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New insights into the history of rice domestication   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The history of rice domestication has long been a subject of debate. Recently obtained genetic evidence provides new insights into this complex story. Genome-wide studies of variation demonstrate that the two varietal groups in Oryza sativa (indica and japonica) arose from genetically distinct gene pools within a common wild ancestor, Oryza rufipogon, suggesting multiple domestications of O. sativa. However, the evolutionary history of recently cloned domestication genes adds another layer of complexity to the domestication of rice. Although some alleles exist only within specific subpopulations, as would be expected if the domestications occurred independently, other major domestication alleles are common to all cultivated O. sativa varieties. Our current view of rice domestication supports multiple domestications coupled with limited introgression that transferred key domestication alleles between divergent rice gene pools.  相似文献   

Estimating genetic diversity and inferring the evolutionary history of Plasmodium falciparum could be helpful in understanding origin and spread of virulent and drug‐resistant forms of the malaria pathogen and therefore contribute to malaria control programme. Genetic diversity of the whole mitochondrial (mt) genome of P. falciparum sampled across the major distribution ranges had been reported, but no Indian P. falciparum isolate had been analysed so far, even though India is highly endemic to P. falciparum malaria. We have sequenced the whole mt genome of 44 Indian field isolates and utilized published data set of 96 genome sequences to present global genetic diversity and to revisit the evolutionary history of P. falciparum. Indian P. falciparum presents high genetic diversity with several characteristics of ancestral populations and shares many of the genetic features with African and to some extent Papua New Guinean (PNG) isolates. Similar to African isolates, Indian P. falciparum populations have maintained high effective population size and undergone rapid expansion in the past with oldest time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). Interestingly, one of the four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that differentiates P. falciparum from P. falciparum‐like isolates (infecting non‐human primates in Africa) was found to be segregating in five Indian P. falciparum isolates. This SNP was in tight linkage with other two novel SNPs that were found exclusively in these five Indian isolates. The results on the mt genome sequence analyses of Indian isolates on the whole add to the current understanding on the evolutionary history of P. falciparum.  相似文献   

The heat‐ and odour‐producing genus Arum (Araceae) has interested scientists for centuries. This long‐term interest has allowed a deep knowledge of some complex processes, such as the physiology and dynamics of its characteristic lure‐and‐trap pollination system, to be built up. However, mainly because of its large distributional range and high degree of morphological variation, species' limits and relationships are still under discussion. Today, the genus comprises 28 species subdivided into two subgenera, two sections and six subsections. In this study, the phylogeny of the genus is inferred on the basis of four plastid regions, and the evolution of several morphological characters is investigated. Our phylogenetic hypothesis is not in agreement with the current infrageneric classification of the genus and challenges the monophyly of several species. This demonstrates the need for a new infrageneric classification based on characters reflecting the evolution of this enigmatic genus. To investigate the biogeography of Arum deeply, further spatiotemporal analyses were performed, addressing the importance of the Mediterranean basin in the diversification of Arum. Our results suggest that its centre of origin was the European–Aegean region, and that major diversification happened during the last 10 Myr. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 14–32.  相似文献   

Until recently, it had appeared that the septin family of proteins was restricted to the opisthokont eukaryotes (the fungi and animals and their close relatives the microsporidia and choanoflagellates). It has now become apparent that septins are also present in several other widely divergent eukaryotic lineages (chlorophyte algae, brown algae, and ciliates). This distribution and the details of the non-opisthokont septin sequences appear to require major revisions to hypotheses about the origins and early evolution of the septins.  相似文献   

New insights into the regulation of erythroid cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Evolutionary analysis of Prodiamesinae has long been impeded by lack of information, and its phylogenetic relationship with Orthocladiinae remains questionable. Here, ten complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of Orthocladiinae sensu lato were newly sequenced, including three Prodiamesinae species and seven Orthocladiinae species. Coupled with published mitogenomes, a total of 12 mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato were selected for a comparative mitogenomic analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction. Mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato are conserved in structure, and all genes arrange the same gene order as the ancestral insect mitogenome. Nucleotide composition is highly biased, and the control region displayed the highest A + T content. All protein-coding genes are under purifying selection, and the ATP8 evolves at the fastest rate. In addition, the mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato are highly conserved, and they are practically useful for phylogenetic inference, suggesting a re-classification of Orthocladiinae by sinking Prodiamesinae as a subgroup of Orthocladiinae.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer(PC) has been one of the deadliest of all cancers, with almost uniform lethality despite aggressive treatment. Recently, there have been important advances in the molecular, pathological and biological understandingof pancreatic cancer. Even after the emergence of recent new targeted agents and the use of multiple therapeutic combinations, no treatment option is viable in patients with advanced cancer. Developing novel strategies to target progression of PC is of intense interest. A small population of pancreatic cancer stem cells(CSCs) has been found to be resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. CSCs are believed to be responsible for tumor initiation, progression and metastasis. The CSC research has recently achieved much progress in a variety of solid tumors, including pancreatic cancer to some extent. This leads to focus on understanding the role of pancreatic CSCs. The focus on CSCs may offer new targets for prevention and treatment of this deadly cancer. We review the most salient developments in important areas of pancreatic CSCs. Here, we provide a review of current updates and new insights on the role of CSCs in pancreatic tumor progression with special emphasis on Dcl K1 and Lgr5, signaling pathways altered by CSCs, and the role of CSCs in prevention and treatment of PC.  相似文献   


Human-mediated species dispersal across the Mediterranean stretches back at least 10,000 years and has left an indelible stamp on present-day biodiversity. Believed to be a descendant of the Asiatic mouflon (Ovis gmelini gmelinii), the Corsican mouflon (O. g. musimon) was translocated during the Neolithic as ancestral livestock by humans migrating from the Fertile Crescent to the Western Mediterranean. Today, two geographically limited and disconnected populations can be found in Corsica. Whether they originated from distinct founders or one ancestral population that later split remains unknown, although such information is pivotal for the species’ management on the island. We genotyped 109 and 176 individuals at the Cytochrome-b gene and 16 loci of the microsatellite DNA, respectively, to gain insights into the natural history of the Corsican mouflon. We found evidence confirming that the Asiatic was the ancestor of the Corsican mouflon, which should thus be unvaryingly referred to as O. g. musimon, i.e. as a subspecies of the Asiatic mouflon. Haplotype divergence dating and the investigation of genetic structure highlighted a strong and ancient genetic differentiation between the two Corsican populations. Approximate Bayesian Computation pointed to the introduction of a single group of founders as the most reliable scenario for the origin of the entire Corsican population. Later, this ancestral stock would have decreased in number, facing genetic bottlenecks and eventually resulting in two divergent demes. Splitting most likely occurred several hundred years ago. Their shared past notwithstanding, we discuss whether the two relic Corsican mouflon populations should be now considered as distinct management units.


Because of the limits inherent in historical sources on ancient plague epidemics, many questions concerning their etiology and epidemiology remain unanswered. Molecular biology tools and the use of dental pulp as a preserved source of bacterial DNA enabled us to demonstrate that Yersinia pestis was the etiologic agent of the 1347 European Black Death and of two additional epidemics in 1590 and 1722 in southern France.  相似文献   

Cave hyenas (genus Crocuta) are extinct bone-cracking carnivores from the family Hyaenidae and are generally split into two taxa that correspond to a European/Eurasian and an (East) Asian lineage. They are close relatives of the extant African spotted hyenas, the only extant member of the genus Crocuta. Cave hyenas inhabited a wide range across Eurasia during the Pleistocene, but became extinct at the end of the Late Pleistocene. Using genetic and genomic datasets, previous studies have proposed different scenarios about the evolutionary history of Crocuta. However, causes of the extinction of cave hyenas are widely speculative and samples from China are severely understudied. In this study, we assembled near-complete mitochondrial genomes from two cave hyenas from northeastern China dating to 20 240 and 20 253 calBP, representing the youngest directly dated fossils of Crocuta in Asia. Phylogenetic analyses suggest a monophyletic clade of these two samples within a deeply diverging mitochondrial haplogroup of Crocuta. Bayesian analyses suggest that the split of this Asian cave hyena mitochondrial lineage from their European and African relatives occurred approximately 1.85 Ma (95% CI 1.62–2.09 Ma), which is broadly concordant with the earliest Eurasian Crocuta fossil dating to approximately 2 Ma. Comparisons of mean genetic distance indicate that cave hyenas harboured higher genetic diversity than extant spotted hyenas, brown hyenas and aardwolves, but this is probably at least partially due to the fact that their mitochondrial lineages do not represent a monophyletic group, although this is also true for extant spotted hyenas. Moreover, the joint female effective population size of Crocuta (both cave hyenas and extant spotted hyenas) has sustained two declines during the Late Pleistocene. Combining this mitochondrial phylogeny, previous nuclear findings and fossil records, we discuss the possible relationship of fossil Crocuta in China and the extinction of cave hyenas.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the pattern of differentiation of cranial shape in three closely related delphinid cetacean species of the complex Delphinus-Stenella-Tursiops: Delphinus delphis, Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncatus. Dorsal and ventral aspects of the cranium were analysed using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods. While there was no evidence of sexual dimorphism for shape or size, multivariate statistical analyses showed that there were interspecific differences in skull morphology. Skull shape differences between the three studied species were related with cranial width and differences in the length of the rostrum relative to the cranial portion of the skull. D. delphis and S. coeruleoalba showed high cranial shape similarity, which is indicative of their evolutionary proximity when compared with T. truncatus. Phenetic clusters based on cranial shape similarities were found to be concordant with the molecular phylogenetic clades obtained from mitochondrial DNA genes. Geometric morphometric methods can thus be an exceptionally useful tool for the study of differentiation of delphinid cetacean species and therefore provide some insights into their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Over calendar time, HIV-1 evolves considerably faster within individuals than it does at the epidemic level. This is a surprising observation since, from basic population genetic theory, we would expect the genetic substitution rate to be similar across different levels of biological organization. Three different mechanisms could potentially cause the observed mismatch in phylogenetic rates of divergence: temporal changes in selection pressure during the course of infection; frequent reversion of adaptive mutations after transmission; and the storage of the virus in the body followed by the preferential transmission of stored ancestral virus. We evaluate each of these mechanisms to determine whether they are likely to make a major contribution to the mismatch in phylogenetic rates. We conclude that the cycling of the virus through very long-lived memory CD4(+) T cells, a process that we call 'store and retrieve', is probably the major contributing factor to the rate mismatch. The preferential transmission of ancestral virus needs to be integrated into evolutionary models if we are to accurately predict the evolution of immune escape, drug resistance and virulence in HIV-1 at the population level. Moreover, early infection viruses should be the major target for vaccine design, because these are the viral strains primarily involved in transmission.  相似文献   

New insights into the mechanism for clearance of apoptotic cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apoptosis is a physiological mechanism for the removal of unwanted or damaged cells. Apoptotic cells are rarely seen in living tissues, however, because of their rapid and efficient removal by phagocytosis. Phagocytotic cells such as macrophages or dendritic cells recognize apoptotic cells by specific changes of cell surface markers, which usually are not present on normal cells. One such event is the exposure of phosphatidylserine, which moves from the plasma membrane inner leaflet to the outer leaflet in preapoptotic cells. An unresolved problem, however, was the nature of the phosphatidylserine receptor on the phagocytotic cells. In a recent issue of Nature, Fadok et al. have reported the cloning of a phosphatidylserine receptor using an antibody raised against activated macrophages. Antibody treatment of these macrophages blocks this capacity to engulf.  相似文献   

Bacterial 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthases (DAHPSs) have been divided into either of two classes (Class I/Class II) or subfamilies (AroAI(alpha)/AroAI(beta)). Our investigation into the biochemical properties of the unique bifunctional DAHPS from Bacillus subtilis provides new insight into the evolutionary link among DAHPS subfamilies. In the present study, the DAHPS (aroA) and chorismate mutase (aroQ) activities of B. subtilis DAHPS are separated by domain truncation. Detailed enzymatic studies with the full-length wild-type protein and the truncated domains led to our hypothesis that the aroQ domain was fused to the N terminus of aroA in B. subtilis during evolution for the purpose of feedback regulation and not for the creation of a bona fide bifunctional enzyme. In addition, examination of aroA and aroQ fusion proteins from Porphyromonas gingivalis, in which the aroQ domain is fused to the C terminus of aroA, further supports the hypothesis. These results, along with sequence structure analysis of the DAHPS families suggest that "feedback regulation" may indeed be the evolutionary link between the two classes/subfamilies. It is likely that DAHPSs evolved from a primitive unregulated member of the AroAI(beta) subfamily. During evolution, some members of the AroAI(beta) subfamily remained unregulated, whereas other members acquired an extra domain for feedback regulation. The AroAI(alpha) subfamilies, however, evolved in a more complex manner to acquire insertions/extensions in the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel to function as regulatory elements.  相似文献   

The genus Lavandula L. consists of 39 species distributed from the North Atlantic Islands, across the Mediterranean Basin to India. We analysed 36 taxa of the genus Lavandula representing two of the three subgenera and six of the eight sections according to the most recent classification (Upson & Andrews 2004). We achieved a phylogenetic reconstruction from partial sequences from plastid trnK and matK genes; the genome size was estimated by flow cytometer measurements. The primary aim was to track phylogenetic patterns through the maternal inherited marker at the sectional level and identify possible genome duplications. The cpDNA tree shows the phylogenetic relationships between subgenus, sections and also elucidates for the first time the relationships between the endemic species of Macaronesia, Morocco and Arabia. The ancestral split between the two subgenera could be explained by dispersal followed by an early vicariance event. The C-value shows genome up-sizing within several phylogenetic clades and geographical areas. An ancestral genome-up sizing is characterized at the node of section Dentatae and Lavandula. The cpDNA tree suggests that the taxa L. angustifolia subsp. pyrenaica (DC.) Guinea and L. stoechas subsp. luiseiri are best treated as a distinct species.  相似文献   

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