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The Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor was a species of macaw native to Cuba and Isla de la Juventud in the Caribbean that became extinct in the 1860s. Morphologically, it was similar to, but distinctively smaller than, the large red macaws – Scarlet Macaw Ara macao and Red‐and‐green Macaw Ara chloropterus. A close affinity with the Scarlet Macaw has been suggested based on plumage similarities. In this study we use complete mitochondrial genome sequences to examine the phylogenetic position of the Cuban Macaw. Our results do not indicate a sister‐species relationship with the Scarlet Macaw but place the Cuban Macaw as sister to the two red species and the two large green macaws, the Military Macaw Ara militaris and the Great Green Macaw Ara ambiguus. Divergence estimates suggests that the Cuban Macaw separated from this group approximately 4 million years ago.  相似文献   

测定了中国鲹科8属9种鱼的细胞色素b基因的全序列(1141bp),结合来自GenBank中分布于美国、安哥拉、希腊以及巴拿马的鲹科4属14种鱼的相应同源序列生成供系统发育分析的序列矩阵,用最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树。结果显示:(1)支持科下设四个亚科(鲹亚科,亚科,鲳鲹亚科,鰆鲹科)阶元的分类系统;(2)亚科属下不宜设亚属分类阶元;(3)及达副叶鲹与丽叶鲹亲缘关系较近,应同属于副叶鲹属;(4)我国传统的鱼类检索系统将狮鼻鲳鲹误鉴定为卵形鲳鲹,建议予以修正。  相似文献   

The evolutionary position of the yew family, Taxaceae, has been very controversial. Some plant taxonomists strongly advocate excluding Taxaceae from the conifer order and raising its taxonomic status to a new order or even class because of its absence of seed cones, contrary to the case in the majority of conifers. However, other authors believe that the Taxaceae are not fundamentally different from the rest of the conifers except in that they possess the most reduced solitary-ovule cones. To resolve the controversy, we have sequenced the 18S rRNA genes from representative gymnosperms: Taxus mairei (Taxaceae), Podocarpus nakaii (Podocarpaceae), Pinus luchuensis (Pinaceae), and Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoales). Our phylogenetic analysis of the new sequence data with the published 18S rRNA sequence of Zamia pumila (a cycad) as an outgroup strongly indicates that Taxus, Pinus, and Podocarpus form a monophyletic group with the exclusion of Ginkgo and that Taxus is more closely related to Pinus than to Podocarpus. Therefore, Taxaceae should be classified as a family of Coniferales. Our finding that Taxaceae, Pinaceae, and Podocarpaceae form a clade contradicts both the view that the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae is a primitive character and the view that the Taxaceae are descendants of the Podocarpaceae. Rather, the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae and that of some species of Podocarpus appear to have different origins, probably all reduced from multiovulate cones. Correspondence to: W.-H. Li  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Butterfly-winged comber, Serranus papilionaceus Valenciennes, 1832, was recently resurrected and so it is no longer considered as a junior synonym of the Painted comber,...  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the complete mitogenome sequence of Calappa bilineata, which is the first mitogenome of Calappidae up to now. The total length is 15,606 bp and includes 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, two ribosomal RNAs and one control region. The genome composition is highly A + T biased (68.7%), and exhibits a negative AT-skew (−0.010) and GC-skew (−0.267). As with other invertebrate mitogenomes, the PCGs start with the standard ATN and stop with the standard TAN codons or incomplete T. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. bilineata was most closely related to Matuta planipes (Matutidae), and these two species formed a sister clade, constituting a Calappoidea group and forming a sister clade with part of Eriphioidea. The existence of the polyphyletic families raised doubts over the traditional classification system. These results will help to better understand the features of the C. bilineata mitogenome and lay foundation for further evolutionary relationships within Brachyura.  相似文献   

In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oncicola luehei (14,281bp), the first archiacanthocephalan representative and the second complete sequence from the phylum Acanthocephala. The complete genome contains 36 genes including 12 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rrnL and rrnS) as reported for other syndermatan species. All genes are encoded on the same strand. The overall nucleotide composition of O. luehei mtDNA is 37.7% T, 29.6% G, 22.5% A, and 10.2% C. The overall A+T content (60.2%) is much lower, compared to other syndermatan species reported so far, due to the high frequency (18.3%) of valine encoded by GTN in its protein-coding genes. Results from phylogenetic analyses of amino acid sequences for 10 protein-coding genes from 41 representatives of major metazoan groups including O. luehei supported monophyly of the phylum Acanthocephala and of the clade Syndermata (Acanthocephala+Rotifera), and the paraphyly of the clade Eurotatoria (classes Bdelloidea+Monogononta from phylum Rotifera). Considering the position of the acanthocephalan species within Syndermata, it is inferred that obligatory parasitism characteristic of acanthocephalans was acquired after the common ancestor of acanthocephalans diverged from its sister group, Bdelloidea. Additional comparison of complete mtDNA sequences from unsampled acanthocephalan lineages, especially classes Polyacanthocephala and Eoacanthocephala, is required to test if mtDNA provides reliable information for the evolutionary relationships and pattern of life history diversification found in the syndermatan groups.  相似文献   

Summary Complete small-subunit rRNA (16S-like rRNA) coding region sequences were determined for eight species of the Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae). The genera investigated includePrototheca, Ankistrodesmus, Scenedesmus, and fiveChlorella species. Distance matrix methods were used to infer a phylogenetic tree that describes evolutionary relationships between several plant and green algal groups. The tree exhibits a bifurcation within the Chlorococcales consistent with the division into Oocystaceae and Scenedesmaceae, but three of the fiveChlorella species are more similar to other algae than toChlorella vulgaris. All of the sequences contain primary and secondary structural features that are characteristic of 16S-like rRNAs of chlorophytes and higher plants.Anikstrodesmus stipitatus, however, contains a 394-bp group I intervening sequence in its 16S-like rRNA coding region.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of Flustrellidra hispida (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata, Flustrellidridae) was sequenced using a transposon-mediated approach. All but one of the 36 genes were identified (trnS2). The genome is 13,026 bp long, being one of the smallest metazoan mitochondrial genomes sequenced to date with a unique gene order when compared to other Metazoa. The genome has an overall AT richness of 59.4%. We found seven regions of overlaps between tRNAs and protein-coding genes ranging from 2 to 11 nt, and seven regions of overlap between tRNAs, ranging from 1 to 8 nt, resulting in a total number of 46 overlapping nucleotides. Genes nad4, cox2, atp8, and nad3 are terminated by the abbreviated stop codon T and cytb is suggested to terminate on (ACT)AA; we postulate that mRNA editing is required to remove AC for TAA to be functional in terminating translation. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide and amino acid data place Flustrellidra in the Lophotrochozoa. DNA for this study originated from two populations resulting in a contig consisting of multiple haplotypes. Twenty-seven SNP sites were detected, the majority occurring in cox1 and nad5. With cox1 already established as a marker in bryozoan studies, we advocate the further testing of nad5.  相似文献   

Hong SG  Jung HS 《Mycologia》2004,96(4):742-755
Characteristics and structures of mt SSU rDNA were investigated for the phylogenetic study of Ganoderma. Phylogenetic information was concentrated mostly in the V1, V4, V5, V6 and V9 variable domains, but informative sites in conserved domains also significantly contributed in resolving phylogenetic relationships between Ganoderma groups. Secondary structure information of variable domains was found to be a useful marker in delineation of phylogenetic groups. Strains of Ganoderma species used in this study were divided into six monophyletic groups. Ganoderma colossus made a distinct basal lineage from other Ganoderma species and Tomophagus, created for G. colosuss, appeared to be a valid genus. Ganoderma applanatum and G. lobatum classified in subgenus Elfvingia made a monophyletic group. Ganoderma tsugae from North America and G. valesiacum from Europe, both living on conifers, were closely related. Ganoderma oregonense and strains labeled G. lucidum from Europe and Canada were grouped with G. tsugae and G. valesiacum. Strains labeled G. lucidum living on hardwoods from the United States and Taiwan were grouped with G. resinaceum, G. pfeifferi and G. subamboinense var. laevisporum, and they all produced chlamydospores. Two strains labeled G. lucidum and three strains labeled G. resinaceum from America were concluded to be conspecific. Strains labeled G. lucidum from Korea and Japan were monophyletic and were distinguished from strains labeled G. lucidum from Europe and North America. Host relationships and the presence of chlamydospores in culture proved to be important characteristics in the systematics as well as the phylogenetic relationships of Ganoderma.  相似文献   



The orders Ascaridida, Oxyurida, and Spirurida represent major components of zooparasitic nematode diversity, including many species of veterinary and medical importance. Phylum-wide nematode phylogenetic hypotheses have mainly been based on nuclear rDNA sequences, but more recently complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) gene sequences have provided another source of molecular information to evaluate relationships. Although there is much agreement between nuclear rDNA and mtDNA phylogenies, relationships among certain major clades are different. In this study we report that mtDNA sequences do not support the monophyly of Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Spirurida (clade III) in contrast to results for nuclear rDNA. Results from mtDNA genomes show promise as an additional independently evolving genome for developing phylogenetic hypotheses for nematodes, although substantially increased taxon sampling is needed for enhanced comparative value with nuclear rDNA. Ultimately, topological incongruence (and congruence) between nuclear rDNA and mtDNA phylogenetic hypotheses will need to be tested relative to additional independent loci that provide appropriate levels of resolution.


For this comparative phylogenetic study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of three nematode species, Cucullanus robustus (13,972 bp) representing Ascaridida, Wellcomia siamensis (14,128 bp) representing Oxyurida, and Heliconema longissimum (13,610 bp) representing Spirurida. These new sequences were used along with 33 published nematode mitochondrial genomes to investigate phylogenetic relationships among chromadorean orders. Phylogenetic analyses of both nucleotide and amino acid sequence datasets support the hypothesis that Ascaridida is nested within Rhabditida. The position of Oxyurida within Chromadorea varies among analyses; in most analyses this order is sister to the Ascaridida plus Rhabditida clade, with representative Spirurida forming a distinct clade, however, in one case Oxyurida is sister to Spirurida. Ascaridida, Oxyurida, and Spirurida (the sampled clade III taxa) do not form a monophyletic group based on complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. Tree topology tests revealed that constraining clade III taxa to be monophyletic, given the mtDNA datasets analyzed, was a significantly worse result.


The phylogenetic hypotheses from comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome data (analysis of nucleotide and amino acid datasets, and nucleotide data excluding 3rd positions) indicates that nematodes representing Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Spirurida do not share an exclusive most recent common ancestor, in contrast to published results based on nuclear ribosomal DNA. Overall, mtDNA genome data provides reliable support for nematode relationships that often corroborates findings based on nuclear rDNA. It is anticipated that additional taxonomic sampling will provide a wealth of information on mitochondrial genome evolution and sequence data for developing phylogenetic hypotheses for the phylum Nematoda.

Two complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Laminaria longissima (=Saccharina longissima) and Laminaria hyperborea are reported in this study. They had circular mapping organization with slight difference in size (37,628 and 37,976 bp, respectively) and contained almost the same set of mitochondrial genes, including the genes for three rRNAs (23S, 16S, and 5S), 25 tRNAs, 35 known mitochondrial proteins, and three to four Open Reading Frame genes (ORFs). Both mitochondrial genomes exhibited typical gene content and organization of Laminaria mtDNAs except for the existence of ORF157 genes being located between rRNA large subunit gene 5 (rpl5) and ORF129-139 in L. hyperborea as found in that of Laminaria digitata. The phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial genomes supported the hypothesis of the split of the genus Laminaria, and the result of this study provided important information on the molecular evolution of Laminaria.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of three chytridiomycete fungi, Monoblepharella15, Harpochytrium94 and Harpochytrium105. Our phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences confirms the placement of Mono blepharella15 together with Harpochytrium spp. and Hyaloraphidium curvatum within the taxonomic order Monoblepharidales, with overwhelming support. These four mtDNA sequences encode the standard fungal mitochondrial gene complement and, like certain other chytridiomycete fungi, encode a reduced complement of 7–9 tRNAs, some of which require 5′-tRNA editing to be functional. Highly conserved sequence elements were identified upstream of almost all protein-coding genes in the mtDNAs of Monoblepharella15 and both Harpochytrium species. Finally, a guanosine residue is conserved upstream of the predicted ATG or GTG start codons of almost every protein-coding gene in these genomes. The appearance of this G residue correlates with the presence of a non-canonical cytosine residue at position 37 in the anticodon loop of the mitochondrial initiator tRNAs. Based on the unorthodox features in these four genomes, we propose that a 4 bp interaction between the CAUC anticodon of these tRNAs and GAUG/GGUG codons is involved in translation initiation in monoblepharidalean mitochondria. Intriguingly, a similar interaction may also be involved in mitochondrial translation initiation in the sea anemone Metridium senile.  相似文献   

For the first time the complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced for a member of Lacertidae. Lacerta viridis viridis was sequenced in order to compare the phylogenetic relationships of this family to other reptilian lineages. Using the long-polymerase chain reaction (long PCR) we characterized a mitochondrial genome, 17,156 bp long showing a typical vertebrate pattern with 13 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs (tRNA), two ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) and one major noncoding region. The noncoding region of L. v. viridis was characterized by a conspicuous 35 bp tandem repeat at its 5' terminus. A phylogenetic study including all currently available squamate mitochondrial sequences demonstrates the position of Lacertidae within a monophyletic squamate group. We obtained a narrow relationship of Lacertidae to Scincidae, Iguanidae, Varanidae, Anguidae, and Cordylidae. Although, the internal relationships within this group yielded only a weak resolution and low bootstrap support, the revealed relationships were more congruent with morphological studies than with recent molecular analyses.  相似文献   

In recent years the hypothesis that pterosaurs were the major sister-group of dinosaurs and a closely-linked hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up have gained general acceptance. A cladistic analysis of the Archosauromorpha using characters presented by previous workers results in a single most parsimonious tree with the Pterosauria as the major sister-group of the Dinosauria. However, that sister-group relationship is supported only by a suite of hindlimb characters that are correlated with bipedal digitigrade locomotion in dinosaurs. In pterosaurs the characters have been interpreted as correlates of bipedal cursorial locomotion, arboreal leaping, or involvement of the hindlimb in the wing. The homology of those characters in dinosaurs and pterosaurs cannot be supported. Reanalysis of the data after exclusion of those hindlimb characters results in most parsimonious trees with the Pterosauria as the sister-group of the Erythrosuchidae + Proterochampsidae + Euparkeria + Archosauria, in that order. This sister-group relationship is supported by a diverse assemblage of functionally independent skeletal characters from all regions of the skeleton. The results of the analysis cast doubt on the hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):809-815
The increased volume of intercontinental-trade had facilitated the distribution of species, including invaders. Wooden packaging materials, goods and timber are being transported via international ports in East of the Marmara Basin, where has vast forests. That forests provide an appropriate-mediator for the introduction and invasion of wood-boring insects, which are the most common group being transported between continents. One of them is Rhagium inquisitor, which has a pivotal role in wood decay, nevertheless, it is detrimental for industrial wood.We analyzed the 654 bp length of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, to determine native and introduced haplotypes of the ribbed-pine-borer, to investigate their phylogenetic relationships and possibly cryptic speciation of the morphospecies.It was found out that sixteen haplotypes were divided into five haplogroups. The groups were assembled on two main lineages: Eurasian and American. The genetic distance between the American (Groups 1–3), Asian (Group-4) and European (Group-5) clusters ranged from 3 to 10%; between haplotypes ranged from 0.2 to 10.9%. The distances between the specimens of the Marmara Basin (H9-12, Group-4) were lower compared to H16, which nested in Group-5. That haplotype was sampled on imported timber and was found out that it is shared between France, Germany, Italy, and Austria. Maximum Likelihood, Neighbor-Joining and Bayesian Inference trees showed the same topologies, and Median-Joining network also supported them.Contrary to the usual, our findings point out that some species might have been introduced from Europe to Asia. Furthermore, the high genetic diversity of the bark-runner between continents could be a sign of cryptic-allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

Chen L  Zhang H H 《农业工程》2012,32(5):232-239
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) was determined by using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction. The entire mitochondrial genome sequence is 16,713 bp in length contains two ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and 1 control region. Most mitochondrial genes are encoded on the H strand, except for the ND6 gene and 8 tRNA genes. The base compositions of mitochondrial genomes present clearly A–T skew. All the transfer RNA genes can be folded into the typical cloverleaf-shaped structure except tRNA-Ser (AGY), which lacks the dihydrouridine arm. Protein-coding genes mainly initiate with ATG and terminate with TAA. Some reading frame intervals and overlaps are found in the mitochondrial genome. The control region can be divided into three domains: the extended termination associated sequences (ETASs) domain, the central conserved domain and the conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) domain. Three conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) and one extended termination associated sequences (ETAS-1) is found in the control region. The phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated data set of 14 genes in the mitochondrial genome of Canidae shows that the raccoon dog has close phylogenetic position with the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and they constitute a clade which has an equil evolutionary position with the clade formed by the genera Canis and Cuon.  相似文献   

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