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Abstract 1. Egg cannibalism among coccinellids has been reported widely, however reasons why this type of behaviour is observed so frequently have been neglected. This experiment was undertaken to clarify whether cannibalistic behaviour is advantageous to Coleomegilla maculata lengi Thimberlake neonates and to understand the reasons for high levels of egg cannibalism.
2. Benefits gained by neonate cannibals were ascertained by comparing survival, developmental time, and second-instar weight of C. maculata larvae that were allowed to cannibalise conspecific eggs or not. Preference and behaviour tests were also conducted to assess the reasons for high levels of egg cannibalism.
3. Cannibal neonates grew faster and were heavier than non-cannibals. The developmental time of neonates was influenced more by prey vulnerability than by prey quality.
4. In choice tests, where three different proportions of conspecific eggs and aphids were offered (33–67, 50–50, and 67–33%), C. maculata neonates always consumed significantly more eggs. Manly's preference indexes indicated that neonates showed a consistent preference for conspecific eggs.
5. Seventy-five per cent of neonates observed went directly towards eggs and 90% of the first prey consumed by neonates were an egg. When aphids were painted with extract of crushed eggs and eggs with crushed aphids to determine whether neonates found eggs by chemical cues, neonates preferred aphids painted with egg extract to eggs painted with aphid extract.
6. It was concluded that C. maculata neonates benefited from cannibalistic behaviour. Moreover, egg cannibalism is not related only to frequency of encounter; chemical cues are also involved in egg searching.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effects of an aggregation pheromone on individual behaviour and food web interactions were investigated in two ecological communities, using Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans as focal species.
2. Fruit substrates with aggregation pheromone were significantly more attractive to adult D. melanogaster and D. simulans than control fruit substrates, and the response was positively dose dependent. Competing species and natural enemies were also significantly attracted to substrates with the aggregation pheromone of D. melanogaster and D. simulans .
3. Significantly more eggs were deposited on pheromone-treated fruits than on control fruits, and the microdistribution of eggs within fruits was correlated to the microdistribution of the pheromone. The aggregation pheromone induced more females to share the breeding site.
4. The extremely high densities of fruit flies in the large aggregations appeared to reduce the oviposition rate of females. Physical interactions with conspecific and heterospecifics were frequently observed in the aggregations, and often led to patch leaving of the fruit flies.
5. Competition for food among larvae occurred at high densities and parasitism was density dependent. Aggregation pheromones can be directly responsible for these patterns through their effects on the con- and heterospecific behaviour.
6. The combined results show that aggregation pheromones affect a multitude of aspects in the ecology of interacting animals. The importance of incorporating the communication signals in ecological theory of aggregations is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of conspecific adult interference on the reproductive output of an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) were investigated. Ovipositing females were subjected to physical interference with conspecific adults (0 to 4 males or females) in Petri dishes and the effects on egg cannibalism, oviposition and egg viability were recorded. The absence of interference was related to the lowest egg cannibalism (0.00%) and higher fecundity (336.30+/-32.16 eggs) and egg viability (95.83+/-1.60%). Fecundity decreased with increasing physical interference from either sex. Egg viability declined with increasing male density, but was not influenced by conspecific females. In a second experiment, evaluating the role of conspecific adult chemical tracks on fecundity and egg viability, it was observed that adult chemical track density (fresh and ten-day-old) was negatively correlated. Egg viability was not affected by the presence of adult chemical tracks. The decrease in fecundity was not affected by the sex of the adults making the tracks, thus revealing that the chemical constitution of these deterrent compounds was not sex-specific. Conspecific interference in a Petri dish reduces reproductive output, as a result of physical interference and response to what seem to be oviposition-deterring pheromones present in adult tracks.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dynamic models of optimal foraging predict that an animal's decision to accept or reject a patch depends not only on the environment and patch quality, but also on its internal state. Previous experiments have shown that the two-spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.), is reluctant to lay eggs in a patch of prey contaminated by the oviposition-deterring pheromone produced by conspecific larvae.
2. An experiment was conducted to test whether the internal state of an A. bipunctata female affects its oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone. Firstly, the oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone of young and old females was compared. Secondly, the oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone of females previously exposed continuously to oviposition-deterring pheromone was compared with that of females of the same age but with no previous experience of oviposition-deterring pheromone.
3. Old females and females with previous experience of oviposition-deterring pheromone were less reluctant to lay eggs in the presence of oviposition-deterring pheromone than young and naive females. These results are consistent with the predictions of optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The incidence and timing of emigration, cannibalism, and intraguild predation of larvae of three aphidophagous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Coccinella septempunctata brucki Mulsant, and Propylea japonica Mulsant, relative to the presence of prey was determined in the laboratory in single- and mixed-species populations.
2. In single-species populations, 80% of the larvae of C. s. brucki emigrated prior to the extinction of the aphid population and no larvae were lost due to cannibalism; however > 80% of the larvae of the other two species were still present when the aphid became extinct and the losses due to cannibalism for H. axyridis and P. japonica were 25% and 14% respectively. Finally, 28% of the P. japonica larvae completed their development, whereas no larvae of the other two species became adult.
3. In mixed-species populations, mortality of P. japonica attributable to cannibalism or intraguild predation increased greatly to 60%, whereas that of the other two species remained about the same. Consequently, survival of H. axyridis larvae improved and survival of P. japonica worsened; however the survival of C. s. brucki larvae was not affected by the other two species. Early emigration by C. s. brucki larvae may have enabled them to escape intraguild predation by H. axyridis in this system.  相似文献   

A comparative study of larval cannibalism in three species of ladybird   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. 1. Cannibalism was studied under laboratory conditions in three species of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera): Cycloneda sanguinea , Olla v-nigrum , and Harmonia axyridis . Larval cannibalism varied among species, C. sanguinea  > H. axyridis  ≥  O. v-nigrum .
2. Larvae of all species cannibalised more in response to reduced food availability (14 h starvation daily) than in response to reduced food quality (dry Ephestia eggs).
3. Larvae of H. axyridis cannibalised siblings at lower rates than non-siblings, but larvae of C. sanguinea and O. v-nigrum did not. Rates of cannibalism increased significantly with increasing size disparity among larvae of all three species.
4. Cannibalism in C. sanguinea and H. axyridis , but not in O. v-nigrum , increased with larval density, suggesting that not all attacks on conspecifics are driven by hunger.
5. Costs, not benefits, were the predominant effects of exclusively and partially cannibalistic diets. A diet of conspecific eggs yielded survival equivalent to the Ephestia egg diet for H. axyridis and O. v-nigrum , but developmental time was extended and adults were smaller. Larvae of C. sanguinea had superior survival and faster development on conspecific eggs than on the Ephestia egg diet. Only H. axyridis larvae survived as well on diets comprised exclusively or partially of conspecific larvae as on Ephestia eggs, although they developed more slowly.  相似文献   

1. Sibling cannibalism is a common phenomenon in the animal kingdom but entails a high risk of direct and inclusive fitness loss for the mother and her offspring. Therefore, mechanisms limiting sibling cannibalism are expected to be selected for. One way of maternal manipulation of sibling cannibalism is to influence hatching asynchrony between nearby laid eggs. This has rarely been tested experimentally. 2. We examined the ability of ovipositing females of the cannibalistic predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis to influence the occurrence of sibling cannibalism among offspring by manipulating hatching asynchrony of nearby laid eggs. 3. In the first experiment, we assessed the occurrence of sibling cannibalism in relation to the hatching interval (24 h and 48 h) between nearby laid eggs. In the second experiment, we tested whether ovipositing females discriminate sites containing young (24-h old) and old (48-h old) eggs, fresh and old traces (metabolic waste products and possibly pheromones) left by the same female (24 h and 48 h ago), or young eggs plus fresh female traces and old eggs plus old female traces. Both experiments were conducted with and without prey. 4. Without prey, siblings were more likely to cannibalize each other if the hatching interval between nearby laid eggs was short (24 h). Cannibalism occurred less often when senior siblings (protonymphs) experienced a delay in the opportunity to cannibalize junior siblings (larvae). 5. Independent of prey availability, females preferentially added new eggs to sites containing old eggs plus old female traces but did neither distinguish between young and old eggs presented without own traces nor between fresh and old traces presented without eggs. 6. We discuss cue perception and use by P. persimilis females and contrast the outcome of our experiments and theoretical predictions of sibling cannibalism. We conclude that P. persimilis mothers increase hatching asynchrony of nearby laid eggs to prevent sibling cannibalism on the last produced offspring. Such a behaviour may be considered a simple form of maternal care increasing the survival prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

We compared the behaviours of the indigenous Typhlodromus athiasae Porath and Swirski and the exotic Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (= Amblyseius chilenensis Dosse) relative to their persistence in apple orchards in Israel. We studied (1) larval feeding, walking, intraspecific interactions (cannibalism, touch-avoidance responses and/or touching with palps and tarsi) and tendency to aggregate (when resting), (2) predation and cannibalism on phytoseiid eggs by young females and (3) the effects of starvation for 10 days on young females relative to ambulation speed, longevity, fecundity, progeny survival and sex ratio. Larvae of T. athiasae were almost inert, did not feed and hardly walked or interacted whereas larvae of N. californicus fed, walked and interacted, mainly by touching with palps and tarsi. No cannibalism in the larval stage was observed for either species. The presence of prey increased the larval walking and intraspecific interactions of N. californicus but not of T. athiasae. Egg predation by adult females of both species was substantially higher than cannibalism, implying that both are capable of distinguishing their eggs from those of other species. Soaking eggs for 30 min in deionized water increased cannibalism in both species. During the 10 days of starvation, the ambulation speed of adult female N. californicus ranged from 1.8 to 10.1 times that of T. athiasae. The 50% lethal time value (LT50) of T. athiasae (6.0 days) was significantly lower than that of N. californicus (10.4 days). None of the starved T. athiasae recuperated following the reintroduction of prey, whereas 75% of N. californicus did and oviposited after 2 days. These traits should enable N. californicus to persist when prey is scarce; however the selective predation of N. californicus eggs by T. athiasae could prevent establishment of N. californicus. The degree of specialization of these two predators is discussed.  相似文献   

Egg cannibalism is a widespread phenomenon in predatory arthropods. However, conflicting results have been reported regarding the nutritional value of conspecific eggs. Therefore, evaluation of the value of a mixed diet of conspecific eggs and aphids for survival and growth of Adalia bipunctata (Coccinellidae) larvae was tested. Subsequently, the propensity for cannibalism of naive and experienced larvae was assessed in two experiments in which the relative density and quality of conspecific eggs were manipulated in an experimental arena. It was found that larvae that were fed a mixed diet of conspecific eggs and aphids moulted into larger adults than those fed either aphids or eggs, and those that fed on conspecific eggs lost less mass than those fed only aphids during pupal stage. Additionally, in an experimental arena, attacks on aphids were more frequent than expected when conspecific eggs occupied 50% and 75% of the patches. When 50% of patches were occupied by conspecific eggs, the preference for aphids was less marked when larvae had previously experienced cannibalism (76% vs. 52% respectively) or when offered in the arena conspecific egg the cuticular hydrocarbons of which had been removed (76% vs. 48%, respectively). However, cannibalism was not enhanced if larvae experienced heterospecific prey shortages, but were supplemented with an artificial diet. Given that prey choice in A. bipunctata larvae is driven by chemical cues and that hydrocarbons on the egg surfaces and in larval tracks are very similar, we hypothesize that the naive larvae avoid eggs because of the uncertainty that those hydrocarbons indicate either eggs or conspecific larvae.  相似文献   

Cannibalism (intraspecific predation) on conspecific eggs was investigated in the predatory stigmaeid mite, Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez in the absence of eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch (no-choice tests) and presence of three densities of prey eggs simultaneously (choice tests) in the laboratory. Data show that cannibalism occurs in immatures and adult females of the predator, which successfully developed and reproduced on conspecific eggs as an alternative prey in the absence of prey eggs. In no-choice tests, cannibalism rate on conspecific eggs by A. exsertus stages was significantly lower than the predation rate on T. urticae eggs. The predatory mite exhibited a marked decline in oviposition rate when preyed on conspecific eggs compared with feeding on prey eggs. The developmental duration and longevity of A. exsertus females were significantly longer 1.9 and 1.7 times, respectively, when fed on conspecific eggs than feeding on T. urticae eggs. The propensity of the predator towards cannibalism depends on the prey density, when T. urticae eggs and conspecific eggs are present simultaneously. Provision of increased densities of prey eggs significantly decreased cannibalism and predation by A. exsertus stages, which fed generally less on conspecific eggs than on T. urticae eggs in choice tests. The oviposition rate of the predator increased significantly, as the egg density of the prey increased. The developmental period and longevity of A. exsertus females showed significantly gradual shortness with increasing egg density of the prey.  相似文献   

1. Recently, a small predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus (Carabidae), was accidentally introduced onto the island of South Georgia, sub-Antarctic.
2. From the presumed site of introduction the beetle is invading the coastal lowland area, building up high densities locally in the tussock-forming grass Parodiochloa flabellata .
3. In the coastal area the endemic detritivorous/herbivorous beetle Hydromedion sparsutum (Perimylopidae) is common, especially in and beneath the tussocks.
4. The first three, out of six, larval instars of H. sparsutum are easily taken prey by the carabid.
5. In sites colonized by the carabid, total abundance and the ratio between larval and adult numbers of H. sparsutum are far lower, and its adult body size clearly larger, than in comparable sites where the carabid is absent.
6. Two hypotheses are proposed for explaining the increase in adult body size of H. sparsutum : (i) the increase is a direct effect of predation: selection by the predator favours large hatchlings and/or larvae with a high growth rate; and (ii) the increase is an indirect effect of predation: by lowering the density of H. sparsutum , predation has increased its per capita food supply, enabling a higher growth rate and a larger adult body size.
7. A food addition experiment in a carabid-free site showed availability of high quality food to be insufficient for sustaining the initial larval population.
8. In the laboratory, females from the predator-infested sites produced larger eggs and hatchlings than females from the carabid-free sites, but mass specific growth rates of the larvae were not higher.
9. Field and laboratory data give stronger support to the food hypothesis than to the size selectivity hypothesis.  相似文献   

  • 1 Egg cannibalism is a form of infanticide that has been implicated in the evolution of guarding of eggs and immatures in some species of insects. The milkweed leaf beetle, Labidomera clivicollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), exhibits three types of egg cannibalism in the field: siblicide, cannibalism of eggs by older larvae from earlier hatching egg clutches, and cannibalism of eggs by adult females. Unlike their close relative, L.suterella (Choe, 1989), female L.clivicollis do not guard their eggs or immatures. They move slowly about a patch of milkweeds laying multiple egg clutches.
  • 2 First instar and older larvae cannibalized eggs in two geographically separated study populations (subspecies) in Austin, Texas, and Bridgeport, New York, U.S.A. Although adult females of both populations cannibalized eggs in the laboratory, only the Texas subspecies, L.c.rogersii, exhibited such cannibalism in the field.
  • 3 In the field, correlates of siblicide varied both temporally (within subspecies) and spatially (between subspecies) in terms of whether they were statistically significant, but trends were all in the same direction. Group size was positively correlated with hatching success and siblicide, but negatively correlated with other types of predation. Siblicide was also positively correlated with egg density in a laboratory study of the Texas subspecies, L.c.rogersii.
  • 4 In the laboratory, an average of 15–17% of L.c.clivicollis eggs never developed embryos. Although these were almost always cannibalized, some viable eggs were also eaten and there is no evidence that females increased the proportion of infertile eggs they laid to increase siblicide.
  • 5 Field data and laboratory experiments showed that adult female L. c.rogersii cannibalized eggs while males rarely did. Females preferentially ate the eggs of other females over their own eggs in an experiment that removed spatial cues.
  • 6 Although the selective context of cannibalism is not demonstrated here, I suggest that females may increase siblicide by increasing egg density and may cannibalize eggs to protect their own eggs from being eaten by second and third instar larvae produced by other females.

In organisms lacking parental care or when eggs of more than one female are layed together, parents preferentially tend to avoid eating their own offspring. In some species of newts (Caudata: Salamandridae), there is no parental care and cannibalism of eggs and larvae occurs when philopatric adults remain in the pond throughout the breeding season where eggs and larvae develop. Kin discrimination by both adult newts and larvae would be expected to occur during the breeding season as it would enable individuals to benefit from the nutrients obtained from eating eggs and larvae while they avoid eating close relatives. The effects of kinship on cannibalism of eggs and larvae were examined in two species of newts. In separate, but similar, paired behavioral trials adult female red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, and smooth newts, Triturus vulgaris, were allowed to consume their own egg or an egg from another female. Female red-spotted newts, but not smooth newts, preferred to eat eggs of other females rather than their own, and overall smooth newts were ‘reluctant’ to eat conspecific eggs. To test for ontogenetic shifts in discrimination abilities, additional experiments were performed with adult female red-spotted newts paired with their own larvae and a larva from another female. In addition, the effects of kinship on the attraction or repulsion of larvae was also studied in red-spotted newts. Females showed no significant discrimination abilities during acts of cannibalism on larvae. Larvae spent similar amounts of time with siblings and non-siblings. These results suggest that the ability of adult newts to discriminate among eggs varies between species and that the elicitation of a kin-discrimination response may be context-dependent. For red-spotted newts, there was no evidence of discrimination abilities within and between other life-history stages.  相似文献   

In biological control programmes, the two predatory soil mites Hypoaspis aculeifer and H. miles are often applied against soil-borne pests like mushroom flies, springtails and mites. Although the mites show high consumption rates on varying prey types in Petri dish experiments and in greenhouses, their overall efficiency is sometimes limited. We hypothesized that intraspecific interactions, like cannibalism, could contribute to this decreased competence. Therefore, experiments were conducted to show the propensity of H. aculeifer and H. miles to cannibalise. Adult mites and nymphs were introduced as predators with conspecific eggs, larvae, nymphs, adult females or males as prey and the number of killed individuals was recorded. Additionally, the oviposition rate on conspecific prey was quantified and the correlation with the number of prey consumed was calculated to assess the influence of cannibalism on egg production. The results illustrate that cannibalism occurs infrequently in both Hypoaspis spp., the only exception being H. aculeifer nymphs, which cannibalised one conspecific egg per day. Moreover, cannibalism never occurred in the presence of alternative prey. Oviposition rate decreased during the experiment in both species but it was positively correlated with the cannibalism rate only for H. aculeifer. The benefit of cannibalism for populations of H. aculeifer and H. miles is discussed.  相似文献   

Biology of the mosquito Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann) was studied in the laboratory to provide baseline data for using the predatory larvae of this species against those of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in a biological control programme. The mean incubation time of Tx.splendens eggs was 43.8 h and the time required for newly-hatched larvae to initiate predation was 2.5 h. Mean numbers of prey larvae consumed and killed by each Tx.splendens larva totalled 389 and 345 respectively. The larval period of Tx.splendens was not significantly different for rearing individually or in groups of nine, with equal prey density, and duration of larval development was proportional to prey density. In mass rearing, larval cannibalism was usually observed during days 1-3 post-eclosion. The incidence of cannibalism decreased sharply on the fourth day after hatching when some larvae became fourth-instar. Adult female Tx.splendens usually commenced oviposition on day 4 after emergence. The number of eggs laid daily increased on day 7 and the peak oviposition of 6.3 eggs/female/day occurred on day 11. When oviposition containers were provided only intermittently, gravid females of Tx.splendens scattered most of their eggs on the dry floor of the cage. Viability of eggs laid by females aged 4-14 days was high (60-90%) but decreased to less than 40% as the females aged.  相似文献   

We examined intra- and interspecific predation of adult females and immature stages of the generalist Neoseiulus californicus and the specialist Phytoseiulus persimilis. Adult females and immatures of both predators exhibited higher predation rates on larvae than on eggs and protonymphs. N. californicus fed more inter- than intraspecifically. Predation on P. persimilis by N. californicus was more severe than vice versa. P. persimilis had higher predation rates on conspecifics than heterospecifics and was more prone to cannibalism than N. californicus. When provided with phytoseiid prey, P. persimilis suffered higher mortality than N. californicus. When held without food, adult females and protonymphs of N. californicus survived longer than the corresponding stages of P. persimilis. N. californicus females were able to sustain oviposition when preying upon P. persimilis, whereas cannibalizing females did not lay eggs. Females of P. persimilis were not able to sustain oviposition, irrespective of con- or heterospecific prey. Immatures of both predators were able to reach adulthood when provided with either con- or heterospecifics. Juvenile development of N. californicus was shorter with heterospecific vs. conspecific larvae; mortality of P. persimilis immatures was less when feeding on conspecific vs. heterospecific larvae. Different behavioral pattern in intra- and interspecific predation are discussed in regard to their feeding types (generalist vs. specialist).  相似文献   

Assessment of patch quality by ladybirds: role of larval tracks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Gravid females of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (L.), were deterred from ovipositing when kept in petri dishes that had previously contained conspecific larvae but not conspecific adults, or the larvae of another two species of ladybird, Adalia decempunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata L. The deterrent effect was density dependent and mediated via a chloroform-soluble contact pheromone present in the larval tracks. Similarly, gravid females of C. septempunctata were deterred from ovipositing by conspecific larval tracks and chloroform extracts of these tracks, but not by the tracks or extracts of tracks of A. bipunctata larvae. That is, in ladybirds the larvae produce a species-specific oviposition-deterring pheromone. In the field, the incidence of egg cannibalism in ladybirds increases very rapidly with the density of conspecific eggs or larvae per unit area. Thus, in responding to the species specific oviposition deterring pheromone female ladybirds reduce the risk of their eggs being eaten and spread their offspring more equally between patches. Received: 14 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 August 1997  相似文献   

Many arthropods produce clusters of eggs, but an unambiguous explanation for the evolution of egg clustering is still lacking. We test several hypotheses for the production of egg clusters by the predatory mite Iphiseius degenerans. This predator feeds on pollen, thrips larvae and nectar in flowers, but oviposits in clusters in tufts of leaf hairs (acarodomatia), where eggs run a lower risk of being killed by thrips, the prey of this predatory mite. The observed clustering is not caused by a shortage of oviposition sites; females preferably oviposit in a domatium containing eggs rather than in an empty domatium. To explain this preference, we first examined the effect of egg clusters on the risk of cannibalism. We found that eggs are invulnerable to cannibalism, whereas larvae emerging from single eggs or from clusters were equally vulnerable. Subsequently, we considered the killing of eggs resulting from counter-attacks by prey, i.e. the western flower thrips. We found no indication that a cluster of eggs protects eggs from predation by thrips. However, when eggs were clustered in a domatium rather than scattered over domatia, the proportion of eggs killed by thrips was lower. Hence, oviposition in clusters has no effect on its own and oviposition in domatia reduces predation risk by thrips, but oviposition in clusters in domatia leads to a synergistic effect on the survival of predator eggs. This synergism probably arises because eggs in clusters within tufts of leaf hairs are more difficult for thrips to reach. These experiments highlight a novel explanation of egg clustering, i.e. adaptation to counter-attacking prey. Moreover, they show that plant domatia protect predator eggs from predation.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, the interspecific predation and cannibalism on immatures by the adult females of Euseius finlandicus, Kampimodromus aberrans and Typhlodromus pyri were examined under laboratory conditions. The three species showed differing tendencies to prey on each other's motile immature stages. Euseius finlandicus females consumed more larvae and protonymphs than the females of T. pyri and K. aberrans. In cages without free water E. finlandicus ate a range of 6.51 larvae or 5.31 protonymphs of T. pyri and 5.27 larvae or 5.95 protonymphs of K. aberrans per female per day. Kampimodromus aberrans and T. pyri females exhibited a greater tendency to prey on heterospecifics than on conspecifics. When feeding on phytoseiid immatures and without free water, T. pyri females survived longer and laid more eggs than the females of E. finlandicus and K. aberrans. Adult females of E. finlandicus and T. pyri having free water and preying on heterospecific protonymphs were able to maintain egg laying during the whole experimental period of 12 days. The females of all three species had difficulties in piercing phytoseiid eggs, and the number of sucked eggs per female per day was low. Kampimodromus aberrans females ate 0.48 eggs of T. pyri daily, which was the highest recorded number. The great tendency to interspecific predation on motile immature phytoseiids by the females of E. finlandicus is discussed with regard to the dominance of this species on deciduous trees and bushes in Austria.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Although predatory insects often feed on diverse prey, their reproductive activity may be linked most strongly to a more restricted range of prey. The propensity of adult females of the ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata L., to attack two natural prey species, pea aphids [ Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)] and alfalfa weevil larvae [ Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)], was compared, and the degree to which ladybird egg production depends on consumption of aphids vs. weevils was assessed.
2. Coccinella septempunctata females more readily attacked aphids than weevil larvae. This was true regardless of whether females had fed previously on aphids or on weevil larvae.
3. When females were provided with few to many aphids daily, or few aphids plus an excess number of weevil larvae, their rates of egg production depended primarily on the number of aphids consumed.
4. Addition of weevil larvae to diets of limited numbers of aphids increased egg production, but only modestly. Thus, consumption of weevil larvae may have served mostly for self-maintenance, thereby enabling females to use for egg production more of the nutrients and energy obtained from limited consumption of aphids.
5. The females' linkage of egg production primarily to aphid rather than weevil consumption may be adaptive, as their offspring are much less able as larvae to survive and mature on a diet of weevils rather than aphids.  相似文献   

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