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Early morphological studies regarding the evolutionary history of elasmobranchs suggested sharks and batoids (skates and rays) were respectively monophyletic. More modern morphological cladistic studies, however, have tended to suggest that batoids are derived sharks, closely related to sawsharks and angelsharks, a phylogenetic arrangement known as the Hypnosqualea hypothesis. Very few molecular studies addressing interordinal relationships of elasmobranchs have been published; the few that do exist, are very limited in terms of both taxon representation and/or aligned sequence positions, and are insufficient to answer the question of whether batoids are derived sharks. The purpose of this study was to address this issue with more complete taxon representation, concomitant with a reasonable number of aligned sequence positions. The data set included a 2.4-kb segment of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA-tRNA valine-16S rRNA locus, and in terms of taxa, representatives of two orders of Batoidea, at least one representative of all orders of sharks, and as an outgroup, the widely recognized sister group to elasmobranchs-Holocephali. The results provide the first convincing molecular evidence for shark monophyly and the rejection of the Hypnosqualea hypothesis. Our phylogenetic placement of batoids as a basal elasmobranch lineage means that much of the current thinking regarding the evolution of morphological and life history characteristics in elasmobranchs needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

The ventral gill arch skeleton was examined in some representatives of batoid fishes. The homology of the components was elucidated by comparing similarities and differences among the components of the ventral gill arches in chondrichthyans, and attempts were made to justify the homology by giving causal mechanisms of chondrogenesis associated with the ventral gill arch skeleton. The ceratohyal is present in some batoid fishes, and its functional replacement, the pseudohyal, seems incomplete in most groups of batoid fishes, except in stingrays. The medial fusion of the pseudohyal with successive ceratobranchials occurs to varying degrees among stingray groups. The ankylosis between the last two ceratobranchials occurs uniquely in stingrays, and it serves as part of the insertion of the last pair of coracobranchialis muscles. The basihyal is possibly independently lost in electric rays, the stingray genus Urotrygon (except U. daviesi) and pelagic myiiobatoid stingrays. The first hypobranchial is oriented anteriorly or anteromedially, and it varies in shape and size among batoid fishes. It is represented by rami projecting posterolaterally from the basihyal in sawfishes, guitarfishes and skates. It consists of a small piece of cartilage which extends anteromedially from the medial end of the first ccratobranchial in electric rays. It is a large cartilaginous plate in most of stingrays. It is absent in pelagic myliobatoid stingrays. The remaining hypobranchial cartilages also vary in shape and size among batoid fishes. Torpedo and possibly the Jurassic Belemnobalis and Spathobatis possess the generalized or typical chondrichthyan ventral gill arch structure in which the hypobranchials form a Σ-shaped pattern. In the electric ray Hypnos and narkinidid and narcinidid electric rays, the hypobranchial components are oriented longitudinally along the mid-portion of the ventral gill arches. They form a single cartilaginous plate in the narkinidid electric rays, Narcine and Diplobatis. In guitarfishes and skates, the second hypobranchial is unspecialized, and in skates, it does not have a direct contact with the second ceratobranchial. In both groups, the third and fourth hypobranchials are composed of a small cartilage which forms a passage for the afferent branches of the ventral aorta and serve as part of the insertion of the coracobranchialis muscle. In sawfishes and stingrays, the hypobranchials appear to be included in the medial plate. In sawfishes, the second and third components separately chondrify in adults, but the fourth component appears to be fused with the middle medial plate. In stingrays, a large medial plate appears to include the second through to the last hypobranchial and most of the basibranchial copulae. The medial plate probably develops independently in sawfishes and stingrays. Because the last basibranchial copula appears to be a composite of one to two hypobranchials and at least two basibranchial copulae, the medial plate may be formed by several developmental processes of chondrogenesis. More detailed comparative anatomical and developmental studies are needed to unveil morphogenesis and patternings of the ventral gill arch skeleton in batoid fishes.  相似文献   

The presence of cranial retia mirabilia in rays of the genus Mobula is well established. Although previously regarded as consisting exclusively of arteries, the presence of veins has now been established in gross dissections of the rete in the mobulid, Manta birostris. Histological examination of the retia in Manta birostris and Mobula tarapacana confirms the presence of veins. These findings suggest the presence of a counter-current heat-exchanger that warms the brain.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate distributional patterns and derivation of skates in the Australasian realm. Location Australasia. Methods Genus‐group skate taxa were defined for this region for the first time and new systematic information, as well as bathymetric and geographical data, used to identify distribution patterns. Results The extant skate fauna of Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia and adjacent subAntarctic dependencies) is highly diverse and endemic with sixty‐two species from twelve currently recognized, nominal genus‐group taxa. These include the hardnose skate (rajin) groups Anacanthobatis, Amblyraja, Dipturus, Okamejei, Rajella and Leucoraja, and softnose skate (arhynchobatin) genera Arhynchobatis, Bathyraja, Insentiraja, Irolita, Pavoraja and Notoraja. Additional new and currently unrecognized nominal taxa of both specific and supraspecific ranks also occur in the region. The subfamily Arhynchobatinae is particularly speciose in Australasia, and the New Zealand/New Caledonian fauna is dominated by undescribed supraspecific taxa and species. The Australian fauna, although well represented by arhynchobatins, is dominated by Dipturus‐like skates and shows little overlap in species composition with the fauna of New Zealand and New Caledonia. Similarly, these faunas exhibit no overlap with the polar faunas of the Australian subAntarctic dependencies (Heard and Macdonald Islands) to the south. Skates appear to be absent from the Macquarie Ridge at the southern margin of the New Zealand Plateau. Their absence off New Guinea probably reflects inadequate sampling and the subsequent poor knowledge of that region's deepwater fish fauna. Main conclusions Skates appear to have existed in the eastern, Australasian sector of Gondwana before fragmentation in the late Cretaceous. The extant fauna appears to be derived from elements of Gondwanan origin, dispersal from the eastern and western Tethys Sea, and intraregional vicariance speciation.  相似文献   

Skates (Rajiformes: Rajoidei) are a highly diverse fish group, comprising more valid species than any other group of cartilaginous fishes. The high degree of endemism exhibited by the skates is somewhat enigmatic given their relatively conserved body morphology and apparent restrictive habitat, e.g. soft bottom substrates. Skates are primarily marine benthic dwellers found from the intertidal down to depths in excess of 3,000 m. They are most diverse at higher latitudes and in deepwater, but are replaced in shallower, warm temperate to tropical waters by stingrays (Myliobatodei). The number of valid skate species has increased exponentially, with more species having been described since 1950 (n = 126) than had been described in the previous 200 years (n = 119). Much of the renaissance in skate systematics has largely been through the efforts of a few individuals who through author–coauthor collaboration have accounted for 78 of the 131 species described since 1948 and for nine of 13 genera named since 1950. Furthermore, detailed regional surveys and accounts of skate biodiversity have also contributed to a better understanding of the diversity of the skates. A checklist of the living valid skate species is presented.  相似文献   

A total of 63 species of skates (Chondrichthyes: Rajoidei) were surveyed, along with three species of the outgroup (Chondrichtyes: Rhinobatoidei) for electric organs along the sides of the tail. All skate specimens examined possessed what appeared to be functional electric organs, and the three species of the outgroup lacked evidence of electric organs. The electric organs were tail-positive and arranged into horizontal columns divided by transverse septa. The electrocytes varied considerably within and among supraspecific taxa (subgenera and genera), but they could be broadly classified into cup-shape, modified cup-shape, intermediate-shape, and disc-shape cells, provided that the distinction was partially based on position of the electrocytes within their connective tissue chambers. The survey, in part, corroborates a phylogenetic hypothesis of skates and in some respects further resolves the hypothesis. The supraspecific taxa Atlantoraja and Rioraja have similar derived-type electrocytes, as do the five supraspecific taxa of Rajini, and Cruriraja and Anacanthobatis, and to a lesser extent the supraspecific taxa Arhynchobatis, Psammobatis, and Sympterygia, and the supraspecific taxa Notoraja, Pavoraja, and Pseudoraja, corroborating the hypothesis. The supraspecific taxa Amblyraja, Rajella, Leucoraja, Breviraja, and Dactylobatus were unresolved in the phylogenetic hypothesis, but the electrocyte survey suggested that Leucoraja, Breviraja, and Dactylobatus were derived with respect to Amblyraja and Rajella. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although considerable progress has been made in elucidating the relationships within the Chondrichthyes, there is no agreement as it concerns the systematics of Batoidea, the most derived superorder among cartilaginous fishes, and many different interpretations exist. Our investigation provides the first assessment of relationships among the described batoid species using sequences from both mtDNA and nuclear genes as well as karyological morphology. Our work consists primarily in reconstructing the phylogenetic relationships of Batoidea by examining the mtDNA (16S) and nuclear gene (18S) sequences from 11 batoid species. The three analytical methods (NJ, MP and Bayesian analysis) grouped Rajiformes, Myliobatiformes and Rhinobatiformes. In these trees the two torpedoes diverge from the other batoid fishes. We also compare the molecular data with the available karyological evidence, which consist of the diploid number and the karyotype morphology of eight species belonging to the four orders examined. The results show that the karyological structure in the different species is generally consistent with the various phylogenetical trees, and that Torpediniformes confirm their unique genome organization.  相似文献   

Extensive surveys of various fish landing sites in eastern Indonesia, conducted between April 2001 and March 2006, recorded a total of 54 species of batoid rays belonging to 12 families. The Dasyatidae was by far the most speciose family, comprising half of the recorded species, and was also the most abundant, contributing 89 and 44% to the total numbers and total estimated biomass of batoids, respectively. The size and sex compositions of 23 species of rays are described and an accurate size at maturity of males, i.e. with 95% CI, was determined for 13 of these species. The sex ratios were found to be close to parity in the majority of species, however, the landings of the whitespotted guitarfish Rhynchobatus australiae consisted of significantly more females than males, a situation also recorded for this species in the by-catch of the northern Australian prawn fishery. Data on aspects of the reproductive biology of three dasyatid species ( Dasyatis cf. kuhlii , Dasyatis zugei and Himantura walga ), which form a substantial component of the by-catch of the bottom trawl fisheries in the region, were collected on most sampling occasions. These small rays, i.e. maximum sizes 243–379 mm disc width, were found to have no distinct seasonal reproductive cycle and small litter sizes, i.e. less than four embryos. Opportunistic reproductive data, e.g. litter size and embryo sizes, were also collected from various other species. The litter sizes of the rhynchobatid and rhinobatid species examined were found to be larger than those of the gymnurid and dasyatid species examined, i.e. seven to 19 and two to 13 v. one to four, respectively. The data presented in this paper for the numerous species of rays which are landed by target and non-target fisheries in Indonesia represent the first such data for the vast majority of these species.  相似文献   

Serra‐Pereira, B., Moura, T., Griffiths, A. M., Gordo, L. S. & Figueiredo, I. (2010). Molecular barcoding of skates (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) from the southern Northeast Atlantic. —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 76–84. Due to their vulnerability to fishing pressure, many species of skate (Rajidae) in the Northeast Atlantic are undergoing declines in abundance. The assessment of stock status and subsequent proposal of management measures are often complicated by high levels of species diversity and endemism, coupled with morphological and ecological conservatism, which makes distinguishing between species difficult. To improve the identification of skates and investigate the phylogenetic position of endemic species the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) was sequenced in 12 species (Dipturus oxyrinchus, Leucoraja naevus, Leucoraja circularis, Neoraja iberica, Raja brachyura, Raja clavata, Raja maderensis, Raja microocellata, Raja miraletus, Raja montagui, Raja undulata, Rostroraja alba) inhabiting the Portuguese waters. Based on sequence divergence R. maderensis and R. clavata only differ by 1% of the 652 bp COI sequence, questioning the recognition of R. maderensis (considered to be endemic to Madeira and the Azores), as a reproductively isolated species. Otherwise, there was clear phylogenetic support for the different genera and all the remaining species, although the genetic divergence was low compared to other chordates. In particular, COI analysis allowed clear identification of the morphologically similar species R. brachyura and R. montagui.  相似文献   

Skates by virtue of their abundance and widespread occurrence appear to play an influential role in the food webs of demersal marine communities. However, few quantitative dietary studies have been conducted on this elasmobranch group. Therefore, to better understand the ecological role of skates, standardized diet compositions and trophic level (TL) values were calculated from quantitative studies, and compared within and among skate and shark taxa. Prey items were grouped into 11 general categories to facilitate standardized diet composition and TL calculations. Trophic level values were calculated for 60 skate species with TL estimates ranging from 3.48 to 4.22 (mean TL = 3.80 ± 0.02 SE). Standardized diet composition results revealed that decapods and fishes were the main prey taxa of most skate species followed by amphipods and polychaetes. Correspondingly, cluster analysis of diet composition data revealed four major trophic guilds, each dominated by one of these prey groups. Fish and decapod guilds were dominant comprising 39 of 48 species analyzed. Analysis of skate families revealed that the Arhynchobatidae and Rajidae had similar TL values of 3.86 and 3.79 (t-test, P = 0.27), respectively. The Anacanthobatidae were represented by a single species, Cruriraja parcomaculata, with a TL of 3.53. Statistical comparison of TL values calculated for five genera (Bathyraja, Leucoraja, Raja, Rajella, Rhinoraja) revealed a significant difference between Bathyraja and Rajella (t-test, P = 0.03). A positive correlation was observed between TL and total length (L T) with larger skates (e.g. >100 cm L T) tending to have a higher calculated TL value (>3.9). Skates were found to occupy TLs similar to those of several co-occurring demersal shark families including the Scyliorhinidae, Squatinidae, and Triakidae. Results from this study support recent assertions that skates utilize similar resources to those of other upper trophic-level marine predators, e.g. seabirds, marine mammals, and sharks. These preliminary findings will hopefully encourage future research into the trophic relationships and ecological impact of these interesting and important demersal predators.  相似文献   

A total of 62 species, representing 24 of the 28 supraspecific taxa of skates, was surveyed for the presence, distribution, and structure of alar and malar thorns. The survey revealed that alar thorns are almost universally present in mature male skates, and that malar thorns are of two types that may have separate origins. The location and orientation of alar thorns differed in two major clades of skates (groups I and II). They were either exposed on the disc with the crown oriented obliquely to the long axis of the base or imbedded in slits in the integument and oriented parallel to the long axis of the base. Group I possessed the former type of thorns and, with several exceptions, group II possessed the latter type. Group I either lacked malar thorns or possessed malar thorns that were most likely derived from generalized placoid scales. Group II possessed, with several exceptions, malar thorns derived from enlarged placoid scales. Within group I the supraspecific taxa Atlantoraja and Rioraja possessed unique alar thorns that were reclined laterally and associated with lateral grooves in the integument. Within group II the supraspecific taxa Anacanthobatis, Cruriraja, Dipturus, Okamejei, Raja, the North Pacific Assemblage, and the Amphi-American Assemblage had a large barb on the distal section of the crown of the alar thorn that suggests that these taxa form a clade. The crown of the alar thorns of the latter five supraspecific taxa was undulatory, thus supporting their monophyletic status. Another assemblage within group II had ridges that ran most of the length of the crown of the alar thorns corroborating their monophyletic status. The survey also suggested that variation of integumentary grooves associated with the alar thorns in Bathyraja, and presence or absence of malar thorns in Psammobatis, may be phylogenetically informative. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pelvic fin walking in skates is common. However, the structure and function of pelvic fins have not been analysed. Pelvic fins of skates of the genus Psammobatis and Rioraja agassizi are externally divided into an anterior leg-like lobe and a posterior fin-like lobe. Internally, the anterior lobes are supported by a compound radial, a proximal radial and distal radials that resemble a thigh, a calf and a foot, respectively, and three associated radials arising from the pelvic girdle. A highly developed radial condyle on the pelvic girdle enables broad 'limb' movements. The muscular arrangement of the anterior lobes is formed by protractor, retractor, flexor and extensor muscles, clearly departing from the generalized fin muscle arrangement of elasmobranchs. Walking is composed of propulsion and recovery phases. A backward movement of the compound radial in the horizontal plane characterizes the propulsive phase. The proximal radial connects vertically the compoundradial with the foot-like distal radials, which are anchored on the bottom. During the recovery phase, the foot-like structure is lifted off the bottom and the entire limb-like anterior lobe is moved forwards for starting a new cycle. Walking in skates resembles the ancestral tetrapod sprawling locomotion seen in many salamanders and lizards. Pelvic fin anatomy and walking behaviour in skates and hemiscylliid sharksare compared. Ecological and evolutionary implications of walking locomotion in skates are also discussed.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 35–41.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(9):1185-1196
Claspers of adult specimens of the skate tribe Riorajini, family Arhynchobatidae, comprising Atlantoraja and Rioraja , are described, compared, and systematically reinterpreted based on material collected off southeastern and southern Brazil. For the first time the external components and musculature of the clasper of members of this tribe are described and related to internal (skeletal) structures. The component pecten is present in all species of Atlantoraja but absent in Rioraja . The new external component grip , an autapomorphy of A. cyclophora fully developed in adults, is described. Rioraja presents dorsal terminals 1 and 2, ventral marginal distally extended and ventral terminal cartilages. Dorsal terminals 1 and 2, ventral marginal distally extended, accessory terminals 2 and 3, and ventral terminal cartilages occur in Atlantoraja . A new interpretation of the ventral marginal distally extended is discussed. The dorsal terminal 1 of Atlantoraja has an inverted U shape but is triangular in Rioraja . The accessory terminal 2 cartilage is reported for the first time in Atlantoraja cyclophora . The accessory terminal 3 is present only in A. platana and A. cyclophora , and absent in Rioraja and A. castelnaui . Many of our findings concerning the clasper skeleton do not agree with previous interpretations. The arrangement, distribution and systematic significance of many of the terminal clasper components are discussed among rajoids.  相似文献   

A contrast radiographic study of pelvic fin drainage in rays reveals considerable differences in patterns of drainage among the species studied. The “typical” shark pattern of drainage, to the lateral abdominal vein, is also found in rays with shark-like morphology. However, variation in the connections of pelvic fin veins to muscular and cutaneous vessels of the pectoral fin occurs in the more “derived” batoid groups, with marked differences between rays of similar external morphology and mode of locomotion. There is a positive association between the pattern of fin drainage and the number of radial cartilages in the posterior (metapterygial) lobe of the pectoral fin. Variation in shark pelvic fin drainage may also be related to differences in pectoral fin morphology.  相似文献   

A vascular network, or rete, has been found in the pectoral fin of the mobulid ray, Mobula tarapacana. This rete appears to be a counter-current heat exchanger which, in conjunction with a high level of red muscle, indicates that this ray is warm-bodied. Preliminary results on other closely related rays indicate that retia may be more common amongst the rays than previously thought.  相似文献   

Shark and ray (elasmobranch) dentitions are well known for their multiple generations of teeth, with isolated teeth being common in the fossil record. However, how the diverse dentitions characteristic of elasmobranchs form is still poorly understood. Data on the development and maintenance of the dental patterning in this major vertebrate group will allow comparisons to other morphologically diverse taxa, including the bony fishes, in order to identify shared pattern characters for the vertebrate dentition as a whole. Data is especially lacking from the Batoidea (skates and rays), hence our objective is to compile data on embryonic and adult batoid tooth development contributing to ordering of the dentition, from cleared and stained specimens and micro-CT scans, with 3D rendered models. We selected species (adult and embryonic) spanning phylogenetically significant batoid clades, such that our observations may raise questions about relationships within the batoids, particularly with respect to current molecular-based analyses. We include developmental data from embryos of recent model organisms Leucoraja erinacea and Raja clavata to evaluate the earliest establishment of the dentition. Characters of the batoid dentition investigated include alternate addition of teeth as offset successional tooth rows (versus single separate files), presence of a symphyseal initiator region (symphyseal tooth present, or absent, but with two parasymphyseal teeth) and a restriction to tooth addition along each jaw reducing the number of tooth families, relative to addition of successor teeth within each family. Our ultimate aim is to understand the shared characters of the batoids, and whether or not these dental characters are shared more broadly within elasmobranchs, by comparing these to dentitions in shark outgroups. These developmental morphological analyses will provide a solid basis to better understand dental evolution in these important vertebrate groups as well as the general plesiomorphic vertebrate dental condition.  相似文献   

The diverse cartilaginous fish lineage, Batoidea (rays, skates, and allies), sister taxon to sharks, comprises a huge range of morphological diversity which to date remains unquantified and unexplained in terms of evolution or locomotor style. A recent molecular phylogeny has enabled us to confidently assess broadscale aspects of morphology across Batoidea. Geometric morphometrics quantifies the major aspects of shape variation, focusing on the enlarged pectoral fins which characterize batoids, to explore relationships between ancestry, locomotion and habitat. A database of 253 specimens, encompassing 60 of the 72 batoid genera, reveals that the majority of morphological variation across Batoidea is attributable to fin aspect‐ratio and the chordwise location of fin apexes. Both aspect‐ratio and apex location exhibit significant phylogenetic signal. Standardized independent linear contrast analysis reveals that fin aspect‐ratio can predict locomotor style. This study provides the first evidence that low aspect‐ratio fins are correlated with undulatory‐style locomotion in batoids, whereas high aspect‐ratio fins are correlated with oscillatory locomotion. We also show that it is phylogeny that determines locomotor style. In addition, body‐ and caudal fin‐locomotors are shown to exhibit low aspect‐ratio fins, whereas a pelagic lifestyle correlates with high aspect‐ratio fins. These results emphasize the importance of phylogeny in determining batoid pectoral fin shape, however, interactions with other constraints, most notably locomotor style, are also highlighted as significant. J. Morphol. 275:1173–1186, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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