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ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞H2O2的产生   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以蚕豆叶片下麦皮为材料,将荧光探针HPTS导入蚕豆忆保卫细胞内,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦显微技术,检测了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭过程中H2O2的产生。结果表明,ABA和100μmol/L的H2O2可以迅速猝灭HPTS的荧光,CAT几乎可完全阻止9μl0.2mmol/L的ABA引起荧光猝灭。因此,ABA可以诱导气孔保卫细胞产生H2O2,其产生的强度和速度与ABA的浓度直接有关,并且推测:这种H2O2产  相似文献   

ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞H2O2的产生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以蚕豆叶片下表皮为材料,将荧光探针HPTS导入蚕豆气孔保卫细胞内,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦显微技术,检测了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭过程中H2O2的产生。结果表明,ABA和100μmol/L的H2O2可以迅速猝灭HPTS的荧光,CAT几乎可完全阻止9μl0.2mmol/L的ABA引起荧光猝灭。因此,ABA可以诱导气孔保卫细胞产生H2O2,其产生的强度和速度与ABA的浓度直接有关,并且推测:这种H2O2产生可能是ABA诱导气孔关闭过程中信号转导链的一个中间成分。  相似文献   

以蚕豆叶片下表皮为材料,将荧光探针HPTS导入蚕豆气孔保卫细胞内,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦显微技术,检测了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭过程中H  相似文献   

逆境下,植物细胞内ABA含量急剧增加,同时植物也可通过一些酶代谢反应积累活性氧,如H_2O_2,O_2~-。ABA作为逆境信号对气孔运动的显著调节作用已被诸多实验所证实,但关于其对气孔运动调节的细节还知之甚少。H_2O_2作为氧化信号分子在植物抗病信号转导中已得到广泛研究,但H_2O_2是否介导保卫细胞的气孔运动还缺乏直接的证据。我们已初步发现H_2O_2可参与外源ABA诱  相似文献   

在测定蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)保卫细胞原生质体质膜ABA结合蛋白的解离常数(Kd)和最大结合容量的基础上,进一步研究了几种因子(pH、光)对Kd和最大结合容量的影响。结果显示:pH并不改变结合蛋白的Kd值,而仅影响每个原生质体结合的分子数;光、暗处理的结果表明,光可使结合蛋白的Kd值增大,每个原生质体结合的ABA分子数减少,而暗处理可使结合蛋白的Kd值减小及每个原生质体结合的分子数增多,说明黑暗可提高气孔保卫细胞对ABA的敏感性,而光可以降低气孔保卫细胞对ABA的敏感性。因此,光、暗可以通过调节ABA结合蛋白的Kd值来调节气孔对ABA的敏感性。  相似文献   

共聚焦显微技术研究SA对蚕豆气孔保卫细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)作为植物体内一种内源性的信号分子,具有多种生理功能.实验表明水杨酸以浓度依赖的方式诱导气孔关闭,抑制气孔张开.20U/mL的CAT与SA共同处理时可逆转SA诱导气孔关闭作用的83%~90%.以H2O2荧光探针H2DCFDA结合激光扫描共聚焦显微术直接检测到SA处理可引起保卫细胞内H2O2的产生;在保卫细胞内显微注射CAT可完全阻止SA导致的DCF荧光增强.表明SA诱导的气孔关闭可能与H2O2的产生有关.  相似文献   

NADPH氧化酶可能参与了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了NADPH氧化酶在ABA(abscisic acid)诱导蚕豆气孔关闭信号转导网络中的作用,荧光光谱实验表明,在嗜中性白血球NADPH氧化酶抑制剂DPI(diphenyleneio-donium)存在的条件下,与对照相比,大大逆转了由ABA引起HPTS(8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid,trisodium salt)的荧光强度下降。表皮生物分析法显示,10^-6mol/L的DPI和10^3unit/mL的过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)在一定程度上也逆转了ABA诱导张开气孔的关闭。因此推测:在ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞过程中,质膜上的NADPH气体酶可能催化形成超氧自由基O^-2,再经歧化反应形成H2O2,而形成的H2O2参与了气孔运动调节。  相似文献   

蚕豆保卫细胞原生质体质膜ABA结合蛋白的理化特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)保卫细胞原生质体为材料,证明在其质膜外侧存在着对ABA高亲和力的结合蛋白。这种蛋白与ABA作用的最适pH为6.5;在25℃时.其特异结合比高于0℃时的特异结合比;在温育30min时即达到其最大结合。它与ABA作用的解离常数为2.0×10~(-8)mol/L,每个原生质体上大约有3.2×10~6个结合位点。该结合蛋白内部具有维持其功能所必须的二硫键,而且其功能的发挥要求介质中有一定浓度的Ca~(2 )的存在。  相似文献   

SB202190 调节蚕豆保卫细胞中SA 诱导H2O2 产生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用激光共聚焦扫描技术, 在p38 MAP激酶专一抑制剂SB202190处理下, 探索植物促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogenactivated protein kinase, MAP激酶)介导蚕豆(Vicia faba)保卫细胞中H2O2为代表的活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)信号机制, 发现: p38 MAP激酶专一抑制剂SB202190处理没有导致蚕豆保卫细胞中H2O2和Ca2+探针荧光强度增强, 与水杨酸 (salicylic acid, SA) 或脱落酸 (abscisic acid, ABA) 迅速加强2种探针荧光强度形成鲜明对比; 而该抑制剂分别与SA和ABA共同处理, 前者H2O2探针荧光强度没有增加, 而后者荧光强度仍然能够增加; 而进一步使用Ca2+螯合剂BAPTA和SB202190 +SA共同处理, H2O2探针荧光强度没有增加。这些结果初步表明: 无论胞质Ca2+浓度高低, SB202190调节蚕豆保卫细胞中SA诱导H2O2产生, 但是不调节植物逆境信使分子ABA 此类的反应。因此推测, 植物细胞中可能有类似动物和酵母细胞中的p38MAP激酶类, 并可能专一调节植物保卫细胞中H2O2信号通路。据我们所知, 这是首次报道SB202190和SA共同调节植物保卫细胞中ROS信号过程。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the potential of conforcal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) as a characterization tool for different types of microparticles. Microparticles were prepared by various methods including complex coacervation, spray drying, double emulsion solvent evaporation technique, and ionotropic gelation. Protein drugs and particle wall polymers were covalently labeled with a fluorescent marker prior to particle preparation, while low molecular weight drugs were labeled by mixing with a fluorescent marker of similar solubility properties. As was demonstrated in several examples, CLSM allowed visualization of the polymeric particle wall composition and detection of heterogeneous polymer distribution or changes in polymer matrix composition under the influence of the drug. Furthermore, CLSM provides a method for three-dimensional reconstruction and image analysis of the microparticles by imaging several coplanar sections throughout the object. In conclusion, CLSM allows the inspection of internal particle structures without prior sample destruction. It can be used to localize the encapsulated compounds and to detect special structural details of the particle wall composition.  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to study the distribution of polymers and cross-linking ions in alginate-poly-L-lysine (PLL) -alginate microcapsules made by fluorescent-labeled polymers. CLSM studies of Ca-alginate gel beads made in the presence and absence of non-gelling sodium ions revealed a more inhomogeneous distribution of alginate in beads formed in the absence of non-gelling ions. In the formation of alginate-PLL capsules, the polymer gradients in the preformed gel core were destabilized by the presence of non-gelling ions in the washing step and in the PLL solution. Ca-alginate gels preserved the inhomogeneous structure by exposure to ion-free solution in contrast to exposure to non-gelling ions (Na(+)). By exchanging Ca(2+) with Ba(2+) (10 mM), extremely inhomogeneous gel beads were formed that preserved their structure during the washing and exposure to PLL in saline. PLL was shown to bind at the very surface of the alginate core, forming a shell-like membrane. The thickness of the PLL-layer increased about 100% after 2 weeks of storage, but no further increase was seen after 2 years of storage. The coating alginate was shown to overlap the PLL layer. No difference in binding could be observed among coating alginates of different composition. This paper shows an easy and novel method to study the distribution of alginate and PLL in intact microcapsules. As the labeling procedures are easy to perform, the method can also be used for a variety of other polymers in other microencapsulation systems.  相似文献   

The present work shows the visualisation of phenolics and flavonoids of plant cuticles by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Selected isolated fruit and leaf cuticles were monitored on the basis of autofluorescent phenolics and flavonoids which, in most cases, permitted us to obtain three-dimensional images of the cuticular membranes. The utility of this technique in investigations of cuticular translocation and diffusion of exogenous applied chemicals and cuticle degradation has also been explored.  相似文献   

Principles and practices of laser scanning confocal microscopy   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) is an essential tool for many biomedical imaging applications at the level of the light microscope. The basic principles of confocal microscopy and the evolution of the LSCM into today's sophisticated instruments are outlined. The major imaging modes of the LSCM are introduced including single optical sections, multiple wavelength images, three-dimensional reconstructions, and living cell and tissue sequences. Practical aspects of specimen preparation, image collection, and image presentation are included along with a primer on troubleshooting the LSCM for the novice.  相似文献   

In confocal microscopy, the object is illuminated and observed so as to rid the resulting image of the light from out-of-focus planes. Imaging may be performed in the reflective or in the fluorescence mode. Confocal microscopy allows accurate and nondestructive optical sectioning in a plane perpendicular or parallel to the optical axis of the microscope. Further digital three-dimensional treatments of the data may be performed so as to visualize the specimen from a variety of angles. Several examples illustrating each of these possibilities are given. Three-dimensional reconstitution of nuclear components using a cubic representation and a ray-tracing based method are also given. Instrumental and experimental factors can introduce some bias into the acquisition of the 3-D data set: self-shadowing effects of thick specimens, spherical aberrations due to the sub-optimum use of the objective lenses and photobleaching processes. This last phenomenon is the one that most heavily hampers the quantitative analysis needed for 3-D reconstruction. We delineate each of these problems and indicate to what extent they can be solved. Some tips are given for the practice of confocal microscope and image recovery: how to determine empirically the thickness of the optical slices, how to deal with extreme contrasts in an image, how to prevent artificial flattening of the specimens. Finally, future prospects in the field are outlined. Particular mention of the use of pulsed lasers is made as they may be an alternative to UV-lasers and a possible means to attenuate photodamage to biological specimens.  相似文献   

A nondestructive protocol for preparing specimens of Monogenoidea for both alpha-taxonomic studies and reconstruction of 3-dimensional structure is presented. Gomori's trichrome, a stain commonly used to prepare whole-mount specimens of monogenoids for taxonomic purposes, is used to provide fluorescence of genital spines, the copulatory organ, accessory piece, squamodisc, anchors, hooks, bars, and clamps under laser scanning confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

Scanning laser confocal microscopy was utilized to visualize sites of hydrogen peroxide release from stimulated neutrophils and lysosomal acid phosphatase in these and other cells using cerium in the detection systems. Imaging of the cerium-containing reactions was achieved by employing the reflectance mode of this instrument. Localization of these products at the light microscope level was direct and did not require other reactions to generate a visible product. This new approach to cerium cytochemistry should prove useful for many applications.  相似文献   

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