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The probability distribution of haplotype frequencies in a population, and the way it is influenced by genetical forces such as recombination, selection, random drift ...is a question of fundamental interest in population genetics. For large populations, the distribution of haplotype frequencies for two linked loci under the classical Wright-Fisher model is almost impossible to compute because of numerical reasons. However the Wright-Fisher process can in such cases be approximated by a diffusion process and the transition density can then be deduced from the Kolmogorov equations. As no exact solution has been found for these equations, we developed a numerical method based on finite differences to solve them. It applies to transient states and models including selection or mutations. We show by several tests that this method is accurate for computing the conditional joint density of haplotype frequencies given that no haplotype has been lost. We also prove that it is far less time consuming than other methods such as Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The largest non-unit eigenvalue λ of the transition matrix for the Wright-Fisher Markov chain model of random genetic drift is found numerically with selective advantages of genotypes taken into account. Polynomials in the selection coefficients are fitted to λ in order to summarize the behaviour of λ with varying selection. Also found are the values of the selective advantages which give rise to an acceleration to the rate of fixation of alleles. These values are compared to results for the diffusion approximation to the Wright-Fisher model.  相似文献   

Two diffusion limits were derived from a discrete Wright-Fisher model of migration, mutation, and selection with an arbitrary degree of dominance. Instantaneous killing of the process due to emigration of a mutant leads to one of two diffusion processes with a killing term. One (weak gene flow) is the boundary case of the other (strong gene flow), which can cover a wide range of gene flow. The diffusion process subject to strong gene flow is similar to that studied by S. Karlin and S. Tavaré (1983, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 43, 31-41). The spectral decomposition of the transition probability density of "private" allele frequencies is presented in the case of strong gene flow. The fate of mutant in a deme is discussed in terms of the probabilities of survival and emigration.  相似文献   

We investigate the detailed connection between the Wright-Fisher model of random genetic drift and the diffusion approximation, under the assumption that selection and drift are weak and so cause small changes over a single generation. A representation of the mathematics underlying the Wright-Fisher model is introduced which allows the connection to be made with the corresponding mathematics underlying the diffusion approximation. Two ‘hybrid’ models are also introduced which lie ‘between’ the Wright-Fisher model and the diffusion approximation. In model 1 the relative allele frequency takes discrete values while time is continuous; in model 2 time is discrete and relative allele frequency is continuous. While both hybrid models appear to have a similar status and the same level of plausibility, the different nature of time and frequency in the two models leads to significant mathematical differences. Model 2 is mathematically inconsistent and has to be ruled out as being meaningful. Model 1 is used to clarify the content of Kimura's solution of the diffusion equation, which is shown to have the natural interpretation as describing only those populations where alleles are segregating. By contrast the Wright-Fisher model and the solution of the diffusion equation of McKane and Waxman cover populations of all categories, namely populations where alleles segregate, are lost, or fix.  相似文献   

Exact discrete Markov chains are applied to the Wright-Fisher model and the Moran model of haploid random mating. Selection and mutations are neglected. At each discrete value of time t there is a given number n of diploid monoecious organisms. The evolution of the population distribution is given in diffusion variables, to compare the two models of random mating with their common diffusion limit. Only the Moran model converges uniformly to the diffusion limit near the boundary. The Wright-Fisher model allows the population size to change with the generations. Diffusion theory tends to under-predict the loss of genetic information when a population enters a bottleneck.  相似文献   

Advances in empirical population genetics have made apparent the need for models that simultaneously account for selection and demography. To address this need, we here study the Wright–Fisher diffusion under selection and variable effective population size. In the case of genic selection and piecewise-constant effective population sizes, we obtain the transition density by extending a recently developed method for computing an accurate spectral representation for a constant population size. Utilizing this extension, we show how to compute the sample frequency spectrum in the presence of genic selection and an arbitrary number of instantaneous changes in the effective population size. We also develop an alternate, efficient algorithm for computing the sample frequency spectrum using a moment-based approach. We apply these methods to answer the following questions: If neutrality is incorrectly assumed when there is selection, what effects does it have on demographic parameter estimation? Can the impact of negative selection be observed in populations that undergo strong exponential growth?  相似文献   

The large amount and high quality of genomic data available today enable, in principle, accurate inference of evolutionary histories of observed populations. The Wright-Fisher model is one of the most widely used models for this purpose. It describes the stochastic behavior in time of allele frequencies and the influence of evolutionary pressures, such as mutation and selection. Despite its simple mathematical formulation, exact results for the distribution of allele frequency (DAF) as a function of time are not available in closed analytical form. Existing approximations build on the computationally intensive diffusion limit or rely on matching moments of the DAF. One of the moment-based approximations relies on the beta distribution, which can accurately describe the DAF when the allele frequency is not close to the boundaries (0 and 1). Nonetheless, under a Wright-Fisher model, the probability of being on the boundary can be positive, corresponding to the allele being either lost or fixed. Here we introduce the beta with spikes, an extension of the beta approximation that explicitly models the loss and fixation probabilities as two spikes at the boundaries. We show that the addition of spikes greatly improves the quality of the approximation. We additionally illustrate, using both simulated and real data, how the beta with spikes can be used for inference of divergence times between populations with comparable performance to an existing state-of-the-art method.  相似文献   

This work presents a new approach to Muller's ratchet, where Haigh's model is approximately mapped into a simpler model that describes the behaviour of a population after a click of the ratchet, i.e., after loss of what was the fittest class. This new model predicts the distribution of times to the next click of the ratchet and is equivalent to a Wright-Fisher model for a population of haploid asexual individuals with one locus and two alleles. Within this model, the fittest members of a population correspond to carriers of one allele, while all other individuals have suboptimal fitness and are represented as carriers of the other allele. In this way, all suboptimal fitness individuals are amalgamated into a single “mutant” class.The approach presented here has some limitations and the potential for improvement. However, it does lead to results for the rate of the ratchet that, over a wide range of parameters, are accurate within one order of magnitude of simulation results. This contrasts with existing approaches, which are designed for only one or other of the two different parameter regimes known for the ratchet and are more accurate only in the parameter regime they were designed for.Numerical results are presented for the mean time between clicks of the ratchet for (i) the Wright-Fisher model, (ii) a diffusion approximation of this model and (iii) individually based simulations of a full model. The diffusion approximation is validated over a wide range of parameters by its close agreement with the Wright-Fisher model.The present work predicts that: (a) the time between clicks of the ratchet is insensitive to the value of the selection coefficient when the genomic mutation rate is large compared with the selection coefficient against a deleterious mutation, (b) the time interval between clicks of the ratchet has, approximately, an exponential distribution (or its discrete analogue). It is thus possible to determine the variance in times between clicks, given the expected time between clicks. Evidence for both (a) and (b) is seen in simulations.  相似文献   

Motivated by data demonstrating fluctuating relative and absolute fitnesses for white- versus blue-flowered morphs of the desert annual Linanthus parryae, we present conditions under which temporally fluctuating selection and fluctuating contributions to a persistent seed bank will maintain a stable single-locus polymorphism. In L. parryae, blue flower color is determined by a single dominant allele. To disentangle the underlying diversity-maintaining mechanism from the mathematical complications associated with departures from Hardy-Weinberg genotype frequencies and dominance, we successively analyze a haploid model, a diploid model with three distinguishable genotypes, and a diploid model with complete dominance. For each model, we present conditions for the maintenance of a stable polymorphism, then use a diffusion approximation to describe the long-term fluctuations associated with these polymorphisms. Our protected polymorphism analyses show that a genotype whose arithmetic and geometric mean relative fitnesses are both less than one can persist if its relative fitness exceeds one in years that produce the most offspring. This condition is met by data from a population of L. parryae whose white morph has higher fitness (seed set) only in years of relatively heavy rain fall. The data suggest that the observed polymorphism may be explained by fluctuating selection. However, the yearly variation in flower color frequencies cannot be fully explained by our simple models, which ignore age structure and possible selection in the seed bank. We address two additional questions--one mathematical, the other biological--concerning the applicability of diffusion approximations to intense selection and the applicability of long-term predictions to datasets spanning decades for populations with long-lived seed banks.  相似文献   

We study the large population limit of the Moran process, under the assumption of weak-selection, and for different scalings. Depending on the particular choice of scalings, we obtain a continuous model that may highlight the genetic-drift (neutral evolution) or natural selection; for one precise scaling, both effects are present. For the scalings that take the genetic-drift into account, the continuous model is given by a singular diffusion equation, together with two conservation laws that are already present at the discrete level. For scalings that take into account only natural selection, we obtain a hyperbolic singular equation that embeds the Replicator Dynamics and satisfies only one conservation law. The derivation is made in two steps: a formal one, where the candidate limit model is obtained, and a rigorous one, where convergence of the probability density is proved. Additional results on the fixation probabilities are also presented.  相似文献   

The growth of a panmictic monoecious diploid population with two alleles at one locus is modeled by making fitnesses depend on the genotypes' abundance. This implies an implicit dependence of fitnesses on both density and gene frequency. Equations are derived for the gene frequency and for the population size in the overlapping generation case. A diffusion model for the gene frequency is finally obtained, and the gene frequency transition probability density function is determined in the case of no dominance.  相似文献   

Desai MM  Plotkin JB 《Genetics》2008,180(4):2175-2191
The distribution of genetic polymorphisms in a population contains information about evolutionary processes. The Poisson random field (PRF) model uses the polymorphism frequency spectrum to infer the mutation rate and the strength of directional selection. The PRF model relies on an infinite-sites approximation that is reasonable for most eukaryotic populations, but that becomes problematic when is large ( greater, similar 0.05). Here, we show that at large mutation rates characteristic of microbes and viruses the infinite-sites approximation of the PRF model induces systematic biases that lead it to underestimate negative selection pressures and mutation rates and erroneously infer positive selection. We introduce two new methods that extend our ability to infer selection pressures and mutation rates at large : a finite-site modification of the PRF model and a new technique based on diffusion theory. Our methods can be used to infer not only a "weighted average" of selection pressures acting on a gene sequence, but also the distribution of selection pressures across sites. We evaluate the accuracy of our methods, as well that of the original PRF approach, by comparison with Wright-Fisher simulations.  相似文献   

Summary A diffusion model is derived for the evolution of a diploid monoecious population under the influence of migration, mutation, selection, and random genetic drift. The population occupies an unbounded linear habitat; migration is independent of genotype, symmetric, and homogeneous. The treatment is restricted to a single diallelic locus without dominance. With the customary diffusion hypotheses for migration and the assumption that the mutation rates, selection coefficient, variance of the migrational displacement, and reciprocal of the population density are all small and of the same order of magnitude, a boundary value problem is deduced for the mean gene frequency and the covariance between the gene frequencies at any two points in the habitat. Supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DEB77-21494).  相似文献   

Genomic time series data generated by evolve-and-resequence (E&R) experiments offer a powerful window into the mechanisms that drive evolution. However, standard population genetic inference procedures do not account for sampling serially over time, and new methods are needed to make full use of modern experimental evolution data. To address this problem, we develop a Gaussian process approximation to the multi-locus Wright-Fisher process with selection over a time course of tens of generations. The mean and covariance structure of the Gaussian process are obtained by computing the corresponding moments in discrete-time Wright-Fisher models conditioned on the presence of a linked selected site. This enables our method to account for the effects of linkage and selection, both along the genome and across sampled time points, in an approximate but principled manner. We first use simulated data to demonstrate the power of our method to correctly detect, locate and estimate the fitness of a selected allele from among several linked sites. We study how this power changes for different values of selection strength, initial haplotypic diversity, population size, sampling frequency, experimental duration, number of replicates, and sequencing coverage depth. In addition to providing quantitative estimates of selection parameters from experimental evolution data, our model can be used by practitioners to design E&R experiments with requisite power. We also explore how our likelihood-based approach can be used to infer other model parameters, including effective population size and recombination rate. Then, we apply our method to analyze genome-wide data from a real E&R experiment designed to study the adaptation of D. melanogaster to a new laboratory environment with alternating cold and hot temperatures.  相似文献   

For mixed strategies in finite populations, long-term stability is defined with respect to the probability of fixation of a mutant. Under weak selection, necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained using a diffusion approximation of the Wright-Fisher model or exact solutions for the Moran model. These differ from the usual ESS conditions if the strategies affect fertility instead of viability, leading to a game matrix depending on the population size, or if the mutant mixed strategy uses a new pure strategy. In this case, the mutant deviation must not exceed some threshold value depending on the population size. In a diploid population, long-term stability may not occur unless there is partial dominance. In the case of sex allocation, continuous stability of an even sex ratio is ascertained. If sex allocation is random, an evolutionary decrease of the variance is predicted.  相似文献   

Several groups have recently modeled evolutionary transitions from an ancestral allele to a beneficial allele separated by one or more intervening mutants. The beneficial allele can become fixed if a succession of intermediate mutants are fixed or alternatively if successive mutants arise while the previous intermediate mutant is still segregating. This latter process has been termed stochastic tunneling. Previous work has focused on the Moran model of population genetics. I use elementary methods of analyzing stochastic processes to derive the probability of tunneling in the limit of large population size for both Moran and Wright-Fisher populations. I also show how to efficiently obtain numerical results for finite populations. These results show that the probability of stochastic tunneling is twice as large under the Wright-Fisher model as it is under the Moran model.  相似文献   

Illingworth CJ  Mustonen V 《Genetics》2011,189(3):989-1000
In many biological scenarios, from the development of drug resistance in pathogens to the progression of healthy cells toward cancer, quantifying the selection acting on observed mutations is a central question. One difficulty in answering this question is the complexity of the background upon which mutations can arise, with multiple potential interactions between genetic loci. We here present a method for discerning selection from a population history that accounts for interference between mutations. Given sequences sampled from multiple time points in the history of a population, we infer selection at each locus by maximizing a likelihood function derived from a multilocus evolution model. We apply the method to the question of distinguishing between loci where new mutations are under positive selection (drivers) and loci that emit neutral mutations (passengers) in a Wright-Fisher model of evolution. Relative to an otherwise equivalent method in which the genetic background of mutations was ignored, our method inferred selection coefficients more accurately for both driver mutations evolving under clonal interference and passenger mutations reaching fixation in the population through genetic drift or hitchhiking. In a population history recorded by 750 sets of sequences of 100 individuals taken at intervals of 100 generations, a set of 50 loci were divided into drivers and passengers with a mean accuracy of >0.95 across a range of numbers of driver loci. The potential application of our model, either in full or in part, to a range of biological systems, is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop the mathematical structure of the Wright–Fisher model for evolution of the relative frequencies of two alleles at a diploid locus under random genetic drift in a population of fixed size in its simplest form, that is, without mutation or selection. We establish a new concept of a global solution for the diffusion approximation (Fokker–Planck equation), prove its existence and uniqueness and then show how one can easily derive all the essential properties of this random genetic drift process from our solution. Thus, our solution turns out to be superior to the local solution constructed by Kimura.  相似文献   

Muller''s ratchet is a paradigmatic model for the accumulation of deleterious mutations in a population of finite size. A click of the ratchet occurs when all individuals with the least number of deleterious mutations are lost irreversibly due to a stochastic fluctuation. In spite of the simplicity of the model, a quantitative understanding of the process remains an open challenge. In contrast to previous works, we here study a Moran model of the ratchet with overlapping generations. Employing an approximation which describes the fittest individuals as one class and the rest as a second class, we obtain closed analytical expressions of the ratchet rate in the rare clicking regime. As a click in this regime is caused by a rare, large fluctuation from a metastable state, we do not resort to a diffusion approximation but apply an approximation scheme which is especially well suited to describe extinction events from metastable states. This method also allows for a derivation of expressions for the quasi-stationary distribution of the fittest class. Additionally, we confirm numerically that the formulation with overlapping generations leads to the same results as the diffusion approximation and the corresponding Wright-Fisher model with non-overlapping generations.  相似文献   

Monomorphic loci evolve through a series of substitutions on a fitness landscape. Understanding how mutation, selection, and genetic drift drive this process, and uncovering the structure of the fitness landscape from genomic data are two major goals of evolutionary theory. Population genetics models of the substitution process have traditionally focused on the weak-selection regime, which is accurately described by diffusion theory. Predictions in this regime can be considered universal in the sense that many population models exhibit equivalent behavior in the diffusion limit. However, a growing number of experimental studies suggest that strong selection plays a key role in some systems, and thus there is a need to understand universal properties of models without a priori assumptions about selection strength. Here we study time reversibility in a general substitution model of a monomorphic haploid population. We show that for any time-reversible population model, such as the Moran process, substitution rates obey an exact scaling law. For several other irreversible models, such as the simple Wright-Fisher process and its extensions, the scaling law is accurate up to selection strengths that are well outside the diffusion regime. Time reversibility gives rise to a power-law expression for the steady-state distribution of populations on an arbitrary fitness landscape. The steady-state behavior is dominated by weak selection and is thus adequately described by the diffusion approximation, which guarantees universality of the steady-state formula and its applicability to the problem of reconstructing fitness landscapes from DNA or protein sequence data.  相似文献   

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