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Food preferences of the black rhinoceros population in Tsavo National Park, Kenya were studied from 1967 to 1969. Feeding rhinoceros were watched for a period of 1 h, and the plants which they selected and rejected were identified, either as they were feeding or when they had moved on. A technique was used which provided an indication of the relative importance of certain plants in the diet during the wet and dry seasons. A total of 70 h was spent actually watching feeding rhinoceros in six habitat types representative of the changing ecosystem; 3,600 feeding stations were examined. Black rhinoceros were observed eating 102 species from 32 botanical families. In all habitat types the rhinoceros is very selective for herbs and shrubs, and shows a marked preference for legumes. Available grasses are very rarely eaten. Results of food preference studies in other areas of East Africa are compared with the present study. It is suggested that the abundance and distribution of certain kinds of leguminose flora may be the key to an optimum black rhinoceros habitat.  相似文献   

Feeding and drinking habits of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis L.) population in Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya, were studied from May 1971 to August 1972. A total of 108 rhinoceros were recorded in the study area. Feeding rhinoceros were followed behind their feeding tracks until they stopped feeding (or changed to another activity) and the plants which they selected were identified. A technique was used which provided an indication of the relative importance of certain plants in the diet during May to September 1971 (wet-semi-dry), October 1971 to February 1972 (dry) and February to May 1972 (wet-semi-dry). A total of 240 h were spent actually watching feeding rhinoceros in thirteen distribution areas. During this period rhinoceros were observed eating seventy plant species from thirty botanical families. In all distribution areas rhinoceros were very selective for herbs and shrubs, and showed a marked preference for Solanum incanum, Dichrostachys cinerea and Acacia species. Rhinoceros were also observed to visit salt licks which contained sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Two feeding peaks, one in morning and the other in the afternoon were recorded. Black rhinoceros drink water mainly at night. They spend most of the night time near the watering places for they were mostly located in the mornings walking to the feeding grounds.  相似文献   

We carried out a postrelease evaluation to determine predictors of habitat use and carrying capacity for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli), which are critical for monitoring how the Ruma National Park sub-population may contribute to Kenya's meta-population strategy. We determined whether level of elevation, rockiness, shade, distance to fence, roads, and human settlements predict habitat use, differences in habitat and diet preference between female and male black rhinoceros, and the ecological carrying capacity (CC) of black rhinoceros in the park. We used standard ecological methods to collect data on predictors of habitat use, habitat preference and to estimate CC. Results show, first, that none of the environmental and anthropogenic factors evaluated predicted habitat use by black rhinoceros in the park. Second, although there was no significant difference in habitat preference between the sexes (U = 16.50, p = 0.306), there was a 60% difference in Jaccard's dissimilarity in diet selection between the sexes. Third, the park can support 65 black rhinoceros. Altogether, the findings suggest that the park has potential to support other sub-populations in Kenya. We recommend that future similar studies should incorporate population viability analysis and a community-based approach to forecast the species health and extinction risk.  相似文献   

The six limestone langur taxa of Southeast Asia inhabit the rugged limestone karst mountains, although the reason for their current restriction to this habitat is unclear. From August 2007 to July 2008, I collected data on the diet and feeding behavior of the critically endangered Delacour's langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) in Van Long Nature Reserve, Vietnam. I used these data to evaluate the hypothesis that limestone langurs are found on karst habitat because they depend on endemic limestone plants. Feeding accounted for 29% of the langurs' activity budget. Young leaves dominated the diet monthly, seasonally, and annually. The annual diet consists of nearly 79% foliage with almost 60% young leaves. Despite a distinct wet and dry season, over the study period, seasonal variation in plant part consumption was slight. Fruit and seeds were a small contribution to the diet. Delacour's langurs ate 42 of 145 available species, and they concentrated on a subset of this number. Five plant species comprised more than 60% of the diet and 16 species comprised more than 93%. More than half of the diet came from climbers. Delacour's langurs are among the most highly folivorous of studied colobines and, along with the closely related T. leucocephalus of southern China, the most folivorous of the Asian langurs. Whether high folivory is owing to a lack of available fruits and seeds in limestone habitats is unknown. What is certain, however, is that the plant species most important in the Delacour's langurs' diet at VLNR, throughout the study, were not plants endemic to limestone. Feeding dependence alone, therefore, cannot explain the current distribution of limestone langurs on karst habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:317–324, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tsavo National Park, in Kenya, probably contains the largest population of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis (L.)) left in existence. Large-scale damage of the vegetation initiated by elephants and aggravated by fire has changed considerable areas of the park. The ecology of the black rhinoceros in this changing environment has been studied; the present status and population structure is considered here, including the development of detailed ageing criteria for the species, an analysis of natural mortality and survivorship, and a record of the structure of the living populations within the major habitat types. Crania and mandibles were collected from 506 rhinoceros found dead in all areas of the park. This material was divided into 20 relative age classes based on dental characteristics. Crude chronological ages, based on an estimate of the maximum expectation of life and the examination of seven known-age dental records of captive animals, were assigned to each age class. These crude ages were then refined by examination of 16 dental records of known-age wild rhinoceros, and a chronological age scale established. A survivorship curve of the population was thus constructed. Annual mortality during the first and second year of life is about 16%, and the indicated mean annual mortality from 5–25 y is 9.8%. A theoretical model of the population structure is shown, and analysis of the annual mortality and recruitment at birth suggests that the population was stable during the 1960's. Assuming the data represent a stable population the mean expectation of life at birth is 8.4 y. Thirteen major habitat types are described. The characteristics of the rhinoceros population within each habitat type were established both from ground studies and aerial observations. Nearly 700 rhinoceros were identified and catalogued on the ground, in sample areas selected for intensive study. Population structures, cow: calf ratios, and recruitment appear to be average in most habitat types. The analysis of recruitment at birth and mortality during the first year of life, both from computations from the survivorship curve and from the structure of the living populations, support the validity of the ageing criteria, and further suggest that the population was stable during the 1960's. Finally, the relationship between the elephant and the rhinoceros in the changing environment is discussed with reference to recent findings in elephant ecology. In conclusion it is recommended that population reduction of the Tsavo elephants should be initiated.  相似文献   

Urban environments are habitat mosaics, often with an abundance of exotic flora, and represent complex problems for foraging arboreal birds. In this study, we used compositional analysis to assess how Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major use heterogeneous urban habitat, with the aim of establishing whether breeding birds were selective in the habitat they used when foraging and how they responded to non‐native trees and shrubs. We also assessed whether they showed foraging preferences for certain plant taxa, such as oak Quercus, that are important to their breeding performance in native woodland. Additionally, we used mixed models to assess the impact of these different habitat types on breeding success (expressed as mean nestling mass). Blue Tits foraged significantly more in native than non‐native deciduous trees during incubation and when feeding fledglings, and significantly more in deciduous than evergreen plants throughout the breeding season. Great Tits used deciduous trees more than expected by chance when feeding nestlings, and a positive relationship was found between the availability of deciduous trees and mean nestling mass. Overall, the breeding performance of both species was poor and highly variable. Positive relationships were found between mean nestling mass and the abundance of Quercus for Great Tits, but not for Blue Tits. Our study shows the importance of native vegetation in the complex habitat matrix found in urban environments. The capacity of some, but not all, species to locate and benefit from isolated patches of native trees suggests that species vary in their response to urbanization and this has implications for urban ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted to study the effects of browse availability and quality on black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeliGroves 1967) diet in Nairobi National Park, Kenya, between September 1994 and February 1995. Line intercept method was used to assess availability of browse. The ratios of browsed crowns to the total crown were applied in the estimate of browse use. Proximate analysis and extraction methods were used, respectively, to appraise browse nutritional quality and phytochemical status of twelve species. Thirty‐four plant species were identified as potential black rhino browse, whose availability differed significantly (P < 0.001). Lippia javanica (20.581 ± 3.101, n = 544) and Lannea cornuta (0.963 ± 0.529, n = 544) were the most and least available species, respectively. Only 32 species, however, were utilized, as L. cornuta and Rhynchosia hirta did not show any level of rhino feeding activity. Browse use was found to vary significantly (P < 0.001) during the study period. Grewia similis was most (20.564 ± 2.764, n = 544) and Commelina africana least (0.974 ± 0.974, n = 544) exploited, respectively. Differences in total alkaloids and phenols, crude fibre, crude protein and total ash contents among species investigated were highly significant (P < 0.001). Ether extract values were similar (P= 0.0933) across plant taxa. The study shows that the black rhino is a selective browser feeding on plants with low phenol and alkaloid contents and high fibre values. Of the nutritionally similar species, browsing was driven by availability. These findings suggest that a key habitat factor important in black rhinoceros conservation include diverse plant species with low levels of phenols and alkaloids.  相似文献   

Black rhinoceros diet and browse availability was investigated in Augrabies Falls (AFNP), Karoo (KRNP) and Vaalbos National Parks (VNP) in South Africa. Rhino tracks were followed and 18,804 standard bite volumes recorded. Browse availability of each plant species was recorded by measuring 14,800 plants and calculating reachable browse volume. The diet comprised 51, 53 and 41 plant species in AFNP, KRNP and VNP, respectively, but three species accounted for more than 65% of the diet in each park, making diet less diverse than available browse in AFNP and KRNP. Browse availability explained 14%, 15% and 52% of diet selection in AFNP, KRNP and VNP, with consumption of most plant species significantly different from availability. A few plant species were so highly preferred that browsing intensities were unsustainable, while some common species were totally rejected. Pressure on the eaten browse averaged 4.4%, 14.5% and 1.3% annually of the volume in AFNP, KRNP and VNP. In the dry season, there was a two to sevenfold increase in browsing pressure on species with actively photosynthesizing tissues. A few key species, including Monechma and Zygophyllum species, were identified as potential early warning indicators of black rhino browsing impact.  相似文献   

This article attempts to explain that parasitoids provide the evolutionary pressure responsible for relationships between habitat use and larval food plant use in herbivorous insects. Three species of butterflies of the genus Pieris, P. rapae, P. melete, and P. napi use different sets of cruciferous plants. They prefer different habitats composed of similar sets of cruciferous plants. In our study, P. rapae used temporary habitats with ephemeral plants, P. melete used permanent habitat with persistent plants, although they also used temporary habitats, and P. napi used only permanent habitat. The choice experiment in the field cages indicated that each of the three butterfly species avoided oviposition on plants usually unused in its own habitat, but accepted the unused plants which grew outside its own habitat. Their habitat use and plant use were not explained by intrinsic plant quality examined in terms of larval performance. Pieris larvae collected from persistent plants or more long lasting habitats were more heavily parasitized by two specialist parasitoids, the braconid wasp Cotesia glomerata and the tachinid fly Epicampocera succincta. The results suggest that Pieris habitat and larval food plant use patterns can be explained by two principles. The evolution of habitat preference may have been driven by various factors including escape from parasitism. Once habitat preference has evolved, selection favors the evolution of larval food plant preferences by discriminating against unsuitable plants, including those which are associated with high parasitism pressures. Received: December 3, 1998 / Accepted: January 20, 1999  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and bird species richness and composition within wetlands of the floodplain of the Middle Paraná River, Argentina. Given the high habitat heterogeneity in these wetland systems, we sought to determine whether (i) there was a positive relationship between bird species richness and habitat heterogeneity; (ii) whether bird species richness was associated with certain types of individual habitat types; (iii) whether there was a pattern of species nestedness and turnover between sites as a function of habitat heterogeneity and composition, respectively; and (iv) whether individual species exhibited associations with habitat heterogeneity. Point counts were used to survey birds at 60 sites. We estimated the area of eight habitat types found within a 200‐m radius from the centre of each site and calculated number and Pielou's evenness of habitat types. These indices, together with area proportion of each habitat type, were used as explanatory factors of bird species richness in linear regression models. Habitat heterogeneity per se rather than area of individual habitat types was a more important predictor of species richness in these fluvial wetlands. Sites with more habitat types supported more bird species. Results showed that individual bird species were associated with different habitat types and, therefore, sites that contained more habitat types contained more species. Number of habitat types accounted for species nestedness between sites whereas composition of habitat types accounted for species turnover between sites. Results suggest that selection of heterogeneous sites by individual species could help explain the positive heterogeneity–species richness relationship. Our findings highlight the importance of habitat heterogeneity per se resulting from flood disturbances in maintaining bird richness in fluvial systems.  相似文献   

Understanding butterfly response to landscape context can inform conservation management and planning. We tested whether local-scale resources (host and nectar plants, canopy cover) or landscape context, measured at two scales, better explained the densities of four butterfly species. The density of Coenonympha tullia, which has host plants strongly associated with grassland habitats, was positively correlated with the amount of grassland in 0.5- and 1-km radius landscapes and only occurred in forests when they bordered grasslands. For the other species, Celastrina ladon, Cupido amyntula, and Vanessa cardui, local-scale resources better explained butterfly densities, emphasizing the importance of local habitat quality for butterflies. These three species also used host plants that were distributed more heterogeneously within and among habitat types. Our findings demonstrate the importance of host plant spatial distributions when determining the scale at which butterfly density relates to resources, and we recommend that both these distributions and landscape context be evaluated when developing butterfly monitoring programs, managing for species of concern, or modeling potential habitat.  相似文献   

1. The large flightless grasshopper Acrostira bellamyi Uvarov, endemic to the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands), inhabits two different environments: the xeric euphorb shrubland, as is typical for congeneric Canarian species, and the humid laurel forest, a novel habitat for the genus. 2. We investigate genetic, morphological, and ecological variation among individuals of A. bellamyi from the two habitats. DNA sequence data were used to evaluate whether grasshoppers from the two environments represent distinct lineages. Morphological and trophic analyses were performed to assess phenotypic differentiation between the two different habitats. 3. Population genetic analyses support the hypothesis that the euphorb shrubland is the ancestral habitat for this species. Female laurel forest specimens are larger than those inhabiting the euphorb shrubland, and some external body parts exhibit significant morphometric differences between the two populations. Diet of shrubland individuals is completely different from that of laurel forest individuals. Although in each habitat they consume the most abundant plants, individuals are able to select food plants, which appear to be explained by their nutrient content. 4. Our results suggest that A. bellamyi has colonised laurel forest from shrubland, and that this habitat shift has resulted in genetic, morphological, and ecological changes, perhaps as an adaptation to this new habitat.  相似文献   

A population of frillneck lizards, Chlamydosaurus kingii, was monitored by mark-recapture and telemetry over a 2 year period in Kakadu National Park. The aims of the study were to document changes in diet, growth, condition and habitat use between the wet and dry seasons of northern Australia, in light of recent research examining seasonal variation in the physiology of this species. Frillneck lizards feed on a diverse range of invertebrates in both seasons, even though there is a substantial reduction in food avail-ability in the dry season. Harvester termites from the genus Drepanotermes constitute a major component of the diet, and the prevalence of termites in the diet of sedentary foragers in a tropical environment is unusual. Adult male body condition remained relatively stable throughout the year, but females experienced considerable variation. These differences are attributed to different reproductive roles of the sexes. Growth in C. kingii was restricted to the wet season, when food availability was high, and growth was minimal in the dry season when food availability was low. The method used in catching lizards was an important factor in determining seasonal habitat use. Telemetered lizards selected a significantly different distribution of tree species than was randomly available, and they selected significantly larger tree species during the dry season. Lizards spotted along roadsides showed little seasonal variation in the selection of tree species or tree sizes. The results suggest a comprehensive change in the ecology of this species, in response to an annual cycle of low food and moisture availability, followed by a period with few resource restrictions.  相似文献   

We investigated invasion impacts of a grass species (Eragrostis curvula) on native grasshoppers by periodic censuses of these insects on gravelly floodplains of the Kinu River, Japan. Our hypothesis was that there are greater impacts on natives when they are habitat specialists, as opposed to habitat generalists. The study area comprised two main habitat types: gravelly areas and riparian grasslands. Among 12 grasshopper species identified, five were more abundant in one of the habitat types and all of them were significantly negatively affected by coverage of weeping lovegrass, whereas seven occurred at the both habitat types simultaneously and a significantly smaller portion of species (two of the seven) was negatively affected by the alien plants. The results suggest that habitat specificity is related to the grasshopper species’ sensitivity to the plant, indicating that habitat specialist herbivores living on open gravelly floodplains are likely highly vulnerable to this plant invasion.  相似文献   

In the context of a broader ecological investigation, food habits of giraffe were studied in Tsavo National Park (East). The only method employed was direct observation of feeding animals in the field. Each instance in which one animal fed on one individual plant was counted as one food record for this plant species; 4025 records are analysed. A total of sixty-six plant species was found to be eaten, the great majority being trees and shrubs, with a few creepers and vines. There were marked seasonal differences in the diet of giraffe, deciduous trees, shrubs and vines being dominant in the green season, evergreen plants (partly in riverine forest) in the dry season. All the trees and larger shrubs common in the study area were eaten by giraffe, while few records for very small shrubs and none for herbs and grasses were obtained. An analysis of the available vegetation was made in part of the dry-season habitat, and for twenty species the frequency in the habitat was compared with the frequency in the giraffe's diet, revealing selection for or against certain species. Giraffe utilized the upper vegetation layers, where available, but overall c. 50% of all browsing was below 2 m above ground, i.e. within reach of smaller browsers. Results of this study are compared with what is known on food habits of giraffe in other areas. Possible competition of giraffe with other browsers and the relationship between giraffe and their habitat are discussed. Continued survival of giraffe, and other browsers, in Tsavo National Park depends primarily on (1) adequate control of fire, and (2) the impact of future vegetation changes on the amount and variety of available browse plants.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat for beneficial organisms and the ecosystem services they provide. Multiple‐habitat users such as wild bees depend on both nesting and foraging habitat. Thus, they may be affected by the fragmentation of at least two habitat types. We investigated the effects of landscape‐scale amount of and patch isolation from both nesting habitat (woody plants) and foraging habitat (specific pollen sources) on the abundance and diet of Osmia bicornis L. Trap‐nests of O. bicornis were studied in 30 agricultural landscapes of the Swiss Plateau. Nesting and foraging habitats were mapped in a radius of 500 m around the sites. Pollen composition of larval diet changed as isolation to the main pollen source, Ranunculus, increased, suggesting that O. bicornis adapted its foraging strategy in function of the nest proximity to main pollen sources. Abundance of O. bicornis was neither related to isolation or amount of nesting habitat nor to isolation or abundance of food plants. Surprisingly, nests of O. bicornis contained fewer larvae in sites at forest edge compared to isolated sites, possibly due to higher parasitism risk. This study indicates that O. bicornis can nest in a variety of situations by compensating scarcity of its main larval food by exploiting alternative food sources.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of a section of a replanted riparian wildlife corridor by Lumholtz's Tree‐kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) (referred to here as LTK) on the Atherton Tablelands in north‐east Queensland, Australia. Selection of plants for replanting had been adjusted to the seasonally inundated clay‐rich and acid soils of the site, and, in some cases, with the aim to establish wind breaks which resulted in a plant composition of this section that differs from known LTK habitats. Through semi‐regular daily observations of individual LTKs over eight years, it was found that LTKs were most commonly recorded on Tallowwood (Eucalyptus microcorys), Rose Gum (E. grandis), Caribbean Pine (Pinus caribaea) and Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) which were planted as wind breaks in the 1950s and 1980s. On a section planted in 1998, it was found that LTKs used certain tree species more frequently than would have been expected from the relative number in which these species had been planted. This may be associated with certain structural features of the used tree species. The presence of these structural habitat features may allow LTKs to establish home ranges within the restored habitat. Home ranges were calculated for four females, and it was found that they did not differ in size from those reported from other LTK habitats. However, home ranges showed extensive overlaps. The study reveals that LTK will colonise replanted habitat and may be adaptable in its spatial requirements in a restored landscape.  相似文献   

随着气候变化加剧和人类活动影响,生物多样性变化及其保护逐渐受到广泛关注。蝴蝶作为开花植物的传粉媒介和生态环境监测及评价的关键指示者,其多样性变化能够在一定程度上反映生境状况,因此,有必要清晰认识不同生境中的蝴蝶多样性变化。为明确松嫩平原蝴蝶资源和不同生境的群落多样性差异,采用样线法于2016年5月-2018年8月对松嫩平原的割草草地、湿地、农田、放牧利用草地及恢复草地共五种生境类型进行调查研究。结果发现,调查共记录蝴蝶5108头,隶属于6科21属26种,其中牧女珍眼蝶(Coenonympha amaryllis)和红珠灰蝶(Plebejus argyrognomon)为优势种类,分别占蝴蝶个体总数的25.61%和31.66%,且在五种生境类型中均有分布。不同生境类型中,蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度指数和均匀度指数无明显差异,而恢复草地生境的蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数较高,优势度指数较低。农田生境中的蝴蝶个体数量较少,且群落组成与其他四种生境之间均具有显著差异。五种生境类型中的蝴蝶数量和多样性均呈现一定的月动态和年动态变化趋势。除湿地和农田外,其余三种生境中蝴蝶物种和个体数量从5月到8月均持续升高。四种生境的蝴蝶物种数量、个体数量(除农田外)在2018年均出现明显下降趋势。物种丰富度指数等指标的月动态和年动态在不同生境类型间存在较大差异。这些结果表明,生境类型和人类活动与蝴蝶多样性变化关系密切,表现为单一生境中蝴蝶多样性较低,复杂生境有利于保护蝴蝶多样性。本研究有助于厘清松嫩平原蝴蝶资源的基础数据,并为该地区蝴蝶多样性保护和利用及评估该区域生态环境提供一定理论支撑。  相似文献   

Rapidly changing climate is likely to modify the spatial distribution of both flora and fauna. Land use change continues to alter the availability and quality of habitat and further intensifies the effects of climate change on wildlife species. We used an ensemble modeling approach to predict changes in habitat suitability for an iconic wildlife species, greater one‐horned rhinoceros due to the combined effects of climate and land use changes. We compiled an extensive database on current rhinoceros distribution and selected nine ecologically meaningful environmental variables for developing ensemble models of habitat suitability using ten different species distribution modeling algorithms in the BIOMOD2 R package; and we did this under current climatic conditions and then projected them onto two possible climate change scenarios (SSP1‐2.6 and SSP5‐8.5) and two different time frames (2050 and 2070). Out of ten algorithms, random forest performed the best, and five environmental variables—distance from grasslands, mean temperature of driest quarter, distance from wetlands, annual precipitation, and slope, contributed the most in the model. The ensemble model estimated the current suitable habitat of rhinoceros to be 2610 km2, about 1.77% of the total area of Nepal. The future habitat suitability under the lowest and highest emission scenarios was estimated to be: (1) 2325 and 1904 km2 in 2050; and (2) 2287 and 1686 km2 in 2070, respectively. Our results suggest that over one‐third of the current rhinoceros habitat would become unsuitable within a period of 50 years, with the predicted declines being influenced to a greater degree by climatic changes than land use changes. We have recommended several measures to moderate these impacts, including relocation of the proposed Nijgad International Airport given that a considerable portion of potential rhinoceros habitat will be lost if the airport is constructed on the currently proposed site.  相似文献   

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