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Undersea deposition of unexploded ordnance (UXO) constitutes a potential source of contamination of marine environments by hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX). Using sediment from a coastal UXO field, Oahu Island, Hawaii, we isolated four novel aerobic RDX-degrading fungi HAW-OCF1, HAW-OCF2, HAW-OCF3 and HAW-OCF5, tentatively identified as members of Rhodotorula, Bullera, Acremonium and Penicillium, respectively. The four isolates mineralized 15–34% of RDX in 58 days as determined by liberated 14CO2. Subsequently we selected Acremonium to determine biotransformation pathway(s) of RDX in more details. When RDX (100 μM) was incubated with resting cells of Acremonium we detected methylenedinitramine (MEDINA), N2O and HCHO. Also we detected hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine (MNX) together with trace amounts of hexahydro-1,3-dinitroso-5-nitro-1,3,5-triazine (DNX) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (TNX). Under the same conditions MNX produced N2O and HCHO together with trace amounts of DNX and TNX, but we were unable to detect MEDINA. TNX did not degrade with Acremonium. These experimental findings suggested that RDX degraded via at least two major initial routes; one route involved direct ring cleavage to MEDINA and another involved reduction to MNX prior to ring cleavage. Nitrite was only detected in trace amounts suggesting that degradation via initial denitration did take place but not significantly. Aerobic incubation of Acremonium in sediment contaminated with RDX led to enhanced removal of the nitramine.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of high explosive production effluent containing RDX (royal demolition explosive) and HMX (high melting-point explosive) in the presence of denitrifying bacterial isolates was investigated. The effluent collected from HMX production plant containing acetic acid, ammonium nitrate and explosive residue with water and other organic nitro bodies was used. The diluted and neutralized effluent was subjected to biodegradation using Pseudomonas (HPB1) and two Bacillus (HPB2, HPB3) denitrifying bacterial isolates. Samples were analysed by HPLC for qualitative and quantitative analysis of remaining RDX and HMX. The results indicate that the HMX and RDX was biodegraded under denitrifying conditions. The isolate Pseudomonas (HPB1) was found to be an efficient biodegrading strain for HMX. However, the isolate Pseudomonas (HPB1) was found to have lower biodegradation activity for RDX as compared to the denitrifying strain Bacillus (HPB2). Denitrifying bacteria Bacillus (HPB2) was found to be the most efficient strain for the biodegradation of RDX and HMX containing effluent neutralized with sodium bicarbonate. The biotransformation activity for HMX and RDX was lower for the isolate Bacillus (HPB2) in the effluent neutralized with ammonia. Removal of nitrate from the effluent containing HMX and RDX by the three denitrifying bacteria was also studied. Denitrifying bacteria Pseudomonas (HPB1) showed the maximum nitrate reduction in the presence of both the neutralizing agents- sodium bicarbonate and ammonia.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the biodegradation of cyclic nitramines by an anaerobic marine bacterium, Clostridium sp. EDB2, in the presence of Fe(III), humic acids (HA) and anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). METHODS AND RESULTS: An obligate anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium sp. EDB2, degraded RDX and HMX, and produced similar product distribution including nitrite, methylenedinitramine, nitrous oxide, ammonium, formaldehyde, formic acid and carbon dioxide. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mass balance for RDX products were 87% and 82%, respectively, and for HMX were 88% and 74%, respectively. Bacterial growth and biodegradation of RDX and HMX were stimulated in the presence of Fe(III), HA and AQDS suggesting that strain EDB2 utilized Fe(III), HA and AQDS as redox mediators to transfer electrons to cyclic nitramines. CONCLUSIONS: Strain EDB2 demonstrated a multidimensional approach to degrade RDX and HMX: first, direct degradation of the chemicals; second, indirect degradation by reducing Fe(III) to produce reactive-Fe(II); third, indirect degradation by reducing HA and AQDS which act as electron shuttles to transfer electrons to the cyclic nitramines. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The present study could be helpful in determining the fate of cyclic nitramine energetic chemicals in the environments rich in Fe(III) and HA.  相似文献   

Filamentous Desulfobulbaceae have been reported to conduct electrons over centimetre-long distances, thereby coupling oxygen reduction at the surface of marine sediment to sulphide oxidation in sub-surface layers. To understand how these ‘cable bacteria'' establish and sustain electric conductivity, we followed a population for 53 days after exposing sulphidic sediment with initially no detectable filaments to oxygen. After 10 days, cable bacteria and electric currents were established throughout the top 15 mm of the sediment, and after 21 days the filament density peaked with a total length of 2 km cm−2. Cells elongated and divided at all depths with doubling times over the first 10 days of <20 h. Active, oriented movement must have occurred to explain the separation of O2 and H2S by 15 mm. Filament diameters varied from 0.4–1.7 μm, with a general increase over time and depth, and yet they shared 16S rRNA sequence identity of >98%. Comparison of the increase in biovolume and electric current density suggested high cellular growth efficiency. While the vertical expansion of filaments continued over time and reached 30 mm, the electric current density and biomass declined after 13 and 21 days, respectively. This might reflect a breakdown of short filaments as their solid sulphide sources became depleted in the top layers of the anoxic zone. In conclusion, cable bacteria combine rapid and efficient growth with oriented movement to establish and exploit the spatially separated half-reactions of sulphide oxidation and oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

A novel lipase was isolated from a metagenomic library of Baltic Sea sediment bacteria. Prokaryotic DNA was extracted and cloned into a copy control fosmid vector (pCC1FOS) generating a library of >7000 clones with inserts of 24-39 kb. Screening for clones expressing lipolytic activity based on the hydrolysis of tributyrin and p-nitrophenyl esters, identified 1% of the fosmids as positive. An insert of 29 kb was fragmented and subcloned. Subclones with lipolytic activity were sequenced and an open reading frame of 978 bp encoding a 35.4-kDa putative lipase/esterase h1Lip1 (DQ118648) with 54% amino acid similarity to a Pseudomonas putida esterase (BAD07370) was identified. Conserved regions, including the putative active site, GDSAG, a catalytic triad (Ser148, Glu242 and His272) and a HGG motif, were identified. The h1Lip1 lipase was over expressed, (pGEX-6P-3 vector), purified and shown to hydrolyse p-nitrophenyl esters of fatty acids with chain lengths up to C14. Hydrolysis of the triglyceride derivative 1,2-di-O-lauryl-rac-glycero-3-glutaric acid 6'-methylresorufin ester (DGGR) confirmed that h1Lip1 was a lipase. The apparent optimal temperature for h1Lip1, by hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate, was 35 degrees C. Thermal stability analysis showed that h1Lip1 was unstable at 25 degrees C and inactivated at 40 degrees C with t1/2 <5 min.  相似文献   

Azra Tufail 《Hydrobiologia》1987,148(3):245-255
Sediment cores were set up to study microbial colonisation and interactions on marine sand grains under enrichment conditions. Cores were enriched with photosynthetic media in the light and dark (PL, PD) and heterotrophic media in the light and dark (HL, HD), and were incubated for 25 days. Sediment chlorophylls were then measured by acetone extraction, viable heterotrophic bacteria by plate counts, and numbers of cells mm–2 sand grain surface by s.e.m. Chlorophyll a occurred in all sediments but was highest in the PL sediment. Bacteriochlorophyll a was only observed in the HL sediment. Heterotrophic viable counts were high in the HL and HD sediments. Dense growth of diatoms and blue-green algae, and a marine fungal Thraustochytrid sp. occurred on PL grains. The blue-green alga Schizothrix was often associated with the diatom Amphora on PL grains. Many different bacteria grew on HL and HD grains and some unusual colony and cell morphologies were recorded (Caulobacter, Flexibacter, polymer strands). Characteristic flakey material sometimes occurred in hollows on grains. The results are discussed in relation to microbial communities in low energy sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

Cyclic nitramine explosives, RDX, HMX, and CL-20 are hydrophobic pollutants with very little aqueous solubility. In sediment and soil environments, they are often attached to solid surfaces and/or trapped in pores and distribute heterogeneously in aqueous environments. For efficient bioremediation of these explosives, the microorganism(s) must access them by chemotaxis ability. In the present study, we isolated an obligate anaerobic bacterium Clostridium sp. strain EDB2 from a marine sediment. Strain EDB2, motile with numerous peritrichous flagella, demonstrated chemotactic response towards RDX, HMX, CL-20, and NO(2)(-). The three explosives were biotransformed by strain EDB2 via N-denitration with concomitant release of NO(2)(-). Biotransformation rates of RDX, HMX, and CL-20 by the resting cells of strain EDB2 were 1.8+/-0.2, 1.1+/-0.1, and 2.6+/-0.2nmol h(-1)mgwet biomass(-1) (mean+/-SD; n=3), respectively. We found that commonly seen RDX metabolites such as TNX, methylenedinitramine, and 4-nitro-2,4-diazabutanal neither produced NO(2)(-) during reaction with strain EDB2 nor they elicited chemotaxis response in strain EDB2. The above data suggested that NO(2)(-) released from explosives during their biotransformation might have elicited chemotaxis response in the bacterium. Biodegradation and chemotactic ability of strain EDB2 renders it useful in accelerating the bioremediation of explosives under in situ conditions.  相似文献   

Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) is a toxic explosive known to be resistant to biodegradation. In this study, we found that sediment collected from two unexploded ordnance (UXO) disposal sites (UXO-3, UXO-5) and one nearby reference site (midref) in Hawaii contained anaerobic bacteria capable of removing HMX. Two groups of HMX-removing bacteria were found in UXO-5: group I contained aerotolerant anaerobes and microaerophiles, and group II contained facultative anaerobes. In UXO-3 and midref sediments, HMX-metabolizing bacteria were strictly anaerobic (group III and group IV). Using 16S rRNA sequencing, group I was assigned to a novel phylogenetic cluster of Clostridiales, and groups II and III were related to Paenibacillus and Tepidibacter of Firmicutes, respectively. Group IV bacteria were identified as Desulfovibrio of Deltaproteobacteria. Using [UL-(14)C]-HMX, group IV isolates were found to mineralize HMX (26.8% in 308 d) as determined by liberated (14)CO(2), but negligible mineralization was observed in groups I-III. Resting cells of isolates metabolized HMX to N(2)O and HCHO via the intermediary formation of 1-nitroso-octahydro-3,5,7-trinitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine together with methylenedinitramine. These experimental findings suggest that HMX biotransformation occurred either via initial denitration followed by ring cleavage or via reduction of one or more of the N-NO(2) group(s) to the corresponding N-NO bond(s) prior to ring cleavage.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of nonylphenol in mangrove sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the biodegradation of nonylphenol (NP) in mangrove sediments collected at five sites along the Tanshui River in northern Taiwan. NP biodegradation rate constants (k1) and half-lives (t1/2) ranged from 0.039 to 0.139 day−1 and 5.0 to 17.8 days, respectively. The biodegradation of NP was enhanced by the addition of yeast extract, hydrogen peroxide, brij 35, sodium chloride, or cellulose. However, NP biodegradation was inhibited by the addition of humic acid, heavy metals, or phthalic acid esters (PAEs). Of the microorganism strains isolated from the mangrove sediment, we found that strains A9, A10 and A13 (all identified as Bacillus sp.) expressed the best biodegrading ability. NP biodegradation rate constants (k1) and half-lives (t1/2) by the three strains ranged from 0.291 to 0.630 day−1 and 1.1 to 2.4 days, respectively. The highest NP biodegradation rate was found in the sediment with the inoculation containing strains A9, A10 and A13, whereas the sediment without any inoculation had the lowest biodegradation rate.  相似文献   

Abstract Low-molecular-weight halogenated hydrocarbons are susceptible to degradation by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The methanotrophic bacterium Methylosinus trichosporium 0B3b degrades trichloroethylene more rapidly than other bacteria examined to date. Expression of soluble methane monooxygenase (MMO) is correlated with high rates of biodegradation.
An analysis of 16 S rRNA sequences of 11 ribosomal RNAs from type I, type II and type X methanotrophs and methanol-utilizing bacteria have revealed four clusters of phytogenetically related methylotrophs. This information may be useful for the identification and enumeration of methylotrophs in bioreactors and other environments during remediation of contaminated waters.  相似文献   

Biodegradation rate and the high molecular weight hydrocarbons are among the important concerns for bioremediation of crude oil. Inoculation of a non-oil-degrading bacterium as supplementary bacteria increased oil biodegradation from 57.1% to 63.0% after 10 days of incubation. Both the oil-degrading bacteria and the non-oil-degrading bacteria were isolated from Malaysian marine environment. Based on the 16S rDNA sequences, the oil-degrading bacteria was identified as Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (99% similarity) while the non-oil-degrading bacterium was Erythrobacter citreus (99% similarity). E. citreus does not grow on crude oil enriched medium under present experimental condition but it withstands 5000 mg kg?1 Tapis blended crude oil in sediment. Under optimal condition, the oil-degrading bacterium; P. pseudoalcaligenes, alone utilized 583.3 ± 3.8 mg kg?1 (57.1%) at the rate of 3.97 × 10?10 mg kg?1 cell?1 day?1 Tapis blended crude oil from 1000 mg kg?1 oil-contaminated sediment. Inoculation of E. citreus as the supplementary bacteria to P. pseudoalcaligenes enhanced biodegradation. The bacterial consortium degraded 675.8 ± 18.5 mg kg?1 (63.0%) Tapis blended crude oil from the 1000 mg kg?1 oil-contaminated sediment. Biodegradation rate of the bacterial consortium increased significantly to 4.59 × 10?10 mg kg?1 cell?1 day?1 (p = 0.02). Improvement of the oil degradation by the bacterial consortium was due to the synergetic reaction among the bacterial inoculants. There are two implications: (1) E. citreus may have a role in removing self-growth-inhibiting compounds of P. pseudoalcaligens. (2) P. pseudoalcaligenes degraded Tapis blended crude oil while E. citreus competes for the partially degraded hydrocarbons by P. pseudoalcaligenes. P. pseudoalcaligenes forced to breakdown more hydrocarbons to sustain its metabolic requirement. The bacterial consortium degraded 78.7% of (C12–C34) total aliphatic hydrocarbons (TAHs) and 74.1% of the 16 USEPA prioritized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Plant terpenes have proven to be effective in stimulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) biodegradation in soil systems. However, data on the application of plant terpenes in marine sediments contaminated with PCBs remains limited. The aim of this study was to ascertain the roles of a PCB degrading consortium and plant terpenes in stimulation of PCB biodegradation in marine sediments. The consortium culture 1-2Mix (strains 1-2M and 1-2T in commensalism), a utilizer of biphenyl and a natural substrate was enriched and isolated from marine sediments from the Busan coast, South Korea. PCB degradation by this culture was shown to be more effectively induced by tangerine peel extract than other known substrates (limonene, pinene, and cymene). Coastal sediment microcosms inoculated with 1-2Mix were set up to elucidate the effect of the consortium and plant terpenes on degradation of Aroclor 1242. After four weeks, the highest removal rates of PCBs, compared with the control (autoclaved sediment and no inoculation of 1-2Mix), were observed in order of the inducers tested; biphenyl (71.1%), tangerine peel extract (69.5%), surfactant (66.0%), and limonene (63.0%). Bioaugmentation effect was doubled in the presence of natural substrates such as tangerine peel extract and limonene, indicating effectiveness of these substrates in biostimulation. It was concluded that the tangerine peel extract could replace biphenyl as a feasible induction substrate for effective remediation of PCBs in the marine sediment.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of naphthalene by enriched marine denitrifying bacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerous studies have been investigated on the PAHs biodegradation in aerobic and anaerobic environments; however, the biodegradation of PAHs under anoxic conditions, especially denitrifying conditions, has drawn less attention. In this study, four series of batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of temperature, pH, naphthalene concentration and nitrate concentration on the naphthalene degradation under denitrification condition. Our results showed that the degradation of naphthalene was most favorable at pH 7 and 25 °C. Results also indicated that 30 mg/l naphthalene inhibited the biodegradation and the removal efficiency was only 20.2%. Significant degradation (91.7% and 96.3%) of naphthalene occurred when nitrate concentrations were 1.0 and 5.0 mM. Moreover, the maximum degradation rates were 0.13 and 0.18 mg-NAP/(l h) depending on the concentration of nitrate. Based on 16S rDNA analysis, the denitrifying enriched culture was mainly composed of ??-Proteobacteria (19 clones out of a total of 23 clones) and Actinobacteria (4 clones). Using a primer set specific for naphthalene degrading functional gene nahAc, two operational taxonomy units were obtained in the clone library of nahAc. Both of them were closely related to nahAc genes of known species of Pseudomonas. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was employed to quantify the change of naphthalene-degrading population during the degradation of naphthalene using nahAc gene as the biomarker. The maximum degradation rate and removal efficiency were strongly correlated with nahAc gene copy number, with R2 of 0.69 and 0.79, respectively.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物是地球上最大的有机碳库,其中生存的微生物总量大、分布范围广、类群多样、代谢方式复杂,并共同构成海洋沉积物微生物组。海洋沉积物微生物组介导的有机碳降解与矿化过程不但能为沉积物中的生命活动提供物质和能量,也能参与调控碳循环过程,并在长时间尺度上对地球气候系统产生重大影响。沉积物中的有机碳在复杂多样的微生物代谢活动下被逐步降解,其最终的矿化过程与不同的电子受体消耗相偶合,并形成对应的地球化学分区。研究海洋沉积物微生物及其介导的有机碳转化过程对我们深入认识沉积物中的元素循环过程,并进一步评估其对整个地球系统的影响具有重要科学意义。本文对海洋沉积物微生物组的体量、包含的微生物多样性、代谢活性以及在不同地球化学分区中主要的微生物类群和代谢机制进行综述,最后基于研究现状展望了海洋沉积物微生物组的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Seiichi Ueda 《Mycoscience》1995,36(4):451-454
A new species ofEupenicillium isolated from marine sediment,Eupenicillium limosum, is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by subglobose ascospores with spinulose surface ornamentation and irregular biverticillate penicilli.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory manganese reduction dominates anaerobic carbon oxidation in marine sediments with high manganese oxide concentrations, but the microorganisms responsible for this process are largely unknown. In this study, the acetate-utilizing manganese-reducing microbiota in geographically well-separated, manganese oxide-rich sediments from Gullmar Fjord (Sweden), Skagerrak (Norway) and Ulleung Basin (Korea) were analyzed by 16S rRNA-stable isotope probing (SIP). Manganese reduction was the prevailing terminal electron-accepting process in anoxic incubations of surface sediments, and even the addition of acetate stimulated neither iron nor sulfate reduction. The three geographically distinct sediments harbored surprisingly similar communities of acetate-utilizing manganese-reducing bacteria: 16S rRNA of members of the genera Colwellia and Arcobacter and of novel genera within the Oceanospirillaceae and Alteromonadales were detected in heavy RNA-SIP fractions from these three sediments. Most probable number (MPN) analysis yielded up to 106 acetate-utilizing manganese-reducing cells cm−3 in Gullmar Fjord sediment. A 16S rRNA gene clone library that was established from the highest MPN dilutions was dominated by sequences of Colwellia and Arcobacter species and members of the Oceanospirillaceae, supporting the obtained RNA-SIP results. In conclusion, these findings strongly suggest that (i) acetate-dependent manganese reduction in manganese oxide-rich sediments is catalyzed by members of taxa (Arcobacter, Colwellia and Oceanospirillaceae) previously not known to possess this physiological function, (ii) similar acetate-utilizing manganese reducers thrive in geographically distinct regions and (iii) the identified manganese reducers differ greatly from the extensively explored iron reducers in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The effect of deposition of organic matter on phosphorus dynamics in sandy marine sediments was evaluated using an experimental system (boxcosms) and three different strategies: (1) no supply (2) one single addition (3) weekly additions of a suspension of algal cells (Phaeocystis spec.). Macrofauna (3 species, 6 individuals of each) were added to half of the boxes. Both in the case of the single and weekly additions a clear effect of increased organic matter loading on phosphorus dynamics was found. Following the organic matter addition, porewater phosphate concentrations in the upper sediment layer increased, phosphate release rates from the sediment increased by a factor 3–5 and in the boxes to which a single addition was applied NaOH-extractable phosphorus increased substantially. The increase in phosphate release rates from the sediment was attributed to mineralization of the added material and to direct release from the algal cells. No clear effect of the presence of macrofauna on sediment-water exchange of phosphate could be discovered. The macrofauna were very effective at reworking the sediment, however, as illustrated by the organic carbon profiles. It is hypothesized that the sediment-water exchange rates of phosphate were regulated by the layer of algal material which was present on the sediment surface in the fed boxes. In the boxes to which the single addition was applied porewater phosphate concentrations were lower and NaOH-extractable phosphorus was higher in the presence of macrofauna, suggesting that macrofauna can stimulate phosphate binding in the sediment.Publication no. 40 of the project Applied Scientific Research Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (BEWON)  相似文献   

Degradation of nonane by bacteria from Antarctic marine sediment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Powell  S. M.  Bowman  J. P.  Snape  I. 《Polar Biology》2004,27(10):573-578
A microbial enrichment culture tolerant of petroleum hydrocarbons was developed from sediment collected near Casey Station, Antarctica. To select cold-adapted microbes that would degrade diesel, enrichments were cultured at 0°C during six successive transfers to fresh medium, with Special Antarctic Blend diesel (SAB) as the sole carbon source. Biodegradation of components of the SAB was then measured in microcosms inoculated with the enrichment culture. After 16 weeks, the amount of biodegradation was small, but nonane (a C9 alkane) had degraded significantly more in inoculated microcosms than in sterile controls. DNA was then extracted from the enrichment cultures and a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Bands were excised from the gel and, following sequencing, were found to belong to the genera Pseudomonas and Colwellia.  相似文献   

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