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The effects of various divalent cations on the Ca2+ uptake by microsomes from bovine aortic smooth muscle were studied. High concentrations (1 mM) of Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, and Ni2+ inhibited neither the Ca2+ uptake by the microsomes nor the formation of the phosphorylated intermediate (E approximately P) of the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase of the microsomes. The cadmium ion, however, inhibited both the Ca2+ uptake and the E approximately P formation by the microsomes. Dixon plot analysis indicated Cd2+ inhibited (Ki = 135 microM) the Ca2+ dependent E approximately P formation in a non-competitive manner. The inhibitory effect of Cd2+ was lessened by cysteine or dithiothreitol. The strontium ion inhibited the Ca2+ uptake competitively, while the E approximately P formation increased on the addition of Sr2+ at low Ca2+ concentrations. At a low Ca2+ concentration (1 microM), Sr2+ was taken up by the aortic microsomes in the presence of 1 mM ATP. It is thus suggested that Sr2+ replaces Ca2+ at the Ca2+ binding site on the ATPase.  相似文献   

Rat testicular microsomal membrane fraction contains both Mg+2-dependent and Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase activity. The latter activity is about two times higher than the former. Calcium ion required for maximum activation of Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase in 3.0 mM, whereas for the dependent one it is 2.5 mM. Both the enzymes are resistant to cold shock upto seven days. Histidine and imidazole buffers are found to be the most suitable for dependent and independent enzyme activities, respectively. The pH optima for dependent one is 7.5, whereas for the independent one it is 8.5. Temperature optima for the former is 37°C and for latter one it is 40°C. Among all the nuclestides tested, ATP is found to be the best substrate for both the enzymes. The optimum concentration of ATP for dependent and independent enzyme activities are 3.0 mM and 1.5 mM respectively. Divalent metal ions like Zn+2, Ba+2 and Mn+2 have been found to inhibit Mg+2-dependent Ca+2-ATPase activity whereas Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase activity is inhibited by the divalent ions except zinc which is found to stimulate the enzyme activity. Both the enzymes are inhibited by vanadata, EDTA and EGTA. I50, for vanadate is 0.05 and 0.125 mM for dependent and independent activities, respectively. Sulfhydral groups modifying agents e.g., NEM, DTNB and chlorpromazine are found to affect the enzyme activities in different ways. Thus NEM and chlorpromazine are found to inhibit and DTNB stimulate the enzyme activities in both the cases.  相似文献   

Horse muscle acylphosphatase (EC was found to hydrolyze the labeled phosphorylated intermediate of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase from rabbit muscle. In addition, the phosphorylated peptides obtained by pepsin digestion of the labeled phosphorylated microsomes were completely hydrolyzed by acylphosphatase. These findings suggest a possible regulatory role of this enzyme in vivo on the calcium transport process by sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

It is shown that Mg2+, Ca2+-ATPase activity of plasma membrane fragments from the rat small intestine myocytes is inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate and dithionitrobenzoate (50 and 90%, respectively). The effect of p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibition is removed by serum albumin promoting a rise in the ATPase activity of the plasma membranes and shifting the temperature maximum point up to 32 degrees C (in the norm the maximum is observed at 36 degrees C). According to the data presented, albumin changes the composition and phase state of the lipid surrounding of the membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

Eosin Y was studied with the aim to elucidate the mechanism of its inhibitory effect on the activity of Ca(2+)-transporting ATPase of myometrium cell plasma membrane. The inhibitor was studied for its effect on the maximal rate of the ATP-hydrolase reaction catalyzed by Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase, on the enzyme affinity for the substrate and a possibility of enzyme activity protection under the inhibitor effect by the main reagents of ATP-hydrolase reaction. It was established that eosin Y decreased the turnover rate of this enzyme and his affinity for ATP. Preincubation of ATPase with ATP (or ATP plus MgCl2) had no effect on the extent of enzyme inhibition by eosin Y. This result proves that eosin Y and ATP do not compete for the site of binding on the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized calcium transport and the phosphorylated intermediate of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase in plasma membrane vesicles prepared from rat liver. The calcium transport did not absolutely require the presence of oxalate and was completely inhibited by 1 microM of ionophore A23187. Oxalate, which serves as a trapping agent in calcium uptake of skeletal muscle and liver microsomes, was not absolutely required to maintain the net accumulation of calcium. The Vmax and Km for calcium uptake were 35.2 +/- 10.1 pmol of calcium/mg of protein/min, and 17.6 +/- 2.5 nM of free calcium, respectively. Ten mM magnesium was required for the maximal accumulation of calcium. Substitution of 5 and 10 mM ADP, CTP, GTP, and UTP for ATP could not support calcium uptake. The calcium uptake was not affected by 0.5 mM ouabain, 20 mM azide, or 2 micrograms/ml of oligomycin but was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by vanadate, with a Ki of approximately 20 microM for vanadate. The substrate affinities and specificities of this calcium-transport activity suggest that it is closely associated with the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase reported in the plasma membranes of liver (Lotersztajn, S., Hanoune, J., and Pecker, F. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 11209-11215). A calcium-stimulated and magnesium-dependent phosphoprotein was also demonstrated in the same membrane vesicles. The free calcium concentration at which its phosphorylation was half-maximal was 15.5 +/- 5.6 nM. Sodium fluoride, ouabain, sodium azide, oligomycin, adriamycin, and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide did not affect its formation while vanadate at 100 microM inhibited the calcium-dependent phosphorylation by approximately 60%. The properties of this phosphoprotein suggest that it may be the phosphorylated intermediate of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase in the plasma membranes of rat liver.  相似文献   

The preparation of the purified Ca2+, Mg2(+)-ATPase has been isolated from triton X-100 solubilizate of plasma membranes of the pig myometrium using the method of affinity chromatography on calmodulin-Sepharose 4B. The specific activity of the enzyme shows its 52-fold purification. The enzymic preparation practically has no Mg2(+)-ATPase activity. By the data of DS-Na-electrophoresis in PAAG the Ca2+, Mg2+ ATPase preparation consists of two polypeptides with Mm 130 and 205 kDa. Autoradiography shows their Ca2(+)-dependent phosphorylation. The purified enzyme is highly sensitive to the inhibitory effect of orthovanadate.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of solubilized and purified high-affinity (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC of human erythrocyte membranes shows no dependence on cyclic AMP concentration in the range 0.1--1000 microM. Ca2+-dependent phosphoprotein is sensitive to hydroxylamine and molybdate treatment. The phosphate linkage shows maximum stability at low pH values, which is progressively lost as the pH rises, with a shoulder around pH 6. SDS gel electrophoresis of the phosphorylated protein yields a peak which shows relative mobility corresponding to a molecular weight of 145 000 and sensitivity to MgATP-chase and hydroxylamine treatment. This indicates that the phosphoprotein represents the phosphorylated intermediate of the high-affinity (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

The purified calmodulin dependent (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (CaMg ATPase) from porcine antral smooth muscle transports Ca2+ after reconstitution in lipid vesicles indicating that this enzyme is indeed a Ca2+-transport ATPase. For CaMg ATPase reconstituted in asolectin vesicles a good correlation was found between the time course of Ca2+ accumulation and the corresponding changes in CaMg ATPase activity. The ATPase activity was stimulated 8-fold by A23187, which further indicates a tight coupling between ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ transport. Asolectin vesicles with incorporated enzyme accumulated Ca2+ with a ratio approaching one Ca2+ ion transported for each ATP hydrolyzed. For CaMg ATPase reconstituted in phosphatidylcholine vesicles on the other hand, Ca2+ transport and CaMg ATPase were poorly coupled as is shown by the approximately 3.5 fold stimulation by A23187. The activity of the CaMg ATPase when reconstituted in asolectin vesicles was stimulated 1.25 fold by calmodulin while in phosphatidylcholine a value of 4.25 was obtained. The CaMg ATPase activity of the enzyme reconstituted either in asolectin or phosphatidylcholine was, after its stimulation by A23187, still further stimulated by detergent by a factor of 5.  相似文献   

It was shown that organic solvents (dioxane, acetone, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide) at concentrations of < 10% suppress the activity of transport Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase solubilized from plasmatic membranes of smooth muscle cells and Mg(2+)-ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ ions in inverted membrane vesicles. It was found that one of the reasons for the inhibition of enzymatic and transport activity of Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase by the action of these solvents is an increase in the attractive force between oppositely charged active center of the enzyme and the product (products) of the ATP-hydrolase reaction, which is induced by a decrease in the dielectric permeability of incubation medium.  相似文献   

The effects of intra- and extravesicular calcium and magnesium ions on the hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme (EP) intermediate formed in the reaction of Ca2+,Mg2+-dependent ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum were investigated. The rate constants of EP hydrolysis were measured under conditions that allowed a single turnover of ATP hydrolysis to minimize the increase in calcium concentration inside the vesicles. The EP formed during a single turnover was hydrolyzed biphasically and could be resolved into fast- and slow-decomposing components. When free Mg2+ outside the vesicles was chelated by adding excess EDTA, EP could also be kinetically resolved into two components; EDTA-sensitive EP, which could be quickly decomposed by adding EDTA, and EDTA-insensitive EP, which could be prevented from decomposing by adding EDTA. The amount of EDTA-sensitive EP decreased rapidly during the initial phase of the reaction, while that of EDTA-insensitive EP decreased slowly with the same rate constant as that of the slow-decomposing EP. These results showed that the biphasic time course of EP hydrolysis was caused by the formation of EDTA-sensitive and -insensitive EP during the reaction. The time course of EP hydrolysis could be quantitatively analyzed in terms of the following reaction mechanism. (formula; see text) The decomposition of EDTA-insensitive EP required Mg2+ outside the vesicles and was competitively inhibited by extravesicular Ca2+. The decomposition of EDTA-sensitive EP was inhibited by Ca2+ inside the vesicles but not by external Ca2+. The linear relationships between the inverse of the rate constants of EP decomposition during the initial phase and the intravesicular CaCl2 concentrations suggested that decomposition of EDTA-sensitive EP was inhibited by the binding of 1 mol of intravesicular Ca2+ to 1 mol of EP. Furthermore, Mg2+ inside the vesicles scarcely affected the inhibition of EP hydrolysis by intravesicular Ca2+. These results suggested that magnesium ions are not counter-transported during the active transport of calcium by SR vesicles.  相似文献   

Formation of the phosphorylated intermediate (ECaP) of the human erythrocyte Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (Ca2+-ATPase) was more rapid and reached steady state sooner at 400 microM-Ca2+ than at 1 microM-Ca2+. Calmodulin increased the apparent rate of ECaP formation at 1 microM-Ca2+, whereas at 400 microM-Ca2+, calmodulin decreased the steady-state level of the ECaP without affecting its apparent rate of formation. Removal of endogenous Mg2+ with trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NNN'N'-tetra-acetic acid, which decreased both the velocity and Ca2+-sensitivity of the Ca2+-ATPase, did not alter the Ca2+-sensitivity or the apparent rate of formation of ECaP. ECaP formation at high Ca2+ concentrations was not affected by Mg2+ concentrations as high as 1 mM, and the ECaP could be dephosphorylated by ADP and ATP along either the forward or reverse pathways. The results suggest that high Ca2+ concentrations inhibit Ca2+-ATPase activity by preventing dephosphorylation of the E2P complex, rather than by inhibition of the transformation from E1CaP ('high-Ca2+-affinity' ECaP) to E2CaP ('lower-energy' ECaP).  相似文献   

We examined the effect of protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent phosphorylation on Ca2+ uptake and ATP hydrolysis by microsomal as well as purified sarcolemmal Ca2(+)-ATPase preparations isolated from bovine aortic smooth muscle. The phosphorylation was performed by treating these preparations with PKC and saturating concentrations of ATP (or ATP-gamma S), Ca2+, and 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 37 degrees C for 10 min. In microsomes, treatment with PKC enhanced a portion of the Ca2+ uptake activity inhibitable by 10 microM vanadate, by up to about 30%. On the other hand, Ca2(+)-dependent ATPase activity in the purified Ca2(+)-ATPase preparation was stimulated by up to twofold. Up to twofold stimulation by PKC was also observed for the Ca2+ uptake by proteoliposomes reconstituted from purified sarcolemmal Ca2(+)-ATPase and phospholipids. Since these effects were evident only at Ca2+ concentrations between 0.1 to 1.0 microM, we concluded that it was the affinity of the Ca2(+)-ATPase for Ca2+ that was increased by the PKC treatment. Under conditions in which PKC increased Ca2+ pump activity, the sarcolemmal Ca2(+)-ATPase was phosphorylated to a level of about 1 mol per mol of the enzyme. There was good parallelism between the ATPase phosphorylation and the extent of enzyme activation. These results strongly suggest that the activity of the sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump in vascular smooth muscle is regulated through its direct phosphorylation by PKC.  相似文献   

C Y Wang  P K Ngai  M P Walsh  J H Wang 《Biochemistry》1987,26(4):1110-1117
Fodrin, a spectrin-like actin and calmodulin binding protein, was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from a membrane fraction of bovine brain. The effect of fodrin on smooth muscle actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase activity was examined by using a system reconstituted from skeletal muscle actin and smooth muscle myosin and regulatory proteins. The simulation of actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase by fodrin showed a biphasic dependence on fodrin concentration and on the time of actin and myosin preincubation at 30 degrees C. Maximal stimulation (50-70%) was obtained at 3 nM fodrin following 10 min of preincubation of actin and myosin. This stimulation was also dependent on the presence of tropomyosin. In the absence of myosin light chain kinase, the fodrin stimulation of Mg2+-ATPase could not be demonstrated with normal actomyosin but could be demonstrated with acto-thiophosphorylated myosin, suggesting that fodrin stimulation depends on the phosphorylation of myosin. Fodrin stimulation was shown to require the presence of both Ca2+ and calmodulin when acto-thiophosphorylated myosin was used. These observations suggest a possible functional role of fodrin in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction and demonstrate an effect on Ca2+ and calmodulin on fodrin function.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of myometrium sarcolemmal Ca2+, Mg2(+)-ATPase purified from plasma membrane solubilizate by affinity chromatography on calmodulin-Sepharose were investigated. The enzyme isolated in the presence of azolectin revealed a calmodulin-independent affinity for Ca2+ (Km = 0.17 microM). Purified Ca2+, Mg2(+)-ATPase displayed a strict substrate specificity, was inhibited by low concentrations of o-vanadate and was insensitive to oxytocin and prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha. The enzyme activity was maximal at 45 degrees C, pH 7.5-8.0, and at Mg-ATP and Ca2+ concentrations of 1.5-2.5 mM and 5-20 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

A phosphorylated intermediate of the CaMg-ATPase is demonstrated in microsomal preparations from uterine smooth muscle. Characterization included the use of activators, inhibitors, and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-gel electrophoresis. The phosphorylation was a function of the ATP and Ca concentrations. The dissociation constant KATP was 2.7 X 10(-6) M and KCa was 1.7 X 10(-6) M. Mg was obligatory for the reaction. Na azide, ouabain, or the substitution of NaCl for KCl did not affect the reaction. Phosphorylation was inhibited by Salyrgan, ADP, or 20 mM calcium. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 2.4 demonstrated phosphorylation of predominantly one protein with a molecular weight of 100,000. Hydroxylamine and, to a lesser extent, neutral and alkaline pH caused dephosphorylation. This indicates the presence of an acylphosphate bond in the phosphoprotein. The above findings are consistent with the phosphorylated intermediate being a Ca,Mg-ATPase. The inhibition by 20 mM calcium indicates that the Ca,Mg-ATPase of smooth muscle differs from that of striated muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Effect of endogenous polyamine spermine, a relaxant of smooth muscle, on the activity of myometrium cell plasma membrane Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase was studied. It was observed a tendency to activation of enzyme at the spermine concentrations 0.1-0.5 mM, the increase of the polyamine concentrations up to 10 mM inhibited. ATPase by 80% (I50 = 5.5 +/- 0.3 mM). Spermine inhibited enzyme decreasing its turnover rate and affinity for Ca2+. The ATPase affinity for Mg2+ increased in the presence of spermine. It was revealed, that the inhibitory effect of spermine is changed by the stimulatory effect under the increase of Ca2+ concentration (up to 2.6 microM), that correlates with the relaxing effect of this polyamine on the smooth muscle.  相似文献   

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