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An inverse relationship between larval density and adult body size has been reported for several mosquito species, affecting their survival and vector competence, response to repellents and other factors. Larvae of the floodwater mosquito Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus (Macquart) (Diptera: Culicidae) develop quickly in temporary pools, so intraspecific competition (for food or space) might regulate population abundance and affect the size of adult mosquitoes. We investigated the temporal variation of adult female wing-length (an index of body-size) in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus, using adults collected during each phase of the rainy season. The relationships between adult mosquito abundance, female wing-length, rainfall and temperature were analysed through simple regressions. Skewness of the frequency distribution of wing-lengths showed a strong negative relationship with mean wing-length. The distribution of wing-lengths varied seasonally and was correlated with rainfall 7-15 days previously as the major consequence of breeding site volume. Thus temporal variation of body size in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus reflected density-dependent changes in the aquatic habitat where immature stages develop, influenced more by rainfall than by temperature or other environmental variables.  相似文献   

  1. Organisms that undergo a shift in ontogeny and habitat type often change their spatial distribution throughout their life cycle, but how this affects population dynamics remains poorly understood.
  2. We examined spatial and temporal patterns in Aedes nigripes abundance, a widespread univoltine Arctic mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae), hypothesizing that the spatial distribution of adults would be closely tied to aquatic habitat.
  3. We tracked adult densities of A. nigripes near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland using emergence traps, CO2-baited traps, and sweep-nets.
  4. In back-to-back years of sampling (2017 and 2018) we found two-fold variation in overall abundance.
  5. Adults were spatially patchy when first emerging from aquatic habitats but within a week, mean capture rates for host-seeking adult females were similar across locations, even in places far from larval habitat.
  6. Daily variation in mosquito captures was primarily explained by weather, with virtually no mosquito activity when temperatures averaged less than 8°C or wind speeds exceeded 6 m/s. Gravid females (3% of resting adults) were spatially patchy on the landscape, but not always in the same places where most adults emerged.
  7. The spatial distribution of adults is quickly uncoupled from the spatial distribution of larvae because A. nigripes females may disperse far from their natal habitats in search of a blood-meal and high-quality oviposition habitat.
8. This research highlights the value of studying ecological processes that act at disparate life stages for understanding the population biology of organisms with complex life cycles.  相似文献   

1. Natal habitat preference induction (NHPI) is a behavioural phenomenon in which offspring show a change in preference in adult oviposition choice as a function of experience as an immature. 2. Although well known in certain systems, such as herbivorous insects, this behaviour has not been well studied in aquatic insects. 3. The container–breeding mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) was used to test if NHPI occurs in aquatic insects under natural conditions of two leaf species as a nutritive base (Juniperus virginiana L. and Quercus virginiana Mill) and two larval densities. 4. Significant effects of leaf species and density on adult mosquito attributes were found, with J. virginiana and low larval density associated with more, faster developing, larger and more fecund mosquitoes. However, no evidence for NHPI was found. Instead a canalised behavior was found that included spreading eggs between high– and low–quality oviposition choices in the same proportions regardless of larval experience.  相似文献   

山西五鹿山褐马鸡不同季节的空间分布与栖息地选择研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1997~1998年在山西省五鹿山自然保护区内对世界珍禽褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)越冬期与繁殖期的空间分布模式及其变化规律进行了研究,同时探讨了种群空间分布模式与栖息地结构特征之间的关系。经Pois—son函数和χ^2检验,发现褐马鸡在越冬期和繁殖期均为聚集分布,但越冬期的聚集程度更为明显。通过对栖息地可利用率与实际利用率的比较,发现褐马鸡在越冬期与繁殖期对栖息地的利用存在显著性差异:越冬期褐马鸡对阔叶林具有明显的负选择性;进入繁殖期后,褐马鸡对落叶阔叶林和灌丛的利用率显著增加,而对针叶林和针阔混交林的利用率有所减少。对两个时期的栖息地样方进行判别分析,发现草本植物数量、草本植物平均高度、乔木胸径、乔木高度是影响褐马鸡越冬期与繁殖期栖息地选择的主要因子。研究结果表明,褐马鸡种群的空间分布模式及其变化,与栖息地结构以及空间资源分布的季节性变化有关。在越冬期,由于温度、降雪等气候因素的影响,草本植物都已枯萎,落叶阔叶林的郁闭度较低,隐蔽条件较差,褐马鸡活动的区域范围受到一定的限制,此时褐马鸡常常在郁闭度较高的针叶林或针阔混交林中,并聚集形成较大的群体,共同取食,聚集分布的程度较高;进入繁殖期后,随着落叶阔叶林郁闭度增大以及林下、灌草丛中草本植物种类和数量的增多,褐马鸡群体逐渐变小,多以配偶对的形式活动,空间聚集程度降低。但由于褐马鸡对栖息地具有严格的选择性,许多配偶对主要集中在质量较好的区域内占区和营巢,因此在大尺度上褐马鸡种群的空间分布仍为聚集型分布。  相似文献   

Seven polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the mosquito species Ochlerotatus caspius, using an enriched genomic library. The number of alleles per locus varied between two and 11; the expected heterozygosity (HE) ranged from 0.18 to 0.77. These microsatellite primers should prove useful for population genetic studies of this mosquito species.  相似文献   

The distribution of Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae) oviposition in Buenos Aires City is spatially heterogeneous. Oviposition activity was monitored for a year with a grid of 279 traps at 850-m intervals that were serviced weekly. Geostatistics were used for the spatial analysis and generalized linear regression to model oviposition as a function of demographic and environmental variables. The proportion of weeks infested and the total number of eggs showed spatial continuity and were higher in areas that had higher densities of houses and were closer to industrial sites; they were lower in areas with higher human populations or higher densities of flats. When all sites were considered, the spatial structure showed a strong trend, but after regression, the residuals presented lower spatial dependence. When only infested sites were considered, the oviposition variables were spatially autocorrelated and the regression residuals showed little or no spatial dependence. The spatial pattern of Ae. aegypti oviposition in a highly urbanized city such as Buenos Aires seems to be related to the urbanization gradient. These urban environments might present different resource availability or continuity between patches of resources.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of an intertidal population of the barnacleBalanus amphitrite was studied close to a sewage outfall nearQuequén, Argentina (38° 34S,58° 38 30 W). All individuals within an areaof 0.8 m2 were mapped during 12 censuses, from September 1990to May 1993. Population density within the study area varied between 401 and99 ind m-2. Spatial pattern was analysed using mean distancesto the nearest neighbour (NND), goodness of fit tests between observed andexpected frequency distributions of NND, and analysis of crowding. Thespatial pattern of the population was clumped during most of the studyperiod. This trend persisted, although not reaching statisticalsignificance, when the population density decreased as a consequence ofmortality and failure of successive annual recruitments. The cohortrecruited in summer 1992 (49 individuals) was randomly distributed relativeto adult barnacles already present within the study area. No consistentrelationship was observed between mortality and NND.  相似文献   

森林资源可持续利用空间格局分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
森林资源的经营管理一直很少注重其空间格局分析,以大兴安岭林区塔源林场的森林资源为对象,采用GIS技术对该地区森林资源现状结构进行了分析,生成森林资源保护作业区划图,同时绘制了分别与采伐、抚育和更新造林等信息相对应的多层专题图。将这些专题图与保护作业区划图进行叠加分析,显示1996-1998年该地区森林资源可持续利用的空间格局,为森林资源保护与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta redds in the Credit River, Ontario, were enumerated and assessed for physical, location and cover feature characteristics during the 2002 spawning season. Hydraulic habitats were classified on the basis of channel morphology and availability recorded. Combined use and availability data were used to assess habitat selection preferences and test for significant differences. Significant preferences for upstream pool and riffle habitat were found, but all available habitat types were used to some degree. Non‐preferred habitat redds were significantly larger than those located in preferred habitats and more likely to be found in association with woody debris cover. Larger redds were interpreted as indicative of larger fish. The use of non‐preferred downstream habitats by larger fish was further interpreted in the context of overwinter habitat requirements to reflect possible trade‐offs between reproductive and adult over‐winter survival requirements resulting in the selection of habitat for multiple life‐history functions. Results suggest that redd density alone should not be used to infer critical autumn habitat requirements for brown trout.  相似文献   

We studied variation in benthic macrocrustacean and insect assemblages in relation to spring habitat characteristics in six springs located in a single groundwater area in south-west Finland. We defined five habitat types in the studied springs according to water flow and benthic substrate characteristicsminerogenic brooks, organogenic brooks, helocrenes, floating moss carpets and limnocrene pools. Most studied invertebrate orders, as well as individual taxa, showed differences in relative abundances between the habitat types, but the most common taxa occurred in all springs and habitat types. The studied macroinvertebrates were most abundant in the moss carpet sites and least abundant in the pool sites, but the difference was not statistically significant. We did not observe significant differences in mean taxonomic richness per sample between habitat classes. The observed taxonomic richness in pooled samples of habitat classes was highest in moss carpet habitat and lowest in pool habitat, and the rarefied richness estimate was lowest in pool habitat. Benthic macrocrustacean and insect assemblages varied more between habitat types than between individual springs. In an Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination analysis, spring brook sites were separated from the moss carpet and pool sites, whereas helocrene sites were widely scattered among sites in other habitat classes. The strongest ecological gradients were related to water flow and the presence of minerogenic substrate, separating lentic and lotic habitats. Abundances of moss and coarse detritus accounted for most of the within-class variation. We identified several indicator species for minerogenic and organogenic brooks and for moss carpet and pool habitats, but none for the helocrenes. We found several occurrences of two crenobiont insect species considered threatened in Finland. We suggest that combined studies on macroinvertebrate and bryophyte assemblages would be a powerful approach in assessing the biodiversity of springs.  相似文献   

We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

Insects associated with the floodwater mosquito Ochlerotatus albifasciatus(Diptera: Culicidae) were studied from intermittent puddles in temperate Argentina in an attempt to detect the main predators. Forty-one taxa occurred in the puddles from spring to fall. Coleoptera and Diptera were dominant and diverse. Ephemeroptera and Odonata were scarce in numbers and species, and Heteroptera occurred in low numbers of species and high abundance of individuals. The main predators of immature O. albifasciatus were detected on the basis of relative abundance (ISA index), ecological dominant groups, and species association (I index). Liodessus sp. and Rhantus signatus signatus(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) were the most abundant predators in the puddles and Liodessus sp., Lancetes marginatus(Dytiscidae) and Psorophora ciliata(Culicidae) were the most frequent. Liodessus sp. and O. albifasciatus were the best associated species in all seasons. Liodessus sp. was indistinctly associated with all larval instars and pupae, while R. signatus signatus, L. marginatus and Psorophora ciliata were more associated with the pupal stage of the mosquito. Desmopachria concolor(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Tropisternus lateralis limbatus and Tropisternus setiger(Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) were other potential predators inhabiting the puddles, but their relevance was minor.  相似文献   

生境梯度影响下的天然红松种群空间格局与种内关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董雪  杜昕  孙志虎  谷会岩  陈祥伟 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5239-5246
为理清生境梯度下天然红松种群空间分布规律,以黑龙江省凉水国家级自然保护区内自坡底至坡顶的四种生境(生境Ⅰ,谷地平坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅱ,坡下缓坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅲ,坡上斜坡半湿润生境;生境Ⅳ,坡顶陡坡半干旱生境)类型中建群种红松种群为研究对象。分析不同林层(主林层、亚林层、演替层、更新层)红松种群的数量特征,并基于O-ring函数,在重复采样条件下评价了红松种群空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)下坡位生境(生境Ⅰ、Ⅱ)红松更新层种群数量显著大于上坡位(生境Ⅲ、Ⅳ)(P<0.05),演替层中差异不显著;自坡底至坡顶的生境梯度上,主林层和亚林层中红松株数比例增加,红松种群年龄结构结构由倒J型向J型转变。(2)下坡位原始红松林更新层和演替层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度均高于上坡位,坡顶(生境Ⅳ)原始红松林更新层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度高于坡上(生境Ⅲ)。(3)四类生境的原始红松林中主林层与更新层中红松种群总体表现为空间独立,在个别尺度上表现出微弱的空间正关联或负关联;在0—5 m尺度上,下坡位红松林原始林内演替层与主林层红松种群表现为空间负关联,而上坡位生境林分对应林层间空间关系则为空间正关...  相似文献   

秦岭中段南坡景观格局与大熊猫栖息地的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
景观格局是各种生态过程在不同尺度上作用的结果 ,同时景观格局强烈影响着生境内种群的生物学过程 ;种群的结构和分布状况同栖息地景观格局之间存在一定的联系。借助遥感和地理信息系统软件 ,对秦岭中段南坡地区 3个保护区 (佛坪、长青和观音山 )大熊猫栖息地的景观格局及其与大熊猫活动痕迹密度之间的关系进行了研究。该研究首先绘制了景观类型格局图并进行总体斑块格局分析 ,其次分别从保护区尺度和 1km2 尺度分析平均斑块分维数、破碎度指数和香农多样性指数 ,以进行比较 ;最后在 1km2尺度上统计分析大熊猫活动密度同景观格局指数分布的相关性。研究结果表明 :(1)各自然保护区内的景观格局存在着差异性 ,佛坪保护区景观多样性水平较高 ,长青保护区居中 ,观音山保护区最低 ;(2 )各保护区内部受人为干扰和生境恢复程度不同 ,使得景观破碎化程度在佛坪保护区最低 ,长青保护区居中 ,观音山保护区最高 ;(3)大熊猫活动密度有集中分布的趋势 ,高密度区域主要分布在佛坪中部和长青北部 ;(4 )在 1km2尺度 ,3个保护区大熊猫活动痕迹密度同景观指数格局之间存在不同的相关性 ,说明不同的景观格局会影响到大熊猫的活动和生境利用。  相似文献   

Turtles (Testudinata) are a diverse group of reptiles that conquered a broad set of habitats and feeding ecologies over the course of their well‐documented evolutionary history. We here investigate the cranial shape of 171 representatives of the turtle lineage and the relationship of shape to different habitat and diet preferences using two‐dimensional geometric morphometrics. The skull shape of extant turtles correlates with both ecological proxies, but is more affected by habitat than diet. However, the application of these correlations to extinct turtles produces mostly flawed results, as least when compared to external data such as sedimentary environment, highlighting that the morphospace held by extant turtles is not necessarily the optimal location in tree space for a particular ecology. The inability of this study to correctly predict the ecology of extinct turtles is likely related to the fact that the shape of turtle skulls is dominated by the emarginations and jaw closure mechanisms, two shape features unrelated to habitat or feeding ecology. This indicates that various specializations that are apparent in the skull only contribute little to overall shape.  相似文献   

The effective management of salmonid fisheries requires that the factors influencing variation in the abundance of stream populations are understood. The use of habitat models to explain the spatial component of population variance offers potential for management, but has not previously been set in the context of long term variation in population abundance because of the lack of suitable data sets. This paper examines contributions of spatial and temporal factors lo fish density variance using a 10-year data set from five tributaries of the River Conwy, North Wales. Recently developed habitat models were applied to the data to test their ability to explain nominal spatial variance. Spatial variance accounted for between 21 and 62% of the overall variance of salmonid abundance, and habitat models explained up to 95% of the spatial variance component. Synchrony in population variation amongst sites within and between tributaries is described, and some of the factors that may influence this are discussed.  相似文献   

凉山山系小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)分布区景观格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2000~2001年对凉山山系主山脊7个县小熊猫野外分布调查数据,利用“3S”技术对凉山山系小熊猫分布区进行了确定,估算出分布区面积为219055hm^2,占山系研究区域面积17.8%。利用景观空间格局定量化分析软件FRAGSTATS,分析了小熊猫分布区景观格局的组成、各类型斑块特征、不同类型斑块间空间分布关系。结果表明,栖息地景观边缘褶皱程度低,趋于平整,景观丰富度大;森林斑块间的结构连通性较好,各类型斑块聚集度较高。小熊猫生境内部破碎化程度较低,森林结构连接程度高,有适宜生境面积为160249.5hm^2,占分布区面积的73.15%,生境中存在3个脆弱区域,特别是美姑-峨边公路通过的椅子垭口区域需要引起极大的关注。  相似文献   

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