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In the understory of pristine Guianese forests, the myrmecophyte Hirtella physophora almost exclusively shelters colonies of the plant-ant Allomerus decemarticulatus in its leaf pouches. We experimentally tested three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses concerning phenomena that can determine the species specificity of this association throughout the foundation stage of the colonies: (1) interspecific competition results in the overwhelming presence of A. decemarticulatus queens or incipient colonies; (2) exclusion filters prevent other ant species from entering the leaf pouches; and (3) host-recognition influences the choice of founding queens, especially A. decemarticulatus . Neither interspecific competition, nor the purported exclusion filters that we examined play a major role in maintaining the specificity of this association. Unexpectedly, the plant trichomes lining the domatia appear to serve as construction material during claustral foundation rather than as a filter. Finally, A. decemarticulatus queens are able to identify their host plant from a distance through chemical and/or visual cues, which is rarely demonstrated in studies on obligatory ant–plant associations. We discuss the possibility that this specific host-recognition ability could participate in shaping a compartmentalized plant-ant community where direct competition between ant symbionts is limited.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 90–97.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic compartment of the excitatory glutamatergic synapse contains hundreds of distinct polypeptides with a wide range of functions (signalling, trafficking, cell-adhesion, etc.). Structural dynamics in the post-synaptic density (PSD) are believed to underpin cognitive processes. Although functionally and morphologically diverse, PSD proteins are generally enriched with specific domains, which precisely define the mode of clustering essential for signal processing. We applied a stochastic calculus of domain binding provided by a rule-based modelling approach to formalise the highly combinatorial signalling pathway in the PSD and perform the numerical analysis of the relative distribution of protein complexes and their sizes. We specified the combinatorics of protein interactions in the PSD by rules, taking into account protein domain structure, specific domain affinity and relative protein availability. With this model we interrogated the critical conditions for the protein aggregation into large complexes and distribution of both size and composition. The presented approach extends existing qualitative protein-protein interaction maps by considering the quantitative information for stoichiometry and binding properties for the elements of the network. This results in a more realistic view of the postsynaptic proteome at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest an important role for protein ubiquitination in synaptic plasticity. We cloned, from the rat brain, a novel gene that encoded an ubiquitin-specific protease (USP), and termed this protein synaptic ubiquitin-specific protease (synUSP, GenBankTM Accession no. AB073880). The homologous human gene was mapped to a locus on chromosome 1p36.12. The deduced synUSP protein consisted of 1036 amino acids, and possessed an ubiquitin-like domain at the C-terminus, Cys- and His-boxes, leucine zipper motifs, and six amino acid-repeats of L/ILCPHG. The protein possessed de-ubiquitinating activity toward a model substrate, as expected from its sequence. The protein of 125 kDa was present in the rat brain; in particular, it was enriched in the post-synaptic density and the dendritic lipid raft fractions. The immunostaining of cortical neurons confirmed the post-synaptic localization. The mRNA for synUSP was localized to dendrites, as well as somas, of neuronal cells. Thus, both the mRNA and the protein were localized in the post-synaptic compartments. These results suggest a regulatory mechanism for the ubiquitin-related system at the post-synaptic sites.  相似文献   

Classical eyelid conditioning has been used to great advantage in demonstrating that the cerebellum helps to improve movements through experience, and in identifying the underlying mechanisms. Results from recent studies support the hypotheses that learning occurs in both the cerebellar nucleus and cortex, and that these sites make different contributions. Specifically, results indicate that the cerebellar cortex is responsible for temporally specific learning. A combination of experimental and computational studies has been important for arriving at these conclusions, which seem to be applicable to the broad range of movements to which the cerebellum contributes.  相似文献   

An identified interneurone (SA3) of the suboesophageal ganglion has an axon in both circumoesophageal connectives ascending to the brain. This is a novel morphology for a cell in the auditory system of the locust. The neurone is also novel for its physiological responses to sound in that it displays side-dependent response decrement (habituation). Responses to a tone directed at one ear decrement without affecting responses from the other ear. The responses on the decremented side recover when the opposite ear is stimulated. The decrement is the result of a diminishing amplitude of the compound excitatory post-synaptic potential but no inhibition is seen. Response decrement does not occur if the stimulus frequency is varied.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of same/different concept learning by rhesus monkeys, capuchin monkeys, and pigeons were studied in terms of how these species learned the task (e.g., item-specific learning versus relational learning) and how rapidly they learned the abstract concept, as the training set size was doubled. They had similar displays, training stimuli, test stimuli, and contingencies. The monkey species learned the abstract concept at similar rates and more rapidly than pigeons, thus showing a quantitative difference across species. All species eventually showed full concept learning (novel-stimulus transfer equivalent to baseline: 128-item set size for monkeys; 256-item set for pigeons), thus showing a qualitative similarity across species. Issues of stimulus regularity/symmetry, generalization from item pairs, and familiarity processing were not considered to be major factors in the final performances, converging on the conclusion that these species were increasingly controlled by the sample-test relationship (i.e., relational processing) leading to full abstract-concept learning.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the circumoral nerve ring of an ophiuroid, Ophiura texturata, is described. Particular attention is given to a system of fibres which are giant by echinoderm standards, and which occur both in the ectoneural and hyponeural parts of the nerve ring. The giant fibres in the ectoneural tissue do not show the complicated pattern of distribution present in the segmental ganglia of the radial nerves. The main areas of neuropil in the ectoneural tissue are associated with small axon bundles which leave the nerve ring to innervate the gut and disc. The hyponeural tissue is exclusively motor and is involved in the innervation of the main radial and inter-radial muscles of the disc. Branches of the motor nerves are also associated with juxtaligamental tissue, the secretory products from which are thought to influence the plasticity of collagenous connective tissue. The structure of the circumoral nerve ring suggests that it serves as a functional connection between the nerve cords in adjacent radii. The ultrastructural evidence does not support the view that the circumoral nerve ring represents a central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system of Ophiura texturata contains nerve fibres and cell bodies that are an order of magnitude larger than anything previously described in the Asteroidea and Echinoidea. These large nerve cells are designated giant fibres. Giant nerve cells are present in both the ectoneural and hyponeural nervous system. The layout of these nerve cells is described and it is shown that the organization is repeated in each segmental ganglion that makes up the radial nerve cord. The circumoral nerve ring is composed, in the main, of tracts of nerve fibres joining the radial nerves, and it contains only limited areas of neuropil associated with the alimentary canal and muscles of the disc and jaws. Degeneration studies have shown that each segmental ganglion of the radial nerve cords contains a discrete population of neurones separate from adjacent ganglion and that there are not anatomically continuous giant fibres along the whole length of the nerve cord.  相似文献   

Summary The radial nerve cords of members of the class Ophiuroidea consist of two parts, the ectoneural and the hyponeural tissues, which are separated by an acellular basal lamina. The hyponeural tissue is composed entirely of motor fibres. The cell bodies of the hyponeural neurones are arranged in ganglia, one to each segment of the arm, and each containing approximately one hundred cell bodies. Synaptic contact between the two tissues occurs across the basal lamina. Ultrastructural evidence shows that the majority of these synapses operate in the ectoneural to hyponeural direction. Three pairs of nerve bundles, each containing approximately thirty five large motor fibres arise from each ganglion and innervate the intervertebral muscles. The large motor fibres divide into a number of pre-terminal axons in the region in which the motor fibre enters the muscle block. The terminal axons run at right-angles across the muscle fibres and neuromuscular junctions are found at the points of contact between the two; each terminal axon makes contact with a large number of muscle fibres. The hyponeural axons also pass through the juxtaligamental tissue before they reach the muscle blocks and there is some evidence of synaptic contact with the juxtaligamental cells. The juxtaligamental tissue is thought to be associated with changes in the structural properties of the collagenous ligaments of the arm during arm autotomy (Wilkie 1979). Degeneration studies confirmed the layout of the hyponeural motor axons.  相似文献   

The bioinformatics problem being addressed in this paper is to predict whether or not a protein has post-synaptic activity. This problem is of great intrinsic interest because proteins with post-synaptic activities are connected with functioning of the nervous system. Indeed, many proteins having post-synaptic activity have been functionally characterized by biochemical, immunological and proteomic exercises. They represent a wide variety of proteins with functions in extracellular signal reception and propagation through intracellular apparatuses, cell adhesion molecules and scaffolding proteins that link them in a web. The challenge is to automatically discover features of the primary sequences of proteins that typically occur in proteins with post-synaptic activity but rarely (or never) occur in proteins without post-synaptic activity, and vice-versa. In this context, we used data mining to automatically discover classification rules that predict whether or not a protein has post-synaptic activity. The discovered rules were analysed with respect to their predictive accuracy (generalization ability) and with respect to their interestingness to biologists (in the sense of representing novel, unexpected knowledge).  相似文献   

Changes in evoked potentials in the first visual (VI), first somatic (SI), and parietal areas of the cortex during local cooling of each area were investigated under pentobarbital anesthesia. Two types of interaction were distinguished. Type I interaction was found in all areas in the early stages of local cooling and was reflected in a similar decrease in amplitude of evoked potentials in intact parts of the cortex. In the thalamic association nuclei — the pulvinar and posterolateral nucleus — somatic evoked potentials were unchanged but visual were transformed differently from those in the cortex. Type IIinteraction was found in the later stages of cooling and only between the association area and each of the projection areas. It was reflected in a greater change in amplitude of the evoked potentials and also in their configuration. In response to somatic stimulation in the early stage of type II interaction transformation of evoked potentials in the cortex took place sooner than in the nuclei; in the later stage it took place immediately after transformation of the "subcortical" evoked potentials. In response to photic stimulation transformations of cortical evoked potentials were always preceded by the corresponding transformations in the nuclei. It is suggested that type I interaction is formed by intercortical connections and type II by direct and subcortical relay connections. Differences in the role of the association area in interaction of types I and II when activated by stimuli of different modalities are discussed.Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 573–581, November–December, 1978.  相似文献   

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