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Summary Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of rice. Restriction analysis showed specific modifications in the male sterile cytoplasm. In addition to the major mitochondrial DNA, three small plasmid-like DNA molecules were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis in both cytoplasms. An additional molecule was specifically found in the sterile cytoplasm. These mitochondrial DNA modifications support the hypothesis of the mitochondrial inheritance of the cytoplasmic male sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Summary A circular supercoiled mitochondrial DNA plasmid P1 (1.45 kb) is shown in both normal fertile plants of Helianthus annuus, and some cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS A and CMS P). In contrast, no plasmid is found in some other types of CMS C, I, B and K. A circular supercoiled DNA (P2) of higher molecular weight (1.8 kb) is observed in CMS F. The mitochondrial plasmid P1 was cloned, nick-translated and hybridized with native mitochondrial DNA from different lines of male fertile, CMS or wild Helianthus. No sequence homology has been detected between plasmid DNA P1 and high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA in any line examined. A slight hybridization occurs between plasmids P1 and P2. Thus, there is no apparent relationship between mitochondrial plasmid DNA and CMS or Helianthus species. On the contrary, each Helianthus CMS and male fertile strain can be characterized by digestion fragment patterns (Sal I and Bgl I). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from wild Helianthus strains indicated a relation between some CMS and the strain from which they were maternally derived, as for example CMS I and H. annuus ssp lenticularis and CMS F and H. petiolaris fallax. On the basis of restriction endonuclease patterns, a CMS phylogenic tree is proposed which illustrates a molecular polymorphism in the mitochondrial genome of Helianthus.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of a new type of rye cytoplasm (Gülzow, G) that induces cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was analyzed and compared with rye mtDNAs of different origins MtDNA of the G type was easily distinguishable from mtDNA of another CMS source, Pampa (P) type, and from mtDNA of fertile lines with respect to restriction fragment patterns and hybridization with mitochondrial genes. The results of the molecular analyses indicate a close, but not identical relationship between the mtDNA of the G type cytoplasm and that of cv Pluto.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast (ct) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs from four cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) and 22 normal fertile sugar beet lines and accessions of wild beets from the genusBeta have been compared with restriction analyses and Southern hybridizations. We have used restriction analyses of ctDNA as a phylogenetic marker to confirm the taxonomic relationships between the different cytoplasms. According to the ctDNA data, all four cms cytoplasms belong to the same taxonomic section,Beta. Restriction patterns of ct and mtDNA from fertile accessions produced analogous trees of similarity and showed a close correlation between the organellar DNA diversity and the accepted taxonomic classification of the species studied. However, the mtDNA restriction profiles of the four cms types differed dramatically from each other and from those of all fertile accessions from the genus. No indication of cytoplasmic introgression was found in any of the four investigated cms types. Southern hybridization to mtDNA revealed variant genomic arrangements in the different fertile and cms cytoplasms, indicating that rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome is a common denominator to the different cms systems inBeta. It may, indeed, be a common property to spontaneously occurring cms in all or most species.  相似文献   

Summary Among the fertile sugar beet lines with nuclear sterility maintenance genes, rf, in a homozygous recessive state, sublines capable of reverting spontaneously at a high rate to sterility were identified. Of 24 related fertile sublines studied, 6 were found to spontaneously revert to sterility with a frequency of about 19%. Genetic analysis confirmed the cytoplasmic nature of spontaneously arising sterility. Reversion to sterility in these sublines was accompanied by alterations in the mitochondrial genome structure: loss of the autonomously replicating minicircle c (1.3 kb) and changes in the restriction patterns of high-molecular-weight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Southern hybridixation analysis with cloned minicircle c as a probe revealed no integration of this DNA molecule into the main mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of the revertants. Comparative BamHI and EcoRI restriction analysis of the mtDNA from the sterile revertants and fertile parental subline showed that the spontaneous reversion is accompanied by extensive genomic rearrangement. Southern blot analysis with cloned -subunit of F1-ATPase (atpA) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COX II) genes as probes indicated that the changes in mtDNA accompanying spontaneous reversion to sterility involved these regions. The mitochondrial genomes of the spontaneous revertants and the sterile analogue were shown to be identical.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in mitochondrial protein synthesis and genome organization was investigated. Three different alloplasmic cytoplasmic male-sterile Nicotiana tabacum cultivars, carrying N. repanda, N. suaveolens or N. debneyi cytoplasm, were analysed together with corresponding male-fertile parental and restored material. Although several differences were detected in the proteins synthesized by isolated mitochondria from the male-sterile and male-fertile plants, most of these were related to the origin of the mitochondria. However, a 23 kD protein was synthesized in the male-sterile cultivar carrying N. debneyi mitochondria, but not in other lines containing this cytoplasm. This protein was also present in the male-fertile parent containing N. tabacum mitochondria. Only the enhanced production of a 30 kD protein in the lines carrying mitochondria from N. repanda or N. debneyi was exclusively correlated with CMS. This protein was not present in any of the corresponding male-fertile parental and restored lines. Restriction enzyme analysis of mitochondrial DNA revealed a difference in abundance of a 5.6 kb XhoI fragment between lines containing N. debneyi mitochondria. No rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA was found between male-fertile and male-sterile lines carrying N. repanda or N. suaveolens cytoplasm. These results might indicate that CMS in alloplasmic Nicotiana cultivars is caused by alterations in the expression of mitochondrial genes, rather than by induced changes in the genome.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) and chloroplast (ct) DNAs from sugar beet carrying normal fertile and different cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) cytoplasms were compared by restriction analysis and for the occurrence of minicircles. One of the cms materials had the Owen cms cytoplasm currently used for hybrid production in sugar beet; the other three cms materials were derived from wild Beta beets. The mtDNAs from two of the latter cms types (C 7051, C 8640) differed from both the Owen and the fertile cytoplasms in fragment patterns seen after restriction enzyme analysis and in minicircle composition. The third cms type (C 8684) differed from the Owen cytoplasm in mini-circle composition, but restriction enzyme analysis revealed no differences. The presence of the different minicircles was confirmed by Southern hybridization using minicircle-specific clones. All bands hybridized as predicted by gel electrophoresis except a band in the cms type C 8640, which migrated in a similar manner as the c.c.c. form of the a minicircle. This band hybridized only faintly to a minicircle a-specific probe and could be removed by treatment with nuclease S1. In contrast to the large mtDNA variation, restriction analysis of ctDNA detected little variation between cytoplasms. The molecular characterization of the new sources of cms supports the results of previous crossings. Two of the cytoplasms are not only of independent origin, but are also most likely functionally different and thus may be of value in future production of hybrid sugar beet varieties.  相似文献   

The mitochondria of chive plants with normal N or male-sterile S cytoplasms have been examined by restriction fragment analysis and Southern hybridizations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and in organello protein biosynthesis. Restriction fragment patterns of the mtDNA differed extensively between N-and S-cytoplasms. The percentage of fragments with different mobility varied between 44–48% depending on the restriction enzyme used. In contrast to mtDNA, the restriction fragment patterns of the chloropolast DNA from N- and S-cytoplasms were identical. The organization of the analyzed mitochondrial genes coxII, coxIII, nad1 and nad3 was different in N- and S-cytoplasms. Comparison of mitochondrial proteins analyzed by in organello translation revealed an 18-kDa protein present only in S-cytoplasm. The restorer gene X suppressed the synthesis of that protein in S-cytoplasm. Thus, the 18-kDa protein seems to be associated with the cytoplasmic male-sterile phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from leaf tissue of both the cytoplasmic male sterile line of Indica rice variety V41, which carries wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm, and from the corresponding maintainer line. In addition to the main mitochondrial DNA, four small plasmid-like DNA molecules were detected in both the male sterile and fertile lines. Restriction analysis of total mitochondrial DNA from the male sterile and fertile lines showed DNA fragments unique to each. Our findings suggest that the four small mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules are conserved when WA cytoplasm is transferred into different nuclear backgrounds. However, there is no simple correlation between the presence/ absence of small mitochondrial DNA molecules and the expression of WA cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS).  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants of a Japanese onion variety Sapporo-ki, which is characterized by the occasional occurrence of male-sterile plants, have been investigated for mitochondrial (mt) DNA polymorphism. Male-fertile and the Jones' cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) onions were also included for comparison. Southern blot hybridization with rrn26, cox-I, cox-II, cob, atpA and atp9 genes as probes revealed the two classes of mtDNA variation within a population of Sapporo-ki: Out of the 41 plants examined 19 contained mtDNA typical of malefertile plants, and 22 individuals contained mtDNA typical of the Jones' CMS genotype. Our results thus indcate that the use of the mitochondrial gene probes may greatly facilitate the classification of individual plants by cytoplasmic genotypes.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial genomes of five rapeseed somatic hybrid plants, which combine in a first experimentBrassica napus chloroplasts and a cytoplasmic male sterility trait coming fromRaphanus sativus, and in a second experiment chloroplasts of a triazine resistantB. compestris and a cytoplasmic male sterility trait fromR. sativus, were analyzed by restriction endonucleases. Restriction fragment patterns indicate that these genomes differ from each other and from both parents. The presence of new bands in the somatic hybrid mitochondrial DNA restriction patterns is evidence of mitochondrial recombination in somatic hybrid cells. In both parental and somatic hybrid plants large quantitative variations in a mitochondrial plasmid-like DNA have been observed. Our results suggest that the cytoplasmic support for male sterility is located in the chromosomal mitochondrial DNA instead of the plasmid-like DNA.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 13 cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) lines from diverse sources were characterized by Southern blot hybridization to pearl millet and maize mtDNA probes. Hybridization patterns of mtDNA digested with PstI, BamHI, SmaI or XhoI and probed with 13.6-, 10.9-, 9.7- or 4.7-kb pearl millet mtDNA clones revealed similarities among the cms lines 5141 A and ICMA 1 (classified as the S-A1 type of cytoplasm based on fertility restoration patterns), PMC 30A and ICMA 2. The remaining cms lines formed a distinct group, within which three subgroups were evident. Among the maize mitochondiral gene clones used, the coxI probe revealed two distinct groups of cytoplasms similar to the pearl millet mtDNA clones. The atp9 probe differentiated the cms line 81 A4, derived from P. glaucum subsp. monodii, while the coxII gene probe did not detect any polymorphism among the cms lines studied. MtDNA digested with BamHI, PstI or XhoI and hybridized to the atp6 probe revealed distinct differences among the cms lines. The maize atp6 gene clone identified four distinct cytoplasmic groups and four subgroups within a main group. The mtDNA fragments hybridized to the atp6 gene probe with differing intensities, suggesting the presence of more than one copy of the gene in different stoichiometries. Rearrangements involving the coxI and/or rrn18-rrn5 genes (mapped within the pearl millet clones) probably resulted in the S-A1 type of sterility. Rearrangements involving the atp6 gene (probably resulting in chimeric form) may be responsible for male sterility in other cms lines of pearl millet.  相似文献   

Summary Techniques have been developed for the production of cybrids in Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). Gamma-irradiated protoplasts of a cytoplasmically male-sterile breeding line of perennial ryegrass (B200) were fused with iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts of a fertile breeding line (Jon 401). After fusion 25 putative cybrid calli were characterized to determine mitochondrion type and composition of the nuclear genome. Analysis of phosphoglucoisomerase isozyme profiles and determination of the ploidy level by flow cytometry indicated that all of the calli tested essentially contained the nuclear DNA of the fertile line. However, the presence of parts of the nuclear DNA from the sterile line could not be excluded. Southern blotting of total DNA isolated from the parental lines and putative cybrids combined with hybridizations using the mitochondrial probes cox1 and atp6 revealed that the mitochondria of the calli originated from the fertile line (5 calli), the sterile line (5 calli) or from both parental lines (15 calli). The hybridization patterns of the mtDNA from the cybrid calli showed extensive quantitative and qualitative variation, suggesting that fusion-induced inter- or intramolecular mitochondrial recombination had taken place.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial variability was investigated in natural populations of wild carrot (Daucus carota ssp carota) in different regions: South of France, Greece, and various sites in the Mediterranean Basin and Asia. Total DNA was digested with two restriction endonucleases (EcoRV and HindIII) and probed with three mitochondrial DMA-specific genes (coxI, atp6, and coxII). Twenty-five different mitochondrial types were found in 80 analyzed individuals. Thirteen mitotypes were found among the 7 French populations studied. On average, 4.4 different mitotypes were observed per population, and these mitotypes were well-distributed among the populations. All of the mitochondrial types were specific to a single region. However, the proportion of shared restriction fragments between 2 mitotypes from different regions was not particularly lower than that which occurred among mitotypes from a single region. On the basis of the sexual phenotype [male-sterile (MS) or hermaphrodite] of the plants studied in situ and that of their progeny, 2 mitotypes were found to be highly associated with male sterility. Eighty percent of the plants bearing these mitotypes were MS in situ, and all of these plants produced more than 30% MS plants in their progeny. This association with male sterility was consistent in several populations, suggesting an association with a cytoplasmic male-sterility system. Moreover, these two mitotypes had very similar mitochondrial DNA restriction patterns and were well-differentiated from the other mitotypes observed in wild plants and also from those observed in the two CMS types already known in the cultivated carrot. This suggests that they correspond to a third cytoplasmic sterility.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction patterns of chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in Brassica napus rapeseed reveal the alloplasmic nature of cytoplasmic male sterility in this crop. Both the Shiga and Bronowski systems probably exploit cytoplasmic diversity in B. napus cultivars arising from introgression of cytoplasm from the other rapeseed species, B. campestris. Nuclear genes specific to these systems do not cause sterility in maintainers (Bronowski and Isuzu-natane) because they have a campestris cytoplasm, but give rise to sterility in napus cytoplasms. In the course of hybridization to napus cultivars a line with the triazine resistant cytoplasm (a campestris cytoplasm) has undergone an alteration in the mt genome rendering its restriction pattern more similar than previously to that of napus. The alteration may be an inversion between 7.2 and 3.4 kb in length.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA, isolated from different sugar beet populations, was analyzed using BamHI and EcoRI restriction enzymes. It was shown that plants possessing the new mtDNA types are revealed among O-type fertilizers quite frequently. Among cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) plants, which evolved during cultivation of O-type fertilizers, plants with altered mt genome were found.  相似文献   

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