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Antineoplastic bis(dioxopiperazine)s, such as meso-2,3-bis(2,6-dioxopiperazin-4-yl)butane (ICRF-193), are widely believed to be only catalytic inhibitors of topoisomerase II. However, topoisomerase inhibitors have little or no antineoplastic activity unless they are topoisomerase poisons, a special subclass of topoisomerase-targeting drugs that stabilize topoisomerase-DNA strand passing intermediates and thus cause the topoisomerase to become a cytotoxic DNA-damaging agent. Here we report that ICRF-193 is a very significant topoisomerase II poison. Detection of topoisomerase II poisoning by ICRF-193 required the use of a chaotropic protein denaturant in the topoisomerase poisoning assays. ICRF-193 caused dose-dependent cross-linking of human topoisomerase IIbeta to DNA and stimulated topoisomerase IIbeta-mediated DNA cleavage at specific sites on (32)P-end-labeled DNA. Human topoisomerase IIalpha-mediated DNA cleavage was stimulated to a lesser extent by ICRF-193. In vivo experiments with MCF-7 cells also showed the requirement of a chaotropic protein denaturant in the assays and selectivity for the beta-isozyme of human topoisomerase II. Studies with two topoisomerase IIbeta-negative cell model systems confirmed significant topoisomerase II poisoning by ICRF-193 in the wild type cells and were consistent with beta-isozyme selectivity. Common use of only the detergent, SDS, in assays may have led to failure to detect topoisomerase II poisoning by ICRF-193 in earlier studies.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II uses a complex, sequential mechanism of ATP hydrolysis to catalyze the transport of one DNA duplex through a transient break in another. ICRF-193 is a catalytic inhibitor of topoisomerase II that is known to trap a closed-clamp intermediate form of the enzyme. Using steady-state and rapid kinetic ATPase and DNA transport assays, we have analyzed how trapping this intermediate by the drug perturbs the topoisomerase II mechanism. The drug has no effect on the rate of the first turnover of decatenation but potently inhibits subsequent turnovers with an IC(50) of 6.5 +/- 1 microM for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzyme. This drug inhibits the ATPase activity of topoisomerase II by an unusual, mixed-type mechanism; the drug is not a competitive inhibitor of ATP, and even at saturating concentrations of drug, the enzyme continues to hydrolyze ATP, albeit at a reduced rate. Topoisomerase II that was specifically isolated in the drug-bound, closed-clamp form continues to hydrolyze ATP, indicating that the enzyme clamp does not need to re-open to bind and hydrolyze ATP. When rapid-quench ATPase assays were initiated by the addition of ATP, the drug had no effect on the sequential hydrolysis of either the first or second ATP. By contrast, when the drug was prebound, the enzyme hydrolyzed one labeled ATP at the uninhibited rate but did not hydrolyze a second ATP. These results are interpreted in terms of the catalytic mechanism for topoisomerase II and suggest that ICRF-193 interacts with the enzyme bound to one ADP.  相似文献   

Effects of ICRF-193, a topoisomerase II inhibitor, on metaphase chromosome preparations were examined. A short-time exposure of this drug to human HL60 cells in a suspension culture before harvest resulted in obtaining more extended metaphase chromosomes. The length of chromosome 6 identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization was twice as long with this drug treatment. Together with effectiveness for adherent HepG2 cells, these results suggest that treatments with ICRF-193 provide a simple and reliable method for extended metaphase chromosome preparations from cultured cells.  相似文献   

The bis-dioxopiperazine ICRF-193 has long time been considered as a pure topoisomerase II catalytic inhibitor able to exert its inhibitory effect on the enzyme without stabilization of the so-called cleavable complex formed by DNA covalently bound to topoisomerase II. In recent years, however, this concept has been challenged, as a number of reports have shown that ICRF-193 really "poisons" the enzyme, most likely through a different mechanism from that shown by the classical topoisomerase II poisons used in cancer chemotherapy. In the present investigation, we have carried out a study of the capacity of ICRF-193 to induce DNA strand breaks, as classical poisons do, in cultured V79 and irs-2 Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts using the comet assay and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Our results clearly show that ICRF-193 readily induces breakage in DNA through a mechanism as yet poorly understood.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that phenolic compounds, including genistein (4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone) and resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene), are able to protect against carcinogenesis in animal models. This study was undertaken to examine the ability of genistein and resveratrol to inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated strand breaks in phi X-174 plasmid DNA. H(2)O(2)/Cu(II) and hydroquinone/Cu(II) were used to cause oxidative DNA strand breaks in the plasmid DNA. We demonstrated that the presence of genistein at micromolar concentrations resulted in a marked inhibition of DNA strand breaks induced by either H(2)O(2)/Cu(II) or hydroquinone/Cu(II). Genistein neither affected the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycle nor reacted with H(2)O(2) suggest that genistein may directly scavenge the ROS that participate in the induction of DNA strand breaks. In contrast to the inhibitory effects of genistein, the presence of resveratrol at similar concentrations led to increased DNA strand breaks induced by H(2)O(2)/Cu(II). Further studies showed that in the presence of Cu(II), resveratrol, but not genistein was able to cause DNA strand breaks. Moreover, both Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycle and H(2)O(2) were shown to be critically involved in resveratrol/copper-mediated DNA strand breaks. The above results indicate that despite their similar in vivo anticarcinogenic effects, genistein and resveratrol appear to exert different effects on oxidative DNA damage in vitro.  相似文献   

Drosophila topoisomerase II-DNA interactions are affected by DNA structure.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The binding of purified Drosophila topoisomerase II to the highly bent DNA segments from the SV40 terminus of replication and C. fasciculata kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA) was examined using electron microscopy (EM). The probability of finding topoisomerase II positioned at or near the bent SV40 terminus and Crithidia fasciculata kDNA was two- and threefold higher, respectively, than along the unbent pBR325 DNA into which the elements had been cloned. Closer examination demonstrated that the enzyme bound preferentially to the junction between the bent and non-bent sequences. Using gel electrophoresis, a cluster of strong sodium dodecyl sulfate-induced topoisomerase II cleavage sites was mapped to the SV40 terminus DNA, and two weak cleavage sites to the C. fasciculata kDNA. As determined by EM, Drosophila topoisomerase II foreshortened the apparent length of DNA by only 15 base-pairs when bound, arguing that it does not wrap DNA around itself. When bound to pBR325 containing the C. fasciculata kDNA and the SV40 terminus, topoisomerase II often produced DNA loops. The size distribution was that predicted from the known probability of any two points along linear DNA colliding. In vitro mapping of topoisomerase II on DNA whose ends were blocked by avidin protein revealed that binding is enhanced at sites located near a blocked end as compared to a free end. These observations may contribute towards establishing a framework for understanding topoisomerase II-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

A bis(2,6-dioxopiperazine) derivative, ICRF-193, is a specific inhibitor of topoisomerase II without clearable complex-stabilizing activity. In Xenopus egg extract containing ICRF-193, demembranated sperm head chromatins were inhibited from decondensation. However, nuclear envelope-lamina assembled on the inhibited chromatins. The nuclear envelope-lamina continued to expand even after loss of contact with the chromatin surface. On the other hand, semiconservative DNA replication was initiated as soon as the lamina was assembled onto the surface of condensed chromatin, though the initiation was retarded and its extent was reduced, compared with that in noninhibited chromatins. Thus, it is concluded that topoisomerase II activity is not required for the formation of active DNA replication clusters and the extension of nuclear envelope-lamina on the chromatin, while the nuclear envelope-mediated decondensation of sperm chromatins is dependent on topoisomerase II activity.  相似文献   

Narlikar GJ  Fan HY  Kingston RE 《Cell》2002,108(4):475-487

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(6):1341-1351
ICRF-193, a novel noncleavable, complex-stabilizing type topoisomerase (topo) II inhibitor, has been shown to target topo II in mammalian cells (Ishida, R., T. Miki, T. Narita, R. Yui, S. Sato, K. R. Utsumi, K. Tanabe, and T. Andoh. 1991. Cancer Res. 51:4909-4916). With the aim of elucidating the roles of topo II in mammalian cells, we examined the effects of ICRF-193 on the transition through the S phase, when the genome is replicated, and through the M phase, when the replicated genome is condensed and segregated. Replication of the genome did not appear to be affected by the drug because the scheduled synthesis of DNA and activation of cdc2 kinase followed by increase in mitotic index occurred normally, while VP-16, a cleavable, complex-stabilizing type topo II inhibitor, inhibited all these processes. In the M phase, however, late stages of chromosome condensation and segregation were clearly blocked by ICRF-193. Inhibition at the stage of compaction of 300-nm diameter chromatin fibers to 600-nm diameter chromatids was demonstrated using the drug during premature chromosome condensation (PCC) induced in tsBN2 baby hamster kidney cells in early S and G2 phases. In spite of interference with M phase chromosome dynamics, other mitotic events such as activation of cdc2 kinase, spindle apparatus reorganization and disassembly and reassembly of nuclear envelopes occurred, and the cells traversed an unusual M phase termed "absence of chromosome segregation" (ACS)-M phase. Cells then continued through further cell cycle rounds, becoming polyploid and losing viability. This effect of ICRF-193 on the cell cycle was shown to parallel that of inactivation of topo II on the cell cycle of the ts top2 mutant yeast. The results strongly suggest that the essential roles of topo II are confined to the M phase, when the enzyme decatenates intertwined replicated chromosomes. In other phases of the cycle, including the S phase, topo II may thus play a complementary role with topo I in controlling the torsional strain accumulated in various genetic processes.  相似文献   

Trans-imidazolium (bis imidazole) tetrachloro ruthenate (RuIm) and trans-indazolium (bis indazole) tetrachloro ruthenate (RuInd) are ruthenium coordination complexes, which were first synthesized and exploited for their anticancer activity. These molecules constitute two of the few most effective anticancer ruthenium compounds. The clinical use of these compounds however was hindered due to toxic side effects on the human body. Our present study on topoisomerase II poisoning by these compounds shows that they effectively poison the activity of topoisomerase II by forming a ternary cleavage complex of DNA, drug and topoisomerase II. The thymidine incorporation assays show that the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation correlates with topoisomerase II poisoning. The present study on topoisomerase II poisoning by these two compounds opens a new avenue for renewing further research on these compounds. This is because they could be effective lead candidates for the development of more potent and less toxic ruthenium containing topoisomerase II poisons. Specificity of action on this molecular target may reduce the toxic effects of these ruthenium-containing molecules and thus improve their therapeutic index.  相似文献   

Ku antigen is a heterodimer, comprised of 86- and 70-kDa subunits, which binds preferentially to free DNA ends. Ku is associated with a catalytic subunit of 450 kDa in the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), which plays a crucial role in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes. We now demonstrate that Ku86 (86-kDa subunit)-deficient Chinese hamster cell lines are hypersensitive to ICRF-193, a DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor that does not produce DSB in DNA. Mutant cells were blocked in G2 at drug doses which had no effect on wild-type cells. Moreover, bypass of this G2 block by caffeine revealed defective chromosome condensation in Ku86-deficient cells. The hypersensitivity of Ku86-deficient cells toward ICRF-193 was not due to impaired in vitro decatenation activity or altered levels of DNA topoisomerase IIα or -β. Rather, wild-type sensitivity was restored by transfection of a Ku86 expression plasmid into mutant cells. In contrast to cells deficient in the Ku86 subunit of DNA-PK, cells deficient in the catalytic subunit of the enzyme neither accumulated in G2/M nor displayed defective chromosome condensation at lower doses of ICRF-193 compared to wild-type cells. Our data suggests a novel role for Ku antigen in the G2 and M phases of the cell cycle, a role that is not related to its role in DNA-PK-dependent DNA repair.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is essential for cell proliferation and survival and has been a target of various anticancer drugs. ICRF-193 has long been used as a catalytic inhibitor to study the function of topoisomerase II. Here, we show that ICRF-193 treatment induces DNA damage signaling. Treatment with ICRF-193 induced G2 arrest and DNA damage signaling involving gamma-H2AX foci formation and CHK2 phosphorylation. DNA damage by ICRF-193 was further demonstrated by formation of the nuclear foci of 53BP1, NBS1, BRCA1, MDC1, and FANCD2 and increased comet tail moment. The DNA damage signaling induced by ICRF-193 was mediated by ATM and ATR and was restricted to cells in specific cell cycle stages such as S, G2, and mitosis including late and early G1 phases. Downstream signaling of ATM and ATR involved the phosphorylation of CHK2 and BRCA1. Altogether, our results demonstrate that ICRF-193 induces DNA damage signaling in a cell cycle-dependent manner and suggest that topoisomerase II might be essential for the progression of the cell cycle at several stages including DNA decondensation.  相似文献   

This study investigates the solution thermodynamics of the iron complexes of dexrazoxane (ICRF-187, (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperazinyl-1-yl)propane), [Fe(ADR-925)](+/0), and its desmethyl derivative ICRF-154, [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O](+/0). The solid state structure of [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]+ is also reported. [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]Br x 0.5NaBr x H2O crystallizes in the P42(1)2 space group with Z = 4, a = 14.9851(8), b = 14.9851(8), c = 8.0825(9) A and R = 0.03(2) for 1839 reflections and exhibits a pentagonal bipyramidal geometry with a labile water molecule occupying the seventh coordination site. Potentiometric titrations (FeL = 8.5 mM, 0.1 M NaNO3, 25 degrees C) reveal stable monomeric complexes (log Kf = 18.2 +/- 0.1, [Fe(ADR-925)]+, and 17.4 +/- 0.1, [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]+) exist in solution at relatively low pH. Upon addition of base, the iron-bound water is deprotonated; the pKa values for [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]+ and [Fe(ADR-925)]+ are 5.63 +/- 0.07 and 5.84 +/- 0.07, respectively. At higher pH both complexes undergo mu-oxo dimerization characterized by log Kd values of 2.68 +/- 0.07 for [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]+ and 2.23 +/- 0.07 for [Fe(ADR-925)]+. In the presence of an oxidant and reductant, both [Fe(ICRF-247)H2O]+ and [Fe(ADR-925)]+ produce hydroxyl radicals that cleave pBR322 plasmid DNA at pH 7 in a metal complex concentration-dependent manner. At low metal complex concentrations (approximately 10(-5) M) where the monomeric form predominates, cleavage by both FeICRF complexes is efficient while at higher concentrations (approximately 5 x 10(-4) M) DNA cleavage is hindered. This change in reactivity is in part accounted for by dimer formation.  相似文献   

Isik S  Sano K  Tsutsui K  Seki M  Enomoto T  Saitoh H  Tsutsui K 《FEBS letters》2003,546(2-3):374-378
DNA topoisomerase I and II have been shown to be modified with a ubiquitin-like protein SUMO in response to their specific inhibitors called 'poisons'. These drugs also damage DNA by stabilizing the enzyme-DNA cleavable complex and induce a degradation of the enzymes through the 26S proteasome system. A plausible link between sumoylation and degradation has not yet been elucidated. We demonstrate here that topoisomerase IIbeta, but not its isoform IIalpha, is selectively degraded through proteasome by exposure to the catalytic inhibitor ICRF-193 which does not damage DNA. The beta isoform immunoprecipitated from ICRF-treated cells was modified by multiple modifiers, SUMO-2/3, SUMO-1, and polyubiquitin. When the SUMO conjugating enzyme Ubc9 was conditionally knocked out, the ICRF-induced degradation of topoisomerase IIbeta did not occur, suggesting that the SUMO modification pathway is essential for the degradation.  相似文献   

In an RNA interference screen interrogating regulators of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell chromatin structure, we previously identified 62 genes required for ES cell viability. Among these 62 genes were Smc2 and -4, which are core components of the two mammalian condensin complexes. In this study, we show that for Smc2 and -4, as well as an additional 49 of the 62 genes, knockdown (KD) in somatic cells had minimal effects on proliferation or viability. Upon KD, Smc2 and -4 exhibited two phenotypes that were unique to ES cells and unique among the ES cell–lethal targets: metaphase arrest and greatly enlarged interphase nuclei. Nuclear enlargement in condensin KD ES cells was caused by a defect in chromatin compaction rather than changes in DNA content. The altered compaction coincided with alterations in the abundance of several epigenetic modifications. These data reveal a unique role for condensin complexes in interphase chromatin compaction in ES cells.  相似文献   

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