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The broad aim of this work was to explore the feasibility of using light-directed perturbation techniques to study cell locomotion. Specifically, a caged form of thymosin beta4 (Tbeta4) was photoactivated in a defined local region of locomoting fish scale keratocytes and the resulting perturbation of locomotion was studied. Purified Tbeta4 was produced in an inactive form by "caging" with ([n-nitroveratryl]oxy)chlorocarbamate. In vitro spectrophotofluorometric assays indicated that caged Tbeta4 did not change the normal actin polymerization kinetics, whereas photoactivated Tbeta4 significantly inhibited actin polymerization. With an a priori knowledge of the cytoplasmic diffusion coefficient of Tbeta4 as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments, the rapid sequestration of actin monomers by uncaged Tbeta4 and the consequent reduction in the diffusional spread of the Tbeta4-actin complex were predicted using Virtual Cell software (developed at the Center for Biomedical Imaging Technology, University of Connecticut Health Center). These simulations demonstrated that locally photoactivating Tbeta4 in keratocytes could potentially elicit a regional locomotory response. Indeed, when caged Tbeta4 was locally photoactivated at the wings of locomoting keratocytes, specific turning about the irradiated region was observed, whereas various controls were negative. Additionally, loading of exogenous Tbeta4 into both keratocytes and fibroblasts caused very rapid disassembly of actin filaments and reduction of cellular contractility. Based on these results, a mechanical model is proposed for the turning behavior of keratocytes in response to photoreleased Tbeta4.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) was quantitatively evaluated from a kinetic viewpoint. A simple kinetic evaluation based on moment analysis was proposed, assuming suppression and recovery phases of gene expression. We defined the area under the curve of the inhibitory effect (AUC(IE)) as an index of the total intensity of RNAi and the mean response time of the inhibitory effect (MRT(IE)) as an index of its duration. The proposed kinetic analysis helps to understand the RNAi effect in a quantitative and time-dependent manner, which will be beneficial for designing RNAi-based gene silencing for both experimental and therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

shRNA抑制人卵巢癌SW626细胞CXCR4基因的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨应用RNA干扰技术沉默趋化因子受体4(CXCR4)基因的表达,研究其对人卵巢癌SW626细胞增殖的抑制作用。设计合成两对特异性针对CXCR4基因的Oligo siRNA,用脂质体转染法转染至SW626细胞中,荧光共聚焦显微镜检测转染效率,采用Western blotting检测CXCR4蛋白表达情况,同时利用M'IT试验检测转染后细胞增殖抑制情况。结果显示,转染Oligo siRNA后,SW626细胞CXCR4蛋白表达水平降低(P0.05);细胞增殖的抑制率明显增高(P0.05)。体外合成的特异性针对CXCR4基因的Oligo siRNA对卵巢癌细胞株SW626中CXCR4基因表达和细胞增殖均有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that the heart of 1‐day‐old neonatal mice could regenerate, with Wt1+ EPDCs migrating into myocardial regions after partial surgical resection, but this capacity was lost by 7 days of age. By treatment with Tβ4 to maintain Wt1 expression and retain the migrating feature of EPDCs in neonatal mice, we explored the possibility of restoring the cardiac regeneration potential of mice. We intraperitoneally injected Tβ4 into 1‐day‐old mice on daily basis and then apical resection was performed on the mice 7 days later. Twenty one days after the resection, morphological analysis revealed that the Tβ4‐treated mice regenerated the resected ventricular apex, while the mice in PBS control group developed significant fibrosis without apical regeneration. The Tβ4‐treated mice had significantly better ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening than controls. During the process of regeneration, Wt1+ EPDCs migrated into myocardial region and some of them expressed Islet1 and the markers for mature cardiomyocytes, such as cTnT and SαA. These characteristics of Wt1+ EPDCs were also seen in the heart regeneration of mice subjected to apical resection 1 day after birth. Tβ4 has no essential effect on cell cycle activity as no disruption of actin filaments was observed in Tβ4‐treated hearts. These results revealed that the cardiac regeneration potential of neonatal mice could be extended to the 7th post‐natal day by Tβ4 and Wt1+ EPDCs mobilization might play an important role in the extension.  相似文献   

Within the recent years, RNA interference (RNAi) has become an almost-standard method for in vitro knockdown of any target gene of interest. Now, one major focus is to further explore its potential in vivo, including the development of novel therapeutic strategies. From the mechanism, it becomes clear that small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) play a pivotal role in triggering RNAi. Thus, the efficient delivery of target gene-specific siRNAs is one major challenge in the establishment of therapeutic RNAi. Numerous studies, based on different modes of administration and various siRNA formulations and/or modifications, have already accumulated promising results. This applies to various animal models covering viral infections, cancer and multiple other diseases. Continuing efforts will lead to the development of efficient and “double-specific” drugs, comprising of siRNAs with high target gene specificity and of nanoparticles enhancing siRNA delivery and target organ specificity.  相似文献   

We examined the detailed in situ expression pattern of thymosin beta 4 (Tβ4) in the developing mouse mandibular first molar. Tβ4 mRNA was expressed in the presumptive dental epithelium at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) and in the thickened dental epithelium at E12. An in situ signal was observed in the invaginated epithelial bud at E13, in the enamel organ at E14 and E14.5, and in the primary enamel knot (PEK) at E14.5. The signal was localized in the epithelial cells of the outer layer of the enamel organ at E15 and E15.5. No signal was found in the PEK at these stages. Tβ4 mRNA was expressed in the inner enamel epithelium, cervical loop and dental lamina at E16 and E17. The expression of Tβ4 mRNA was observed in the polarized inner epithelial cells at E18, newborn day 1 (N1) and N2. However, the signal intensity decreased markedly at N3. We herein report for the first time that Tβ4 is distinctly expressed in developing tooth germ, and it may also play functional roles in the initiation, growth and differentiation of tooth germ.  相似文献   

Short, hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed against bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp-4) was delivered to early postimplantation staged mouse embryos via tail vein injection of pregnant dams. As early as 24 h postinjection, embryos expressed a DsRed marker and later exhibited defects of neural fold elevation and closure and of cardiac morphogenesis. Immunohistochemical analysis of sectioned embryos indicated that Bmp-4 protein was depleted and gene expression analysis indicated there was a reduction in Bmp-4 mRNA and an upregulation of the Bmp-4 antagonists, noggin and chordin, in embryos exposed to the shRNA, but not in control embryos. There was no change in the expression of Gata4, brachyury, or claudin6 in RNAi exposed embryos, indicating that RNA silencing was specific to Bmp-4 rather than producing widespread gene inhibition. Delivery of shRNA to embryos has the potential to specifically knockdown the expression of developmentally essential genes and to rescue gene mutations, significantly decreasing the time required to analyze the function(s) of individual genes in development.  相似文献   

As a polyphagous pest, Tetranychus cinnabarinus has the ability to overcome the defense of various hosts, and causes severe losses to various economically important crops. Since the interaction between pest and host plants is a valuable clue to investigate potential ways for pest management, we intend to identify the key genes of T. cinnabarinus for its adaption on cotton, then, with RNA interference (RNAi) and transgenic technology, construct a transgenic cotton strain to interfere with this process, and evaluate the effect of this method on the management of the mites. The difference of gene expression of T. cinnabarinus was analyzed when it was transferred to a new host (from cowpea to cotton) through high‐throughput sequencing, and a number of differentially expressed genes involved in detoxification, digestion and specific processes during the development were classified. From them, a P450 gene CYP392A4 with high abundance and prominent over‐expression on the cotton was selected as a candidate. With transgenic technology, cotton plants expressing double‐stranded RNA of CYP392A4 were constructed. Feeding experiments showed that it can decrease the expression of the target gene, result in the reduction of reproductive ability of the mites, and the population of T. cinnabarinus showed an apparent fitness cost on the transgenic cotton. These results provide a new approach to restrict the development of mite population on the host. It is also a useful attempt to control piercing sucking pests through RNAi and transgenic technology.  相似文献   

RNAi技术在昆虫功能基因研究中的应用进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是指外源或内源的双链RNA(dsRNA)特异性地引起基因表达沉默的现象,它作为一种有效的工具用来产生转录后沉默,从而抑制特定基因的表达,成为基因功能研究的一种新方法,除了在模式昆虫如果蝇Drosophila中广泛应用之外,也在非模式昆虫中得到成功应用。近年来,RNAi技术在导入方法和基因功能分析方面都取得了飞速发展,且与转基因技术相结合成功应用于害虫防治领域。本文综述了RNAi技术在导入方法、昆虫功能基因组功能分析及害虫防治等领域新近的研究成果,并展望了该技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM), a small calcium-binding protein, is the key mediator of numerous calcium-induced changes in cellular activity. Its ligands include enzymes, cytoskeletal proteins and ion channels, identified in large part by biochemical and cell biological approaches. Thus far it has been difficult to assess the function of CaM genetically, because of the maternal supply in Drosophila and the presence of at least three nonallelic genes in vertebrates. Here we use the unique possibility offered by the C. elegans model system to inactivate the single CaM gene (cmd-1) through RNA interference (RNAi). We show that the RNAi microinjection approach results in a severe embryonic lethal phenotype. Embryos show disturbed morphogenesis, aberrant cell migration patterns, a striking hyperproliferation of cells and multiple defects in apoptosis. Finally, we show that RNAi delivery by the feeding protocol does not allow the efficient silencing of the CaM gene obtained by microinjection. General differences between the two delivery methods are discussed.  相似文献   

RNA沉默在分析植物基因功能方面的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA沉默是真核生物的一种高度保守的和序列特异的RNA降解系统,它不但是基础生物学领域的研究热点,同时在调节基因表达或研究基因功能方面也是非常有前景的。植物中的转录后基因沉默(PTGS)是RNA沉默的一种形式,通过PTGS能对目标RNA进行特异性降解。对双链RNA(dsRNA)在RNA沉默启动中所起中心作用的认知,形成了几种RNA沉默载体的构建方法,这些方法与基因组资源相结合,通过转基因或非转基因的方法能够快速和高效研究植物的基因功能。  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers the destruction of mRNA sharing sequence with the dsRNA, a phenomenon termed RNA interference (RNAi). The dsRNA is converted by endonucleolytic cleavage into 21- to 23-nt small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which direct a multiprotein complex, the RNA-induced silencing complex to cleave RNA complementary to the siRNA. RNAi can be recapitulated in vitro in lysates of syncytial blastoderm Drosophila embryos. These lysates reproduce all of the known steps in the RNAi pathway in flies and mammals. Here we explain how to prepare and use Drosophila embryo lysates to dissect the mechanism of RNAi.  相似文献   

The fru4 allele of the sex determination gene fruitless is induced by insertion of a P[lacZ,ry+] enhancer trap element. This insert also acts to disrupt expression of the fru P1 promoter derived male-specific proteins, consequently impairing male courtship behavior. fru4 maps less than 2 kb upstream of the fru P3 promoter, whose function is essential for viability. We replaced this insert with a GAL4 element, P[GAL4,w+], recovering two lines with insertions in opposite orientations at the locus, one of which demonstrated fru-specific mutant phenotypes. Reporter expression of these lines recapitulated that of P3- and P4-derived proteins which, when correlated with a developmental and tissue specific survey of fru promoters' activities, uncovered a previously unsuspected complexity of fru regulation. These novel fru alleles provide the tools for manipulation of fru-expressing cells, allowing the consequent effects to be related back to specific fru functions and the regulatory units controlling these activities.  相似文献   

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