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PC12 cells serve as a model for exploring nerve growth factor (NGF)-stimulated signal pathways that mediate neural differentiation. We previously demonstrated that neurofilament light chain (NFLC) gene induction by NGF requires collaborative extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling. Herein, we investigate the broader requirement for integrated ERK and JNK signaling in NGF-stimulated gene expression. NGF stimulates differentiation as well as maintenance of cell viability while insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) stimulates only trophic actions in PC12 cells. Affymetrix Genechips were used to identify genes whose expression specifically increased in response to NGF, but not IGF-1. From the set of NGF-specific genes, the induction by NGF of ten genes with diverse predicted cellular functions was tested for ERK and JNK pathway requirements using the protein kinase inhibitors, PD98059 and SP600125, respectively. Like NFLC, induction of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPAR), transin/matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3), Fra-1 and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) required collaborative ERK and JNK signaling while the increased expression of cortexin, rat collapsin response mediator protein 4 (rCRMP4), rat growth and transformation-dependent protein (RGT), and synapsin II required neither mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. NGF-induction of the bradykinin B2 receptor and c-Ret mRNAs was partially inhibited by SP600125, but not PD98059. Reporter constructs containing the promoters for ERK/JNK-dependent genes (NFLC, transin, uPAR) as well as an ERK/JNK-independent gene (synapsin II) revealed that both sets of genes required functional Ras signaling for activation by NGF. Integrated signaling through the ERK and JNK MAPKs, therefore, represents a general conduit for NGF-dependent gene expression, but additional Ras-dependent signaling pathways distinct from the ERKs and JNKs must contribute as well. Thus, multiple signaling conduits control global differentiation-specific gene expression in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of peroxynitrite-induced apoptosis are not fully understood. We report here that peroxynitrite-induced apoptosis of PC12 cells requires the simultaneous activation of p38 and JNK MAP kinase, which in turn activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, as evidenced by Bax translocation to the mitochondria, cytochrome c release to the cytoplasm and activation of caspases, leading to cell death. Peroxynitrite induces inactivation of the Akt pathway. Furthermore, overexpression of constitutively active Akt inhibits both peroxynitrite-induced Bax translocation and cell death. Peroxynitrite-induced death was prevented by overexpression of Bcl-2 and by cyclosporin A, implicating the involvement of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Selective inhibition of mixed lineage kinase (MLK), p38 or JNK does not attenuate the decrease in Akt phosphorylation showing that inactivation of the Akt pathway occurs independently of the MLK/MAPK pathway. Together, these results reveal that peroxynitrite-induced activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway involves interactions with the MLK/MAPK and Akt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The balance between specific signals from different growth factors dictates the biological response of mammalian cells including cell proliferation, differentiation and survival. PC12 cells represent a model of choice to compare the signalling of differentiative growth factors, as NGF, and of mitogenic growth factors, as EGF. In these cells the prolonged activity of the ERK kinase dictates the decision of cells to differentiate. Here we focused on the cytosolic tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 as an established regulator of the Ras-ERK cascade, to elucidate its involvement in determining the stimulation-dependent PC12 cell fate. To this end, we generated PC12 derived cell lines that express the interfering mutant of Shp2 under a tetracycline-inducible promoter. Our findings show that Shp2 participates to the opposite effects induced in PC12 cells by EGF and NGF and that the interactions with the multidocking Gab2 protein mediate such effects.  相似文献   

Rab22 is a small GTPase that is localized on early endosomes and regulates early endosomal sorting. This study reports that Rab22 promotes nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling-dependent neurite outgrowth and gene expression in PC12 cells by sorting NGF and the activated/phosphorylated receptor (pTrkA) into signaling endosomes to sustain signal transduction in the cell. NGF binding induces the endocytosis of pTrkA into Rab22-containing endosomes. Knockdown of Rab22 via small hairpin RNA (shRNA) blocks NGF-induced pTrkA endocytosis into the endosomes and gene expression (VGF) and neurite outgrowth. Overexpression of human Rab22 can rescue the inhibitory effects of the Rab22 shRNA, suggesting a specific Rab22 function in NGF signal transduction, rather than off-target effects. Furthermore, the Rab22 effector, Rabex-5, is necessary for NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and gene expression, as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of shRNA-mediated knockdown of Rabex-5. Disruption of the Rab22-Rabex-5 interaction via overexpression of the Rab22-binding domain of Rabex-5 in the cell also blocks NGF-induced neurite outgrowth, suggesting a critical role of Rab22-Rabex-5 interaction in the biogenesis of NGF-signaling endosomes to sustain the signal for neurite outgrowth. These data provide the first evidence for an early endosomal Rab GTPase as a positive regulator of NGF signal transduction and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Various proteases have been found to be released by the growth cones of developing neurons in culture and have been hypothesized to play a role in the process of axon elongation. We report here that nerve growth factor (NGF) induced the gene encoding the metalloprotease transin in PC12 cells with a time course coincident with the initial appearance of neurites by these cells. Acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors also stimulated transin mRNA expression and neurite outgrowth, whereas various other agents had no effects on either of these phenomena. In contrast, dexamethasone was found to inhibit the induction of transin mRNA when added with, or following, NGF treatment. Finally, we show that sequences contained within 750 bp of the 5' untranscribed region of the transin gene confer responsiveness to NGF and dexamethasone.  相似文献   

Perinatal hypoxia is known to induce long-lasting changes in the central dopaminergic system. In order to understand the cellular mechanism of these changes, we studied the effects of hypoxia on the levels of dopamine (DA) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA in untreated and NGF treated PC12 cells. On the second day after plating (DAP), cells were exposed to a hypoxic episode (pO2 = 10-20 mm Hg, 24 h), and the levels of DA and TH mRNA were examined on DAP 4 and DAP 8. In untreated cells, hypoxia induced a two fold increase both in DA and TH mRNA levels on DAP 4 which normalized up to DAP 8. This increase correlated with an activation of the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1alpha), measured with a reporter gene. In contrast, NGF treated cells responded to hypoxia with an increase of DA level on DAP 8. In these cells neither an increase of the HIF-1alpha activity measured immediately after hypoxia nor a significant increase of the TH mRNA level on DAP 8 were found. The findings indicate that NGF shifts the hypoxia induced changes of DA levels from a short-term to a long-term mode. The long-term increase of dopamine levels is the most likely result of changes connected with cell growth and differentiation and not the result of a long-term TH mRNA level increase.  相似文献   

M S Qiu  S H Green 《Neuron》1991,7(6):937-946
Activation of p21ras, demonstrated directly as an increase in p21ras-associated GTP, was induced rapidly but transiently by both nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in PC12 cells. The factors activate p21ras to equal extents and with virtually identical time courses. Growth factor-induced p21ras activation and tyrosine phosphorylation have similar time courses and sensitivities to genistein inhibition, indicating that p21ras activation is a result of tyrosine kinase activity. Furthermore, PC12 mutants lacking the Trk NGF receptor tyrosine kinase also lack NGF-inducible p21ras activation. The protein kinase inhibitor K252a and the methyltransferase inhibitor MTA abolish NGF-induced, but not EGF-induced, p21ras activation--effects correlated with inhibition only of NGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation. In spite of differences in sensitivity to genistein, MTA, and K252a, EGF- and NGF-stimulated p21ras activation are not additive, implying that they do share at least one step in common.  相似文献   

目的和方法:采用全细胞膜片钳技术观察神经生长因子(NGF)分化后的PC12细胞对乙酰胆碱(ACh)的敏感性,并对ACh诱发电流(IACh)的特性进行分析。结果:NGF处理后的PC12乐仅形态上向交感神经元分化,而且具有电学兴奋性,它对ACh敏感性比未分化前显著提高。药理学鉴定表明PC12上的IACh是由烟碱受体(nAChR)引起的,具有明显的失敏特性。宏观IACh呈内向整流和浓度依赖性。结论:PC12细胞培养方便,同源性好,加入NGF后向交感神经元分化,且其具有神经元烟碱受体,可以作为交感神经元烟碱受体研究的很好的模型系统。  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that estrogen receptor mRNA and protein co-localize with neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing basal forebrain. In the present study we examined the potential for reciprocal regulation of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems by their ligands in a prototypical neurotrophin target, the PC12 cell. using in situ hybridization histochemistry, RT-PCR and a modified nuclear exchange assay, we found both estrogen receptor mRNA and estrogen binding in PC12 cells. Moreover, while estrogen binding was relatively low in naive PC12 cells, long-term exposure to NGF enhanced estrogen binding in these cells by sixfold. Furthermore, concurrent exposure to estrogen and NGF receptor mRNAs deifferentially regulated the expression of the two NGF receptor mRNAs. The expression of trkA mRNA was up-regulated, while p75NGFR mRNA was down-regulated transiently. The present data indicate that NGF may increase neuronal sensitivity to estrogen, and that estrogen, by differentially regulating p75NGFR and trkA mRNA, may alter the ratio fo the two NGF receptors, and, conseuqnetly, neurotrophin responsivity. In view of the widespread co-localization of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing CNS, the reciprocal regulation of these receptor systems by NGF and estrogen may have important implications for processes governing neural maturation and the maintenance of neural funciton. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is a severe stressful condition and induces cell death leading to neuronal loss both to the developing and adult nervous system. Central theme to cellular death is the activation of different classes of proteases such as caspases calpains and cathepsins. In the present study we investigated the involvement of these proteases, in the hypoxia-induced PC12 cell death. Rat PC12 is a model cell line for experimentation relevant to the nervous system and several protocols have been developed for either lethal hypoxia (oxygen and glucose deprivation OGD) or ischemic preconditioning (IPS). Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) treated PC12 differentiate to a sympathetic phenotype, expressing neurites and excitability. Lethal hypoxia was established by exposing undifferentiated and NGF-treated PC12 cells to a mixture of N(2)/CO(2) (93:5%) in DMEM depleted of glucose and sodium pyruvate for 16 h. The involvement of caspases, calpains and lysosomal cathepsins D and E to the cell death induced by lethal OGD was investigated employing protease specific inhibitors such as z-VAD-fmk for the caspases, MDL28170 for the calpains and pepstatin A for the cathepsins D and E. Our findings show that pepstatin A provides statistically significant protection from cell death of both naive and NGF treated PC12 cells exposed to lethal OGD. We propose that apart from the established processes of apoptosis and necrosis that are integral components of lethal OGD, the activation of cathepsins D and E launches additional cell death pathways in which these proteases are key partners.  相似文献   

Synaptogyrins constitute a family of synaptic vesicle proteins of unknown function. With the full-length structure of a new brain synaptogyrin isoform, we now show that the synaptogyrin family in vertebrates includes two neuronal and one ubiquitous isoform. All of these synaptogyrins are composed of a short conserved N-terminal cytoplasmic sequence, four homologous transmembrane regions, and a variable cytoplasmic C-terminal tail that is tyrosine-phosphorylated. The localization, abundance, and conservation of synaptogyrins suggest a function in exocytosis. To test this, we employed a secretion assay in PC12 cells expressing transfected human growth hormone (hGH) as a reporter protein. When Ca2+-dependent hGH secretion from PC12 cells was triggered by high K+ or alpha-latrotoxin, co-transfection of all synaptogyrins with hGH inhibited hGH exocytosis as strongly as co-transfection of tetanus toxin light chain. Synaptophysin I, which is distantly related to synaptogyrins, was also inhibitory but less active. Inhibition was independent of the amount of hGH expressed but correlated with the amount of synaptogyrin transfected. Inhibition of exocytosis was not observed with several other synaptic proteins, suggesting specificity. Analysis of the regions of synaptogyrin required for inhibition revealed that the conserved N-terminal domain of synaptogyrin is essential for inhibition, whereas the long C-terminal cytoplasmic tail is largely dispensable. Our results suggest that synaptogyrins are conserved components of the exocytotic apparatus, which function as regulators of Ca2+-dependent exocytosis.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biosynthesis in proliferating and NGF-differentiated PC12 pheochromocytoma cells deficient in n-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA 22:6n-3) was studied. A dose- and time-dependent increase in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n-3) and DHA in phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) and phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) glycerophospholipids (GPL) via the elongation/desaturation pathway following alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) supplements was observed. That was accompanied by a marked reduction of eicosatrienoic acid (Mead acid 20:3n-9), an index of PUFA deficiency. EPA supplements were equally effective converted to 22:5n-3 and 22:6n-3. On the other hand, supplements of linoleic acid (LNA, 18:2n-6) were not effectively converted into higher n-6 PUFA intermediates nor did they impair elongation/desaturation of ALA. Co-supplements of DHA along with ALA did not interfere with 20:5n-3 biosynthesis but reduced further elongation to 22-hydrocarbon PUFA intermediates. A marked decrease in the newly synthesized 22:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 following ALA or EPA supplements was observed after nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation. NGF also inhibited the last step in 22:5n-6 formation from LNA. These results emphasize the importance of overcoming n-3 PUFA deficiency and raise the possibility that growth factor regulation of the last step in PUFA biosynthesis may constitute an important feature of neuronal phenotype acquisition.  相似文献   

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