonucleotide representation in a numerical code tomake possible a comparison of all pairs of oligonucleotides(including overlaps) occurring in the analyzed sequence. Thiscomparison assigns a score to each oligo nucleotide, reflectingits similarity/dissimilarity to other oligonucleotides of thesame length in the analyzed sequence. The score is plotted alongthe sequence so that peaks in the plot indicate repetitive regionsand very low values reflect unique sequences. The scores arefiltered to suppress or enhance the unique or repetitive sequencesaccording to the user's wish. UNIREP is extended by auxiliaryprograms HIGHER and LOWER to list nucleotide sequences thathave scores higher or lower than given limits. The potentialof UNIREP is demonstrated using several long nucleotide sequencesincluding the complete genomic sequence of EBV.  相似文献   

Dispersed repetitive DNA sequences have been described recently in eubacteria. To assess the distribution and evolutionary conservation of two distinct prokaryotic repetitive elements, consensus oligonucleotides were used in polymerase chain reaction [PCR] amplification and slot blot hybridization experiments with genomic DNA from diverse eubacterial species. Oligonucleotides matching Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic [REP] elements and Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus [ERIC] sequences were synthesized and tested as opposing PCR primers in the amplification of eubacterial genomic DNA. REP and ERIC consensus oligonucleotides produced clearly resolvable bands by agarose gel electrophoresis following PCR amplification. These band patterns provided unambiguous DNA fingerprints of different eubacterial species and strains. Both REP and ERIC probes hybridized preferentially to genomic DNA from Gram-negative enteric bacteria and related species. Widespread distribution of these repetitive DNA elements in the genomes of various microorganisms should enable rapid identification of bacterial species and strains, and be useful for the analysis of prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization of restriction enzymedigested genomic guppy (Poecilia reticulata, Poeciliidae) DNA with the oligonucleotide probe (GACA)4 revealed a male-specific simple tandem repeat locus, which defines the Y chromosome in outbred populations. The related (GATA)4 probe identifies certain males with the red color phenotype. In contrast only in two out of eight laboratory guppy strains was the typical (GACA)4 band observed. By specific staining of the constitutive heterochromatin one pair of chromosomes could also be identified as the sex chromosomes, confirming the XX/XY mechanism of sex determination. All males exhibit Y chromosomes with a large region of telomeric heterochromatin. Hybridization in situ with nonradioactively labeled oligonucleotide probes localized the (GACA)n repeats to this heterochromatic portion. Together these results may be regarded as a recent paradigm for the differentiation of heteromorphic sex chromosomes from a pair of autosomes during the course of evolution. According to the fish model system, this may have happened in several independent consecutive steps.  相似文献   

Current data on green algal mitochondrial genomes suggest an unexpected dichotomy within the group with respect to genome structure, organization, and sequence affiliations. The present study suggests that there is a correlation between this dichotomy on one hand and the differences in the abundance, base composition, and distribution of short repetitive sequences we observed among green algal mitochondrial genomes on the other. It is conceivable that the accumulation of GC- rich short repeated sequences in the Chlamydomonas-like but not Prototheca-like mitochondrial genomes might have triggered evolutionary events responsible for the distinct series of evolutionary changes undergone by the two green algal mitochondrial lineages. The similarity in base composition, nucleotide sequence, abundance, and mode of organization we observed between the short repetitive sequences present in Chlamydomonas-like mitochondrial genomes on one hand and fungal and vertebrate homologs on the other might extend to some of the roles that the short repetitive sequences have been shown to have in the latter. Potential involvements we propose for the short repetitive sequences in the evolution of Chlamydomonas-like mitochondrial genomes include fragmentation and scrambling of the ribosomal-RNA-coding regions, extensive gene rearrangements, coding-region deletions, surrogate origins of replication, and chromosomal linearization.   相似文献   

The genomes of Mus musculus and other rodent species share a long conserved family of sequences that are dispersed and abundant (approx. 20,000 copies), and that have several novel features of organization and evolution. EcoR1 restriction of M. musculus DNA reveals a prominent 1350 bp2 set of sequences. Two nonhomologous sequences of 850 and 500 bp, representing almost the total population of the 1350 bp repeats, were used to examine the detailed organization of the dispersed family and its surrounding sequences using a combination of restriction analysis and “Southern” hybridization. The 1350 bp sequence is contained within a longer repeating unit of approximately 3 kb that is dispersed amongst a wide variety of non-homologous and seemingly non-repetitive sequences. At some sites within the 3 kb repeat, considerable sequence heterogeneity has been found between members of the family, such that the family can be divided into largely non-overlapping subsets (or “segments”) according to the positioning of HinIII sites. Underlying the segmental organization there is a low background overlap of each segment with every other. Some but not all members of the family and its variants have been located on the X-chromosome in a Chinese hamster, M. musculus, X chromosome cell line: suggesting a wide genomic dispersion of the family. Homologous repeated sequences to the M. musculus 1350 bp repeat have been identified in species of Mus and Apodemus, with strikingly similar features of organization and dispersion. In M. spretus a 1350 bp sequence is contained within a dispersed repeat of at least 2·9 kb. However, the majority of M. spretus repeats contain an additional restriction site not present in the equivalent M. musculus array, suggesting a mechanism of widespread substitution or “conversion” of one variant by another in each genome. Apodemus sylvaticus possesses two dispersed and homologous families of 1350 bp and 1850 bp repetition, respectively, which contain sequences that have diverged from M. musculus to differing extents. A. mystacinus possesses only one family of dispersed and homologous repeats of 1850 bp. The majority of members within each Apodemus homologous family also contain characteristic variant restriction-site arrangements. The mechanisms underlying the spread of such variants within each array; the generation of segmental patterns; and the evolutionary conservation of this mouse interspersed family (MIF-1) are discussed in relation to the present knowledge of the organization and activity of other dispersed sequence families.  相似文献   

The value of genome-specific repetitive DNA sequences for use as molecular markers in studying genome differentiation was investigated. Five repetitive DNA sequences from wild species of rice were cloned. Four of the clones, pOm1, pOm4, pOmA536, and pOmPB10, were isolated from Oryza minuta accession 101141 (BBCC genomes), and one clone, pOa237, was isolated from Oryza australiensis accession 100882 (EE genome). Southern blot hybridization to different rice genomes showed strong hybridization of all five clones to O. minuta genomic DNA and no cross hybridization to genomic DNA from Oryza sativa (AA genome). The pOm1 and pOmA536 sequences showed cross hybridization only to all of the wild rice species containing the C genome. However, the pOm4, pOmPB10, and pOa237 sequences showed cross hybridization to O. australiensis genomic DNA in addition to showing hybridization to the O. minuta genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Insertion sequences (ISs) are small DNA segments that are often capable of moving neighbouring genes. Over 1500 different ISs have been identified to date. They can have large and spectacular effects in shaping and reshuffling the bacterial genome. Recent studies have provided dramatic examples of such IS activity, including massive IS expansion during the emergence of some pathogenic bacterial species and the intimate involvement of ISs in assembling genes into complex plasmid structures. However, a global understanding of their impact on bacterial genomes requires detailed knowledge of their distribution across the eubacterial and archaeal kingdoms, understanding their partition between chromosomes and extra-chromosomal elements (e.g. plasmids and viruses) and the factors which influence this, and appreciation of the different transposition mechanisms in action, the target preferences and the host factors that influence transposition. In addition, defective (non- autonomous) elements, which can be complemented by related active elements in the same cell, are often overlooked in genome annotations but also contribute to the evolution of genome organisation.  相似文献   

The presence of DNA sequences homologous to the v-myb oncogene in the genome of both halophilic and methanogenic archaebacteria was revealed after hybridization of restriction fragments with cloned probes. No myb-related sequences were detected in the DNA from S. acidocaldarius.  相似文献   

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