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In six excised canine lungs, regional alveolar pressures (PA) were measured during small-amplitude high-frequency oscillations applied at the airway opening. Both the regional distribution of PA's and their relationship to pressure excursions at the airway opening (Pao) were assessed in terms of amplitude and phase. PA was sampled in several capsules glued to the pleural surface and communicating with alveolar gas via pleural punctures. Pao and PA were measured over the frequency (f) range 1-60 Hz, at transpulmonary pressures (PL) of 5, 10, and 25 cmH2O. The amplitude of PA excursions substantially exceeded Pao excursions at frequencies near the resonant frequency. At resonance the ratio [PA/Pao] was 1.9, 2.9, and 4.8 at PL's of 5, 10, and 25 cmH2O, respectively. Both spatial homogeneity and temporal synchrony of PA's between sampled lung regions decreased with f and increased with PL. Interregional variability of airway impedance [(Pao - PA)/Vao] and tissue impedance (PA/Vao) tended to be larger than differences due to changing PL but not as large as between-dog variability. These data define the baseline nonhomogeneity of the normal canine lung and also suggest that there may be some advantage in applying high-frequency ventilation at frequencies at least as high as lung resonant frequency.  相似文献   

Mean alveolar pressure may exceed mean airway pressure during high-frequency oscillations (HFO). To assess the magnitude of this effect and its regional heterogeneity, we studied six excised dog lungs during HFO [frequency (f) 2-32 Hz; tidal volume (VT) 5-80 ml] at transpulmonary pressures (PL) of 6, 10, and 25 cmH2O. We measured mean pressure at the airway opening (Pao), trachea (Ptr), and four alveolar locations (PA) using alveolar capsules. Pao was measured at the oscillator pump, wherein the peak dynamic head was less than 0.2 cmH2O. Since the dynamic head was negligible here, and since these were excised lungs, Pao thus represented true applied transpulmonary pressure. Ptr increasingly underestimated Pao as f and VT increased, with Pao - Ptr approaching 8 cmH2O. PA (averaged over all locations) and Pao were nearly equal at all PL's, f's, and VT's, except at PL of 6, f 32 Hz, and VT 80 ml, where (PA - Pao) was 3 cmH2O. Remarkably, mean pressure in the base exceeded that in the apex increasingly as f and VT increased, the difference approaching 3 cmH2O at high f and VT. We conclude that, although global alveolar overdistension assessed by PA - Pao is small during HFO under these conditions, larger regional heterogeneity in PA's exists that may be a consequence of airway branching angle asymmetry and/or regional flow distribution.  相似文献   

Mean airway pressure underestimates mean alveolar pressure during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. We hypothesized that high inspiratory flows characteristic of high-frequency jet ventilation may generate greater inspiratory than expiratory pressure losses in the airways, thereby causing mean airway pressure to overestimate, rather than underestimate, mean alveolar pressure. To test this hypothesis, we ventilated anesthetized paralyzed rabbits with a jet ventilator at frequencies of 5, 10, and 15 Hz, constant inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio of 0.5 and mean airway pressures of 5 and 10 cmH2O. We measured mean total airway pressure in the trachea with a modified Pitot probe, and we estimated mean alveolar pressure as the mean pressure corresponding in the static pressure-volume relationship to the mean volume of the respiratory system measured with a jacket plethysmograph. We found that mean airway pressure was similar to mean alveolar pressure at frequencies of 5 and 10 Hz but overestimated it by 1.1 and 1.4 cmH2O at mean airway pressures of 5 and 10 cmH2O, respectively, when frequency was increased to 15 Hz. We attribute this finding primarily to the combined effect of nonlinear pressure frictional losses in the airways and higher inspiratory than expiratory flows. Despite the nonlinearity of the pressure-flow relationship, inspiratory and expiratory net pressure losses decreased with respect to mean inspiratory and expiratory flows at the higher rates, suggesting rate dependence of flow distribution. Redistribution of tidal volume to a shunt airway compliance is thought to occur at high frequencies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mechanics of collateral channels during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) were assessed in eight anesthetized dogs, using a modification of Hilpert's technique. Base-line functional residual capacity was measured with a body plethysmograph, with inspiratory efforts induced by phrenic nerve stimulation. The resistance (Rcoll) and time constant (Tcoll) of collateral channels at five lung volumes were measured during HFOV and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Rcoll and Tcoll were significantly higher during HFOV (P less than 0.001); the differences did not correlate with resting lung volumes. The calculated static compliance of the wedged segment was similar during HFOV and PEEP (P greater than 0.005). Mean pressures measured in small airways during HFOV corresponded to the midline between the inflation and deflation limbs of the static pressure-volume curves, indicating similar pressure-volume characteristics of the respiratory system during HFOV and static conditions. We conclude that HFOV increases resistance to gas flow through collateral channels but that this pathway may still be important in gas exchange.  相似文献   

In 10 anesthetized, paralyzed, supine dogs, arterial blood gases and CO2 production (VCO2) were measured after 10-min runs of high-frequency ventilation (HFV) at three levels of mean airway pressure (Paw) (0, 5, and 10 cmH2O). HFV was delivered at frequencies (f) of 3, 6, and 9 Hz with a ventilator that generated known tidal volumes (VT) independent of respiratory system impedance. At each f, VT was adjusted at Paw of 0 cmH2O to obtain a eucapnia. As Paw was increased to 5 and 10 cmH2O, arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) increased and arterial PO2 (PaO2) decreased monotonically and significantly. The effect of Paw on PaCO2 and PaO2 was the same at 3, 6, and 9 Hz. Alveolar ventilation (VA), calculated from VCO2 and PaCO2, significantly decreased by 22.7 +/- 2.6 and 40.1 +/- 2.6% after Paw was increased to 5 and 10 cmH2O, respectively. By taking into account the changes in anatomic dead space (VD) with lung volume, VA at different levels of Paw fits the gas transport relationship for HFV derived previously: VA = 0.13 (VT/VD)1.2 VTf (J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 1025-1030, 1986). We conclude that increasing Paw and lung volume significantly decreases gas transport during HFV and that this effect is due to the concomitant increase of the volume of conducting airways.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of mean airway pressure (Paw) on gas exchange during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in 14 adult rabbits before and after pulmonary saline lavage. Sinusoidal volume changes were delivered through a tracheostomy at 16 Hz, a tidal volume of 1 or 2 ml/kg, and inspired O2 fraction of 0.5. Arterial PO2 and PCO2 (PaO2, PaCO2), lung volume change, and venous admixture were measured at Paw from 5 to 25 cmH2O after either deflation from total lung capacity or inflation from relaxation volume (Vr). The rabbits were lavaged with saline until PaO2 was less than 70 Torr, and all measurements were repeated. Lung volume change was measured in a pressure plethysmograph. Raising Paw from 5 to 25 cmH2O increased lung volume by 48-50 ml above Vr in both healthy and lavaged rabbits. Before lavage, PaO2 was relatively insensitive to changes in Paw, but after lavage PaO2 increased with Paw from 42.8 +/- 7.8 to 137.3 +/- 18.3 (SE) Torr (P less than 0.001). PaCO2 was insensitive to Paw change before and after lavage. At each Paw after lavage, lung volume was larger, venous admixture smaller, and PaO2 higher after deflation from total lung capacity than after inflation from Vr. This study shows that the effect of increased Paw on PaO2 is mediated through an increase in lung volume. In saline-lavaged lungs, equal distending pressures do not necessarily imply equal lung volumes and thus do not imply equal PaO2.  相似文献   

High-frequency pressure oscillations (HFPO) in the upper airway induce arousal, activation of genioglossus muscle, and bronchoconstriction. The present study was designed to determine the response of superior laryngeal nerve afferent fibers to HFPO. In 10 anesthetized dogs spontaneously breathing through a tracheal cannula, the upper airway was converted to a closed system. The activity of thin bundles separated from the peripheral cut end of the superior laryngeal nerve was monitored. Of 104 mechanoreceptors identified, 87 were classified as respiratory modulated and 17 as non-respiratory modulated on the basis of their response to transmural pressure change and muscle activity. The responses of these fibers to HFPO of +/- 2.5 cmH2O at 10, 20, and 30 Hz were determined. Among the respiratory-modulated receptors, 86 of 87 increased their activity in response to HFPO. Of the 17 non-respiratory-modulated receptors, 12 receptors showing a random or tonic activity did not respond to HFPO, whereas the 5 that were silent during control condition responded exclusively to HFPO. Our results show that HFPO of similar frequency but much less magnitude than snoring is capable of activating the vast majority of laryngeal mechanoreceptors. Pressure-sensitive respiratory-modulated endings appear to mediate the arousal and genioglossal response, whereas non-respiratory-modulated receptors responding to HFPO presumably mediate the bronchoconstrictive response.  相似文献   

To study the phenomenon of lung hyperinflation (LHI), i.e., an increase in lung volume without a concomitant rise in airway pressure, we measured lung volume changes in isolated dog lungs during high-frequency oscillation (HFO) with air, He, and SF6 and with mean tracheal pressure controlled at 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 cmH2O. The tidal volume and frequency used were 1.5 ml/kg body wt and 20 Hz, respectively. LHI was observed during HFO in all cases except for a few trials with He. The degree of LHI was inversely related to mean tracheal pressure and varied directly with gas density. Maximum expiratory flow rate (Vmax) was measured during forced expiration induced by a vacuum source (-150 cmH2O) at the trachea. Vmax was consistently higher than the peak oscillatory flow rate (Vosc) during HFO, demonstrating that overall expiratory flow limitation did not cause LHI in isolated dog lungs. Asymmetry of inspiratory and expiratory impedances seems to be one cause of LHI, although other factors are involved.  相似文献   

High-frequency oscillation (HFO) has been used clinically to ventilate infants with respiratory distress. However, there are problems in monitoring the effects on the respiratory system and in particular in measuring the volumes delivered; this is important information in terms of safety and mechanisms of action of HFO. We have validated two sizes of respiratory jacket for measuring oscillatory volume changes of 0.25–5 ml at frequencies of 2–25 Hz, the volume delivered from a purpose-built oscillator having first been validated. Different combinations of volume and frequencies were then oscillated into each jacket, while it was being worn by a well preterm baby. Studies were performed with each jacket on five babies with weights between 0.82 and 1.86 kg. The results showed that at any given frequency there was a linear relationship between the pressure oscillations measured from a side port of the jacket and the delivered volume. Both jackets showed the same pattern of frequency response, overreading at < 10 Hz and underreading at 10–25 Hz. When appropriately calibrated, the respiratory jacket can be used as a non-invasive method of measuring volumes delivered by HFO.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors contributing to differences between mean alveolar pressure (PA) and mean pressure at the airway opening (Pao) during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). The effect of the inspiratory-to-expiratory time (I/E) ratio and amplitude of oscillation on the magnitude of - Pao (Pdiff) was examined by using the alveolar capsule technique in normal rabbit lungs (n = 4) and an in vitro lung model. The effect of ventilator frequency and endotracheal tube (ETT) diameter on Pdiff was further examined in the in vitro lung model at an I/E ratio of 1:2. In both lung models, fell below Pao during HFOV when inspiratory time was shorter than expiratory time. Under these conditions, differences between inspiratory and expiratory flows, combined with the nonlinear relationship between resistive pressure drop and flow in the ETT, are the principal determinants of Pdiff. In our experiments, the magnitude of Pdiff at each combination of I/E, frequency, lung compliance, and ETT resistance could be predicted from the difference between the mean squared inspiratory and expiratory velocities in the ETT. These observations provide an explanation for the measured differences in mean pressure between the airway opening and the alveoli during HFOV and will assist in the development of optimal strategies for the clinical application of this technique.  相似文献   



Negative air pressure ventilation has been used to maintain adequate functional residual capacity in patients with chronic muscular disease and to decrease transpulmonary pressure and improve cardiac output during right heart surgery. High-frequency oscillation (HFO) exerts beneficial effects on gas exchange in neonates with acute respiratory failure. We examined whether continuous negative extrathoracic pressure (CNEP) combined with HFO would be effective for treating acute respiratory failure in an animal model.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) on tracheal smooth muscle tension and upper airway resistance in anesthetized dogs. The animals were ventilated via a low tracheostomy by HFOV or conventional intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) with and without added positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). The transverse muscle tension of the trachea above the tracheostomy was measured and found to be lower during HFOV when compared with IPPV or IPPV with PEEP. When both vagi were cooled to 8 degrees C to interrupt afferent traffic from the lungs, there was no longer any difference between the modes of ventilation. In a second series of experiments, the airflow resistance of the upper airway above the tracheostomy was measured (Ruaw). During HFOV, Ruaw was significantly lower than during either IPPV or IPPV with PEEP. We conclude that HFOV induces a relaxation of tracheal smooth muscle and a reduction of upper airway resistance through a vagally mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

In eight anesthetized and tracheotomized rabbits, we studied the transfer impedances of the respiratory system during normocapnic ventilation by high-frequency body-surface oscillation from 3 to 15 Hz. The total respiratory impedance was partitioned into pulmonary and chest wall impedances to characterize the oscillatory mechanical properties of each component. The pulmonary and chest wall resistances were not frequency dependent in the 3- to 15-Hz range. The mean pulmonary resistance was 13.8 +/- 3.2 (SD) cmH2O.l-1.s, although the mean chest wall resistance was 8.6 +/- 2.0 cmH2O.l-1.s. The pulmonary elastance and inertance were 0.247 +/- 0.095 cmH2O/ml and 0.103 +/- 0.033 cmH2O.l-1.s2, respectively. The chest wall elastance and inertance were 0.533 +/- 0.136 cmH2O/ml and 0.041 +/- 0.063 cmH2O.l-1.s2, respectively. With a linear mechanical behavior, the transpulmonary pressure oscillations required to ventilate these tracheotomized animals were at their minimal value at 3 Hz. As the ventilatory frequency was increased beyond 6-9 Hz, both the minute ventilation necessary to maintain normocapnia and the pulmonary impedance increased. These data suggest that ventilation by body-surface oscillation is better suited for relatively moderate frequencies in rabbits with normal lungs.  相似文献   

In high-frequencyoscillatory ventilation (HFOV), an adequate mean airway pressure iscrucial for successful ventilation and optimal gas exchange, but airtrapping cannot be detected by the usual measurement at the y piece.Intratracheal pressures produced by the high-frequency oscillatorsHFV-Infantstar (IS), Babylog 8000 (BL), and the SensorMedics 3100A (SM)[the latter with either 30% (SM30) or 50%(SM50) inspiratory time] were investigated in fouranesthetized tracheotomized female piglets that were 1 day old andweighed 1.6-1.9 kg (mean 1.76 kg). The endotracheal tube wasrepeatedly clamped while the piglets were ventilated with anoscillation frequency of 10 Hz, and the airway pressure distal of theclamp was recorded as a measure of average intrapulmonary pressureduring oscillation. Clamping resulted in a significant decrease of meanairway pressure when the piglets were ventilated with SM30(0.86 cmH2O), BL (0.66 cmH2O), and IS(0.71 cmH2O), but airway pressure increased by a mean of0.76 cmH2O with SM50. Intratracheal pressure,when measured by a catheter pressure transducer at various oscillationfrequencies, was lower than at the y piece by 0.4-0.9cmH2O (SM30), 0.3-3 cmH2O(BL), and 1-4.7 cmH2O (IS) but was 0.4-0.7cmH2O higher with SM50. We conclude that theinspiratory-to-expiratory time(TI/TE) ratio influences theintratracheal and intrapulmonary pressures in HFOV and may sustain amean pressure gradient between the y piece and the trachea. ATI/TE ratio < 1:1 maybe useful to avoid air trapping when HFOV is used.


A single bifurcation with an adjustable daughter branch compliance ratio (VR) was used to simultaneously study pendelluft and longitudinal mixing during flow oscillations at frequencies (f) of 1-15 Hz and amplitudes (VOp) of 25-150 ml/s. Mixing coefficients (Deff) were determined from the dispersion of a CO2 bolus centered at the bifurcation point, and pendelluft volume was computed as a fraction of mother branch tidal volume (PVF) using measurements of airflow in the daughter branches. Plotted against frequency, PVF was a bell-shaped curve insensitive to the value of VOp. When VR = 2, a PVF peak of 0.25 appeared at f = 3 Hz, and when VR = 5, a PVF peak of 0.75 appeared at f = 4 Hz. After normalization by control values at VR = 1, Deff curves were also bell shaped, insensitive to the value of VOp and with peaks appearing at the same frequencies as the PVF peaks. The normalized Deff peak values were 1.7 when VR = 2 and 4.0 when VR = 5. The similarities in the PVF and Deff curves imply a direct relationship between pendelluft and enhanced mixing.  相似文献   



The validity of Doppler echocardiographic (DE) measurement of systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) has been questioned. Recent studies suggest that mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) might reflect more accurately the invasive pressures.

Methodology/Principal Findings

241 patients were prospectively studied to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of mPAP for the diagnosis of PH. Right heart catheterization (RHC) and DE were performed in 164 patients mainly for preoperative evaluation of heart valve dysfunction. The correlation between DE and RHC was better when mPAP (r = 0.93) and not sPAP (r = 0.81) was assessed. Bland-Altman analysis revealed a smaller variation of mPAP than sPAP. The following ROC analysis identified that a mPAP≥25.5 mmHg is useful for the diagnosis of PH. This value was validated in an independent cohort of patients (n = 50) with the suspicion of chronic-thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. The calculated diagnostic accuracy was 98%, based on excellent sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 100%. The corresponding positive and negative predictive values were 100%, respectively 88%.


mPAP has been found to be highly accurate for the initial diagnosis of PH. A cut-off value of 25.5 mmHg might be helpful to avoid unnecessary RHC and select patients in whom RHC might be beneficial.  相似文献   

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