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The occurrence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in chilies from Pakistan was determined by using HPLC in work undertaken in Pakistan. Whole (n = 22) and powdered (n = 22) chilies were analyzed. Sixteen (73.0%) and 19 (86.4%) samples of whole and ground chilies, respectively, were contaminated. The mean concentration in powdered chilies (32.20 μg/kg) was higher statistically than in whole chilies (24.69 μg/kg). Concentrations ranged from 0.00 to 89.56 μg/kg for powdered chilies, compared with 0.00–96.3 μg/kg for whole chilies. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.05 μg/kg and 0.53 μg/kg, respectively. The concentrations were high in general and greater than the statutory limit set by the European Union. There is considerable scope for improvements in chili production in Pakistan.  相似文献   


The present study was conducted to assess the magnitude and health impacts of As in drinking water. Drinking water samples (n?=?60) were collected from twenty different sites of Shiekhupura District (Pakistan). Health risk assessment through average daily dose (ADD), hazard indices (HI), hazard quotient (HQ), carcinogenic risk (CR), and cancer indices (CI) for dermal and oral exposure were determined. Results revealed that As concentration ranged from 2 to 900?µg?L?1 in water samples, which was significantly greater than the safe limit of As (10?µg?L?1) in water. Health risk assessment of As showed that ADD (1.07E?02–9.85E?04), HQ (1.06E+01–9.85E+00), and CR (1.60E?02–9.85E?04) for oral exposure and ADD (1.03E?05–9.69E?06), HQ (1.19E?02–7.96E?03), and CR (1.11E?05–8.98E?05) for dermal exposure which were exceeded the toxic risk index value. Comparison of the two exposure pathways indicated that the oral exposure is much higher risk than the dermal contact. Both values of HI and CI were greater than WHO limit. It is concluded that residents of study area are at higher risk of As induced diseases and carcinogenicity.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦旁遮普中部地区稻田蜘蛛的活动(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究巴基斯坦旁遮普(Punjab)中部稻田中蜘蛛群落的多样性与特征,我们在Punjab的4个主要产稻区Lahore、 Sialkot、 Sheikupura、和Kasur使用陷阱诱捕以及吸虫器进行研究, 共记录了隶属于12科30属40种的27658头蜘蛛.采样地区间有相似的科别 以及组成,总体多样性以及均匀性无差异.然而,多度以及丰富度随不同取样地点而异.蜘蛛的群落具有很强的季节性,受洪水以及杀虫剂的影响.农田蜘蛛的组成随作物组成而变化  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in ruminants in an irrigated area of lower Punjab (Pakistan). For this purpose, 100 faecal samples were collected from sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes. Parasitological procedures including direct and indirect methods (sedimentation and floatation) and coproculture were used for the identification of helminths. The overall prevalence of helminthiasis was 51% in cattle, 47% in buffaloes, 62% in sheep and 52% in goats, with nematodes being the most common helminths. The prevalence of helminths was higher in young animals compared with adults in cattle (P < 0.0001), buffaloes (P < 0.0001), sheep (P < 0.059) and goats (P = 0.010). The prevalence of different species of helminths also varied in different age groups, with Toxocara vitulorum being higher in calves than adults both in cattle (P = 0.017) and buffaloes (P < 0.0001). Sex-wise prevalence of helminths was higher in males than females for buffaloes (P < 0.0001) and sheep (P = 0.014) in contrast to cattle and goats.  相似文献   

As part of investigations on potential linkages between irrigation and malaria transmission, all surface water bodies in and around three villages along an irrigation distributary in South Punjab, Pakistan, were surveyed for anopheline mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) from April 1999 to March 2000. Samples were characterized according to exposure to sunlight, substratum, presence of vegetation, fauna, inorganic matter and physical water condition (clear/turbid/foul). Also water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), electroconductivity (EC) and pH of sites were recorded. A total of 37982 Anopheles larvae of six morphological types were collected from 2992 samples taken from irrigation/agricultural and village/domestic aquatic habitats. Anopheles subpictus Grassi sensu lato was by far the most abundant (74.3%), followed by An. culicifacies Giles s.l. (4.1%), An. stephensi Liston s.l. (2.6%), An. pulcherrimus Theobald (1.8%), An. peditaeniatus Leicester (0.3%) and An. nigerrimus Giles (0.1%). The four most abundant species were significantly associated with waterlogged fields and communal village drinking-water tanks. Habitat characteristics most correlated with occurrence of anophelines were the physical water condition and the absence/presence of fauna, particularly predators. Occurrence and abundance of Anopheles immatures were not significantly correlated with water temperature, DO, EC or pH. Malaria vectors of the Anopheles culicifacies complex occurred at relatively low densities, mainly in irrigated and waterlogged fields. In South Punjab, where rainfall is very low, it should be possible to reduce anopheline breeding through water management, as larvae develop mainly in water bodies that are directly or indirectly related to the extensive canal-irrigation system.  相似文献   

This study investigated pollinator assemblage diversity and richness in four forested ecosystems of southern Punjab, Pakistan, with different landscape types. Pirowal is situated in the plains of irrigated Punjab, Lal Suhanra is part of a sandy desert ecosystem, Ghazi Ghat is part of the Indus River delta, and Fort Munro is located in dry hilly mountains. A yearlong survey of pollinator populations was carried out in these four forested ecosystems from January to December of 2010. Fortnightly hand netting was performed for collecting flower-visiting insects whereas, pan traps of three colors (white, blue, and yellow) were deployed for collecting the data. A total of 8,812 individuals from two orders (Lepidoptera and Diptera) were observed, including 22 families and 154 species. Bees were the most abundant, with 4,502 individuals, and the most species-rich taxa, with 70 species in five families, followed by flies having 2,509 individuals and 51species in 10 families. Wasps were the least abundant with 1,801 individuals and 33 species in seven families. The assemblage structure of pollinator communities as visualized through rank abundance curves showed that there were many species with low abundance and only a few species with a much higher abundance. The most abundant species among the bees, in order, were Nomia sp.3, Megachile bicolor, and Colletes sp.3; among flies, Syrphus sp.2, Calliphoridae sp.1, and Empididae sp.4; and among wasps, Tiphiidae sp.1, Myzininae sp.2, and Scelionidae sp.1.  相似文献   

Sargodha district is one of the least studied regions of Pakistan regarding its ethnobotanical values. This paper is the first report related to the documentation and conservation status of the tree species in the Sargodha district, and their folk ethnobotanical uses. An interview base survey was conducted in the study area in 2010-2013. The ethnobotanical data revealed the use of 100 tree species (6 gymnosperms, 94 angiosperms) belonging to 77 genera (6 gymnosperms, 71 angiosperms) and 39 families (4 gymnosperms, 35 angiosperms), with the Fabaceae ranking first with 19 tree species, followed by the Moraceae (12 species). Tree species like Aegle marmelos, Butea monosperma, Diospyrus malabarica, Gmelina arborea, Kigelia africana, Manilkara hexandra, Manilkara zapota, Mimusops elengi, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Putranjiva roxburghii, Terminalia arjuna and Terminalia bellerica are not only unique in their medicinal value but also interesting because of their unusual occurrence here. Thevetia peruviana, Cassia fistula, Celtis australis, Delonix regia, Diospyrus malabarica, Grevillea robusta, Haplophragma adenophylum, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Plumeria rubra, Pterospermum acerifolium, Roystonea regia, Taxodium distichum and Tectona grandis are included among the worth looking ornamental tree species. Capparis decidua, Dalbergia sissoo, Tamarix aphylla, Tamarix dioica, Prosopis cineraria and Ziziphus mauritiana are the most commonly used timber species. Other common ethnobotanical utilization of these trees includes either sheltering or fuel or agricultural uses. Lack of awareness about the potential uses of these species, and particularly ignorance of the concerned authorities, have led to a decline in the population of this precious tree flora. Documentation of this tree flora, and as-sociated indigenous knowledge, can be used as a basis for developing management plans for conservation and sustainable use of this flora in the study area. A well-organized management is critical to restore and conserve this endangered natural resource in the District Sargodha, Pakistan. The immense medicinal and timber value of these tree species make it necessary to promote their conservation to simultaneously alleviate the poverty and improve the socio-economic status of the study area.  相似文献   

Surface irrigation in the Punjab province of Pakistan has been carried out on a large scale since the development of the Indus Basin Irrigation System in the late 19th century. The objective of our study was to understand how the population dynamics of adult anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) could be related to malaria transmission in rural areas with intensive irrigation and a history of malaria epidemics. In this paper we present our observations from three villages located along an irrigation canal in South Punjab. The study was carried out from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000. Mosquitoes were collected from bedrooms using the pyrethroid spraycatch method and from vegetation and animal sheds using backpack aspirators. Overall, Anopheles subpictus Grassi sensu lato predominated (55.6%), followed by An. stephensi Liston s.l. (41.4%), An. culicifacies Giles s.l. (2.0%), An. pulcherrimus Theobald (1.0%) and An. peditaeniatus Leicester (0.1%). Most mosquitoes (98.8%) were collected from indoor resting-sites whereas collections from potential resting-sites outdoors accounted for only 1.2% of total anopheline densities, confirming the endophilic behaviour of anophelines in Pakistan. Anopheles stephensi, An. culicifacies and An. subpictus populations peaked in August, September and October, respectively. High temperatures and low rainfall negatively affected seasonal abundance in our area. There were interesting differences in anopheline fauna between villages, with An. culicifacies occurring almost exclusively in the village at the head of the irrigation canal, where waterlogged and irrigated fields prevailed. Monthly house-to-house fever surveys showed that malaria transmission remained low with an overall slide positivity rate of 2.4% and all cases were due to infection with Plasmodium vivax. The most plausible explanation for low transmission in our study area seems to be the low density of Pakistan's primary malaria vector, An. culicifacies. The role of other species such as An. stephensi is not clear. Our observations indicate that, in South Punjab, irrigation-related sites support the breeding of anopheline mosquitoes, including the vectors of malaria. As our study was carried out during a year with exceptionally hot and dry climatic conditions, densities and longevity of mosquitoes would probably be higher in other years and could result in more significant malaria transmission than we observed. To assess the overall importance of irrigation-related sites in the epidemiology of malaria in the Punjab, more studies are needed to compare irrigated and non-irrigated areas.  相似文献   

Summary  Aflatoxins, highly toxic and carcinogenic compounds that frequently contaminate foods and feeds, are produced by several genera in the genusAspergillus. Aspergillus flavus, the most common species causing crop contamination, is a common inhabitant of the Sonoran desert of North America where it resides in complex communities composed of diverse individuals. This diversity reflects divergent adaptation to various ecological niches. SomeA. flavus isolates that are well adapted to plant associated niches do not produce aflatoxins yet have the capacity to competitively exclude aflatoxin producers. These atoxigenic strains can serve as biological control agents for management of aflatoxins in crops. Detailed knowledge of the ecology of aflatoxin-producing fungi may lead to novel practical methods for limiting contamination. Presented at the EU-USA Bilateral Workshop on Toxigenic Fungi & Mycotoxins, New Orleans, USA, July 5–7, 2005.  相似文献   

Taxonomic identification and classifications of insect pest genera Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia of the subfamily Plusiinae is very compulsory due to their phytophagous nature and potential to damage the cash as well as cereal crops. Taxonomy plays a key role in proper not only in identification and classification of the pest but also in designing a successful managing strategy. In current study, specimens of Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia genera were collected from different geographical areas of south Punjab, Pakistan and their diagnostic features were examined following taxanomic keys. The data of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall were also recorded during the study period. Genitalia was extracted by dissecting of the abdomen and inspected under Stereo microscope. The results revealed two new species, Chryodeixis maxus and Ctenoplusia oleraceaus, from south Punjab region in addition to previously reported species: Chrysodeixis furihatai. Suitable management of the voracious insect pest at appropriate time may help in sustaining the agriculture in Pakistan.  相似文献   

横斑腹小鸮(Athene brama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。我们通过分析吐弃块(n=498)以了解其季节性和地域性食性变化。结果显示:小型哺乳类占所有食物生物量的98.4%,而昆虫类在数量上占据绝对优势(56.4%)。在小型哺乳类食物中,鼠类(38.8%)是稳定的食物成分。而在昆虫食物中,甲虫最多(42.8%)。横斑腹小亦捕食鼩鼱类(2.3%)和鸟类(1.7%)。昆虫类食物还有蟑螂(6.4%)、臭虫(3.3%)、蝗虫(6.7%)和蚂蚁(3.2%)。小家鼠(Mus musculus)和柔毛鼠(Rattus meltada)在鼠类食物中出现频次最多。不同地区中,Hafizabad的食物多样性最高(2.07),而秋季的食物多样性最高(1.99)。  相似文献   

The present study describes the length–weight parameters of Wallago attu and Sperata sarwari from the Indus River, southern Punjab, Pakistan with W  = 0.001698  L 3.27 for W. attu and W  = 0.001698  L 3.28 for S. sarwari . The values of the slope b are significantly higher than b  = 3.0, which shows that the weight grows more rapidly as compared to the cube of the length. Thus it was concluded that body proportions changed as fish grew in size.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at assessing drinking water quality regarding arsenic (As) and its impact on health from Mailsi (Punjab), Pakistan. Forty-four groundwater samples were collected from two sites, Sargana and Mailsi. Arsenic and other cations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, whereas the anions were determined either through titration or spectrophotometer. The results revealed that dominant anions were HCO3? and Cl?, Ca+2 was the dominant cation, and overall water chemistry of the area was CaMgHCO3? type. Arsenic concentrations were high, ranging from 11 to 828 µg/L that crossed the World Health Organization permissible limits. Likewise, higher SO4?2 concentrations ranging from 247 to 1053 mg/L were observed. The health risk index was higher in the Sargana site, which employed the differences in terms of higher Average Daily Dose, Hazard Quotient, and Carcinogenic Risk of arsenic, which is unsuitable for drinking purposes. The area seems to be at high risk due to arsenic pollution and wells have never been tested for arsenic concentrations earlier; therefore, necessary measures should be taken to test the wells with respect to arsenic.  相似文献   

A total of 60 maize genotype samples from different agroclimatic regions of India were collected. Fresh harvest of these maize samples comprising some commercial maize genotypes and some land races were kept under ambient storage conditions for 9 months duration at grain moisture ranges from 14% to 10.5% with a view to identifying the least contaminated maize genotype with aflatoxin. The purpose of this study was to identify the maize genotypes which can survive in ambient storage conditions with minimum spoilage. The response of various maize genotypes for AFB1 accumulation was variable in similar storage conditions. Promising genotypes which showed lower accumulation of AFB1 were identified: Shaktiman-1 (A QPM variety) by showing the lowest concentration of AFB1 (0.30 ppb) followed by KMH-1701 (0.40 ppb); HQPM-1 (0.50 ppb); and QPM-2-136 (0.60 ppb), whereas the most highly toxic sample was Mon - 4 (62.42 ppb) at grain moisture ranges from 12.6 to 11.1%. During the study it has been observed that Shaktiman-1 and other QPM genotypes showed minimum levels of AFB1. Further, it was confirmed by western blot analysis by comparing the resistant and susceptible genotype under artificially inoculated grains with Aspergillus flavus and uninoculated maize grains. It was observed that more chitinase activity was found in shaktiman-1, when the grains were artificially inoculated with A. flavus. The thickness of the seed coat and Aleuron layer was maximum in (90–100 μm) in Shaktiman compared to that of Pro-311 (80–85 μm). It was observed that the thickness of seed coat may act as a barrier for mold contamination and as a result the storage spoilage is minimised.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins (AFS) are toxic and carcinogenic fungal metabolites. Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic and has been classified as a Group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Samples of imported rice were analyzed for their AFS content. Finley ground rice subsamples were extracted with water/methanol (100:150 v/v) followed by purification with Immunoaffinity columns (IAC). AFS purified from extracts were determined with RP-HPLC-FLD using post column electrochemical derivatization with a Kobra Cell. Concentrations of aflatoxin B1 and total AFS in test rice samples were ≤0.123 and ≤2.58 µg/kg, respectively. Tween 80 improved recoveries (86 and 106%) of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin G1 from brown rice. Recoveries of Aflatoxin B2 and aflatoxin G2 were substantially reduced (non-detected to 27%) by Tween 80 used in IAC cleanup of brown rice extracts. Visible dense growth of Aspergillus parasiticus (food isolate) occurred at 25 °C but higher aflatoxin B1amounts (23.9–39.3 µg/kg) accumulated when the mold grew at 37 °C in rice seeds stored for three weeks. It could be concluded that levels of aflatoxin B1 and total AFS in rice samples were within the permissible amounts of the EU and other international legislations.  相似文献   

Fasciola gigantica is considered to be a major pathogen causing fasciolosis in the Indian subcontinent, resulting in production losses of millions of dollars in the livestock industry. Understading the dispersal origin and the patterns of spread of F. gigantica is important. A total of 53 Fasciola flukes collected from buffaloes and goats in Punjab, Pakistan between 2017 and 2018 were identified as F. gigantica based on the multiplex PCR for the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (pepck) and the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for DNA polymerase delta (pold). A significant genetic difference between F. gigantica from buffaloes and goats was indicated by the genetic analyses of mitochondrial markers, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) and cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 (cox1). Phylogenetic analysis of the seventeen nad1 haplotypes of F. gigantica from Pakistan with those in neighbouring countries of the Indian subcontinent revealed that all the haplotypes identified in Pakistan were clustered in haplogroup A. fasciola gigantica with the eight haplotypes might be expanded in Pakistan from Indian origin, along with the migration of the domestic animals, since they were related to Indian haplotypes. In contrast, the remaining nine haplotypes were not shared with any neighbouring countries, suggesting independent origin, probably from neighbouring Middle East countries. However, cautious interpretation is required due to the very limited samples size of this study. Our study provides a proof of concept for a method that could be used to investigate the epidemiology of F. gigantica.  相似文献   

Since the consumption of aromatic and medicinal herbs has been increasing in the last years, the Argentinian Health Authorities are concerned to control the quality and security of them. Fungal and aflatoxin contamination are two parameters to be taken into account, to ensure the harmlessness of the phytomedicinal products. In 81 different samples, grouped in end products (EP), raw material (RM) and at harvest (SH), fungal flora (enumeration and identification) as well as naturalAspergillus flavus and aflatoxin occurrence were investigated. In all samples fungal counts fulfilled the international general recommendation limits (maximum 105 cfu/g). Predominant flora was made up by xerophilic species ofAspergillus(100%), byPeniciIlium (< 50%) and in less percentage byFusarium (5.6%). Among the Aspergilli, A.flavus was present in all the three groups of samples. Using a TLC method, 47% of A. flavus isolates were toxinogenic, producing aflatoxin B1 and B2. In herbs, 4.7% of RM samples were naturally contaminated with aflatoxins B1 and B2. Considering the carcinogenic activity of aflatoxins it is essential to regulate them in the raw material (vegetal drug).  相似文献   

The data of this study, an extension of a previous study on secondary sex ratio in the human population of Muridke, Punjab, Pakistan, are based on the population of Muridke, 27 km north of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Records of deaths of children, at later stages of birth, for different birth ranks, and that of maternal and paternal ages were made. 1000 families were scored for this study. Families providing the required information were included. Data for paternal age and maternal age combination consisted of 4807 total number of children of which 2586 were male. Paternal age and birth order combination was comprised of a total of 4405 children, containing 2316 males. Maternal age and birth order combination consisted of 4658 children, of which 2458 were males. The discrepancy in the number of children in the 3 types of combinations was due to the lack of required information in different groups. Sex ratio based on total number of males in relation to paternal age and maternal age was 0.54. Younger fathers (15-19 years) showed higher sex ratio (0.69). This dropped in paternal age groups 20-24 years (0.59) and 25-29 years (0.51). Younger mothers (15-19 years) showed higher sex ratio (0.62), declines in the age groups 20-24 years (0.52) and 25-29 years (0.51) and rise in age groups 35-39 years (0.55) and 40-44 years (0.54). Chi-square tests were carried out to compare the number of male and female offspring in the paternal age groups 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 years. These showed highly significant deviation from the expected number. The higher age groups showed nonsignificant differences in the number of male and female offspring. Maternal age groups 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 years showed highly significant differences in the male and female offspring and nonsignificant results in the higher age groups. Maternal age in relation to paternal age showed positive simple and partial correlations. Sex ratio for the total number of males based on paternal age and birth order was 0.52. 1st birth order showed higher sex ratio (0.55) and decreased in the 2nd (0.50) and 3rd birth orders (0.51), showed increase in the 4th birth order (0.53) and declines in the higher birth ranks. The number of male and female offspring in the birth orders 1, 2, and 3 showed significant differences, but in higher birth ranks the difference was insignificant. Paternal age and birth order indicated positive simple and partial correlations. Higher sex ratio (0.58) was seen in the 1st birth order and then it decreased in the 2nd (0.50) and 3rd (0.51) birth order. Chi-square tests carried out to compare the number of male and female offspring in borth orders 1, 2, and 3 showed highly significant differences but in higher birth ranks the difference was insignificant.  相似文献   

This study describes the length–weight relationships (LWRs) for Oreochromis niloticus and Notopterus notopterus, collected in 2006 and 2009 respectively from the Indus River, southern Punjab, Pakistan, with W = 0.0393 L2.72 for O. niloticus and W = 0.0121 L2.87 for N. notopterus. Negative allometric growth is indicated for both species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101907
Among bees, 85 % are solitary species, most of them are ground-nester and some are cavity-nesting and construct their nests in pre-existing cavities. This work was conducted to evaluate the substrate preference and nest architecture (acceptance, occupation percentage, seasonality and parasitism) of cavity-nesting bees in different substrates. Trap nests offered comprised five different materials (drilled cavities in wood, bamboo, cardboard tubes, plastic soda straws, and mud blocks). These were installed in four districts for two years. The nesting cavities of five different diameters (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm) were provided in each nesting material with an average length of 180 ± 9.92 mm. In all the materials, 5400 nesting cavities were offered, out of which 628 were colonized by bees from two families (Megachilidae and Apidae) and six species (Megachile cephalotes, M. lanata, M. bicolor, Xylocopa basalis, X. fenestrata and Ceratina smaragdula), including one parasitic bee (Euaspis carbonaria). The bee species differed significantly in occupying five nesting materials. The most preferred diameters were 8 mm and 10 mm, with 52.20% and 29.45% of colonization, respectively. Nesting was done throughout the year except in winter. This study will serve as a baseline for future studies and conservation programs of cavity-nesting bees in Pakistan.  相似文献   

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