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Du C  Niu R  Chu E  Zhang P  Lin X 《Journal of biochemistry》2006,139(5):913-920
The thymidylate synthase (TS), an important target for many anticancer drugs, has been cloned from different species. But the cDNA property and function of TS in zebrafish are not well documented. In order to use zebrafish as an animal model for screening novel anticancer agents, we isolated TS cDNA from zebrafish and compared its sequence with those from other species. The open reading frame (ORF) of zebrafish TS cDNA sequence was 954 nucleotides, encoding a 318-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 36.15 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of zebrafish TS was similar to those from other organisms, including rat, mouse and humans. The zebrafish TS protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The purified zebrafish TS showed maximal activity at 28 degrees C with similar K(m) value to human TS. Western immunoblot assay confirmed that TS was expressed in all the developmental stages of zebrafish with a high level of expression at the 1-4 cell stages. To study the function of TS in zebrafish embryo development, a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression vector, pSilencer 4.1-CMV/TS, was constructed which targeted the protein-coding region of zebrafish TS mRNA. Significant change in the development of tail and epiboly was found in zebrafish embryos microinjected pSilencer4.1-CMV/TS siRNA expression vector.  相似文献   

Androgens play key roles in vertebrate sex differentiation, gonadal differentiation and sexual behaviour. The action of androgens is primarily mediated through androgen receptors (ARs). The present study describes the isolation, sequencing and initial characterisation of an androgen receptor from zebrafish Danio rerio. The predicted protein of 868 residues has an estimated calculated molecular weight of 96 kDa. The amino acid sequence of the zebrafish AR (zfRA) shows high homology with other vertebrate ARs. The highest overall similarity was 82% to ARs from fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and goldfish (Carassius auratus). Binding assays with zfAR demonstrated high affinity, saturable, single class binding site, with the characteristics of an androgen receptor. Saturation experiments along with subsequent Scatchard analysis determined that the Kd of the zfAR for 3H-testosterone was 2 nM. Androgen binding affinities in competition with 3H-testosterone were: 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone>11-ketotestosterone>testosterone>androstenedione. The deletion of 12 amino acids (zfARd12) in the ligand binding domain of zfAR resulted in impaired binding to the receptor. Therefore, it was not possible to determine Kd for the zfARd12. The characterisation of this zfAR provides a new perspective for understanding the mechanisms underlying androgen actions in a model vertebrate species commonly used for studies investigating potential endocrine disrupters.  相似文献   

Using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a case study, we show that the maturity concept of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is a useful metric for developmental state. Maturity does not depend on food or temperature contrary to age and to some extent length. We compile the maturity levels for each developmental milestone recorded in staging atlases. The analysis of feeding, growth, reproduction and aging patterns throughout the embryo, juvenile and adult life stages are well-captured by a simple extension of the standard DEB model and reveals that embryo development is slow relative to adults. A threefold acceleration of development occurs during the larval period. Moreover we demonstrate that growth and reproduction depend on food in predictable ways and their simultaneous observation is necessary to estimate parameters. We used data on diverse aspects of the energy budget simultaneously for parameter estimation using the covariation method. The lowest mean food intake level to initiate reproduction was found to be as high as 0.6 times the maximum level. The digestion efficiency for Tetramin? was around 0.5, growth efficiency was just 0.7 and the value for the allocation fraction to soma (0.44) was close to the one that maximizes ultimate reproduction.  相似文献   

We report the molecular and functional characterisation of a novel peptide transporter from zebrafish, orthologue to mammalian and avian PEPT1. Zebrafish PEPT1 is a low-affinity/high-capacity system. However, in contrast to higher vertebrate counterparts in which maximal transport activity is independent of extracellular pH, zebrafish PEPT1 maximal transport rates unexpectedly increase at alkaline extracellular pH. Zebrafish pept1 is highly expressed in the proximal intestine since day 4 post-fertilisation, thus preceding functional maturation of the gut, first feeding and complete yolk resorption. Zebrafish PEPT1 might help to understand the evolutionary and functional relationships among vertebrate peptide transporters. Moreover, zebrafish pept1 can be a useful marker for screening mutations that affect gut regionalisation, differentiation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We cloned three putative odorant receptor (OR) genes from the zebrafish to use as in situ hybridization probes to follow the temporal patterns of neurons expressing OR genes through a developmental progression from embryo (12 h postfertilization) to adult. The identification of these genes is supported by sequence homology to previously reported ORs and by the morphology and location of labeled cells in in situ hybridization experiments. Cells expressing OR mRNA were first observed in the olfactory placodes between 31 and 38 h after fertilization (fish reared at 26°C). Initially, only single cells were observed to hybridize the probe; the number of labeled cells increased throughout the remainder of embryogenesis and through postembryonic growth and morphogenesis of the olfactory organ. At all ages, the positively hybridizing cells were scattered throughout the olfactory epithelium but not in the nonsensory epithelium of the olfactory organ. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The biological significance of tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins is increasingly being appreciated due to their roles in a broad range of biological processes that associated with innate immunity. In this study, we have described the structural and functional analysis of TRIM3a from zebrafish. Annotation of domain architectures found that the TRIM3a fulfills the TRIM-NHL rule of domain composition with a Filamin/ABP280 domain and NHL repeats at its C-terminal region. In addition, the mRNA expression level of TRIM3a was the highest in brain, and with a relatively higher level in spleen, liver, and gill. A strong expression starting at 36 h post fertilization (hpf) was observed by real-time PCR and could be detected in brain by in situ hybridization, suggesting that TRIM3a protein might play an important role in brain development in zebrafish. Considering that TRIM3a has a RING finger domain, we expressed and purified the TRIM3a protein and performed ubiquitylation assays, our results showed that TRIM3a underwent self-polyubiquitylation in combination with E1, UbcH5c, biotin-ubiquitin in vitro. Meanwhile, TRIM3a-R without the RING domain was expressed and purified as well, in vitro ubiquitylation assays showed that the self-ubiquitylation of TRIM3a was dependent on its RING domain, suggesting that TRIM3a might function as a RING finger E3 ubiquitin ligase.  相似文献   

We assessed whether zebrafish, Danio rerio, display inhibitory control using a simple and rapid behavioural test. Zebrafish were exposed to a prey stimulus placed inside a transparent tube, which initially elicited attack behaviour. However, zebrafish showed a rapid reduction in the number of attacks towards the prey, which indicated the ability to inhibit their foraging behaviour. Zebrafish also exhibited mnemonic retention of foraging inhibition, as indicated by a reduced number of attacks in a subsequent exposure to the unreachable prey. The ability to inhibit the foraging behaviour varied across three genetically separated wild-type strains and across different individuals within strains, suggesting that zebrafish show heritable within-species differences in inhibitory control. Our behavioural test might be suitable for screening large zebrafish populations in mutational studies and assessing the effects of pharmacologically active substances on inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Myogenesis is a fundamental process governing the formation of muscle in multicellular organisms. Recent studies in zebrafish Danio rerio have described the molecular events occurring during embryonic morphogenesis and have thus greatly clarified this process, helping to distinguish between the events that give rise to fast v. slow muscle. Coupled with the well-known Hedgehog signalling cascade and a wide variety of cellular processes during early development, the continual research on D. rerio slow muscle precursors has provided novel insights into their cellular behaviours in this organism. Similarly, analyses on fast muscle precursors have provided knowledge of the behaviour of a sub-set of epitheloid cells residing in the anterior domain of somites. Additionally, the findings by various groups on the roles of several molecules in somitic myogenesis have been clarified in the past year. In this study, the authors briefly review the current trends in the field of research of D. rerio trunk myogenesis.  相似文献   

The behaviour and ecology of the zebrafish, Danio rerio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish Danio rerio, is an important model organism in developmental genetics, neurophysiology and biomedicine, but little is known about its natural ecology and behaviour. It is a small, shoaling cyprinid, native to the flood-plains of the Indian subcontinent, where it is found in shallow, slow-flowing waters. Zebrafish are group spawners and egg scatterers, although females are choosy with respect to sites for oviposition and males defend territories around such sites. Laboratory studies of zebrafish behaviour have encompassed shoaling, foraging, reproduction, sensory perception and learning. These studies are reviewed in relation to the suitability of the zebrafish as a model for studies on cognition and learning, development, behavioural and evolutionary ecology, and behavioural genetics.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is responsible for the degradation of a number of neurotransmitters and other biogenic amines. In terrestrial vertebrates, two forms of the enzyme, named MAO A and B, were found in which mammals are coded by two similar but distinct genes. In teleosts, the biochemical data obtained so far indicate that enzyme activity is due to a single form, whose sequence, obtained for trout, displays 70% identity with mammal MAO A and B. In this paper, we carried out an investigation of zebrafish MAO (Z-MAO) to shed further light on the nature of the MAO form present in aquatic vertebrates. Sequencing studies have revealed an open reading frame 522-amino-acids long with MW 58.7 kDa, displaying 84% identity with trout MAO and about 70% identity with mammal MAO A and MAO B. Analysis of the sequence and of the predicted secondary structure shows that also in Z-MAO principal domains characterizing the MAOs are present. The domain linking the FAD is very well conserved, while the transmembrane domain sequence linking the enzyme to the external mitochondrial membrane does not appear to be conserved even with respect to trout MAO. Comparison with the amino acids which, according to the human MAO B and rat MAO A models, line the substrate-binding site shows that in Z-MAO, several residues (V172, N173, F200, L327) differ from MAO B but are similar or identical to the corresponding ones present in rat MAO A, as well as in trout MAO. A three-dimensional model is reported of the substrate-binding site of Z-MAO obtained by comparative modeling. Our observations support the hypothesis that the MAO form present in aquatic vertebrates is a MAO A-like form. Experiments performed to test the effect of selective MAO A (clorgyline) and MAO B (deprenyl) inhibitors on the enzyme's activity in liver and brain confirm the presence of a single form of MAO in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin is a recently discovered respiratory, porphyrin-containing protein that is expressed in the brain of mouse and man. Here we show that neuroglobin is also present in the teleost fish. Complete cDNA sequences are reported from the pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis and the zebrafish Danio rerio. In addition, the neuroglobin gene of T. nigroviridis was sequenced, demonstrating the conservation of the B12.2, E11.0 and G7.0 introns plus the presence of an additional intron in the 5' noncoding region. The fish neuroglobins each comprise 159 amino acids and are 84.3% identical. Phylogenetic analyses show a basal position of the neuroglobins within the metazoan globin tree. An enhanced amino acid substitution rate was estimated for the fish neuroglobins ( approximately 0.93 x 10(-9) amino acid substitutions per site and year) compared with their mammalian proteins ( approximately 0.39 x 10(-9) replacements per site and year).  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of enzymes involved in a wide range of biological functions. We investigated the expression of PKC-positive cells in zebrafish embryos and larvae within the first week of development to determine the developmental profile of PKC-containing cells. Our other goal was to determine if PKC alpha was associated with Rohon-Beard neurons during the first 5 days of development, when they are reported to undergo apoptosis. First, we confirmed the specificity of the antibodies by Western blotting zebrafish brain homogenates with anti-PKC and anti-PKC alpha, and detected single protein bands of approximately 78-82 kDa in size. Immunohistochemistry showed that several types of neurons were labeled, including neurons in the trigeminal ganglia, the dorsal spinal cord, and the dorsal root ganglia. Double-labeling with anti-PKC alpha and both anti-Islet-1 and zn12 confirmed the identity of the PKC-positive cells in the brain as trigeminal neurons, and in the spinal cord as Rohon-Beard cells. Some Rohon-Beard cells were labeled with anti-PKC alpha up to 7 days post fertilization (dpf). We performed TUNEL labeling and found no correlation between TUNEL-labeled and PKC alpha-labeled Rohon-Beard cells, suggesting that PKC alpha is not involved in Rohon-Beard apoptosis. Only approximately 40% of the approximately 130 Rohon-Beard cells at 24 h postfertilization (hpf) were positively labeled for PKC. Mauthner cells were labeled by anti-PKC, but not anti-PKC alpha, suggesting that the major form of PKC within these cells was not PKC alpha.  相似文献   

Shoaling intensity in zebrafish Danio rerio is believed to vary throughout subjective day and night hours. This experiment examines long term variations in shoaling behavior. Adult zebrafish Dan io rerio were maintained under a 12:12 LD cycle (with dim red light serving as reduced visibility during subjective dark hours), and their shoaling behavior was monitored every hour for a three-day period of time. Our results show that zebrafish perform shoaling behavior throughout subjective day and under reduced visibility conditions, although mean shoaling times during the light phase were significantly higher than mean shoaling times during the dark phase. However, on the 3^rd day of the experiment, mean shoaling times during the subjective night had increased and mean shoaling times during the subjective day had decreased. This shift in intensity was not seen on the first two days of the study, and may represent the influence of experience on the behavior of the test fish. We believe this study shows that shoaling behavior changes with light/dark cycles and that fish shoal even during reduced visibility conditions.  相似文献   

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