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An investigation is made of the homology of the nasal apparatus of the Dipnoi, in order to determine whether the posterior naris is homologous with the choana of tetrapods or with the posterior external naris of fishes. The ontogeny of the nasal capsule of Protopterus is described in detail. The nervous and venous systems of tho snout region of Protopterus are also duscrbed. It is found that whereas the pattern of the nervous and vascular systems is very similar in all Dipnoi, the structuro of the nasal capsule in the Lepidosiren-Protopterus stock differs greatly from that of the Neoceratodus stock. the homology of the various components of the depnoan nasal coasule is revised and it is shown that there are no evidences of a direct relationship of the Dipnoi with the tetrapods. It is further concluded that the posterior naris of Dipnoi is homologous with the posterior external naris of fishes.  相似文献   

A unicellular cyanophycean culture contaminant had features of both Geitleribactron Kom. and Cyanophanon Geitl. The cells were elongated, sheathless, mostly similar in diameter throughout their length, and attached polarly in rosettes or groups and produced only a single elongated exocyte (=exospore). Young cells were moderately elongated and resembled Geitleribactron. As cells aged, they greatly elongated and then resembled Cyanophanon. Some cells formed Y-shaped bifurcations, features of C. mirabile Geitl. and C. minus Geitl., but they lacked the basal sheath (pseudovagina) of C. mirabile. During exocyte formation, a thick and localized L-II wall layer protuberance extended the exocyte away from the parent cell. This terminal wall thickening then appeared to move to one side from subsequent and unequal cell wall growth. Cells sovnetimes bent abruptly, occasionally opposite a thickening in the L-II wall layer. Further studies in culture of putative Geitleribactron and Cyanophanon isolates are necessary to ascertain the breadth of their structural diversity and the identity of the present taxon.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of Nitella (Tolypella) cells were studied,with special reference to their electric resistance The resistanceof the protoplasm, as well as the potential of the inside ofthe cell, was measured by inserting capillary electrode intothe cell, which had been sealed with vaseline externally atthe middle so that the current across the protoplasm could bereadily determined. The characteristics of the rectification and impedance weremeasured The electric current was found to flow across the protoplasmiclayer more easily from the sap to the external water than inthe reverse direction. The resistance and the capacitance ofthe cell varied with the a.c frequencies used for the measurement Simultaneous measurements were made of the action potential,the action current, and the resistance change of the protoplasmin order to determine the relationship between them An intimateparallelism between the time courses of these three phenomenawas discovered. An attempt was made to interpret the resultsby taking into account the dissociation of ions in the protoplasm. 1Present address: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai,Ibaraki Prefecture. (Received May 8, 1962; )  相似文献   

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