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Approximately 10,000 nucleotides were sequenced in the oriC region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. The first replicating DNA strands are hybridized with a SalI-EcoRI fragment (nucleotide #1206-2954) in one direction (left to right) and an EcoRI-PstI fragment (#2949-4233) in the other. Seven open reading frames (ORF) accompanied with Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences were identified. ORF638 and ORF821 were identified as gyrB and gyrA genes respectively based on genetic evidences and amino acid sequence data. Comparison of amino acid sequences revealed that ORF44, ORF446, ORF378 and ORF323 are homologous with rpmH, dnaA, dnaN and recF of Escherichia coli, respectively. Thus, the organization of the ORFs from ORF44 to ORF638 resembles the organization of genes in the rpmH-gyrB region of the E. coli chromosome. Two non-coding regions characteristic for oriC signals were found near the site of initiation of the first replicating DNA. They are composed of repeating sequences whose consensus sequence TTAT(C/A)CACA is identical to that of 4 repeating sequences in the oriC of E. coli.  相似文献   

Regions of bacterial chromosomes occupy characteristic locations within the cell. In Bacillus subtilis, the origin of replication, oriC, is located at 0 degrees /360 degrees on the circular chromosome. After duplication, sister 0 degrees regions rapidly move to and then reside near the cell quarters. It has been hypothesized that origin function or oriC sequences contribute to positioning and movement of the 0 degrees region. We found that the position of a given chromosomal region does not depend on initiation of replication from the 0 degrees region. In an oriC mutant strain that replicates from a heterologous origin (oriN) at 257 degrees , the position of both the 0 degrees and 257 degrees regions was similar to that in wild-type cells. Thus, positioning of chromosomal regions appears to be independent of which region is replicated first. Furthermore, we found that neither oriC sequences nor the replication initiator DnaA is required or sufficient for positioning a region near the cell quarters. A sequence within oriC previously proposed to play a critical role in chromosome positioning and partitioning was found to make little, if any, contribution. We propose that uncharacterized sites outside of oriC are involved in moving and/or maintaining the 0 degrees region near the cell quarters.  相似文献   

A gene homologous to the Escherichia coli dnaA gene and two flanking 'regulatory' regions which contain nine and four DnaA-boxes respectively, are located in the replication origin region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Attempts to isolate an autonomously replicating fragment from these 'regulatory' regions in order to identify oriC have been unsuccessful because the DnaA-box-containing regions strongly inhibited plasmid transformation particularly when inserted into a high-copy number plasmid pUB110. Using two plasmids differing in copy number, the two regions were subdivided into three regions, A, B and C, each containing five, four and four DnaA-boxes respectively, which differed in level of inhibition of transformation. Region C is downstream of the 'dnaA' gene and inhibits transformation in high-copy but not in low-copy number plasmids. When a part of the DnaA-boxes was deleted from the incompatible plasmids, they became transformable and produced slow-growing transformants in which the initiation frequency of chromosomal replication was selectively reduced. Fast-growing revertants were found containing the same number of plasmids as the parent but with single base changes in the DnaA-boxes. These mutations were in the most highly conserved bases of the DnaA-box sequence. This indicates that a sequence-specific interaction of the DnaA-box, probably with the B. subtilis DnaA protein is responsible for the observed incompatibility and thus appears to be involved in control of initiation frequency of the chromosomal replication.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus subtilis 168 was transformed with DNAs from B. amyloliquefaciens K or B. licheniformis IAM 11054. These two species show a considerable difference in ribosomal proteins from B. subtilis. Analyses of the transformants indicated that the genes for 16 proteins, S3, S5, S8, S12, S17, S19, BL4, BL5, BL6, BL8, BL14, BL16, BL17, BL22, BL23 and BL25 are located in the cysA-str-spc region on B. subtilis chromosome. The genes for 10 proteins, S4, S6, S13, S16, S20, BL15, BL18, BL20, BL24 and BL28 could not be found in this region in the prsent experiments.  相似文献   

The first replicating DNA fragment (BamHI-7) of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome contains two promoters for a rRNA operon. A map of restriction enzyme cleavage sites of the region of replication origin suggests the presence of a second rRNA operon in this region. Hybridization of rRNA genes (rDNA) with DNA fragments derived from the origin region by treatment with various enzymes clearly revealed two rRNA operons in this region, one at the B7-B3 junction and the other at the B5-B6 junction. The restriction enzyme cleavage sites surrounding the rRNA operons show that the operon at the B5-B6 junction corresponds to the rrnA operon. A novel operon at the B7-B3 junction was termed rrnO. Transformation by density-labeled fragments of the origin region showed that the first replicating marker, guaA, is located in the B3 fragment. From these results, a map was constructed for the first time to correlate the genetic markers with the physical structure of the replication origin region of the B. subtilis chromosome. The role of the rrnO operon in regulating the initiation of chromosomal replication is discussed, based on the fact that the promoter of the rrnO operon suppresses the replication of the plasmid carrying the promoter.  相似文献   

Summary When spores of a thymine-requiring mutant of Bacillus subtilis were germinated in a medium lacking thymine, an initiation potential (an ability to initiate and complete one round of replication in the presence of thymine and in the absence of protein and RNA synthesis) was formed for both chromosomal and plasmid replication. The effect of two inhibitors of DNA gyrase, novobiocin (Nov) and nalidixic acid (Nal), on the initiation potential formed during germination for chromosomal and plasmid replication was examined.Nov and Nal inhibited formation of the initiation potential completely if the drug was added at the onset of germination. In contrast, initiation of chromosomal and plasmid replication occurred in the presence of DNA gyrase inhibitors when the drug was added after the initiation potential had been fully formed. However, chromosomal replication initiated in the presence of the inhibitors ceased after a fragment of approximately 15 MD (15×106 daltons) had been replicated, and plasmid replication was limited to one round of replication in approximately half of the plasmid molecules present in the spores.Furthermore the initiation potential for both chromosomal and plasmid replication though established was destroyed gradually but steadily by prolonged incubation with Nov in the absence of thymine. In addition, relaxation of the superhelical structure of plasmid DNA during incubation with Nov was observed in vivo. This relaxation was blocked by ethidium bromide, which dissociated the S-complex. On the other hand, incubation with Nal did not reduce the initiation potential nor did it change the superhelicity of the plasmid DNA in vivo. This is consistent with the known effect of gyrase inhibitors on the enzymatic activity of DNA gyrase.These results clearly demonstrate that both the action of DNA gyrase and the superhelical structure of the DNA are essential for the initiation of chromosomal and plasmid replication. The specific chromosome organization essential for initiation and elongation and the role of DNA gyrase are discussed.IV of this series is Yoshikawa et al. 1980  相似文献   

To test the effects of theta-type replication on homologous DNA recombination, we integrated in the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis a structure comprising a conditional replication region and direct repeats of ∼ 4 kb. The replicon was derived from a broad-host-range plasmid, pAMβ1, which replicates by a unidirectional theta mechanism and is thermosensitive. The direct repeats were derived from plasmid pBR322 and flanked the chloramphenicol-resistance gene of plasmid pC194. Recombination between the repeats could therefore lead to a loss of the resistance gene or the appearance of additional repeats. The integrated replicon was active at the permissive temperature, and ∼ 25% of the integrated plasmids could be isolated as Y-shaped molecules after restriction, having a branch at the replication origin. Replicon activity stimulated recombination four- to fivefold, as estimated from the proportion of chloramphenicol-sensitive cells at the restrictive and permissive temperature, and also led to the appearance of additional direct repeats. We conclude that theta-type replication stimulates homologous recombination and suggest that many or even most recombination events between long homologous sequences present in a bacterial genome may be the consequence of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis 168 dna-1 chromosome was labelled during sporulation with [3H]thymine for five minutes immediately before termination of replication. The isolated radioactive DNA was cleaved with BamHI (or SalI) and the resulting restriction fragments separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The individual fragments, fractionated into a series of slices cut from the gel, were then cleaved with SalI (or BamHI) and the double-digest fragments identified by electrophoresis and fluorography. All major fragments and most minor ones present in a whole double-digest were assigned to BamHI and SalI parents. Such information enabled the construction of an unambiguous restriction map of 150 X 10(3) bases of the approximately 250 X 10(3) bases of DNA labelled in the five minutes. In conjunction with published data on the order of replication of restriction fragments as termination is approached, it was clear that most (105 X 10(3) bases) of the mapped DNA was replicated by a major fork moving in one direction towards a BamHI 24.8 X 10(3) base fragment. The 45 X 10(3) bases extending to the other side of this region were labelled only slightly, and presumably was replicated by a fork that approached the other in an opposite direction until its progress was blocked or severely impeded within this region at a site, referred to as terC, sometime (less than 5 min) earlier. The regions of the map replicated in the final 2.5 and 1.0 minute by the major fork were also identified.  相似文献   

Summary A BamHI restriction endonuclease fragment, B7, which is replicated first among all other fragments derived from the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, was cloned in Escherichia coli using as vector a hybrid plasmid pMS102 that can replicate both in E. coli and B. subtilis. Digestion of pMS102 with BamHI produced two fragments and the smaller one was replaced by the B7 fragment.The cloned plasmid pMS102-B7 exhibited some peculiar properties that were not observed with plasmids containing other fragments from the B. subtilis chromosome. (1) E. coli cells harboring this plasmid stuck to each other and to glass. This property was more apparent when cells were grown in poor media. (2) E. coli cells tended to lose the plasmid spontaneously when they were grown without the selective pressure favorable to the plasmid. (3) The frequency of transformation of B. subtilis by pMS102-B7 was less than 1/1,000 of that by the vector plasmid pMS102. The number of copies of pMS102-B7 present in the transformants was also markedly reduced, although the pUB110 origin of replication on the vector was intact and should be functional in B. subtilis. This inhibitory effect of the B7 fragment on plasmid replication was confirmed more directly by developing a semi in vitro replication system using protoplasts.Both in E. coli and B. subtilis the B7 fragment affected replication of its own molecule but not that of the coexisting plasmid with an identical replication system. The implication of the function of the B7 fragment in the initiation of the B. subtilis chromosome will be discussed.  相似文献   

The terminus regions of the chromosomes of three strains of Bacillus subtilis 168 were radioactively labelled by supplying [3H]thymine towards the end of a round of replication. These strains lacked or contained the prophage SP beta c2. Following restriction endonuclease digestion of the purified DNA and fluorography, an SP beta c2-related perturbation of the terminus-labelling profile was observed, which was completely consistent with the previously suggested existence of an impediment to replication fork movement (terC) within a BamHI 24.8 X 10(3) base fragment (Weiss & Wake, 1983). The present data suggest that terC is located within the 11.4 X 10(3) base BamHI + SalI double-digest portion of this BamHI fragment.  相似文献   

We have examined three mutants of Bacillussubtilis temperature sensitive in DNA initiation and one temperature sensitive in DNA elongation, in order to investigate whether these lesions can cause or can result in a detachment of the membrane-bound chromosomal region.Our results argue against any effect of the mutations examined on the association between the chromosome and the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary A precise genetic-physical map of the tnailv region at 82 min on the genetic map of E. coli is obtained through deletion mapping and analysis by restriction endonuclease EcoRI of plasmids, derived from an F carrying the genes between aroE and ilv.A locus, designated het, which in its diploid state results in slow growth and heterogeneity of cell size due to distorted cell division, maps between bglB and asn, 30–45 kb counterclockwise of ilv.The pattern of R.EcolRI cleavage sites in the het region is identical with the pattern obtained by Marsh and worcel (1977) who analyzed DNA labeled preferentially in the region of the DNA replication origin (oriC). We suggest that oriC is identical with the het site and that it can be allocated to a position 32 kb counterclockwise of the ilv operon.Abbreviations CCC covalently closed circular - kb kilobases - MD 106 Daltons - mw molecular weight - R.EcoRI restriction endonuclease EcoRI New Genetic Symbols het heterogeneity of cell size distribution (this study) - maf maintenance of F (Wada et al., 1977) - oriC chromosomal origin of replication (Hiraga, 1976) - oriV origin of vegetative replication of F (Guyer et al., 1976) - oriT origin of transfer replication of F (Guyer et al., 1976) - poh permissive on Hfr (Hiraga, 1976)  相似文献   

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